Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 74 Bai Fu, unfathomable! 【6k】

Bai Fu's sudden appearance caught the killers who wanted to capture the players off guard.

When they came to their senses, the thin killer had fallen to the ground and was dead.

They were startled, but they were professionals after all. They had encountered all kinds of dangers as killers over the years. They immediately dispersed and found cover to fight back.

"According to the dark web news, Bai Fu is a psychic prayer master. As we all know, the body of a psychic prayer master is very fragile and not much stronger than that of an ordinary person. However, psychic prayer masters have some self-protection methods, and Bai Fu is no exception. This can be seen from the information revealed in the Battle of Bagalos."

"In order to ensure that Bai Fu can be captured, we'd better act separately now. Two people will use those outsiders as targets to attract Bai Fu's attention in front, and the remaining two will sneak attack from behind."

"We can't delay too long. Shelter No. 5 is the territory of the Gao family. If we make trouble here and are discovered by them, we will suffer a lot."

The four killers communicated quickly through the intercom.

As they talked, they kept firing outside, trying to slow down Bai Fu's progress.

Soon they completed the division of labor, and just as the two killers who were responsible for the sneak attack were preparing to act, a figure suddenly appeared from above the bunker where they were.

"Are you looking for me?"


The two killers were frightened by the sudden voice and fell to the ground.

They had no time to think about why Bai Fu appeared here, because after the greeting, Bai Fu directly took out two guns and started shooting.

The bullets poured like a waterfall, one of the killers was killed on the spot, and the other killer roared and used his breath to protect his body, rolling and crawling into the alley next to him.


Must run immediately!

Seeing this, the other two killers hiding on the other side no longer had the heart to think about the high bounty after killing Bai Fu, they turned around and left.

But what they didn't expect was that they had just run to the front of the car, and a piercing pain quickly burst out with their chests as the center.

As if they were pierced through by the Quengnir gun, the three killers fell to the ground at the same time.

Great fear surged in their hearts.

They regretted now. The bounty offered by the Primarch and the Truth Society was high, but they had to live to get it.

"Don't come over..."

"If you want to kill me, be prepared to be killed."

Bai Fu shot the killer closest to her twice, and then quickly walked towards the other two killers.

Not long after, the crisp and pleasant game prompt sound sounded again.

[You killed...]

[You killed...]

Bai Fu calmly put away the gun.

From the appearance to the end of the battle, she only took more than two minutes, which was unimaginable in the past. Even if she used combat etiquette to control the opponent, it would take a lot of time to kill all the four killers fleeing everywhere.

But now is different from the past. Now she is no longer Bai Fu, but Super Bai Fu!

Use psychic perception to lock the specific position of the enemy hiding behind the bunker, use psychic shield to protect the body that is already very durable, and then kill the enemy at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

Facing such a fragile body, few skills, and average level enemy, as long as you can successfully stack five layers of alien erosion on them, then the battle is almost over.

The main feature is to kill people like killing chickens.

However, Bai Fu is still a little dissatisfied. If she is more proficient in the use of psychic perception, the duration of this battle can be compressed by more than ten seconds.

"What the hell..."

It was not until Bai Fu began to check the experience she had gained that the surrounding players finally came to their senses.

Fast, too fast, faster than killing Hua Xiong with warm wine!

Several players wanted to start a live broadcast, but they had just changed the title of the live broadcast room when the battle was over.

The players who rushed into the live broadcast room were stunned.

No, buddy, we agreed to broadcast the fight between Fu Fu and the killer. Where is the killer? Where is the fight? How come I can only see Fu Fu posing on the screen after I took off my pants? Although Fu Fu's face is very good at fighting and this new outfit is also very handsome, I didn't rush in to watch this.

[Title party, right?]

[Why hasn't it started yet? ]

Fu Yi Wo Fu held back for a long time before saying, "No, it's over."

[? ? ? ]

A series of question marks floated across the screen.

Fu Yi Wo Fu was very glad that he had started recording in advance, otherwise he would not be able to show other players how awesome Bai Fu is. As a die-hard fan of Bai Fu, how could he miss such a good opportunity to expand the influence of Fumen.

"You can watch it for yourself. It's impossible to explain it in a few words. It's better to watch it."

He started playing the video in the live broadcast room.

The short video of just a few minutes directly stunned the audience in the live broadcast room.

