Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 73 Unlocking a new profession, complete form [52k]

Chapter 73 Unlocking a new profession, complete form [5.2k]

Before following Old Nissen back to Vault 11, Bai Fu first went to Dig Ji's live broadcast room to show up.

You are here, how can you not show your face and gain popularity.

After leaving a series of discussions about her new look, she took Diggy to carry all the things that the wanderers had stolen to the car.

Digging Ji was also very cooperative at this time. Because she was worried about exposing Bai Fu's position, she turned off the live broadcast after saying sorry to the players in the live broadcast room a few times.

Everyone returned to the car together.

Just as Bai Fu started the car, Old Nissen suddenly said: "It's best not to return these things."

"What should I say?" Bai Fu turned her head.

Old Nissen explained: "The people over at Hongsha will soon find out that one of their people has died again. At that time, they will definitely send people to Vault 11 to investigate. As long as they threaten you, someone might turn you in." Get out. I know you are not afraid of these little guys with your strength, but there are still strong people in Hongsha. They paid a large price to hire a dark network A-level killer to help them deal with the trouble. "

There are four levels of killer ratings on the dark web. From low to high, they are C-level, B-level, A-level and S-level. The strength of A-level killers cannot be underestimated.

Bai Fu asked back: "Do you know the specific location of Hongsha Camp?"

Old Nissen was startled: "Don't you want to destroy the red sand?"

Correct answer!

But Bai Fu didn't plan to act alone. She decided to treat this as the first collective action of the Silent Court camp to give players a more sense of participation.

Without giving players any sweetness, how can we better drive players to work for her in the future?

Old Nissen said: "I only know that the Red Sand Camp is to the west of Shelter 11. As for the specific location, I don't know."

Bai Fu nodded. It didn't matter if he didn't know. When the time comes, he would just catch a few people alive and ask them.

Rather than destroying the red sand, she is now more concerned about what Old Nissen said Yulia asked him to keep.

After returning to the tavern, Old Nissen rummaged through the storage room on the second floor and pulled out an ordinary-looking wooden box.

"This is what Yulia left for me before she was taken away by the president of the Society of Truth. She told me at the time that this was her last trump card."

Bai Fu opened the box. Lying inside the box was a rag doll that looked a little shabby and cute.

"Rag doll?"

She looked stunned.

Could it be that there is something hidden in this rag doll's body?

Bai Fu was about to take apart the doll and take a look. The moment her hands touched the threads on the doll, a voice rang in the room.


She recognized that it was Yulia's voice, and that the voice came from the doll.

I see.

Yulia can make a prosthetic body, so it doesn't seem strange to leave her consciousness in a rag doll.

Bai Fu held the lower body of the rag doll with great interest: "I have arrived at Vault 11 as promised. Now is it time to give me the psychic knowledge you promised me?"

To Bai Fu's surprise, Ragdoll didn't seem to recognize her at all: "Promise, what promise? Who are you?"

"Are you really Yulia?"

Baifu used psychic vision on the doll.

【Little Yulia】

[Quality]: Orange

[Item Description]: The rag doll that Black Crow Yulia made with her talent before being captured by the Society of Truth is a legendary prop that holds all her memories and can open special tasks.

[Remarks]: Because it is a rag doll, although it will not feel pain, it does not have any fighting ability. Please do not bully her at will.

In ancient times there was little Lani, now there is little Yulia.

Bai Fu had a bold idea.

She asked: "You have no memory of me meeting your body?"

Little Yulia muttered: "I have never seen you, but since Uncle Nissen showed me to you, it means you are not a bad person."

Yes, yes, how could I be a bad person?

Bai Fu turned to look at Old Nissen aside: "Can I chat with her alone for a few words?"

Old Nissen didn't refuse, he walked straight out of the storage room.

Bai Fu found a chair and sat down, and said to little Yulia: "Let me briefly talk about our relationship. Although I am a little embarrassed to say this, I am your benefactor!"


