Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 32 Bai Fu's evil upgrade method [Three-in-one please read]

By the time Bai Fu arrived at the scene again, the player had already rushed into the secret door after No. 9.

Because the underground passage is relatively narrow, many players were blocked outside for a while and could not enter.

"How's the situation inside?"

"I heard there's a BOSS inside, and he's very beautiful."

"Are you on the high-end game so soon?"

"Erbi, don't fall for her beauty trap. Whatever's wrong with being pretty, anyone who is an enemy must be killed!"

The players who stayed outside were all excited. They didn't expect that they would trigger a BOSS battle just after entering the game. Isn't this more interesting than slowly working in other novice villages?

Now they only regret that they didn't run fast enough and couldn't get to the front. If the boss was killed, they wouldn't get anything.

Just when they were anxious, there was a sudden noise from ahead.

"Hey, it's my turn?"

"Get up, get up, get back, get back, get back quickly!"

"What happened?"

Almost instantly, chaos broke out near the secret door.

Bai Fu saw some players trying to get in, but more players were desperately trying to escape.

Something happened?

More than a minute later, all the players who had rushed in before were squeezed out, but there was something obviously wrong with a few players. They seemed to have awakened the Berserker bloodline and attacked everyone they saw, even if they were other players standing in front of them. Same.

"Damn, what are you doing, Old Five? Isn't this guy going to surrender to the enemy? Alas, alas, don't slap me in the face, your sister."

"You think I think, I'm being charged, I can't control my body at all, you guys, get out of the way!"

"Ah, I'm going to die, you pay me experience!"

Bai Fu used spiritual vision on the player named Lao Wu and found that his name had an additional [Envoy] status.

[Chaseur]: Yulia's innate ability can control the body of a target with inspiration less than 15. The time depends on the difference in inspiration between the two parties.

Bai Fu's face darkened. This talent was a bit outrageous. In a place like Novice Village where everyone's attributes were not high, she could kill almost randomly. You must know that her inspiration level was only 12 points now, and others' were even lower.

No, it's not just the novice village. Even a level 20 character, if he doesn't have the talent for inspiration, usually the inspiration attribute cannot exceed 15 points, and he will still be charged in the end.

Damn it, how could such a fierce BOSS pop up?

Bai Fu stared at the secret door.

While the players were making a fuss, a slightly familiar figure walked out. This was the ice-blue haired woman who appeared next to the Wildfire Gang boss that day.

Is Yulia referring to her?

At this time, her eyes widened, and her pupils were emitting a strange silver-white light.

"Get out of the way!"

Some players screamed, but it was too late. The two players closest to Yulia were shaken, and soon the status of "Envoy" appeared after their names.

"Damn calf."

Now, both the powerful Pai Daxing and the scheming convert Fudu are numb.

This kind of BOSS is impossible to defeat at this stage. She only needs to control some players to bring down the entire player group.

Damn it, the No. 9 that hit the mouth just flew away like this, experience, my experience!

"Haha, aren't you very capable? Come on, give me another arrogance?"

No. 9 walked out from behind Yulia, smiling wildly.

He ran back in a hurry just because he knew Yulia had this ability. This ability was really unreasonable, but as long as there was a restriction lock issued by the president, they didn't have to be afraid of Yulia.

Number Nine's arrogant appearance made the player's teeth itch.

Okay, okay, you old bastard, we have marked you, remember it for us, we will twist your head off when the time comes!

Yulia frowned and shouted softly: "Shut up."


As soon as No. 9 opened his mouth, his words were blocked again.

"If you think you can kill me, then shoot me."


This time, not only Number Nine, but also the players were stunned.

Sniping, shooting... But no one here has a big sniper.

"Do you think I am deliberately deceiving you? Don't forget that I am an expert in psychic abilities. My perception is no worse than the devices you carry with you."

Yulia's eyes fell on a water tower, and others looked over.

"I originally just heard some strange noises here and came to take a look, but I didn't expect to find a big fish."

After a while, a man with an unhappy face jumped out from behind the water tower carrying a sniper, followed by a young woman in overalls.

"Yago, I told you that sneak attacks are useless against her."

"Who knows if you don't try? What if it works?"