[Damn, how come it's the same as when I turned on invincibility when playing single-player? 】

【It's confirmed, we are not playing the same game, I am playing Ninja Gaiden, and Fufu is playing Dynasty Warriors】

【Stop kidding, Fufu is an NPC, you are a player, you are a player and you want to compete with the NPC big daddy, aren't you thinking too much】

【Awesome, awesome, awesome, I remember Bai Fu was not so powerful before, is she healed a little? 】

【It's so terrifying, how strong is Fufu's real strength? 】

[No matter what, I will join Fulmen now. With this strength, after I fully recover, the Society of Truth and the Primarch will not be beaten casually. Join the Court of Silence as soon as possible to win big.]

Most of the players in the live broadcast room started to party, but there were also a handful of players who were about to faint.

These killers are really useless!

I have already provided them with so much information, and also told them the whereabouts of Confucius Wofu and others. Unexpectedly, nothing has been done, and it even broke at the touch after meeting Baifu.

Seeing Bai Fu walking towards her, she quickly turned off the live broadcast.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Not seeing each other for one day is like three autumns!

The two of them, Shengwofu and Jianqi Chongtian, pushed forward with all their strength. Who among the players valued Bai Fu the most now, apart from Digging Ji, it was the two of them.

"If you have anything to say, let's get in the car first." Bai Fu took two steps forward and suddenly stopped, "Can any of you drive? My car can't fit so many of you. It's best to put the killer's car in it." The car drives away."

Sword energy surged into the sky and he immediately stood up: "I can."

The cars in the game are similar to the cars in real life, and the game also comes with a tutorial, so this is not a problem for him at all.

A few minutes later, the two vehicles drove away from Shelter 5 at high speed.

A few minutes later, an armored vehicle that looked a bit old stopped at the place where Bai Fu had just fought. Several well-armed men jumped out of the vehicle. They checked the surrounding situation and communicated with each other using walkie-talkies. own boss.

"Boss Gao, he's gone. The opponent's speed is too fast. I can't find any extra traces of fighting nearby. This should be a one-sided crushing. There are five corpses in total, and there are three of them. I've met this person, they are killers registered on the dark web, and they just took over the task of killing Bai Fu a while ago."

"That means the person who killed them might be Bai Fu?"

"I dare not draw a conclusion, but it is indeed a possibility. Boss Gao, would you like to contact the Primarch?"

"No, we are not subordinates of the Primarch." Boss Gao rejected the strong man's proposal, "You remember, we are businessmen, no matter who it is, as long as he does not destroy our business, he is our friend. Be kind to your friends.”

The strong man nodded repeatedly.

Boss Gao meant that Bai Fu killed people quickly and didn't have any impact on other people, so he didn't need to worry about it.

"I'll clean up the body now."

"Go ahead."

Boss Gao waved his hand.

Is the murderer really Bai Fu?

If so, then she is stronger than when she killed the killers sent by the Society of Truth a while ago.

What an unfathomable woman.

On the way out of Vault 5, Bai Fu talked to the player sitting in the back while driving.

"If you insist on following me, you will often encounter things like the one just now, and it is just an appetizer. The troubles you will encounter in the future will be more terrible than before. Although you are the legendary braves, and you can be resurrected , but I suggest you practice alone for a while before talking about anything else."

What, just following you can automatically trigger various tasks?

Now players have no reason to leave.

"We are not afraid."

"I just like fighting. If I don't fight for a day, I feel uncomfortable all over."

Bai Fu said: "Now that you have made up your mind, let me tell you. I need to test your strength. If you cannot meet my requirements, even if you insist, I will not take you with me."

She suddenly became serious, which made Jianqi Soaring and the others straighten their backs unconsciously.

"What test?"

"I'll tell you when we get to the rest stop." Bai Fu deliberately let it slip.

Her camp is too small now, and the rewards for the missions she can release are very low. She plans to have Old Nissen release another wave of missions to players after arriving at Shelter 11. The two missions will be superimposed, plus the experience given by destroying the red sand itself. It should be enough to make these players excited.

After all, this is the first battle after the camp openly recruits players. Bai Fu still wants to be big, otherwise how will she attract players into the trap in the future.

Because there were many players in the car, Bai Fu stepped on the accelerator on the way back without worrying about accidents on the road. If there was any danger, the players would be used as cannon fodder.

In this way, Bai Fu successfully returned to Vault 11 in just over half a day.

"You guys rest here first. In a few days we will set off to destroy a nearby wanderer camp. If you don't understand anything, just ask Anya and Dig Ji."

Bai Fu called Anya over again.

"Anya, you are responsible for receiving them."

After she finished explaining, she went to old Nissen to explain the situation, but her purpose was more than that. It would be some time before Hongsha came to her door again. She just took this opportunity to make some prayer cards.

After talking things over with old Nissen, Bai Fu returned to the hotel she booked.

The first step is to raise the level of the psychic painter from Lv9 to Lv10.