"That's right." Bai Fu smiled very kindly, "We met during a conflict. Under the order of the president of the Society of Truth, your fake body was stationed at the Bagalos base. One day, the original gene suddenly attacked Bagaros. Garros Base launched an attack, and I was also in the attacking team. At that time, you wanted to take this opportunity to pass on information to the outside world and let the people of the Primarch rescue you. To this end, you secretly killed many people from the Truth Society, but what did you do? I didn’t expect that a member of the Truth Society would see everything you did, and this person would contact the Truth Society headquarters as soon as possible. By the time you discovered the abnormality, you were already too late to stop it. "

"How could I listen to what the Truth Society said? No, wouldn't the situation become very bad?" Little Yulia's voice was filled with nervousness.

Bai Fu said: "At this time, I stood up, I shot the communication equipment in the man's hand and helped you resolve the crisis. That's how we met. Because I was curious about why you wanted to kill the people of the Truth Society, I talked to you for a few more words. From your fake body, I learned that you hated the Truth Society as much as I did. We hit it off and agreed to work together to deal with the Truth Society. After learning that I was also a psychic prayer master, in order to thank me, you said that you would teach me the psychic knowledge you knew, and asked me to come to Shelter No. 11 to find you, so I came."

Little Yulia didn't speak for a while, she seemed to be thinking about whether Bai Fu lied.

"I don't need to lie to you. According to rumors outside, you died two years ago. If I hadn't really seen you and you told me to come to Shelter No. 11, how could I come to such a remote place."

Bai Fu's eyes were pure.

"It seems to be true." Little Yulia accepted this statement, "Thank you, I will keep my promise."

Bai Fu was very happy in her heart.

After discovering that Little Yulia and Yulia had different memories and that Yulia was much more innocent than Yulia, she prepared to trick Little Yulia, but she didn't expect that things would go so smoothly.

Little Yulia said, "But I have no hands or feet now, and I can't write. I can only tell you the skills I know."

Bai Fu waved her hand, "I am very grateful that you are willing to tell me. How can I dare to ask for more."

She was full of expectations.

She hoped to use this psychic knowledge to complete the [Apprentice Psychic Painter] profession and [Psychic Knowledge Chain (7)], but it would be even better if she could learn Yulia's skills.

Whether it is controlling others, or making a fake body, force field, or psychic bombardment, they are all very amazing skills.

Little Yulia was moved by Bai Fu's words: "You are such a good person! Let me think about it, then let's start with the perception of psychic energy..."

She began to explain.

As a psychic genius, Yulia is obviously not suitable to be a teacher, because when she explains the problem, she is just like those academic masters, often likes to use "obvious", "well-known", "it follows" to make a transition or summary.

Even if Bai Fu has the game's built-in learning function, it still sounds very strenuous.

At the beginning, the game prompt is still like this-

[Little Yulia teaches you xx, you have met the learning conditions, the current learning progress...]

But as time goes by, the game prompt becomes-

[Your knowledge reserve is not enough, you can't understand her words, and your learning is stagnant]

Although Yulia's lectures are not very good, Bai Fu still gained a lot after this class that lasted a whole night and a morning.

She unlocked two new skills.

[Psychic Perception Lv1]: Consume psychic energy to perceive the situation within a radius of 10 meters, and consume 2 psychic energy per second during the duration.

[Super Energy Burst]: Consume 50% of psychic energy and 20% of health to enter the super energy burst state, which lasts for 10 minutes. During the duration, strength +7, agility +7, spirit +5, and the cooldown time is 24 hours. (Note: This skill cannot be used when the psychic energy is less than 50% or the health is less than 30%)

One perception skill, one burst skill in critical situations.

I didn't learn those heaven-defying skills because Bai Fu found that these skills were Yulia's innate skills. She didn't have the [Son of the True Spirit] talent, and with her current knowledge reserves, she couldn't understand the principles of these skills at all.

In addition to skills, the knowledge chain and new profession that she had been thinking about were finally completed.

[You have unlocked the Psionic Knowledge Chain (7)]

After mastering the three knowledge chains (2), (4), and (7), her knowledge chain gains became:

[All Psionic Active Skill Effects +60%, Psionic Resistance +50%, Psionic Recovery Speed ​​+2/minute, Psionic Bonus Enabled]

The so-called Psionic Bonus is a new ability that is enabled after unlocking the three knowledge chains.

