Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 33 Burning out for the players, the most touching episode [Two in one, please read]

Although she had made the decision, Bai Fu was not stupid enough to rush forward.

That would have seemed too eager. She was worried that Yulia would see the problem and cause the plan to fail.

She needed to think of a way, and while she was thinking, Yulia had already taken action.

"You guys go kill her!"

Several players who were hit by the [Control] skill rushed towards Bai Fu uncontrollably, which irritated them so much that their faces turned green.

Damn, you actually asked us to fight Bai Fu, you are so mean!

"Ahhh, come and stop me, if the favorability is lost, how can I accept the hidden task."

"Fuck your uncle's BOSS, you must die!"

Amid their shouting, the players who were closer to Bai Fu were the first to react.

"Damn, stop them."

"Bai Fu is the main output. If we want to defeat this BOSS, Bai Fu is indispensable. We can't let them disturb Bai Fu."

The two groups of players joined together and fought in front of Bai Fu.

They punched and kicked each other, and it looked like just an ordinary fight, but Yulia read a different meaning from it.

She originally thought that these outsiders were summoned by the Primarch, just like No. 7 and No. 9.

But from the battle just now, these outsiders did not know the two Primarchs at all, but were very familiar with Bai Fu.


That was no longer a relationship that could be simply described as "familiar".

If they were just familiar, why would they sacrifice themselves to protect Bai Fu, and even let their companions kill themselves because they were worried about angering Bai Fu.

"How do they view Bai Fu? Like, respect, fear, or a little bit of everything?"


Yulia found that she had found a way to solve the troubles in front of her as soon as possible. As long as she could successfully control Bai Fu, the impact of these annoying outsiders would be greatly reduced. Without these outsiders to bother her, she could let go and deal with the two Primarchs.

The slight change in her demeanor was quickly caught by the vigilant Yago, who immediately issued a warning.

"Be careful, she must be planning something in secret!"

Unfortunately, Yago had never expected that the person he warned was an actor.

Bai Fu was dealing with the chaotic players. She did not hit the controlled players hard. Even if the controlled players came to her, she would just push them away. At the same time, she would cover the uncontrolled players who were in danger.

This wave of operations has increased the players' favorability.

"Fu Fu, don't worry about me. The overall situation is more important. Just kill me!"

Bai Fu gritted her teeth: "I'm sorry, everyone. In order to defeat her and prevent the abandoned cooling plant from being captured by the insect tide, I can only resort to this last resort!"

Those controlled players laughed: "Fu Fu, I don't blame you."

The next second, Bai Fu stabbed him with a knife.

Yulia nodded secretly. When she watched this episode as a child, she almost cried, but now her heart has long been cold. Although she can't say that she will laugh out loud, at least she won't be touched by it.

She must complete the experimental verification, no matter who tries to stop her, it will be useless!

While dealing with the constant harassment of Yago and Xia Shi, she kept manipulating the players to force Bai Fu to move.

The good news is that Bai Fu, who was immersed in the death of the outsider, really didn't notice that she was getting closer and closer to her.

At the moment when Bai Fu pushed away a outsider whose life was threatened, Yulia's eyes suddenly widened.


Silver-white light shot out from her pupils, aiming directly at Bai Fu.

"Oh no!"

Yago and Xia Shi's faces changed drastically.

The hearts of those players who saw Bai Fu enveloped by the silver light also sank.

They wanted to do something, but with their strength, what could they do at this time?

They could only watch Bai Fu's body suddenly stiffen, which was clearly a sign that she had been controlled.

"It's over, it's over, it's all over now!"

Even if we don't consider Bai Fu's identity, and just consider Bai Fu's strength, anyone with a discerning eye can see that this boss battle has reached an extreme disadvantage.

When Bai Fu stood on the side of the players before, they couldn't suppress the boss on the opposite side. Now Bai Fu, who could cripple No. 9 with two shots, is controlled by the boss. They are afraid that they will be beaten to the point where they can't raise their heads. Even if the two agents from the original gene body help, it will be useless.

If we consider the relationship between Bai Fu and the players, and the secrets hidden in Bai Fu, then this boss battle will be even more impossible to win.

We can't really attack Bai Fu, right?

[I believe that even if we do, Fu Fu won't hate us with her personality, but I can't do it! ]

Digging Ji gritted her teeth.

Her words were recognized by most of the players present.

They couldn't find a reason to fight Bai Fu. Anyway, they were sure they couldn't win. There was no benefit in attacking Bai Fu except to make the boss happy.

[How about retreating first and fighting the BOSS after gathering more players? ]

A player suggested.

First of all, the BOSS must be fought. If not, the abandoned cooling plant will be attacked by the insect tide. If the abandoned cooling plant is destroyed by the insect tide, it will be more difficult for these players to play the game.

However, this suggestion was immediately rejected.

[Let’s not talk about whether the BOSS will let us evacuate easily. The question is what will happen to Fufu and the two NPCs once we leave? 】

This is a very real problem.

In the process of retreating, they will inevitably suffer huge losses. OK, this is not really a problem. They are players anyway. They can be resurrected if they die. At most, they will lose some experience. .

