Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 77 Is your Bai Fu realistic? [55k]

Chapter 77 Is your white lady realistic? 【5.5k】

Truth Society, War Department.

Yu Wei, who is responsible for tracking the dark web, logged into his dark web backend after the meeting as always. The first thing that caught his eye was the backend mailbox that already showed 99+.

For him, his most important job every day is to read the back-end mailbox, classify the messages in the mailbox, and submit them to superiors for processing according to their importance.

Most of the time, the information in the mailbox is of little value, and can even make the president so angry that his blood pressure soars. For example, some time ago, Bai Fu foiled the Truth Society's assassination bounty several times in a row, which made the president and the director of the operations department very angry. As a result, they, the little handymen, also suffered.

Fortunately, Bai Fu had a falling out with the Primarch recently, and there should be no trouble for a while. He no longer had to worry about Bai Fu's news for the time being.

For the time being... for the time being, shit!

While looking through the messages in his mailbox, Yu Wei was horrified to find that the name Bai Fu appeared on the screen again.

What a sin.

Could it be that Bai Fu attacked a base of the Truth Society again?

Recently, the president has been constantly competing with the Primarch, and he is moody. If the news of Bai Fu's troubles reaches the president's ears...

Yu Wei didn't dare to think how he would be treated.

He cautiously opened this new message. To his surprise, this message was sent by a darknet A-level killer codenamed Sidewinder. The message was very brief, but it was full of violent impact comparable to the explosion of a nuclear bomb. .

【I have killed Bai Fu】


Yu Weiwei shouted and stood up from his seat.

"What's wrong with you so early in the morning?"

His actions quickly aroused dissatisfaction from the people around him, but when others came closer, they immediately made the same noise as him.


One word of "f*ck" followed another. In this transmission, Bernardo, the director of the operations department, quickly noticed something unusual.

"You guys are posting here so early in the morning...fuck!"

Bernardo's eyes almost widened when he saw the message on the screen.

Although the president asked him to stop chasing Bai Fu after Bai Fu fell out with the Primarch, if there was a chance, how could the president not want to kill Bai Fu who had repeatedly undermined the Society of Truth's plans?

The arrest of Li Cheng made the Truth Society suffer a heavy loss. The destruction of the Bagalos base and the murder of Guido made the Truth Society suffer a lot. These are all real hatreds.

If Bai Fu was really killed, it would be great news and would be worthy of an internal celebration party.

"Bring me the information on the rattlesnakes."

Bernardo forced himself to calm down. He was still unable to determine whether the matter was true or false and could not report it to the president immediately.

After reading the introduction of Rattlesnake, he couldn't help but nodded.

"No one has ever seen his true appearance, but he is a psychic psychic and an A-level killer. With his ability, if it is a sneak attack, it is indeed possible to kill Bai Fu. This news is true. Very sexy, contact him and ask him to send some photos first!”

Yu Wei immediately followed suit.

About ten minutes later, "Rattlesnake" came online again and sent two photos.

One is a photo of Bai Fu pressing her forehead with one hand, stuck in place, dizzy. The other is a photo of Bai Fu lying on the ground, her eyes closed, and her abdomen soaked in blood.

"This face is indeed Bai Fu's face." Bernardo looked at Bai Fu's photo no less than a thousand times, so he recognized it at a glance. "Ask him how he killed Bai Fu and where he is now. Where, tell him that as long as he hands over Bai Fu’s body to us, the 800,000 will be transferred to his account immediately.”

Yu Wei clicked on the keyboard.

"TA said that she was employed by a rogue organization in the Goli Desert. Bai Fu had a conflict with that rogue organization a few days ago. TA recognized Bai Fu, and then used spiritual shock to launch a sneak attack while Bai Fu was not paying attention. Even so It took a lot of effort to kill Bai Fu. After killing Bai Fu, he temporarily left the Goli Desert and is now near the Illinas settlement within the territory of the Railway Guild."

Railway Association?

Just looking at the message from the rattlesnake, Bernardo couldn't find any flaws in the lie.

He thought for a while and said: "Let Graham handle this matter and be sure to bring Baifu's body back intact."


The truth will move quickly here.

Bernardo looked around, feeling very happy.

Bai Fu, Bai Fu, this is the end of your confrontation with the Truth Society. So what if you have some skills? Are you going to be easily crushed to death by the Truth Society?

