Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 78: Bai Fu, the scheming one [4k]

Under the hype of the player who joined the Truth Society, all the players who liked to visit the community learned about Bai Fu's death.

As soon as they made a fuss, some NPCs who overheard their conversations or screams in the game also learned about Bai Fu's death.

"Is it true?"

Some people didn't believe it.

Some people believed it.

Some people questioned the Truth Society through various means with a skeptical attitude.

So, when the people sent by Graham were still on the way to the Ilinus settlement, the president of the Truth Society received the news from the lower levels.

He quickly called Bernardo, the Minister of Operations, over.

"What's going on? Now the outside world is spreading the news that Bai Fu is dead. Are you sending people to confirm the situation now?"

Bernardo was confused.

He specifically ordered the people below not to leak the news for the time being, so how did the president know this?

"This is what happened..."

He quickly explained the situation.

The president frowned deeply.

Could it be that there really is a traitor inside this time, otherwise how could the news of Bai Fu's death be leaked?

Now the Primarch is trying his best to find trouble with the Truth Society because of the previous attack. In order to avoid being stabbed in the back by the traitor at a critical moment, it seems that he needs to conduct another internal purge!

But considering that a senior executive was accidentally killed last time, this purge must be more cautious.

Putting aside these complicated thoughts for the time being, the president asked Bernardo to contact Graham to confirm the situation.

Half an hour later, the accurate news came back.

"The dark web has verified it, and our own people have just arrived to confirm that the body sent by Rattler is indeed Bai Fu."

"Okay, okay, hahaha!"

The president was overjoyed and slapped the table next to him.

He once wanted to recruit Bai Fu to join the Truth Society, but it would be a rare happy event if he could kill Bai Fu, a little bug who didn't know the height of the world.

"Bernardo, spread the news. I will let those who dare to disrespect the Truth Society take a good look!"

This is the Truth Society!

Anyone who dares to go against the Truth Society, whether it is an ordinary person, a supernatural being, or a famous force, will eventually be wiped out!

After sending Bernardo away, the president called all the members who were doing psychic research in the headquarters.

Bai Fu's strength has improved too fast. Whether it was because of her hidden strength before or her rapid growth later, it is certain that Bai Fu is definitely a psychic genius.

"I will have someone pull Bai Fu's body back as quickly as possible. You all get ready and do your best to figure out the difference between her body and that of ordinary people. This is related to the future of me and the entire Truth Society!"

The researchers were all excited when they heard the news.

It is not easy to find a person with extremely high psychic talent as a research subject these days.

The Truth Society successfully captured Yulia, but Yulia's abilities were too complicated, so they could not conduct effective research at all. They could only lock Yulia up first. If Bai Fu's body was brought back intact this time, it would definitely help their research!


Under Bernardo's auspices, the news that Bai Fu was confirmed dead spread.

In order to make his words more credible, he also asked the Truth Society members who were responsible for escorting Bai Fu to take a few photos of Bai Fu's body and Bai Fu's dark web ID card in the same frame.

This became the most powerful evidence. Even those who were reluctant to admit it could only believe that Bai Fu was really dead at this time.

"Life is unpredictable."

As intelligence personnel, members of the Primarch Intelligence Bureau received the news as soon as possible.

After Bai Fu and the Primarch fell out, those of them who were on good terms with Bai Fu, such as Xu Hong, had been secretly praying that Bai Fu could successfully escape the Primarch's pursuit.

Who would have thought that Bai Fu escaped the Primarch's assassination bounty, but ended up in the hands of the Truth Society.

On the other side, Xia Shi also received the news at the first time.

Looking at the photo of Bai Fu lying peacefully in the freezing device, she was momentarily absent-minded.

She clearly remembered that after they parted, Bai Fu asked one of her followers to comfort her, saying "Any time, any place, if you encounter trouble, you can find her."

Now, Bai Fu is dead, where can she find her?

It was not easy to meet someone who could say a few words from the heart, but in the end she ended up with nothing. All this was the fault of the Truth Society!

Although she is no longer in the Intelligence Bureau, she still wants to burn everything she has to eliminate the Truth Society!

Except for the people around, after seeing the news released by Bernardo, others were more impressed by the strength of the Truth Society.