But they retreated, and those two NPCs might still have a chance to escape, but Bai Fu would be doomed.

Therefore, it cannot be withdrawn.

[Damn, it was born. Now we can only try to avoid Fufu and attack the BOSS. I hope we can hold on until other players come to support]

【Can you avoid it? 】

[Oh, it’s all my fault. If it weren’t for covering me, Fufu wouldn’t have been controlled by that BOSS’s sneak attack]

[I'm going to draw Baifu's hatred, you go and cooperate with those two NPCs. I don't believe this BOSS can be controlled indefinitely. It's impossible for Novice Village to create such an unsolvable BOSS]

During the discussion, Pai Daxing stood up.

His expression was serious and his eyes were firm, which gave some panicked players some peace of mind.

[Pai Da, let me help you]

【I'm coming too! 】

More than a dozen players stood up.

This scene looked somewhat solemn, but the players watching in the live broadcast room opened by Dig Diji didn't all think so, especially those players who had been hit by Bai Fu in the popularity vote before, not to mention how happy they were this time. .

Okay, okay, it would be better if Bai Fu died suddenly here!

When the players divided their action teams, Yago and Xia Shi had already retreated a bit.

They didn't know that players could be resurrected, and they didn't know that there were still players rushing here. After finding out that Bai Fu was really under control, their first thought was that it was impossible to kill Yulia. What they should do now was to retreat temporarily. , readjust and see if there is any chance.

But what happened next was beyond their expectations——

Not only did the players not run, but they automatically divided into two groups. The group with the smaller number of people surrounded Bai Fu, while the group with the larger number of people ran in front of them.

"As long as we can kill that BOSS, we will do our best to cooperate with you. We can do whatever you want us to do, even if we are used as human shields, no problem!"

Of course the player does this not just to save Bai Fu, but who doesn't know how to settle the score? As long as they kill the BOSS, even if they die here two or three times in a row, they will still make money in the end.

This is it, only those who love to fight will win!


Yago was shocked by the player's attitude.

Then he smiled, that's right, this is their home, where else can they retreat to?

Let's fight. Since these people want to fight, let's fight. Anyway, even if they really retreat, it will be difficult for them to find a chance to fight back because the insect wave is coming soon.

"If you are ready to sacrifice, then let me tell you what I think. This may be our only chance to win."

"Tell me, isn't it just the consciousness of sacrifice? It's a trivial matter."


Yago turned around to see what was happening on Bai Fu's side.

At this time, the captured Bai Fu had already fought with the players, and some players rushed towards them under the control of Yulia.

"Then I'll make the story short..."

Yago spoke quickly.

Yulia's eyes kept wandering between the two waves of players.

She had thought that controlling Bai Fu would make the battle much easier, but she didn't expect that the effect would be so good.

After Bai Fu launched the attack, those outsiders did not dare to take action at all. They could only dodge constantly and restrict Bai Fu from moving towards Yago through physical obstruction and other methods.

I don’t know what Bai Fu’s identity is.

In short, Yulia is in a very good mood now, with an imperceptible smile on her lips.

In this way, she no longer needs to spend energy controlling more outsiders, and the energy saved can be used to deal with unexpected situations, such as the sneak attacks of the two more annoying Primarch agents.

"Want to snipe me with special bullets? Dream on!"

Yulia changed her mind and decided to let Bai Fu kill all the outsiders blocking the way first, and then finally deal with the two agents of the Primarch.


The command was passed on, and Bai Fu received the game prompt.

[Under the influence of [Envoy], you change the attack target to the player [Pai Daxing]]

She twisted her body, used all her strength, and punched Patrick.

"Get out of the way!"

Bai Fu reminded loudly.

But this change came extremely suddenly, and her reminder came half a beat too late, so that Patrick didn't react at all. If he couldn't avoid it, he could only bear it.


Bai Fu's fist fell heavily on Patrick's chest.

The players who were standing close to Bai Fu felt their scalps go numb the moment Bai Fu punched him. With Bai Fu's ability to catch the sword with his bare hands, it couldn't be easier to kill a Patrick Star with all his strength.

Once Pai Daxing dies, others who don't have his strength and movement will probably fall soon.

This time, their battle plan completely failed.

"Wait a moment!"

Just when everyone was despairing, Ifu shouted with his eyes wide open.

Something is wrong.

Yes, Patrick was not beaten to death. After he took a punch from Bai Fu, although he took seven or eight steps back, his body still stood upright. The damage value floating above his head was only "-17" in the end. .


Patrick himself and other players were stunned.



With Bai Fu's strength, if she hits hard, even if she can't kill Pai Daxing, she won't be able to do more than this little damage!

"What's going on?"

Yulia frowned and realized that the matter was not simple. She quickly instructed Bai Fu to continue attacking Patrick Star.

"Pai Da, get out of the way, you can't send it!"

When Bai Fu rushed over for the second time, a player pushed Patrick away and took Bai Fu's punch for Patrick.

This time he was hit and flew several meters away, but when he landed, he was not dead.