At the same time, on the other end of the dark web, Bai Fu laughed while looking at the replies on the screen.

"It seems that little Yulia's information is correct. There is indeed a Truth Society base hidden near Ilinas."

The reason why she pretended to be a rattlesnake to contact the Society of Truth was partly to find out where little Yulia said Graham was hiding, and also for the bounty offered by the Society of Truth.

Everyone wanted to exchange her life for a bounty with the Society of Truth and the Primarch, but coincidentally, she wanted to do it too!

That's 800,000 yuan. Even to her now, it's not a small amount of money. There's no reason why others can make this money but she can't make it herself.

In order to keep the money firmly in her hands, Bai Fu started planning after learning that Cui Jiming had been a plastic surgeon.

In fact, it doesn't matter if Cui Jiming can't do it. Going to other settlements to find a doctor will have the same effect, but letting Cui Jiming do it can save money.

Bai Fu's plan is to let Cui Jiming make a player look like her, and then use this player to deceive the Truth Society.

Before coming to Shelter No. 5 yesterday, she shared her plan with the players. Of course, she deliberately concealed the purpose of earning bounties, and only said that she was going to use this method to lure out the Truth Society people hiding in the dark.

Hearing that there is a task to do, and this task will not only increase Bai Fu's favorability, but also give thousands of experience rewards, all female players stood up.

Bai Fu chose a female player named Chi Chi Xianren whose figure is closest to her.

When she came to Shelter No. 5 to do business, the players also took Cui Jiming back to the laboratory in the Red Sand Camp for surgery.

So far, things have been going very smoothly. Next, she just needs to wait for the surgery to be completed, and then she can take the players to the Railway Guild to collect the money.

After taking the rattlesnake's ID card out of the terminal, Bai Fu quickly cut off the network connection. Her next destination was the Gao family's external office in Shelter No. 5.

However, she did not plan to show up in person this time, but let Jian Qi Chongtian take Lao Gou and the others to negotiate with the Gao family.

This can avoid being exposed, and it can also give players more sense of participation, so that players can follow her more wholeheartedly.

Bai Fu learned from the conversation between Digging Ji and other players that Digging Ji was recently preparing a video column called "Silent Court News Express", which made her very interested.

Isn't this equivalent to a window for her and the Silent Court to promote externally?

She decided to add some exciting materials to the first video.

Think about it, when other players are still working like cows and horses for NPCs, they suddenly find that the players who joined the Silent Court can replace the Silent Court and communicate with NPCs of good status on an equal footing. How will they react?

Envy and jealousy are over!

It was agreed that everyone would be palu together, but you secretly drove a Land Rover.

I'm so fucking!

Without some comparison and actual benefits, Bai Fu had no confidence that she could make players willingly serve as her undercover agent to steal intelligence from other camps.

She found a random shop on the roadside and sat down, quietly waiting for the results of the negotiation between Jianqi Chongtian and the Gao family.

About twenty minutes later, her personal terminal rang, and it was Jianqi Chongtian who contacted her.

"BOSS, the boss of the Gao family wants to talk to you in person."

Because it was inconvenient to reveal Bai Fu's name to the outside world, Jianqi Chongtian always used the very vague title of BOSS when calling Bai Fu outside.

"Let him talk to me."

"Wait a moment."

Not long after, Bai Fu's personal terminal rang again, and this time it was a stranger who contacted her.

"I'm Gao Yuan. I heard that you destroyed the Red Sand Camp. Do you want to replace the Red Sand Camp and continue to cooperate with our Gao family?"

"No, I think you may have misunderstood." Bai Fu corrected immediately, "I'm not going to replace Red Sand, but to open up a new trade route for you."

Gao Yuan was interested in this: "You're quite arrogant."

Bai Fu asked: "When the Red Sand Camp cooperated with you, how much materials did it purchase from you every year?"

"About 200,000."

"How much is the value of the sandworm materials sold to you?"

"Twenty to thirty thousand when it's low, fifty to sixty thousand when it's high."

Bai Fu laughed: "Let's not talk about the purchase of guns for now. I mean, if I increase the amount of sandworm materials sold to you by ten times, or even a hundred times, can you afford it?"


Gao Yuan, who was always calm, was so shocked by Bai Fu's words that his voice couldn't help but rise.

He suspected that he had heard something wrong.

