Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 75 The Desert Death God Bai Fu is coming【57k】

Chapter 75 The desert god of death Baifu is coming [5.7k]

Under the attack of the players, the wanderers from the Red Sand Camp who poured into the tavern were quickly defeated.

They couldn't fight back, couldn't escape, and compared with the players to see who was more ferocious, they turned pale with fright. In the end, they had no choice but to kneel down and beg for mercy.

"If you want to survive, tell the truth about the specific location and internal conditions of the Red Sand Camp."

Faced with the threat from the players, the two wanderers who were lucky enough to survive knew everything they knew.

The player compared what they said and found that they were not lying, so they reported the information to Bai Fu.

"The Red Sand Camp is the largest wanderer camp nearby. There are more than two hundred core members alone, and there are also many peripheral members who depend on them to make a living in the Goli Desert."

"Recently, because two teams of people died one after another, Marco, the boss of the Red Sand Camp, was very angry and sent most of the people in the camp out to investigate. So now there are only sixty or seventy permanent personnel left in the Red Sand Camp. But these permanent personnel are not easy to deal with. They are Marco’s most elite thugs.”

"In addition, there are three people worth noting in the Red Sand Camp, namely Marco, the A-level killer Rattlesnake hired by Marco, and a doctor. Marco is a martial artist and is good at close combat, and Rattlesnake has a spiritual power. Or, that doctor’s abilities are very ordinary. He was originally a plastic surgeon, but he was kidnapped to the Red Sand Camp by Marco because he knew how to make various poisons.”

Plastic surgeon?

Bai Fu suddenly thought of an interesting way to play, and now she had to take action against the Red Sand Camp.

She nodded while listening: "It seems that now is the best time for us to take action. By the way, the doctor needs to stay for a while. I will be of great use."

As she said that, she turned to face Old Nissen standing next to her.

Yuanfang, what do you think?

"Your judgment is very accurate. Now is indeed the best time. However." Old Nissen frowned, "In my opinion, the most correct choice is to give up attacking the Red Sand Camp. I know that you are very powerful. Strong, there is a high probability that even the A-level killer Rattlesnake will not be your opponent, but they..."

His eyes swept over the players.

Although these players don't seem to have received much training, their actual combat abilities are still good. Their main focus is not to be afraid of death, but not being afraid of death does not mean that they will not die.

Let these players fight against the small group of troops sent by Hongsha without being injured. If they are allowed to attack Hongsha's camp, if they are not careful, the entire army may be annihilated.

From a personal emotional point of view, Old Nissen certainly hopes that Bai Fu and the players will kill Hongsha, but he still doesn't want to see these silly and cute players die in vain.

But one thing he knew very well was that he couldn't change the decision made by Bai Fu and the player, so he could only change his thinking.

"I'll go with you. Although I'm blind and lame, I can't help you in frontal combat, but as the founder of the Watch, I still have a lot of experience in laying out tactics. I will try my best to In terms of tactics, we can help you reduce battle losses and increase your winning rate.”

"Actually, it's not that troublesome. They... forget it. Telling you now is far less shocking than seeing it with your own eyes."

Bai Fu deliberately let it slip.

This action is just the right time for players to give old Neeson a serious shock.

In her opinion, Old Nissen is a good candidate worth wooing, not only because Old Nissen has a good relationship with Yulia, but also because Old Nissen has rich experience in managing a camp.

There are not many players joining the Court of Silence at this stage, so she can still be distracted and take care of it. When the number of members of the Court of Silence increases in the future, professionals like old Nissen will have to be hired, otherwise she won’t have time. Give yourself an upgrade.

To put it bluntly, her ultimate goal is to increase the player's favorability and establish a camp to become stronger. Only by becoming strong enough can she survive the chaos of the fourth natural disaster.

The operation was scheduled for the evening.

While waiting, Old Nissen locked himself in a room and began to think hard about tactics, while the players found Anya one after another.

Now Anya is regarded by players as a novice guide and merchant in the Court of Silence. Players can not only buy some ordinary firearms from Anya, but also magical shield cards such as Dig Ji's previous live broadcast. Props.

However, as a one-time item, the price of the psychic shield card is still a bit painful for players.

There is no way, they now have no fixed source of income and can only make money by doing some small tasks.

Just considering that this mission is very critical, most players bought at least one psychic shield card with a shield value of 50 after touching their pockets.