Just like the [Qi] power of players of the Physical School can strengthen themselves, the psionic power mastered by players of the Psionic School can also bring a certain degree of attribute bonus.

Bai Fu currently has only 225 psionic points, which does not bring her much bonus, at most only 2 points of physical fitness and 1 point of spiritual fitness. However, as her psionic value continues to increase, the attribute points added will increase, and even other types of bonuses will be generated, such as automatically generated shields.

Bai Fu closed the description of the knowledge chain and focused on the new profession.

[You have unlocked a new profession [Apprentice Psychic Painter]]

[Hint: [Apprentice Psychic Painter] is a higher-level replacement for [Psychic Prayer]. Do you want to overwrite it?]


[Profession correction in progress (0%...2%...)]

The Psychic Prayer provides 1 intelligence, 2 inspiration and 2 free attribute points for each level up, while the Apprentice Psychic Painter provides one more free attribute point for each level up.

After the correction, Bai Fu has 9 more free attribute points and unlocks a new passive.

[Primary Card Making Lv1 (0/1000)]: The efficiency and success rate of making prayer cards +10%

Bai Fu allocated 6 attribute points to inspiration, raised the inspiration to 45 points, and then added the remaining 3 attribute points to constitution.

Her attributes became-

[Health]: 1670/1670

[Psychic Value]: 255/255

[Attributes]: Strength 18, Agility 19, Constitution 72, Intelligence 14, Spirit 22, Inspiration 45

In fact, the changes in attributes are secondary. After unlocking the trainee psionic painter, Bai Fu's biggest change is that she can use her knowledge of the psionic system to synthesize prayer card drawings, which allows her to make more types of prayer cards. For example, flash cards with effects similar to flash bombs, explosion cards with effects similar to ordinary grenades, no longer have to be limited to the skills you master.


Bai Fu was in a good mood.

In this way, her fighting style will become more versatile, and she will no longer have to rely on equipment made by mechanics as before.

Next, we have to find a way to get more experience, raise the professional level and junior card-making level, and use the remaining experience to make cards.

Just when Bai Fu was excited, little Yulia's body suddenly started to shake. This change immediately attracted Bai Fu's attention.

"What’s wrong with you?"

A shout rang out in the room.


"Why are you shouting so loudly?"

"What do you think? Bai Fu, hahaha!"

Yulia was about to be furious. She never expected that Bai Fu would deceive the rag doll she left behind just one day late when linking to the rag doll!

Born, Bai Fu, even if you lied to a rag doll, are you still a human being?

Bai Fu understood immediately: "You are Yulia!"

"What do you think?"

Yulia gritted her teeth.

Bai Fu had deceived the psionic knowledge she wanted from the doll, and now she was in a passive situation. It was only because she was too naive before being captured by the Society of Truth, and Bai Fu was too cunning.

"Bai Fu, I admit this, but I think you don't want those who follow you to know your true nature, right? If you don't want to, just continue to cooperate with me and let me study your body!"


Bai Fu dismissed it.

"Go ahead, do you think they will believe what you, a doll of unknown origin, say, or will they believe me?"

Yulia was speechless.

Under the influence of powerful psychic energy, the rag doll stood up directly.

Bai Fu rubbed the doll's head angrily.

"Although I have obtained the psychic knowledge I want, our cooperation can still continue. In the final analysis, your purpose is to escape from the control of the Truth Society, not to study me. I can help you achieve this Wish, as long as you cooperate with me.”

Yulia suppressed the anger in her heart: "How do you want to cooperate?"

Bai Fu said: "Be my internal agent and help me collect information about the Truth Society. I will destroy the Truth Society. When the Truth Society is eliminated, you will naturally regain your freedom."

Yulia said coldly: "How do you want me to believe that you have the ability to destroy the Truth Society?"

"The food must be eaten one bite at a time, and the road must be walked step by step. How about wiping out the Red Sand Wanderer camp and giving old Nissen a safe living environment? You should know what happened last night."


Yulia's voice gradually softened.

Bai Fu struck while the iron was hot: "Very good, I have a small request."

"What request?"

"Can you answer a question for me when it's done?"