Ten times, a hundred times, that's not how you joke.

How many people will be mobilized to collect so many materials, and how many people will die?

Even if all the wanderers in the entire Goli Desert were organized to hunt sandworms, this efficiency would not last long, because soon most of the wanderers would run away because of fear of sandworms.

"Do you know what you are talking about?"

Bai Fu said: "I am very sober. I just want to know if you can eat so many sandworm materials. After all, this is not a small amount."

Gao Yuan replied: "As long as you can take it out, I can eat it!"

"I will send the first batch of goods in a while, and then you will know that I am not playing with you."

Bai Fu chatted with Gao Yuan for a few more minutes. She asked Gao Yuan to send a batch of weapons to the Red Sand Camp first, which will be the temporary headquarters of the Silent Courtyard in the future. Then she asked Gao Yuan to help take a new batch of players who will rush to Shelter No. 5 in the next few days.

There are more players in this batch. There are thirty or forty people who posted in the community that they are on the way. The actual number may be doubled.

With the transportation capacity that Bai Fu has now, it is impossible to transport so many players in a short time, so she can only ask the Gao family for help.

After reaching an agreement with Gao Yuan, Bai Fu purchased some materials for making prayer cards in Shelter No. 5. The next step is the gambling card link that makes non-chiefs shudder.

The so-called gambling card is to use experience points and the psychic knowledge that has been mastered to synthesize new prayer card drawings. This is the exclusive ability of the trainee psychic painter, and it is also the core of this profession of playing cards for a living.

Generally speaking, there are three ways for apprentice psychic painters to obtain new prayer card blueprints: one is to buy, the second is to learn, and the third is to gamble on cards.

Among them, gambling on cards is undoubtedly the most exciting and the most commonly used method.

Take a chance and your bicycle will become a motorcycle.

Even non-Africans can't control their hands and want to make a wave, let alone Bai Fu, who has the gift of luck.

The pitfall is that there is no guarantee for the gambling mechanism of Stars. In other games, there is at least a big guarantee and a small guarantee for drawing characters and weapons, but in Stars, you can't draw them.

However, there is no such thing as a card pool in Stars. Players can choose the type of prayer card they want to draw at any time, and then invest experience points and the psychic knowledge they have mastered to gamble on cards. They won't have to wait for a long time because they missed a pool. The most important thing is that experience points don't cost money, as long as you are willing to work hard.

"My turn, draw a card!"

[Synthesis failed]

[Synthesis failed]

[Synthesis successful, you get [Universal Card·Visual Fog]]

[Synthesis failed]

After five more failures, Bai Fu finally got the crowd control prayer card she wanted.

[Universal Card·Spatial Disorder]: After use, the target will fall into a special state of being completely reversed up and down, left and right, front and back, covering a radius of 10 meters. The duration depends on the difference in inspiration between the two parties. The same target has a cooldown of 10 minutes. (Judgment object: prayer card maker)

Although the effect of this prayer card is far inferior to the skill card that the rattlesnake exploded, it can be regarded as making up for Bai Fu's lack of crowd control means, which is very helpful for her next actions.

The only problem is that she consumed more than 24,000 experience points in this round.

Experience is not enough until it is used.

Bai Fu rubbed her eyebrows.

Next, whether it is upgrading, upgrading skills, or gambling cards, it will cost a lot of experience, and she must do more tasks.

She wanted to pull out little Yulia and torture her. Why are you still standing there? Give me more tasks quickly?

But considering that the two sides are now in the honeymoon period of cooperation, it is better not to do anything out of line.

"One rich woman can't meet my needs now. I have to use my eyes that are good at discovering to find more rich women."

Bai Fu first thought of Xia Shi. It seems necessary to let the players get in touch with Xia Shi to see if they can squeeze some money out of Xia Shi.

After everything was done, Bai Fu filled the car with gas and took the players back to the Red Sand Camp.

Cui Jiming's plastic surgery has been successfully completed. The player's recovery ability is much stronger than that of the NPC. Although it is not as exaggerated as the breathing recovery in COD, this non-fatal injury will heal itself in a day.

Even so, in order to let the eating fairy recover as soon as possible, Bai Fu still gave her a bottle of recovery potion.


A few hours later, seeing the eating fairy Cui Jiming jumping around after the gauze was removed, people were dumbfounded.

