Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 95 We will pledge allegiance to Bai Fu! 【44k】

Chapter 95 We will pledge allegiance to Bai Fu! [4.4k]

[Today's sharing ends here. If there is any new information, Xiao Fu will tell you as soon as possible. Goodbye! ]

The little Bai Fu in the lower right corner of the screen smiled and waved to the front, and then the huge game logo appeared on the screen, and the video officially ended.


Bai Fu was in a good mood.

With the help of these two videos, no player now doubts that she is not the protagonist of the version.

It can be seen from the live broadcast room of Digging Ji that half of the barrage in the live broadcast room is praising Digging Ji for being awesome, and the other half is asking Digging Ji to guess Bai Fu's true identity again.

Digging Ji still has some integrity. Because no useful information has been collected at this stage, she did not give Bai Fu a random identity, but just vowed that Bai Fu's true identity is definitely not simple.

[I am 99% sure that it is the kind of identity that will surprise everyone once it is revealed]

[Evidence? 】

【I don't have any evidence, but the official will never be so bored as to spend so much time and effort to create a character who has not appeared in the plot for a long time, so Fu Fu must be unusual】

【If you believe me, hurry up and increase Fu Fu's favorability. The earlier you increase it, the greater the advantage. Otherwise, when Fu Fu's true identity is revealed, we may not even be able to see her once】

Fumen's first promoter is working hard again.

Bai Fu couldn't help but give her a thumbs up.

In fact, in a sense, Dig Ji is not wrong. Her true identity will indeed surprise everyone, because her true identity is that she has no identity!

Surprised or not?

Bai Fu went to other live broadcast rooms again. She saw several anchors drawing fan art of Xiao Xiao Bai Fu. There were also many players in the barrage calling on the official to release Xiao Xiao Bai Fu's peripherals, such as figures and dolls.

The number of peripherals of a character reflects the popularity of this character.

Many people may not have played a certain game, but they are familiar with the characters in that game because they often see fan art or fan videos of this character in other places.

"I might be able to go viral this time!"

Bai Fu smiled so hard that her eyes curved into crescents.

If she could really take this opportunity to go viral, then becoming the poster girl of the entire game would no longer be an unattainable dream for her.

She decided to find a way to create one or two famous scenes when executing the commission of the Railway Guild to help her popularity rise again.

Bai Fu closed the community.

She pretended to know nothing and watched the selection meeting patiently.

The selection meeting lasted for a full 4 hours before the final 40 were decided. In the ranking battle of the top 40, the one who laughed last was Patrick.

This result was not beyond her expectations.

Patrick's level was at the forefront of all players, and he was originally a master in other games. With a leading level and outstanding skills, it was difficult for him not to get first place.

[Damn it, if I hadn't spent some time managing the guild, I would never have lost to him]

[If my health could be 50 more, if I could hit two more critical hits, if the knife that hit Patrick could be a little lower, ah ah ah, I don't accept it]

[Next time, next time I will definitely win! ]

Beside the ring, the players who lost to Patrick wailed one by one.

Bai Fu saw all the reactions of these players.

She held the selection meeting not only to select players who would go with her to carry out the commission of the Railway Guild, but also to take this opportunity to stir up some heat and stimulate the competitive spirit of the players in the Silent Courtyard camp.

Don't always think about lying down at such a young age, roll up quickly, if you don't roll up, when can I become the poster girl of the game, damn it!

Now it seems that Bai Fu's goal has been initially achieved.

But this is not enough, she decided to add fuel to the fire.

She stood up and walked towards the ring. This abrupt move attracted the attention of all the players present.

[What is this for?]

[Hidden plot?]

Bai Fu walked onto the stage and stopped in front of Patrick. A gentle smile appeared on her face: "Although you showed a different side when we first met, your growth is still beyond my expectations."

As she spoke, she took out a badge from her pocket.

[? ? ?]

The players in the audience suddenly widened their eyes.

Wait, is this...

Yes, this is the medal ceremony for the first place in the competition!

Bai Fu slowly hung the badge on Patrick's neck. She said: "This is the warrior badge awarded to the warrior. May you feel the true meaning of life in silence!"

Patrick looked at the badge shining in the sun with astonishment.

The shape of this badge is no different from the ordinary Silent Court Eye of Heaven badge, but it is silver-white.

He can be sure that this is the only one in the entire camp, no, the only one in the entire game!

Even Patrick, who focuses more on the battle experience than the plot and characters when playing games, feels flattered at this time, and the reactions of other players in the ring are even more intense.