Bundling the products in the store with the tasks released by the camp, so that players have to spend money to buy things in the store in order to complete the tasks, is also a bundled sales strategy.

This wave of Baifu’s accounted for more than 2,000, which is not a lot, but it is a good start.

The main problem is that her psychic value limits the speed at which she can make cards, and the player's wallet limits how quickly they can buy things.

"After taking out the Red Sand Camp, we have to find something for the players to do to make money."

Bai Fu thought for a moment.

If possible, she would like to send all players to a black factory so that they can work hard to support her.

But no matter how close the player gets to her, it's impossible to do this. If they work hard in reality and work hard while playing games, isn't this game in vain?

Bai Fu remembered a trading market she passed by when she went to Shelter No. 5. There were people in the market buying materials dropped by mutant sandworms. She could let the players go outside to hunt mutant sandworms. She would buy the materials collected by the players and then sell them to the buyers in Shelter No. 5 at a slightly higher price.

In this way, she made a profit from the price difference, and the players also had a fixed channel for making money. After making money, the players would come to her to spend money. After a round of going around, all the money would go to her.

The only problem was that she had to find a merchant who could eat the mutant sandworm materials collected by the players.

After resting until the evening, when everyone was ready, Bai Fu and Jian Qi Chong Tian drove a car each to the Red Sand Camp.

Along the way, they encountered several sandworm attacks, and at this time, the strength of Old Nissen was revealed.

Even with only one eye left, after grabbing the sniper rifle handed to him by Bai Fu, he still easily killed the sandworms that tried to approach. It must be said that this is the calmness of an old artist.

"If it were the past, I could have been ten seconds faster!"

Old Nissen shrunk back into the car with pride.

The two detained minions of the Red Sand Camp had originally hoped to be rescued after going to the Red Sand Camp. When they saw that an "old man" like Old Nissen had such strength, their hearts suddenly sank.

It's over.

What kind of monsters did they provoke!


Three thirty in the morning.

The car stopped at an open space two kilometers away from the Red Sand Camp, and Old Nissen began to tell the players about the tactics he had thought of for a day.

"Most of the people in the Red Sand Camp are out, but there are still sixty or seventy people inside, which is three times our number. So it is very unwise to attack by force. We must first lure out some of them, and then annihilate them in batches."

"My plan is to use the bodies of the two captives as bait to lure the Red Sand Camp in the first wave. After eliminating the people sent by the Red Sand Camp to check the situation, we will split into two groups, leaving a few people in the front to continue to lure, and the others will go around to attack from the back."

"It would be best if this round of sneak attack can break through the Red Sand Camp. If not, then jump to the third step and attract the people in Red Sand to the trap."

Old Nissen took out the schematic diagram he had drawn in advance, and he poked the trap with a pen.

"If we lure them into the trap right away, they may not be fooled, but after being attacked by us twice and successfully repelling our second wave of sneak attacks, they will most likely follow us directly in a fit of rage."

After saying that, he slowed down and looked around.

"What do you think of this plan?"

Patrick nodded: "Not bad."

Gui Yiwofu agreed: "Very thoughtful."

Old Nissen smiled slightly: "Then it's decided. This plan can minimize casualties."

"Wait a moment." At this moment, Jianqi Chongtian, who was trying his best to show off, stood up and said, "I have a suggestion for this plan."


Everyone turned their heads to look at Jianqi Chongtian.

Jianqi Chongtian is the president of a large guild. He often commands players to fight in other games. His suggestions are worth listening to.

"To be honest, I think too complicated tactics are not very meaningful to us now. We have not received professional training, and we have not cooperated much together. It is easy to have accidents. Once an accident causes the plan to fail, we will waste a lot of time if we want to run over again."

Jianqi Chongtian's words were recognized by all the players present.

They got together because of Bai Fu. They have not cooperated with each other for many times. It is really difficult for them to perfectly execute complex tactics.

"So my plan is to give up those complicated tactics of seduction. We will take these two captives to the Red Sands to ask for punishment. When the Red Sands approach, we will throw the poison sacs of mutant sandworms at them, which will definitely cause chaos in the Red Sands camp. At that time, we can either attack directly or retreat to lure them into the trap."

Poison sacs?

This reminds Patrick and the others of the task of collecting poison sacs in the abandoned cooling plant.