This is a monster, how can a normal person recover so quickly?

He originally wanted to take the opportunity to run away, but now he has completely given up on this idea.

Little Yulia, who discovered this situation, became excited.

These followers of Bai Fu have this ability, will Bai Fu also have this ability?

If so, then she doesn't need to worry about studying Bai Fu's body, she can play with it as she pleases, anyway, it can be automatically repaired if it is damaged.

It's really a wait and wait.

"Good technique."

Bai Fu looked at herself in the mirror, and then looked at the eating fairy standing next to her, and expressed high praise for Cui Jiming's technique.

Realistic, this is really fucking realistic!

Except that the size of the upper body is slightly inferior to hers, the current eating fairy is almost exactly the same as her, it couldn't be easier to deceive the Truth Society.


Railway Guild, Ilinus Settlement.

It took Bai Fu more than two days to get here.

Unlike the original gene body, the large settlements of the Railway Guild are connected by railways. The convenient transportation makes the Railway Guild's trade very developed. The largest office of the dark web is set up in the Railway Guild.

The relatively prosperous trade has made the Railway Guild always dislike participating in the struggles of other forces. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why Graham dared to hide in the Railway Guild to make trouble.

Bai Fu did not delay and asked a player who had never met the Truth Society before to send the body of the eating immortal to the Dark Web's station in Ilinus.

"Hurry up and notify the Truth Society to come and inspect the goods. In order to protect Bai Fu's body, I also spent money to buy a freezing device. This expense must be counted on them."

The player disguised as Rattlesnake complained impatiently to the staff of the Dark Web. While complaining, he handed over Bai Fu's dark web identity card.

"This is what I found on her after I killed her. It's enough to prove her identity."

The staff of the dark web replied respectfully: "Please rest assured, we will notify you as soon as possible and convey your request to the Truth Society. Even if the Truth Society breaches the contract, we will advance the bounty on their behalf."

"That would be the best."

The player nodded coldly, but he was full of emotion in his heart.

Look, no wonder the dark web can become so big and strong, this service is really amazing!

He turned and left, telling Bai Fu, who was hiding in the dark, everything that had just happened.

"Next, we just have to wait for the people from the Truth Society to show up."

While waiting, Bai Fu browsed the community out of boredom, and a new post caught her eye.

"Exclusive news, Bai Fu is dead!" 》

She clicked on the post.

The player who posted the message claimed to be a member of the Truth Society. He had just received news from his superiors that a killer named Rattlesnake had killed White Fu in the Goli Desert.

[Not long ago, Bai Fu’s body was sent to the dark network station in the Ilinas settlement. The boss of my base, Graham, issued an order to have Bai Fu’s body brought back to the base immediately]

The players who clicked on the post were stunned.

No, buddy, are you kidding? How could Bai Fu die? Aren't Sword Qi Soaring Sky, Patrick Star and the others all at Bai Fu's place now?

Many players contacted Jianqi Chongtian and Pai Daxing via private messages, but no matter how they asked, they did not receive any reply.

Could it be that...

The player who posted the message was delighted.

[I told you that Bai Fu is dead, what do you want them to do? Don’t believe me, my news is 100% true. If you don’t believe me, watch the video I just recorded by looking for the NPC who told me the news]

[Have you not noticed that recently even Dig Ji’s live broadcasts have been stopped and people have stopped showing up in the community? There is no way, she wants to show up, but Bai Fu is dead, how should she show up?]

[In fact, this is normal. After all, Bai Fu is provoking the Truth Society, one of the most powerful forces in the Zuyuan Star. Even if she can hide, how many times can she avoid assassinations? 】

[Brothers, listen to me, it is better to increase the camp or increase the camp, otherwise the camp may explode at any time and all the previous investments will be in vain]

Now the players who flooded into the post had no choice but to believe it.

The video is there, and the player who posted it confirmed that he is indeed a member of the Truth Society.

It’s over, Bai Fu is really dead!

The community exploded.

Bai Fu: "?"

There is no doubt that the player who broke the news was trying to gain popularity and promote the Truth Society.

But, man, you came just in time!

With this guy building momentum, when everyone finds out that she is faking her own death to trick the Truth Society, the effect of the show will be quite explosive.

Promote the Truth Society?

Promote everyone not to join the Truth Society!

PS: Thank you for the tip.

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