Bai Fu can slap the Truth Society in the face many times, but no matter how many times she slaps it in the face, it can't hurt the Truth Society's bones, and the Truth Society can put her into an irreparable situation as long as they get a chance.

"Speaking of which, Rattlesnake is really lucky. So many people couldn't find Bai Fu, but he finally ran into her. That's 800,000 yuan. In fact, the most important thing is not the 800,000 yuan, but his fame and status will skyrocket after this."

"He can even kill Fortune. If there is a difficult task next time, you can consider giving it to him."

"Damn, why did he give the body to the Truth Society instead of the Primarch? Wouldn't he have earned an extra 200,000 if he had given it to the Primarch?"

"Who knows?"

The Primarchs are also puzzled now. They seriously suspect that the Truth Society secretly promised Rattlesnake more benefits in order to step on the Primarch.

Recently, the Primarchs and the Truth Society have been at loggerheads, and both sides are offering a bounty on Bai Fu's head. The Truth Society is capable of doing such a thing.

"Fuck Rattlesnake, notify the people in the Intelligence Bureau to beat Rattlesnake to death when they meet him in the future!"

The Primarchs were about to faint with anger. On the contrary, Bernardo was in a very good mood, but he was not overwhelmed by joy.

The more they couldn't relax at this time, if Bai Fu's body was intercepted on the way, they would lose face.

He quickly contacted Graham and asked Graham to send more people to meet them.


In the afternoon, the warm wind blew.

The car carrying Bai Fu's body sped across the wilderness.

As the car was driving, the driver suddenly found something unusual: "Someone is following us!"

He vaguely saw the smoke and dust raised by other vehicles in the rearview mirror.

The superpower sitting in the passenger seat sneered: "Captain Graham's worries are indeed not unreasonable. Although I don't know which link leaked the news, someone really wants to attack me halfway."

The driver laughed: "It would be fine if they were ambushing halfway, but they actually wanted to catch up with me from behind, what a joke!"

With a sound of "Sit tight", the car sped through the wilderness full of pollution sources at an astonishing speed.

The driver only used two beautiful drifts to successfully throw the car chasing from behind out of sight.

"Do you really think that my superb driving skills and familiarity with this area that I have honed for 20 years are just for show?"

He took a sip of water, and before he could swallow it completely, he was surprised to find that the trace of the car just now appeared in the rearview mirror again.


"How is it possible? It has obviously been..."


The driver's pupils shrank suddenly. He found that when he turned left and right to avoid the pollution source, the car did not turn, but went straight and ran over the pollution source.

So it was normal for the car to catch up with him, but the behavior of the people in the car was abnormal.

Who would drive like this? Are they really not afraid of being infected? In this way, even if they caught up and took Bai Fu's body away, wouldn't they still die on the way?


"They are dead soldiers!"

The face of the superpower in the co-pilot seat changed drastically.

Those who can mobilize dead soldiers are definitely not ordinary forces. They began to be glad that Graham sent someone to pick them up not long ago, otherwise they might not be able to go back today.

After a chase, the car of the Truth Society was forced to stop. The bullets shot from the rear smashed the wheels, and the car had to stop.

"Hurry, the reinforcements will arrive soon. We must not let Bai Fu's body be taken away by them before that!"

Two cars were lying across the wilderness. People from both sides jumped off the cars and started shooting at each other from a distance.

One side was a well-trained agent of the Truth Society, and the other side was a player following Bai Fu. The two sides fought back and forth.

In fact, this is exactly what the players want to see.

Before this operation, Bai Fu explained that their goal was not to kill the people of the Truth Society, but to find out the base of the Truth Society hiding near Ilinus.

Therefore, they could neither kill these people of the Truth Society right away, nor be killed by these people of the Truth Society. The stalemate between the two sides like now is the best situation.

Drag, drag hard.

After more than ten minutes, cheers full of surprise suddenly came from the opposite side.

"Here they are, reinforcements are coming, haha, kill them!"

The smoke and dust in the distance meant that the people of the Truth Society were not bluffing. The players who saw this scene looked at each other.

The opportunity has come!

Jianqi Chongtian immediately gave orders: "We will drive the car later. You will be the ones to sneak into the base of the Truth Society!"

They made two plans before coming.

Plan A, deliberately let the Truth Society people catch them and then take them to the base.