The two quarreled for a while, and then Yago pointed the finger at Yulia: "Although you have taken many hostages, it is a bit fanciful if you think you can escape like this. It is better to surrender as soon as possible. This is the genetic source." It is impossible for reinforcements from the Truth Society to arrive in the body’s territory in a short time.”

Yulia didn't take it seriously: "You should consider your own safety first. No. 9 just smashed a bait. Even if you run to deal with it now, it will be too late."


These words surprised Yago, who was still a little relaxed.

"Everyone here, oh, and the one who's hiding out there, knows it."

Has it been discovered?

When Ya Ge and Xia Shi were caught, Bai Fu felt that she might have been exposed as well.

She walked out and didn't hide anymore.

"It's Fufu!"

Sharp-eyed players spotted her immediately.

However, most of the players were very restrained at this time and did not run over immediately. A "cut scene" was playing next to them. Normally, they would be too lazy to watch this thing and just do it. But now they can't do it, so they can only be quiet first. Let’s take a hard look at what this BOSS is all about.

After learning what No. 9 had done, Yago yelled: "Are you crazy? This will attract all the mutant lives nearby, and everyone in the entire abandoned cooling plant will die!"

Yulia said with a cold face: "If you have time to scold me here, why not think about how to survive the coming insect wave."

"Fucking beast!"

Yago and Xia Shi raised their guns at the same time, but as soon as they took action, the player controlled by Yulia stood in front of them.

"Do you want to shoot?" Yulia stroked her hair beside her ears with a relaxed look on her face.

Yago and Xia Shi had blue veins on their foreheads, but they still dared not pull the trigger. They were not the lunatics of the Society of Truth, and they were not capable of killing innocent people indiscriminately to achieve their goals.


It was obvious that we only received the news from the informant a few days ago, saying that people from the Truth Society secretly infiltrated the Primarch. It was obvious that we only received the mission three days ago to conduct a routine investigation at the abandoned cooling plant. Why did we just arrive here today? We encountered a huge crisis.

This is so weird.

There is no investigation process, no battle of wits and courage with the enemy. Just after the starring list has been aired, we have fast forwarded to the last battle before the finale. Is this how the normal script works? Who the hell is they still doing? Did you change the script when you didn't come?

Yago was sweating profusely, but no matter how sweaty he was, he had to continue acting.

The inducement bait has been dropped, and it is impossible to escape by running away. Only by fighting hard can you have a chance to survive.

"Xia Shi, I'm here to keep an eye on you. You go check the situation outside first, and by the way..."

As he spoke, Yago's voice disappeared because his attention was attracted by the player.

"Those two looked like they were from a decent organization."

"The induction bait, from the description, seems to be something like a monster gathering cage. It's a bit tricky. If we can get some, can we combine it with a trap to automatically spawn monsters?"

"This is a good idea, but the question is how to do it?"

"Damn it, you're going to massacre the city without even saying a word. This is real!"

"Is there going to be a defensive battle later?"

A group of players gathered together to chat, completely ignoring the surrounding situation, either laughing, serious, or eager to try.

In addition, a group of players gathered around Bai Fu and asked questions.

"Fufu, Fufu, is this what you've been investigating?"


"What could be the truth, and what is the Primarch?"

"The Society of Truth and the Primarch are one of the five major forces on the Ancestral Star, among which..."

Yago was stunned.

No, what are you doing?

Is this place and situation now the time for passionate chatting? Don’t you realize that you have become hostages?

I'm so stupid!

Yago wiped his eyes hard. He suspected that he was dreaming, otherwise he would not be able to explain why the people in front of him were relaxed.

"Yage." Xia Shi's voice sounded.

Yago swallowed and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Let me pinch you."

"Go, go, go, pinch yourself."

Yago quickly moved away. He was now sure that he was not dreaming, so the only explanation was that these people were crazy.

It can't be that the world suddenly went crazy. Although the world has become crazy since the war a hundred years ago, madness is not madness. The behavior of this group of people is completely unreasonable.

In fact, let alone Ya Ge, except for Bai Fu and the players themselves, no one at the scene was confused after watching this.

Yulia and No. 9 now begin to suspect that the players are just a group of aliens wearing human skin.

This weird atmosphere was not broken until Patrick shouted loudly.

"What are you two still doing? Hurry up and shoot!"