Considering that her physical attributes are already very high, and the success rate of drawing prayer cards is closely related to inspiration, this time she still invested all three extra attribute points in inspiration, and reached 50 inspiration points in one breath. point.

In the second step, after upgrading, she still had 22,700 experience points left. She invested these experience points in the newly unlocked skill of primary card making, raising the level of primary card making to Lv5, and the bonus increased from 10% to 14 %.

"Let's make some psychic shield cards first."

Bai Fu opened the card making interface, which recorded the prayer card drawings she currently had and the success rate of making the corresponding prayer cards.

[Universal Card·Psychic Shield]

[Proficiency]: 10/1000

[Success Rate]: 60%

Including the bonus of primary card making and lucky talent, Bai Fu's success rate in making psychic shield cards is 84%, which is already very high, and will continue to increase with the improvement of proficiency. You must know that before unlocking the apprentice psychic painter profession, her basic success rate in making psychic shield cards was only 25%.

Before attacking Bagalos, she spent a lot of money to buy materials for making those 5 psychic shield cards.

It's all tears just thinking about it.

Fortunately, she survived, and next she will earn all the money back from the players!

Bai Fu started making cards.

Because these cards are to be sold to players, she did not put all her psychic energy into them as she did for herself. 560 shield points are still too luxurious for current players.

Anyway, players will not really die, so giving them 50 or 100 shield points will allow them to withstand a few more hits in battle, and this way she can make more prayer cards with one mana bar.

Bai Fu plans to divide the psychic shield cards currently sold to the public into three different specifications: 50, 100 and 200.

Among them, the 50 specification can be purchased by anyone who is a member of the Silent Court camp, while the 100 and 200 specifications require the player's camp reputation or consumption to reach a certain level before they can be purchased.

Doing so can indirectly raise the value of the Silent Court reputation, which is a very fictitious data that she says is what it is. If she cannot afford to reward players in the future, she can directly use reputation to trick players into working for her.

In order to achieve this goal, Bai Fu also made certain distinctions in the pricing of prayer cards.

Assuming that a Psychic Shield card with 50 shield points is sold at 100, then she will price the 100-point card at 195, and the 200-point card at 380.

From the players' point of view, after the reputation is improved, they can not only buy higher-level prayer cards, but the purchase price seems to be much cheaper. But for Bai Fu, she actually makes more money when players buy high-level prayer cards because the cost of making materials has been reduced.

In short, it's a win-win situation!

[You successfully made [Universal Card·Psychic Shield], proficiency +2, experience +500]

[You successfully made...]

You can also gain experience by making cards, which is to take care of those life-oriented players who don't like fighting.

But there is a huge disadvantage of upgrading in this way, that is, it is very expensive. Civilian players simply don't have so much money to purchase a large number of making materials and potions to restore psychic energy. Only those life-oriented players who are supported by the guild can use this method to quickly level up, and civilian players can only slowly endure.

Bai Fu is now a wealthy woman, but she won't be able to spend the hundreds of thousands of dollars she has, so she still has to find a way to make more money.

She thought of the bounty offered to her by the Truth Society and the Primarch.

Maybe she can find a way to make this money.

Just as she was thinking, Old Nissen suddenly knocked on the door.

"What happened? Are the people from Hongsha here?"

After opening the door, Bai Fu found that Old Nissen's one eye was full of confusion.

"The people you brought are now wandering around the shelter."

So it was for this.

Bai Fu looked indifferent. Players, it would be strange if they didn't wander around after arriving at a new place. Most likely, those players are not only wandering around, but also helping others with work.

Since Yulia was captured, Shelter 11 has been bullied all day long. People living here might be scared by the enthusiastic players.

Sure enough, this is what Old Nissen said.

"I just wanted to move something upstairs, but two people rushed over and said they would help me.

"They also fixed the half-broken sign at the door.

"There was also a girl who asked me to take a rest. She said she could mix drinks and could help me look after the store.

"I have never seen such enthusiastic people. I think you should go out and persuade them now, so that they can conserve their energy and not collapse before the people from Hongsha arrive."

Bai Fu smiled: "They are like this. They like to work the most. They feel uncomfortable if they don't work for a day. You just need to get used to it."

Old Nissen was confused.

What the hell, is there really anyone in the world who likes to do this kind of chores?

Bai Fu explained: "How should I put it? Just think of them as having a disease that will kill them if they don't work. In order to help them cure their disease, you can give them anything to do. As long as you give them a little reward, they will occasionally refuse, but most of the time they will still accept it honestly. "

Old Nissen was stunned. This was the first time he had seen such a person in his life.