"I want to know why Li Cheng betrayed the Primarch and what secrets he knew related to the Primarch."

"I happen to know all this."

"Isn't that okay?"

Bai Fu received a game prompt.

[You triggered the hidden mission [Yulia’s Test]]

[Task introduction:...]

[Task Objective: 1. Destroy the red sand wanderer camp, rewards will depend on contribution;

2. Kill the A-level killer hired by the Red Sand Wanderer Camp, and you will be rewarded with 70,000 experience points and a one-time skill card]

Bai Fu accepted the task.

Yulia said: "I can't stay here for long, but I have shared my memories with this doll. Unless there are special circumstances, you can just communicate with the doll directly."

After explaining, she left.

The rag doll, which had lost a lot of psychic support, fell onto Bai Fu's lap again.

Bai Fu put the doll back into the wooden box.

"Time does not wait for me. I will first investigate the specific location of the Red Sand Camp."

After leaving the tavern, Bai Fu took Digger and Anya and drove straight to No. 5 Shelter. When she revealed her whereabouts through Dig Ji three days ago, some players who received the news embarked on the journey to No. 5. Road to refuge.

If she sets off now, she should just meet the first batch of players arriving at Shelter 5.

Of course, Bai Fu's purpose is not just to pick up people, she is also planning to purchase some basic materials for making prayer cards in Vault 5.

A large truck drove into Vault 5.

When the car stopped, more than 20 players jumped out of the car one after another, including Jianqi Soaring, Pai Daxing, and Shifu Wofu.

"Finally here!"

Looking at the surrounding buildings that were very different from those in Lin En's settlement, Jianqi sighed with relief.

For him, this trip was a big gamble. If he lost the bet, he might not have the shame to stay in the Iron Rain Guild in the future.

However, he didn't encounter any accidents along the way. This should be considered a good sign, right?

"Where should we find Bai Fu next?"

"Ask Dig Ji."

Pai Daxing opened the friend interface and started a private chat with Dig Ji.

Before he could say a few words, several people suddenly walked out of the alley next to him.

"What do you want to do?"

Jianqi Chongtian and others beside him immediately became alert. They felt that this person was up to no good.

Sure enough, the thin man walking in front asked: "Are you here to find Bai Fu?"

Guiyiwofu was confused: "How did you know?"

The thin man said: "Someone is selling information on the dark web. He showed me your photos and said that you know where Bai Fu is, and you will arrive at Shelter No. 5 today. I bought this information. To be honest, I thought the person who sold the information was a liar at first, but I didn't expect that what he said was true."


Jianqi Chongtian understood it all at once.

Some players sold their whereabouts to the killer who wanted to kill Bai Fu!

He now has no time to care about which player sold the information. He must quickly tell Digging Ji what happened here and let Digging Ji notify Bai Fu to stay away from Shelter No. 5.

The thin man chuckled: "Tell me where Bai Fu is, and I can let you go. If you don't want to tell me, it doesn't matter. I will imprison you. Bai Fu will not leave you alone."

"You are right."

At this time, a voice familiar to all players rang out.

Jian Qi Chong Tian, ​​Patrick, and Gui Yi Wo Fu, they all turned around and saw Bai Fu walking out of the intersection.

She held an assault rifle in her hand, pulled the trigger with her index finger, and with the vibration of the muzzle, several bullets hit the thin man's head without bias.

Before the effect of the alien erosion had time to erupt, the thin man fell to the ground peacefully.

"Fu Fu!"

Gui Yi Wo Fu was overjoyed.

After more than ten days of separation, he finally reunited with Bai Fu again.

Jian Qi Chong Tian also suddenly felt at ease. Since Bai Fu dared to show up at this time, she must have full confidence to kill these killers.

I am getting better.

He just sent a message to Dig Ji, which should have greatly improved Bai Fu's favorability.

Bai Fu, this thigh, he has half of his heart again!

PS: Thanks to Shepiweiba for the reward.

I thought I could write 6000 words today, but the data is more difficult to write than I thought. I deleted and revised it many times, so it is only more than 5200 words. But I don't need to write data for tomorrow's chapter, so I can write more.

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