[Oh my god, a separate awarding ceremony, a unique badge, ah ah ah, Patrick, you deserve to die! ]

[There is such a thing? If I had known this, I would have borrowed money to buy a few more Psychic Shield Cards. This way, I would be the one standing on the stage. I am crying]

[Ahhh, if Fu Fu could award me a medal in front of so many people, I would swear allegiance on the spot]

[Damn, will there be such a competition again? I also want that badge. Will it become a rare badge? ]

[Can I apply to change the badge to a ring next time I stand on the stage? ]

[You are dreaming]

Soon, a player spread what happened here to the community.

With this operation, Bai Fu successfully made the popularity of the selection conference surpass that of Little Bai Fu again.

Half of the players who came were envious of Patrick, and the other half were drawing circles to curse Patrick.

Among the envious players, there were two groups. One group only hated that they could not replace Patrick, and the other group was shocked.

They usually compete in the game's own arena. If they win, they win. At most, they get some praise from players. It's not like now that they can enjoy the awarding ceremony hosted by Bai Fu herself.

This experience, in one word, is absolutely amazing!

It has to be Bai Fu and the Silent Garden.

In the community, a large number of players collectively @the official, hoping that the official can add Bai Fu to the arena. How can such a good game experience be enjoyed exclusively by the players of the Silent Garden?

"This wave of popularity is good."

Bai Fu is very satisfied. When awarding the medal to Digging Ji before, because it was inconvenient to reveal her position, the whole process was not broadcast live to the public, resulting in a much smaller impact. Now it is just right to take advantage of the popularity of little Bai Fu to let all players see how cool it is to join the Silent Garden.

This place can not only provide players with a large amount of experience and a relaxing game experience, but also the excellent emotional value provided by the new popular queen Bai Fu.

Handsome Fu Fu is sending badges online. Are you tempted? If you are tempted, you might as well take action!

Bai Fu has already made a plan. She wants to make Patrick into another face of the Silent Courtyard camp. The method is very simple, that is, to help Patrick become the PK king in the game.

This is not a difficult task for her, but the rewards she can get from it will definitely be very gratifying.

What will those players who think they are better than Patrick do after being beaten by Patrick?

1. Practice hard to fight back.

2. Try hard to find ways to improve their strength.

3. Sister Fu, I don’t want to work hard anymore. From today, I will swear allegiance to you like Patrick. Please give me the same power as Patrick!

Bai Fu believes that most players will choose the third option. The reason is very simple. This road is easier to walk than the other two roads.

Isn’t it sweet to eat soft rice?

These players are happy, and Bai Fu is also happy, because her leek field has more sturdy new leeks.

In short, by then, all the heroes in the world will be in her grasp. Who can compete with her?


The two-day deadline has come, and Dallas came to Shelter No. 11 as promised with the old map of the Goli Desert and the transportation convoy of the Railway Guild.

Bai Fu took action immediately after getting the map. She gave the map to Old Nissen and asked him to direct the players to search for the research institute when she was away.

Because she was the one who distributed the task, even if she was not the first person to find the ruins of the research institute, she could still get some experience for providing the map and sharing the task.

"If you need other information, just contact the dark web and the plateau. I have already said hello to them, and they will do their best to help you."

Old Nissen nodded at Bai Fu.

He was determined this time. Finding the ruins of the research institute might help solve the reason why the Goli area turned into a desert, and maybe find a way to rescue Yulia.

Before leaving, Bai Fu told Anya to keep her eyes and ears open. If she found someone coming to make trouble, she should not rush to stop or show off, but run away first.

After everything was explained, Bai Fu led fifty players to board the Railway Guild's transport vehicle.

The target of this operation was the Marine Biology Research Institute of the Gene Primarch.

As the name suggests, this institute studies marine life. It is located in the far eastern region of the Gene Primarch and is adjacent to the sea. It takes a long detour to get there from the Goli Desert, otherwise it might be discovered by the people of the Gene Primarch.

But despite the distance, Bai Fu still only took two days to complete this journey because the Railway Guild's transport vehicle drove very fast.

The car stopped 50 kilometers away from the Marine Biology Research Institute. This was a temporary base established by the Railway Guild. Many people were already waiting in the base.

When Bai Fu walked down from the car with her long legs, everyone in the base stretched their necks unconsciously.


Some of these people were logistics personnel sent by the Railway Guild, and some were masters hired by the Railway Guild. They were all eager to see what the fierce woman who defeated the Black Hawk Base said the Railway Guild looked like.

