Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 61: Gun in hand, follow Bai Fu [Two in one]

Bai Fu knew how powerful the flag was.

She was still hoping to get something out of Xia Shi. If she died without getting anything, wouldn't it be a waste of her time to get close to Xia Shi?

Just as she was thinking about whether to persuade Xia Shi not to get involved in the attack on the Truth Society base, Xia Shi suddenly spoke.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. You came to me for the power armor, right? I've already made it this afternoon. Where's Anya? Call her over and let's test it now."

Seeing that Xia Shi didn't want to continue talking about her own business, Bai Fu didn't continue to pester her. If she lowered Xia Shi's favorability, she would not be able to get any more tasks.

"I'll call Anya over."

Ten minutes later, the three arrived at the test site.

A power armor about 1.6 meters high stood quietly in the corner. The whole body of this power armor was silver-gray, and large areas of alloy armor were installed on the chest, back, shoulders, wrists, and elbows. It was not very handsome, but the rounded shape exuded terrible suppression all the time.

"I used the best T23 type at this price for the power skeleton, and the materials used for each armor component were also the latest type III alloy. You can rest assured about the strength. Even Captain Xu Hong's power armor is not as good as the one you customized for Anya in terms of comprehensive performance."

Xia Shi pressed on the power armor, and the power armor was immediately unfolded. She motioned Anya to go in and try it out.

Bai Fu threw a spiritual vision over, and the data panel of the power armor popped up.

It can be said that this is the longest equipment description she has seen so far. At a glance, the panel has nearly 30 lines, and each line describes in detail the modules of this power armor and the functions attached to each module.

She only picked a few key ones to look at.

[T23·Modified Power Armor]

[Quality]: Blue

[Skeleton]: T23 type, durability 300/300, loadable modules (8/14)

[Energy]: MF fusion core, energy 500/500, sufficient energy, no need to replace

[Attributes]: Strength 27, Agility 16

The durability of each part of the power armor is calculated separately.

The remaining instructions mainly introduce the modules added to the skeleton, such as the detection module added to the head, the weapon module added to the hands, and the buffer module added to the feet.

Anya is only 1.3 meters tall. The reason why this fully fitted power armor is 1.6 meters tall is mainly because of the foot buffer module.

"27 points of strength, this strength attribute is almost catching up with Li Cheng before the blood rage, but the agility is a little worse."

Bai Fu is very satisfied with the attributes of the power armor.

She didn't need this power armor to be fast. She positioned Anya as a fixed turret, so she spent a lot of money to let Xia Shi install heavy machine guns and micro-cannons on the power armor.

Fixed turrets have a disadvantage, which is that they are easy to become targets. Although the durability and defense of this power armor are high, it is still easy to be scrapped if it is hit too much.

But it doesn't matter, Bai Fu has already thought of a solution.

In the days waiting for the official start of the operation, she made prayer cards whenever she had time. Even though the success rate of making them was very low, she still made a lot of prayer cards by relying on time, including 5 [Universal Cards·Psychic Shield] and 3 [Customized Cards·Battle Etiquette].

Among them, the most valued by her is [Universal Card·Psychic Shield].

[Universal Card·Psychic Shield]: After use, a full-body shield with a shield value of 390 points is generated, which lasts for 5 minutes.

With this card, Anya and her mecha can last longer.

Considering that the destination of this operation is far from Lin En, Bai Fu decided to bring Anya with her. She was afraid that Anya would encounter an accident when she was not there. Bringing Anya with her not only allows Anya to assist her, but also allows her to run away quickly when she finds that the situation is not good.

While she was thinking, Anya, who was wearing power armor, had already started the test.

Moving, running, jumping, shooting, all the test results were qualified.

Bai Fu believed that if Anya was thrown into the pile of players, she could easily kill dozens or hundreds of players. This is the power of money!

"Is there anything else to change? If there is, I will help you change it now." Xia Shi asked.

Bai Fu shook her head repeatedly: "No, this is enough."

In addition to power armor, she also purchased a lot of weapons from Xia Shi. Everything was to get as much benefit as possible in the next operation. Following the Primarch to fight the Truth Society, it is unknown when this good opportunity to brush rewards will come next time.


The next day, before the official departure, another meeting was held everywhere.

