Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 60 Ah, I beat Bai Fu? [Subscribe]

few days ago.

After learning that Li Cheng was exposed and six mutants died, the usually calm president of the Truth Society couldn't help but explode.

"What did this idiot Li Cheng do? He killed an unknown soldier three times without killing him, and instead got himself involved!"

He scolded Li Cheng for two and a half minutes in front of Chief of Operations Bernardo, and he stopped to take a sip of water until his mouth felt dry.

Bernardo explained: "President, Li Cheng did not handle this matter beautifully, but there is something really wrong with this matter."

He recounted the information sent back by C6 in detail. The most striking point was that Bai Fu seemed to have known that Li Cheng was a spy before he reported his identity.

The president said: "You mean everyone knew his identity a long time ago and then set a trap for him?"

Bernardo took out a piece of information: "According to my investigation, the four parties should not have known about it in advance, otherwise their performance in that operation would not have been so hasty."

"So the one with the problem is Bai Fu." The president narrowed his eyes slightly.

Bernardo nodded and said: "That's what I thought, but I really can't find out how Bai Fu knew this secret. When Li Cheng assassinated her for the second time, one of her men followed the killer sent by Li Cheng. But the subordinate was quickly silenced. According to the information sent back by Li Cheng, Li Cheng personally confirmed that the subordinate came alone and did not have any communication equipment on him, unless he turned into a ghost after death and then became a ghost. Notify Bai Fu, otherwise..."

The president sneered: "I don't believe in ghosts."

"What do you mean, President?"

The president slowly spoke out his conclusion: "There are two possibilities. The first is that Bai Fu can read minds, and the second is that there are spies among us. Which one do you believe?"

It was normal for him to think like this. He couldn't even imagine that there would suddenly be a group of beings in the world called players who could be resurrected from the dead.

Bernardo broke out in a cold sweat: "President, no... that's not the case. Only the top brass know Li Cheng's identity. There are spies among the top brass. This..."

"Who dares to guarantee it?"

The president has decided to carry out a round of internal rectification actions.

In fact, Li Cheng's exposure has little impact on the overall situation, because he has delayed it for a long time, but the president is unhappy.

Starting from the abandoned cooling plant, the woman named Bai Fu has been involved in four waves of the Truth Society. Although the actual damage caused by each wave to the Truth Society is not great, the truth is that the Truth Society cannot even deal with one woman. That is too ridiculous. Mom is in disgrace.

There are now rumors outside that the Society of Truth should be renamed the Society of True Insects.

A cold light flashed in the president's eyes.

Bai Fu, right? I don’t care what your identity is or how mysterious you are. If you provoke the Truth Society, you will only die!

“Stop hiring killers on the dark web and send our own!”

"By the way, if I remember correctly, Yulia's new prosthetic body is in the original body now, right? Bai Fu was let go by her in the abandoned cooling plant. Let her go with her."

Bernardo immediately took action after receiving the order.

The elite assassins of the Truth Society, Guido and Yulia, received notices one after another, and their performances were different.

"Ah, I'm going to hit Bai Fu?"

Guido twitched the corner of his mouth.

Bai Fu was able to kill six mutants on her own, and her strength should not be underestimated. Fortunately, Yulia would act together, and his mood improved a lot.

With a psychic genius like Yulia here, we will win!

Yulia's reaction was completely different from Guido's.

"Ah, I'm going to hit Bai Fu?"

In the same words, the tone revealed uncontrollable excitement.

Here she is, she has been controlling her fake body's secret laboratory activities in the territory of the Primarch just for this opportunity!

She was holding a photo of Bai Fu, her eyes were sparkling, her cheeks were rosy, and her breathing was short. Her symptoms were very similar to those of players addicted to Fu.

"I have finally waited for this day, Bai Fu!"

Yulia gently stroked Baifu's face in the photo with her deft fingers.

She thought of that day at the abandoned cooling plant, of Bai Fu's angry roar of "enough", and of the punch Bai Fu punched her.

From that day on, Bai Fu's figure was deeply imprinted in her heart.

She thought about Bai Fu's body when she was eating, about Bai Fu's body when she took a bath, and also thought about Bai Fu's body when she slept. Bai Fu almost became her whole thought.