"This method is really good. Anyway, we are not afraid of alienation. If we are lucky enough to hit Marco or Rattlesnake, the task will be completed directly."

A group of players praised it.

The most excited one among them is Black Tiger Afu. This is how you play games. It's a headache to hear about tactics. Rush B is still the best.

"But in this case, we have to collect some poison sacs first, which will take up some time. If we delay, it might be dawn."

"That's not a problem." The old dog of the Tieyu Guild took out a bag filled with poison sacs. "Before we set out, Brother Jian and I went to brush sandworms for an afternoon. These poison sacs should be enough."

Seeing these poison sacs, the eyes of other players suddenly lit up.


"Damn, Brother Jian is really thoughtful."

Some individual players were originally hostile to Jianqi Chongtian and his team, worried that Jianqi Chongtian and his team would take away the tasks and leave them no meat to eat, but now their concept has completely changed. It is really a lot easier to have a high-level player like Jianqi Chongtian to play with.

Facing a sea of ​​admiring eyes, Jianqi Chongtian was in a good mood.

Turn over, start now!

Damn Truth Society, wait for me, sooner or later I will follow Bai Fu into your headquarters!

This wave is caused by love and hate.

Once the sword energy reaches the sky and he is happy, old Nissen cannot be happy anymore.

Jianqi Soaring's plan itself was already outrageous, but what made him even more outrageous was that Jianqi Soaring and Lao Gou dared to touch the mutant sandworm's poison sac while wearing only worn-out gloves, in case the venom in the poison sac was accidentally contained. If it is leaked, everyone who comes across it will be in bad luck!

Bai Fu was quite calm about this.

Whether the poison sac is damaged or not requires careful inspection for the NPC. For players, just look at the name of the poison sac. The unbroken one is [xx poison sac], and the broken one is [xx poison sac (has been Damaged)】, highlighting a simple and rough.

"Now that you've made your decision, let's get ready to take action."

As Bai Fu spoke, the players got out of the car one after another. For a while, only Bai Fu, Anya and Lao Nissen were left in the car.

Old Nissen was anxious: "What kind of plan is that? It's a strategy of perish together. How could you..."

Bai Fu only said one sentence: "Even if they die, they can be resurrected."

"What did you just say?"

Old Nissen looked at Bai Fu, and then at the players who rushed to set up traps, wondering if he had heard something wrong just now.


If the dead can really be resurrected, how can there be so much pain caused by separation and death in this world?

Bai Fu took out the little Yulia that had been stuffed in her pocket.

"You should have discovered it, right?"

Yulia has long since disconnected from little Yulia, but now this little Yulia has Yulia's complete memory, so she knows what Bai Fu is talking about.

"I saw half of these people you brought here in Bagalos, and several of them I remember were really dead at the time, but now they are alive again."


Even little Yulia said this, old Nissen had to believe it, but just like this, he felt even more incredible.

Resurrection from the dead is not something ordinary people can do. What is the origin of Bai Fu and these people?

The thick fog blurred Old Nissen's eyes, and he wanted to seek some answers from little Yulia, but little Yulia was just a rag doll and could not show any emotional fluctuations from her appearance.

In fact, little Yulia is very excited now, and she is even more interested in Bai Fu.

Being able to break free from her enslavement, being able to multiply her strength many times in a very short period of time, and being able to drive a group of resurrected weirdos, how many surprises does Bai Fu have hidden in her body that she doesn't know about?

Even if it wasn't for the purpose of escaping from the Society of Truth, as a doctor, she also had a strong desire to study Bai Fu.

After getting off the car, the player spent twenty minutes setting up a simple but difficult-to-find trap.

There is a weak grenade and some poison sacs buried in the trap. As long as the grenade explodes, the poison sacs will shatter immediately, and the splashing venom will spray directly into the face of anyone who passes by.

After setting up the trap, they stuffed the mouths of the two prisoners, grabbed them and rushed towards the Red Sand Camp.


Accompanied by a sharp gunshot, even though it was the sleepiest time at dawn, the Red Sand Camp suddenly woke up.

"Who doesn't sleep at night and shoots?"

"There's a situation!"

Marco jumped up, and at his call, the elite rogues left in the camp rushed toward the camp gate.

"Here we come, get ready."