Plan B, if Plan A fails, Jianqi Chongtian and his team will continue to find ways to track the Truth Society people and see if they can find the base of the Truth Society.

The moment the reinforcements of the Truth Society approached, Jianqi Chongtian immediately called Lao Gou and others to run to the car.

"Want to escape?"

"Humph, stop them!"

The morale of the Truth Society agents with reinforcements was greatly boosted. They formed an array and rushed out quickly.

Facing their attack, the players who stayed behind to intercept them fought and retreated, showing all their lifelong acting skills.

Finally, after five minutes of pursuit and interception, three of the six players died, and the other three were surrounded because they ran out of bullets.

"Run, why don't you run?"

An agent grinned and shot one of the players in the foot, then waved his hand vigorously.

"Catch them all."

The three players resisted a little and were beaten to the ground and thrown into the Truth Society's car.

Although they were sure to die this time, it was not a big problem. As long as they could find the location of the Truth Society's base, the experience gained from exploration alone could make up for the loss, not to mention that many new tasks could be triggered later.

"Captain Graham, we have reunited with the team members who went to pick up Bai Fu's body. Yes, we were attacked, but we successfully repelled the attackers and captured three people alive. They are dead soldiers. Don't worry, we will bring them back immediately."

After repelling the players, the convoy of the Truth Society did not encounter any accidents on the return journey, but for safety reasons, they deliberately took a longer detour before reaching the base.

This base is different from the Bagaros base. It is not a military base, but a station for agents. There are fewer people, but everyone's strength should not be underestimated.

After personally confirming that the freezing device contained Bai Fu, Graham immediately asked someone to send the body to the headquarters, and he personally interrogated the three players.

In this regard, these players had thought of a response plan before they came.

"It's useless for you to capture us. This is just a warning. Sooner or later, the Primarch will sweep the Truth Society into the garbage dump. Long live the Primarch!"

Graham's face was extremely ugly.

"Are they really sent by the rubbish of the original gene? They are still ruthless!"

He called the agents in charge of interrogation and asked them to try to dig out some information from the three players. The result was that the players were beaten to death but they still got nothing.

Graham felt deeply regretful, but when he thought of Bai Fu's death, he felt much better.

Calculating the time, Bai Fu should have been sent to the headquarters by helicopter.

He tried to contact Bernardo: "What's the situation?"

Bernardo on the other end of the terminal laughed: "It was just delivered five minutes ago. Now the escort is pushing Bai Fu's body to the laboratory. Graham, you did a good job this time. The president will definitely reward you."

Graham said modestly: "It's just my job."

Bernardo smiled but said nothing. He followed the escort and watched the freezing device containing Bai Fu's body being pushed into the No. 1 laboratory of the headquarters.

At this time, in the laboratory, seven psychic researchers were standing on both sides.

"Be careful."

"Open the freezing device, I'm going to check her psychic suitability now."

Under the operation of a laboratory assistant, the freezing device was opened, and Bai Fu's body was moved to a testing device.

Looking at the numbers on the device, everyone was very nervous.

What will it be?

As they watched, a strange thing happened.

Bai Fu's body, like a phantom, just disappeared in front of everyone.


The people standing in front of the device once thought they had hallucinations, but when they hurriedly turned on the device, they found that Bai Fu's body was indeed gone.

Disappearing out of thin air, how is this possible, unless it was a trick from the beginning!

Bernardo was sweating profusely, he quickly contacted Rattlesnake, but all the private messages he sent fell into the sea.

"What did you say?"

The president of the Truth Society was stunned after receiving the message.

He was fooled, haha, fooled. He gradually understood everything. Yes, it must be Bai Fu who colluded with Rattlesnake and the Primarch to deliberately trick him. Otherwise, why did Rattlesnake leave the Primarch's one million and come to the Truth Society instead?

He was so stupid, really. He said that the Primarch was fine, why did he suddenly fall out with Bai Fu? It turned out that all this was acting, and the Primarch was waiting to humiliate him severely in this way.


The Primarchs are a group of borns, and Bai Fu is also a born!

The president of the Truth Society fell into a rage.

At this time, Bernardo came again.

"President, it's bad. Bai Fu uploaded proof that she is still alive on the dark web."

"Bai Fu! Primarch!"

The roar came from the president's office.

On this day, all the members of the Truth Society at the headquarters were silent.

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