"Where did you find such a group of horses... No, such a group of people?"

Old Nissen stopped talking in time, but still accidentally said what was in his heart.

Bai Fu's mouth twitched.

"This is hard to explain. Just treat them with a normal attitude. By the way, if it is not necessary, you'd better not conflict with them. They are gentle most of the time, but once they get angry, it will inevitably bring very serious consequences. Even I may not be able to stop them."

Old Nissen said that he remembered it.

He was still confused until he left Bai Fu's residence.

Being so disturbed by him, Bai Fu remembered that she still had something to do. She quickly contacted Anya and asked Anya to arrange for players to return the things that Dig Ji had snatched back to the residents of Vault 11.

The next morning.

When he was recovering from the excitement in Old Nissen's pub, the roar of cars sounded outside the shelter.

Three cars rushed into the shelter like tanks and almost knocked a passerby to the ground. The passerby was about to yell and curse, but when he saw the badge on the hat of the person sitting in the car, his face turned green with fear. .

Aren't these people from the Red Sand Camp? What's going on? Didn't they just come here a few days ago?

The first person to jump out of the car was a strong man with a sinewy face, and then a woman with a tattoo on her chest got off.

The woman had a particularly hot temper. She grabbed the passerby by the collar.

"Frodo came to your place for investigation a few days ago, but he completely disappeared after that. He asked, "Did you kill him?"

Being pointed at a gun in the black hole, passers-by were almost scared to death.

"It's unfair. Hongsha Camp is famous. How dare we target those who harmed Hongsha Camp!"

His cries failed to soften the attitude of the vicious woman at all, but she became even more violent.

"You dare to be tough, right? I want to see if it's your words or my bullets that are tougher!"

Passers-by were frightened and cried.

The vicious woman frowned, then threw the passerby to the ground with all her strength, and kicked her several times after throwing it.

"Useless trash!"

She turned to look at the strong man next to her: "It seems that he really doesn't know."

The brawny man said: "If he doesn't know, then check other people. In just ten days, two groups of people died. We are almost ashamed. If the murderer is not found, the boss will never let us go. Boss It’s not that you don’t know the means.”

The vicious woman seemed to have thought of something, her body trembled uncontrollably, and she quickly took people to the shelter to investigate.

The wanderers in the Red Sand Camp ran rampant and soon tortured the player's existence from the residents of the shelter.

"According to them, those people just arrived in the past few days. Those people not only helped them with work, but also returned the things they had robbed."

"Huh?" The strong man raised his eyebrows slightly, "Are you meeting a living Buddha in the desert? It's interesting. They are not afraid of our red sand at all. I wonder if they will laugh after seeing my gun."

Under the leadership of the strong man, the wanderers of Red Sand began to search for traces of players in the shelter. After searching, they found the tavern run by old Nissen.

The vicious woman went up and kicked the door open.

Then, she walked in with great arrogance, holding the gun in her hand.

"The rest of the idlers should get out immediately. People from other places and the tavern owners should all be left alone!"

For a moment, dozens of eyes were cast towards her.

Bang bang!

The vicious woman fired two shots at the ceiling. She smiled happily: "You outsiders are really brave. You dare to take action against us people from Hongsha."

As soon as she finished speaking, all the players sitting in the tavern stood up. There were more than 20 people in the tavern, which looked quite spectacular at first glance.

The vicious woman shouted: "Where is your leader? Let him get out!"

A group of players looked at each other and then started arguing in front of the vicious woman.

"Just one person is not enough."

"Let me do it. I just learned a new skill a few days ago, and now I just want to give it a try."

"I lack experience to upgrade, give it to me."

"First come, first served, bastard!"

The vicious woman was completely unaware of the danger. When the player ignored her, she fired at the ceiling again.

"If you delay for one more second, the next shot will fall..."

She was interrupted by a player just halfway through her words.

"Stop fighting, stop fighting, there's more than one to blame."

Other players turned their heads and happened to see others from Hongsha walking in from the door.

So what's there to hesitate about?


Patrick took the lead, followed by other players. In just a moment, the Red Sand Wanderers who walked in from the door were overwhelmed by the players.

The old Nissen standing behind the bar was in a mess.

No, how can there be such a fight? The person on the other side has a gun!

He turned his attention to Bai Fu, who was calmly drinking water next to him.

Bai Fu first shouted to the players to leave two alive, and then said:

"Don't worry, they will take care of it."

It’s time for players to clean up the Goli Desert, which has been in chaos for a long time!

Old Nissen hesitated to speak.

He thought he had gradually figured out Bai Fu, but the more he came into contact with Bai Fu, the more he felt that Bai Fu was unfathomable.

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