"-twenty three"

All the players looked at each other and couldn't figure it out. They couldn't figure it out at all. Why was there such a little damage? Not only the damage, Bai Fu's speed didn't seem to be as fast as expected.

Although most players can't keep up with her speed, those players with agility can easily avoid Bai Fu's attacks as long as they focus.

Is there a bug, or is it that the attributes will be reduced after being controlled, or is Yulia's power coming to an end?

The players didn't have much time to think. Unbelieving Yulia ordered Bai Fu to use all her strength to attack the players and be sure to kill them all.

So, Bai Fu shouted "Get away" and "I'm sorry" while beating the players "hard" for two or three minutes before finally killing three unlucky players who were running slowly.

Although the efficiency is quite slow, she successfully gained 820 experience points. Counting the controlled players she killed before being controlled, she has now accumulated a total of 10,545 experience points, which is enough for her to level up.

Bai Fu did not hesitate and raised the psychic apprentice to Level 9, but she was not in a hurry to add the 2 free attribute points to inspiration.

Now is not the time. It is time to gain more experience and then find another opportunity to get close to Yulia to break free.

Just as Bai Fu continued to shout, "Get out of the way," Digger Ji, who had been walking on the edge, suddenly shouted in surprise.

"I get it, I totally get it!"

What do you understand?

A lot of looks came over me.

Digging Ji continued: "Fufu is not completely controlled. She is still fighting against the BOSS. She can't bear to hurt us, so she is trying her best to suppress her own strength!"


Damn it.

As soon as these words came out, the players on the scene, the players in the live broadcast room, Ya Ge, Xia Shi, Yulia and Bai Fu were all shocked.

What you said makes sense. Otherwise, it can't explain why Bai Fu's speed is so slow and the damage is so low. After all, Bai Fu is obviously strong enough to catch the blade with bare hands without getting hurt.

Anyway, normal people would never expect Bai Fu to add basically all attribute points to his physique.

[I’m going to fucking cry to death, is this Fufu? I really didn’t expect that she would still be thinking about us at this time]

[She must feel that once all the players are killed by her, the battle will be lost, so she is resisting desperately]

[I can’t even imagine how hard Fufu worked to fight back against skill control. She was burning herself! 】

[Fubao, come on, break free from that bad woman! 】

When a cheering barrage floated by, other players also shouted.

"Sister Fufu, we believe in you, you can definitely break free from control!"

There were also many lines from the second class mixed in, but when these voices came together, they burst out with a power that moved both Yago and Xia Shi.

In order to cherish yourself and the people you cherish, even if you are in jail, you still try your best to fight against the evil. This is youth, this is passion!

After being infected, Yago felt that his shooting accuracy had improved a lot.

That’s so right, brother and sister, you are so right!

Bai Fu herself didn't expect to be able to explain it like this. She looked at Dig Diji with more and more eager eyes. What the hell is this not a genius?

Unlike her excitement, Yulia fell into a state of complete anger at this time.

How long has it been, yet the most touching episode is still being staged in front of me? In that case, I will make the relationship between you more touching!

"Kill them all for me!"

Although Bai Fu suppressed her own strength, her level was now enough to kill those outsiders, but it was just a little slower.

The players who were attacked by Bai Fu were not discouraged or sad at all. Every time a player fell, they shouted even more vigorously.

"Come on, white-haired big sister!"

"I'm sorry everyone, if it weren't for me, the situation would not be what it is now. If it continues like this..."

Bai Fu punched hard while glaring with scarlet eyes. As the number of players fell in her hands increased, her voice was already trembling.

Digging Ji responded loudly: "Fufu, I believe in you. The incarnation of justice will never lose to someone who controls other people's lives at will!"


Yulia felt like she was about to be disturbed to death. She had not been so upset for a long time. What was going on with these outsiders and that Bai Fu.

No, something has to change.

Yulia had already noticed that Yago was aiming his sniper rifle at her, while Xia Shi was still using burst shots to force her to move.


She immediately ordered Bai Fu and other controlled players to cover her and retreat underground, and then rely on the narrow underground terrain to fight.

"We can't let her retreat in there, it will be even harder to fight her!" Patrick shouted loudly.

Fu Fu, who converted to me, also stood up: "Stop Fu Fu, don't let Fu Fu join her, otherwise Fu Fu may lose all her efforts."

Dream on!

Yulia's eyes flashed, whoever blocked her would be killed, she ordered Bai Fu to take a weapon from the player.

Since punching people doesn't hurt much, then use a sharp blade to chop and stab the weak points, so that even if it can't kill them in one blow, it can cause serious injuries.

"Fu Fu, wake up!"


Players kept shouting, even if they fell to the ground.

The blood color reflected in Bai Fu's eyes became thicker and thicker, just a little bit, just a little bit, just a few more players.

One, two, three...

When she was only a dozen meters away from Yulia, her accumulated experience finally broke through 10,000 again, reaching 11945.

At this moment, Bai Fu's sight fell on the alienated No. 9.

That's enough, this is her final puzzle!

PS: Thanks to dudududu for the reward, 5000 words, please read it.

Reading it means the new chapters are updated every day, and the number of people who read it within 24 hours determines whether it can be recommended.

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