Bai Fu said something to Anya and Old Nissen, and then set up the gun in the car.

This battle is a test for players to join the Silent Court, but she does not really expect these players to defeat Marco and Rattlesnake.

The level gap was too big to be realistic, and she had to deal with Marco and Rattlesnake herself.

Ten seconds later, the wanderers who rushed out from the depths of the camp began to confront the player. When they looked down, they saw the body of a companion lying on the ground. When they looked up, they saw two other companions tied up by the player.

"What do you want to do? How dare you kill us from Hongsha? You are so brave!"

Jian Qi burst into the sky and laughed: "You came to the place where we live, burned, killed and looted, and now you ask us what we want to do? I traveled thousands of miles to come here just to fuck you bunch of births to death!"

The muzzle of the gun poked out from behind the two prisoners.

"Enemy attack!"

Wanderers sensing danger cried out.

To their surprise, when they focused on Jian Qi Chongtian, Jian Qi Chongtian did not fire. Instead, other people around him started throwing things at them.

It's noisy.

You don’t even have a serious weapon. Do you think you can kill us with rocks?

The rogues in the Red Sand Camp were just about to laugh when a hit rogue discovered the problem.

"It's not a stone, it's a poison sac, it's a sandworm poison sac. I've been hit!"

He let out a heart-rending scream, and those standing close could see a torn poison sac falling on his foot, and the skin touched by the poison immediately began to swell and rot.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

The wanderers panicked.

There is a chance of mutation when infected by venom. Even if you are lucky and don't mutate, your skin will rot if it is corroded by the highly acidic venom. This kind of pain is not something that ordinary people can bear.

"Kill them!"

"Haha, eat me with a knife!"

Black Tiger Afuji was full of energy, and he rushed into the rogues with a big knife. His unreasonable sprint directly destroyed the rogues' formation.

"Damn, that's so despicable, they are trying to drag us all into the water!"

This chaotic situation continues until Marco shows up.

Marco is not an ordinary person. He is a senior martial artist. As long as he attaches Qi to his body, he can easily resist the poison. As soon as he appeared, he blasted away three poison sacs and flew to the black tiger Afu.

Those who make trouble will only die!

The sandbag-sized fist struck Black Tiger Ah Fu's face like a heavy hammer. Black Tiger Ah Fu screamed and was beaten until he was hung on the wall.

Hitting someone is like hanging a painting, this hand suppressed other players.

Too strong and invincible!

"Retreat first!"

Jian Qi shouted to the sky, signaling other players to execute the second plan.

Everyone did not hesitate and ran quickly towards the trap that had been arranged in advance.

"Can you run?"

Marco was so furious that he galloped through the sand like a tank, chasing the player until his scalp was numb, but he finally got up, running, and stepped on the trap set by the player.


The grenade exploded, and Marco, sensing the danger, quickly gathered his energy to protect himself.

The shock wave knocked him to the ground, and the venom was sprinkled all over him, but he still managed to avoid it narrowly with his strong kung fu.

"Haha." Marco sneered, "A group of desert rats will try their best to use some tricks that are not on the table. Now that you don't have these tricks, I see how you can still behave!"



A gunshot sounded in the distance, and the bullet from the sniper rifle instantly penetrated Marco's shoulder blade, blasting a big hole there.

Marco fell to the ground, and when he gasped and got up from the ground, he suddenly found a pair of boots in front of him.


He raised his head and saw a girl wearing a white shirt and black tight trousers.

"Brother, let me lend you the head on your neck."

Bai Fu took out a grenade launcher and shot Marco at a very close range.

Marco's mentality exploded.

Madman, why are all the enemies I met today the same madman as me?

Under the bombardment of the grenade, Marco's anger was directly dispersed, and he vomited blood.

Just when Bai Fu was about to explode the second shot, a figure suddenly flashed across and dragged Marco aside.

It was a masked man with sharp eyes, like a snake or scorpion.

"Who are you?" he asked.

Bai Fu first said to the player: "Leave this to me, you go and clean up the remaining people in the camp."

After saying that, she looked at the masked man in front of her with a smile.

"Rattlesnake? You can call me Desert Death. I'm here to send you on your way."

There are some heavy weapons in the red sand camp, and even Bai Fu dare not resist those weapons, but now that the players have attracted Marco and Rattlesnake, things will be easier to handle.

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