Yago suddenly raised his head and stared at the star Patrick who had just called him in shock: "Are you calling me?"

"Didn't you hear her say that the insect wave is coming soon, and everyone will die by then?" Patrick asked urgently, "Hurry up and shoot her. She must have something that can repel insects, otherwise she will never Dare to trigger an insect wave rashly!"

"That's true, but..."

Yago and Xia Shi stared at the group of players controlled by Yulia.

They will die, these people will definitely be sacrificed!

"What are you still hesitating about? It's just a few shields. You won't be carrying enough bullets, right?"

After Patrick finished shouting, the controlled players also shouted.

"Shoot, I'm already under control anyway, and I will die sooner or later. Why don't you shoot and save it for the New Year?"

"Don't worry, mother-in-law. The longer we delay, the greater the harm caused by the insect tide!"

Yago and Xia Shi looked at each other.

They suddenly felt ashamed. Just now they were calling these people lunatics, but it was this group of lunatics who stood up at the critical moment and were willing to sacrifice themselves to achieve success for everyone.

What kind of spirit is this? It’s so damn touching!

"Xia Shi."


The two nodded to each other, feeling infinite power welling up in their hearts.

In order not to let these people die in vain, to abandon the cooling plant, and for themselves, those two beasts from the Truth Society must be killed!

Bai Fu was a little speechless.

Isn't this her favorite move? Why is it being learned by players to increase the favorability of other NPCs?

The moment Yago and Xia Shi raised their guns again, Yulia's eyes turned silvery white again. In fact, she didn't want to use this trick more. It was very draining on her, and she was afraid of what would happen. It was unexpected, but since the other party was not frightened by her, she had no choice but to fight. She had to complete the experimental verification and not let anyone disturb her.

"Kill them!"

The battle started again, and the entire Wildfire Gang was in chaos.

Yago and Xia Shi constantly adjusted their positions and tried to shoot Yulia, but Yulia's perception was so terrifying that she could always calculate the angle of their shooting in advance, and then controlled the player to block the gun for her. When dealing with Yago and In addition to writing poems, she can also distract other players to launch attacks.

At this moment, she stood gracefully at the door of the secret door, her long icy blue hair flying under the fluorescent wrap, like a skilled puppeteer and a brilliant symphony conductor, indescribably elegant.

"Damn it, is this a special effects player?"

Bai Fu felt that if her skill special effects were as handsome as Yulia's, her current popularity would probably kill that big mecha.

When playing games, who doesn’t like to play cool ones?

She temporarily put aside these thoughts. After observing for so long, she found that the biggest limitation of Yulia's [Chaseur] skill was not that the target inspiration was less than 15, but the range.

"It's only 30 meters at most. It won't take effect beyond this distance."

This is good news for Yago and Xia Shi, but not so good news for her because she lacks long-range attack methods.

Although she had gotten a gun from Cao Wenliang before, her shooting skills were really disappointing. It would be fine if she was in a relatively close place, but a distance of more than thirty meters would be too much to test her accuracy.

If she had enough bullets, she could launch a saturation strike, but now she only had two bullets.

"Who can be killed with two bullets?"

First of all, exclude Yulia. Yulia's perception ability is too strong, and neither Yago nor Xia Shi can hit her, let alone her.

Bai Fu targets No. 9.

Don't look at the fact that No. 9 was beaten up by a player before, but that's not because he is not strong, but because he didn't expect the player to beat him up. In terms of close combat alone, his strength is actually stronger than Yago, so it is better to kill him as soon as possible It's better to kill him before he recovers and becomes a serious problem.

There is another advantage to killing him. Bai Fu has accumulated 8755 experience points now. As long as she kills No. 9, the experience gained will be enough for her to level up again. At that time, she can increase her inspiration to 15 in one go and directly exempt Yulia. control.

Can it hit?

Bai Fu put her hand on the gun.

She actually didn't want to come forward casually unless necessary, because she might offend the behemoth that is the Society of Truth.

But now that the Truth Society doesn't respect martial ethics and wants to push her to death, she can only punch hard.

Bai Fu first secretly used a blast of fanaticism on No. 9's stomach.