At the meeting, Lu Yuelin introduced the goal of this operation and the tasks that the four divisions undertook in this operation.

"Two weeks ago, agents from the three divisions intercepted a secret report from the Truth Society during the operation. The secret report mentioned that the Truth Society secretly built a Bagaros base in the Bagaros shelter located between the Primarch and the Old Republic.

"At that time, the higher-ups made a plan to raid the Bagaros base, but because of Li Cheng's secret obstruction, the plan was forced to be postponed. After Li Cheng was arrested, we checked all the communication records between Li Cheng and the Truth Society, and did not find any information related to the Bagaros base.

"Now we have no way to determine whether this secret report was leaked intentionally by the truth. Even if not, since two weeks have passed, we have no way of knowing whether the Bagalos base has strengthened its security.

"It can be said that this operation is full of variables, but it has been decided from above. Even if the Bagalos Base is a trap set by the Society of Truth, this trap must be destroyed, so you know..."

Lu Yuelin spread his hands helplessly.

"Our mission is to lead the way for the military, with the collection of intelligence on the Bagalos Base as our top priority, and to behead the person in charge of the Bagalos Base when necessary."

The participating members nodded silently and did not express their opinions.

They had known this information a few days ago, and today they were just going over it again.

At the end of the meeting, Lu Yuelin reorganized the special agent team involved in this special operation.

Xu Hong's team originally had a total of five people, but during the process of wiping out the wanderer camp, two team members were seriously injured and are still unable to get out of bed, so now there are only three people left.

After seeking Bai Fu's opinion, Lu Yuelin agreed that Bai Fu would join Xu Hong's team as a foreign aid.

"All those people you recommended will be under your personal command, but we have agreed in advance that this operation is different from the past. You must discuss it with us before making a decision. Otherwise, if problems arise, I will It's easy to talk to, but it's different with the military representatives. They will shoot those you recommend without mercy. I don't want things to get to this point. "

Bai Fu agreed casually.

At this time, her attention was entirely on the game prompt that had just sounded.

[You triggered the faction conflict mission [Bagaros]]

Faction conflict missions and camp missions both have the word "camp" in them, but they are completely different in nature.

Faction conflict tasks will only be triggered when a conflict breaks out between two camps. There are usually multiple task objectives under a camp conflict task. Each time you achieve a goal, you can get the corresponding reward. If you can achieve multiple goals, you will still have a chance. Get hidden rewards.

Bai Fu carefully looked through the mission objectives of [Bagaros].

[Task goal:

1. Find out what is true - explore the internal situation of Bagalos Base, and rewards will depend on your contribution;

2. Merciless killing - every time you kill a member of the Society of Truth, you will be rewarded with 1,000 experience points;

3. Decapitation operation - kill the person in charge of the Bagalos base, the reward will depend on the contribution;

4. Team power - Command your team to complete the battle, and the rewards will depend on your team's contribution;

5. Destroy the Bagalos Base - Rewards depend on contribution. 】

The five goals progressed layer by layer, among which the fourth mission goal attracted Bai Fu's attention the most.

The game determines that she is the team leader, but she can actually command only the player and Anya. Does this mean that she can also receive certain rewards for the player's contribution in this camp conflict mission?

It seems necessary to test it.

If this is the case, then players cannot be treated as cannon fodder that can be discarded at any time. She needs to tailor appropriate tactics for players to better earn rewards.

After the meeting, Bai Fu first went to ventilate Xu Hong, and then told the players the action time together with Xu Hong.

Players who received the accurate news cheered and rushed to the community to show off.

[This moment has finally come. Last time at the abandoned cooling plant, Patrick showed off his skills. I will definitely not fall behind others this time.]

[Fufu has led a mission, melons, you should be envious, hahaha]

[This is the first time I have received a mission with such rich rewards, it’s so cool]

[If it weren’t for Fufu, there wouldn’t be any trouble for us, Fumen! 】

The eyes of those players who were unable to participate in the mission were red.

[Fuck, I’m going to vomit blood. I can’t get to Linn until tomorrow, but Fufu is leaving today]

[I feel like I lost 100 million]

[Curse you to be beaten to death by the Truth Society as soon as you show up, and then be forcibly resurrected in Linn]

[Damn, it’s really vicious upstairs, but I like it]

Amidst the scolding, it was afternoon.