"When I catch you, I will slowly cut your body open with one knife to see how you can break free from my messenger."

There was a strange light in Yulia's eyes.

As long as she figures this out, she has a chance to escape the control of the Truth Society.

"A sneeze."

Shirofu sneezed as she left Diggee's residence.

I always feel like I'm being targeted by something terrible, but it's probably an illusion.

Just now she found Dig Ji and the others, and officially confirmed with them that the time to set off to attack the Truth Society's base would be the day after tomorrow.

Time is running out, and now she must seize the time to make a few more prayer cards. Each additional prayer card will give her one more life-saving trump card in the battle.

Not long after Bai Fu left, Jian Qi Soaring immediately summoned the top brass of Tie Yu Guild and held a meeting in the virtual conference room.

"Guys, I have good news!"

Ever since Bai Fu came to inform him, her sword energy has been in a state of excitement.

"What good news?" Vice President Cheese Snow Leopard asked doubtfully.

The kobold laughed: "Brother Jian, don't be so pretentious. If you don't tell me, I will tell you."

Jian Qi Chong Tian said hurriedly: "Didn't I ask everyone to look for the traces of the Truth Society before? Just now, I have found it."

What? Is the information true or false?

Everyone in the conference room looked at Jian Qi Chong Tian with surprise.

Jian Qi Chong Tian explained: "Just now Bai Fu informed me that Si Si's next move is to attack the Truth Society base. I have been lurking beside her for so long, and it is really the right thing to do!"

"This is an opportunity, Brother Jian." Cheese Snow Leopard's brain was working rapidly, "If we can tell the base about the attack in advance, we will be taken seriously as soon as we join the Truth Society, which will be very beneficial to our subsequent development."

Jian Qi Chong Tian agreed very much: "I think so too. The only problem is how to inform in advance. Bai Fu did not tell me the specific location of the base, so we can't go there in advance. We can only take it one step at a time. But even if we can't inform in advance, it doesn't matter. Our main goal this time is to join the Truth Society, and the faction reputation can be slowly brushed later. As far as I know, no player has joined the Truth Society yet. If we succeed, we will definitely become the top guild in version 1.0!"

His words aroused endless reverie in the conference room.

The Iron Rain Guild is a well-known guild, but it is still a long way from being a top guild. Jian Qi Chong Tian's biggest dream is to lead the Iron Rain Guild to the top and achieve both fame and fortune.

To be honest, he and Bai Fu have been getting along pretty well these days. If he were not the president of the Iron Rain Guild, he might have stayed with Bai Fu.

But there are not so many ifs in the world. If he wants to be the first, he can only use Bai Fu as a stepping stone.

In the following time, Jian Qi Chong Tian and the core members of the guild discussed how to notify the Truth Society in advance.

The day before the action, Bai Fu watched Li Cheng being stuffed into the car to Haidu. She heard that the high-level gene originals in Haidu were going to interrogate Li Cheng in person.

She didn't care much about this kind of thing. She just wanted to try the power armor made by Xia Shi.

To her surprise, when she arrived at Xia Shi's studio, she didn't see Xia Shi. She looked around and found Xia Shi wearing sportswear and a ponytail, running hard. She was sweating profusely and her body seemed to be full of water but she was still running.

"Are you okay? Why are you running here in the middle of the night?" Bai Fu was puzzled.

After finding out it was her, Xia Shi stopped, her face a little serious: "I like running when I'm upset. Running can make me empty my mind and body, so that I can think about problems better."

"Upset? You don't think the power armor customization fee I gave you is not enough, do you?"

"That's not the case." Xia Shi shook her head, "When Li Cheng was sent away, he said that to me again."


"You don't even know who you are."

Bai Fu patted Xia Shi on the shoulder: "It's a philosophical question. Many people don't know who they are. There's no need to worry about this kind of thing."

Xia Shi looked confused: "I don't think he is being mysterious, but I just can't figure it out. After this operation is successfully completed, I plan to take a leave and go back to have a good chat with my dad."

Bai Fu was slightly stunned.

Wait, you seem to have set a flag just now?

PS: Three updates of 10,000 words are completed.

Thanks for the reward from the troublesome name.

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