After the ambush at the Black Hawk Base, Bai Fu's popularity exploded, and she became the most discussed person on the dark web.

Silver Moon, the new queen of the dark world, the black mask, the king of the undead...

Killers and clients who like to hang out on the dark web gave her one nickname after another.

Most of the killers and clients worshiped Bai Fu and believed that Bai Fu's strength was at the forefront even among the S-class killers. However, some people were dissatisfied. The reason for their dissatisfaction was that although Bai Fu was able to crush her, Zilian killed three generals of the Truth Society, Luo Wan, Pedro, and Qi Yuan, but because the Immortals played a lot of role in the process, this record must be greatly discounted.

At this time, some of the killers waiting for Bai Fu's arrival thought so.

When Bai Fu's feet stood still on the ground, a man also wearing a black mask walked up with a smile.

"You are Silver Moon, right? You can call me Coyote."

Coyote looked at the player who was looking around behind Bai Fu.

"These are the legendary immortals?"

The other party was very polite, and Bai Fu did not deliberately show off: "Yes, they will follow me."

Coyote laughed: "Resurrection is a very interesting ability. I look forward to your performance in this operation."

As soon as Coyote finished speaking, another person came up. He looked very young, with excitement on his face: "Damn, dang, I've seen a real person, a living Silver Moon. If those old men know that I've met... When you see the real you, you will definitely envy me."

"Who are you?"

Bai Fu turned her head.

At this time, a cold-faced blonde woman came up: "Ferreira, the insect father, is a new S-class killer like you. He is good at biological powers and can control insects to fight. He controls the undead on you. I'm very interested in it, I can almost be considered a fan of yours. Also, my name is Su Li."

Bai Fu could feel obvious hostility from the woman named Su Li, but she couldn't remember where she had seen Su Li.

Su Li's mind was so open that even she was ashamed of herself. If she had seen him somewhere, she would have been impressed.

She threw a psychic vision.

[Favorability]: Dissatisfied (-12)

Bronies are not a good thing!

"Hello." Bai Fu greeted Su Li and Ferreira calmly, "One thing that needs to be explained is that I did not control those undead people."

Only a ghost can believe it!

Su Li snorted coldly in her heart.

She is the female agent of the Railway Guild who was defeated by the player.

After meeting Bai Fu, she felt more and more that those undead people were talking nonsense.

Yes, her skin, hair color, eyes, body proportions, etc. are indeed a little different from Bai Fu at first glance, but there is one place where she is definitely better than Bai Fu, and that is the "capital" from her upper body.

Her capital is not only higher than Bai Fu's, but also thicker than Bai Fu's. Pressing on Bai Fu's capital can flatten Bai Fu.

However, the undead people she came into contact with actually said that she was as far away as Bai Fu, which was unreasonable and completely unreasonable. If Bai Fu hadn't controlled her, she would have eaten herself!

Su Li took the initiative to apply for this operation, for no other reason than to prove herself.

"I want to see what methods you have to control these undead people. Once I learn your methods of controlling the undead, I'll see what else the undead can say!"

Su Li stared at Bai Fu's back with a look of resentment.

Under the guidance of Coyote, Bai Fu held an impromptu meeting with the people in the stronghold.

The topic discussed at the meeting was how to break through the defense lines arranged by players and enter the Marine Biological Research Institute.

Players are weak in the eyes of these top killers, but the troublesome part is that players can be resurrected, and they like to use self-destruction tactics at all times. If not handled properly, players will find opportunities to blow up their own research institutes. Their mission this time It was declared a failure.

"We have to find a way to contain them so that they are unable to support the Institute of Marine Biology. My suggestion is..."

Coyote talks.

His tactics are actually very simple, they are to lure the players away from the Marine Biological Research Institute.

But since he was not sure where the players would be resurrected after death, for safety reasons, he felt that he should assign some more people to ambush on the way from the defense line to the research institute.

Coyote's proposal was echoed by most in the room.

"Leave the task of seducing the undead to Silver Moon and the undead you brought."

Bai Fu has no objection, but she has a better tactic than luring players.

What are you trying to induce? Can't we just persuade him to surrender?

A large group of players in the community said they wanted to seek refuge with her, and even shouted something like, "Open the city gate to welcome King Fu. King Fu will not pay for her food when she comes." Now is the time to verify whether these players are just saying it or they really have this idea. !

PS: Thanks to Lies Like Rain, Four Pieces of Square Cake, and the initial reward.

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