At that time, agents and players from all over were gathered at Lynn Station.

More than twenty vehicles loaded with various weapons were lined up, which made the players around them feel itchy.

"That's a rocket launcher, right?"

"I'll go, it's powered armor. It would be great if I could have one too."

Lu Yuelin looked around and shouted: "Count the number of people and set off immediately after confirming that everything is correct!"

The army sent by the Primarch has set off early, and they now need to catch up as soon as possible.

Bai Fu drove the car herself. She let Anya, who was wearing power armor, sit in the back seat, so that the passenger seat was free. After looking around for a moment, she called Digging Ji over.

"It's just you, get in the car and I'll take you. I happen to have an empty seat here."

Dig Ji got on the car with a face of surprise.

This turn of events confused the other players around. It turned out that Fu Fu’s favorability level was increased and she got this kind of treatment?

Bai Fu certainly didn't call Dig Ji over for nothing.

Dig Ji's combat effectiveness is very low, but she can definitely be regarded as a top war reporter, and her propaganda ability is first-rate. It just so happens that she needs to use Dig Ji's publicity ability in this operation.

Baifu's decision to take the players to fight the Bagalos Base was not a decision she made casually. She had three considerations in mind.

Letting players serve as her meat shield is the first level, letting players help her complete some dangerous tasks is the second level, and using these players as propaganda models and telling all players that they will get benefits if they follow her is the third level.

After counting the number of people everywhere, Bai Fu stepped on the accelerator and rushed out of Linn.

It is several hundred kilometers from Linn to Bagalos. At the normal speed of the car, it takes almost half a day to drive there, but because there are many places along the way that are seriously polluted and infected life is rampant, the convoy took two days to reach the destination.

It was near a small settlement 30 miles away from the Bagalos shelter. The Gene Primarch military had already sent people there to meet.

After getting off the car, Xu Hong ran over to warn the players: "Don't run around before receiving Bai Fu's action order."

The players nodded repeatedly, indicating that they would not mess around.

But not long after Xu Hong left, the people from the Iron Rain Guild took action.

Jianqi Chongtian realized that this was their only chance. Once they missed this opportunity, it would be impossible for them to notify the Truth Society when the four sides took action.

"Go, go, go, success or failure depends on this one move!"

After a lot of effort, Jianqi Chongtian, Lao Gou and others finally managed to avoid all the ears and eyes of the four sides and left the settlement.

They ran freely on the road to Bagalos.

"It's done, haha, it's done!"

At this time, they felt as happy as if they had won 5 million.

No, it's not so happy even if they won 5 million. They can monopolize the tasks of an entire camp, including but not limited to the camp tasks and the main tasks of that camp.

The game setting of Above the Stars is that each novice planet has more than one main line, and players can freely choose a main line to do. When different main lines collide, the party that has the upper hand will determine the final direction of the plot of that planet. There is no saying that justice will win.

This is also one of the reasons why Jianqi Chongtian dared to bet on the Truth Society.

However, at this time, Jianqi Chongtian never thought that Li Cheng would send the picture of them arrogantly scolding the Truth Society in order to brush Bai Fu's favorability that day back to the headquarters of the Truth Society.

Bagaros Base.

The elite assassin Guido, who had just arrived here not long ago, was looking through Bai Fu's information. He turned to the information about Li Cheng's second assassination of Bai Fu.

"These people are quite powerful, and they are willing to sacrifice their lives for Bai Fu. They are not afraid of the Truth Society at all. I'm afraid they are not ordinary people."

Guido frowned slightly.

But soon his brows relaxed again.

In the operation that day, the assassins sent by Li Cheng killed several such lunatics, and the remaining few people could not cause any waves no matter how crazy they were.

Just then, Guido suddenly heard a noise coming from outside.

"What's wrong?"

A member of the Truth Society who passed by hurriedly said: "Master Guido, there are several people outside who said they came to join us, and they also brought information about the Primarch."

"Oh, interesting."

Guido decided to go and see.

PS: Thanks to Yinglili丶 and book friend 20211109173921827 for their rewards.

I had something to do during the day today and didn't get back until the evening, so the update is only 4,000 words, and tomorrow it will be 6,000 words.

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