She did not use her skills on Yulia. She had vaguely noticed it when she failed to use spiritual vision on Yulia before. Now she has even more verification of her thoughts——

Yulia is a psychic genius with an inspiration attribute of at least 20. There is a high probability that her skills will not take effect on Yulia. Even if they do, they will be immediately noticed by Yulia, making her the primary target.

"Just a few more minutes."

Bai Fu narrowed her eyes slightly and began to slowly adjust her position.

Under the control of Yulia, players fought extremely fiercely.

I have to say that Yulia's blue bar is really long. Bai Fu made a rough estimate and found that she has controlled more than 30 players before and after, but she still seems to be able to do it with ease. She wants the players to consume Yulia based on their numbers. The road to death seemed to be impossible.

As they continued to fight, Yago and Xia Shi became more and more anxious. They had killed seven players one after another, but still did not cause any harm to Yulia. Is that woman a monster?

The mentality of players has also begun to change a little.

The difficulty of this raid is a bit too high. Even after spawning two powerful NPCs, they still couldn't beat them. Now they can only hope that the group of players who came after watching Digging Ji's live broadcast can come faster.

By the way, Fufu has also been lying in wait, presumably with some plan.

Time passes slowly.

Bai Fu stared at No. 9. At a certain moment, she suddenly found that No. 9 subconsciously reached out and pressed his stomach.

That's it now!

Frenzy strengthens the eyes, enhances vision, Frenzy strengthens the hands, and enhances stability when holding the gun.

Bai Fu quickly pulled out her gun.

The first shot was aimed at No. 9's chest.


The bullet struck Nine in the left shoulder.


The second shot was still aimed at No. 9's chest.


The bullet passed by a player's armpit and hit No. 9 straight in the heart.


It was a red critical hit, and one shot caused No. 9 to be seriously injured and bleeding.

"It's done!"

Bai Fu clenched her left fist hard. Although the two shots did not directly kill No. 9, the blood alone was enough to declare No. 9's death sentence.

"here you go!"

Ya Ge and Xia Shi were overjoyed to see this.

Players also shouted: "Fufu is awesome!"

How could it be?

Number Nine held his chest. He never dreamed that he would be shot in the heart when the situation was good. He had been on guard against those two people, but he didn't expect that there was an old silver coin hiding next to him.

Is he going to die?

No, never. How can he die here so easily!

Number Nine struggled to take out another injection from his pocket and stabbed his neck without hesitation.

"Number Nine!" Yulia's face changed.

Bai Fu suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart, and she quickly used her psychic vision on Number Nine.

[Name]: Number Nine (Elite) (Alienation Progress 38%...41%...100%)

When the alienation progress bar was full, Number Nine's body began to twist extremely. In just a few seconds, he turned into a crooked purple-skinned monster.

It was covered with cysts all over its body, and it could barely be called a human form.

But this was not the most troublesome thing. After becoming a mutant monster, his blood bar increased a lot, and the original bleeding state disappeared.

[HP]: 131/310

Although he is still seriously injured, he will not die for a while.

If he doesn't die, Bai Fu will not get experience, and if he doesn't get experience, he can't level up, and if he doesn't level up, he can't be exempted from the [Control] skill.


The transformed No. 9 roared loudly.

Yulia shook her head and controlled No. 9 with the Control. No. 9 had lost his mind. If he was not controlled, even she might be attacked.

In fact, this is good, because she has one more thug.


Yulia's eyes fell on Bai Fu.

For the first time, their eyes met.

Is he being targeted?

Bai Fu looked at the players who were still fighting each other. At this point, she could only use that evil method.

Although No. 9 died, who said there were no "monsters" here that could provide her with experience for leveling up? Aren't there a lot of players here?

The player's level has improved a lot compared to before. Now one player should be able to provide her with 200-400 experience points.

As long as she kills 10 players, she can level up. If she can kill 60 players, she will have the opportunity to fully upgrade her Psychic Apprentice!

In the past, she certainly didn't dare to kill players randomly, even in an emergency, but the situation is different now.

"Yulia has the [Control] skill."

Deliberately being controlled by Yulia, and then killing players, this way not only can you earn experience, but you don't have to worry about lowering the player's favorability. After accumulating enough experience, you can upgrade and break free. This is Bai Fu's evil upgrade method!

PS: Thanks to Shiina Mahiru's skirt for the reward.

Three in one, please read it.

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