Who made her an NPC!

Chapter 96 The True God Descends, the Super Charm of the Poster Girl! 【66k】

Chapter 96 The True God Descends, the Super Charm of the Poster Girl! [6.6k]

[Secret Commission of the Railway Guild - Side Quest to Lure Enemies]

[Task Introduction: ...]

[Task Objective: Cooperate with the actions of other members of the action team to prevent players from the Primarch camp from supporting the Marine Biology Research Institute]

[Task Reward: 50,000 Experience Points]

After coming out of the temporary tent, Bai Fu received a new mission. She had never expected that she could trigger a side quest after accepting the commission of the Railway Guild.

Although the reward for this mission was not high, only 50,000 experience points, she commented that this kind of unexpected surprise should be received more!

Even if all the professions and skills are upgraded to the current maximum level, she can use the extra experience to open new profession slots or synthesize new prayer card blueprints.

Experience points are like money. Who would complain about having too much of them?

After closing the task panel, Bai Fu looked up at the player who was looking at her eagerly not far away.

"You should have heard the content of the meeting just now, right?"

The players, led by Patrick, nodded.

Bai Fu said: "Since you have heard it, I will not repeat it again. I led you alone in the previous operations. It's okay even if you make a little trouble, but there are other people joining this operation, so please be sure not to do anything out of line before receiving orders."

Hearing her say this, the players replied:

"Don't worry, Fu Fu, we won't cause you any trouble."

"Indeed, we are all professional when we should be professional."

"You tell me to go east, I will never go west, even if you tell me to lick..."

"Don't go crazy here!"

Bai Fu smiled and nodded. She had long been accustomed to the players' sometimes serious and sometimes crazy state.

Seeing how happy they were here, Su Li, who had just walked out of the tent, narrowed her eyes.

Since being severely hit by those undead, she observed and studied many undead. She found that the undead were not all cut from the same mold. Some undead were very cold, and looked like they were the boss of the world. Some undead were as naive as if they had just entered the big city from the countryside. Some undead seemed to have a disease that would kill them if they didn't talk, and they had to chat with people when they met.

But no matter what the undead's personality was, she had never seen an undead treat others like Bai Fu...

Loyalty, yes, the word that popped up in Su Li's mind was loyalty!

It's not that she hadn't seen a group of undead gathered in a circle to compliment someone, but the attitude of these undead towards Bai Fu was definitely not a simple compliment. It was either technology or magic.

Bai Fu, you still say that you didn't control these undead!

If Bai Fu knew what Su Li was thinking, her evaluation would only be one sentence-

Our poster girls are like this!

Do you know what it means to master the core plug-in? How terrible is it to be able to shape yourself in the direction that players like!

Ten minutes later, the armored personnel carriers prepared by the Railway Association were all in place, and all the people involved in the operation were ready.

"Let's go!"

Accompanied by Coyote's order, several armored personnel carriers rushed into the wilderness at a very fast speed.


Institute of Marine Biology, five kilometers to the west, a defense line composed of trenches, iron fences, and concrete fortresses.

Captain Cedric, the head of the defense line, stood by the window of the office and looked downstairs with a cigarette butt in his mouth.

Although it was midnight, the patrol guards passing by downstairs were still as energetic as in the daytime, and this spirit made him nod with satisfaction.

"It has to be the undead!"

Cedric sighed.

Twenty days ago, the superior department sent a hundred undeads during the routine rotation of the patrol guards of this defense line.

When he first saw these undeads, he felt like the sky was falling. The reason was simple. These undeads were eccentric and self-willed. None of them looked like normal people.

They beat themselves, jumped down from the building for no reason, laughed suddenly while walking, stood in the corner and talked to the air in the middle of the night...

Those who knew said it was a line of defense, and those who didn't thought it was a lunatic asylum.

He was almost scared to death by these undeads several times.

At that time, he just felt that everything was over. How could he carry out the task of protecting the Marine Biological Research Institute with such a group of lunatics? How could he get promoted if he failed to complete the task?

But after a few more days of contact with these undeads, Cedric suddenly realized that the situation might be completely different from what he imagined.

Undeads may be crazy, but they may be the most useful cattle and horses in the world!

Don't believe it?

After receiving a mission, no matter how dangerous the mission is, the undead can always complete it quickly and well. After completing the mission, they will take the initiative to come over and ask if there are new missions for them to do. Normal people don't have this kind of enthusiasm.

This confirms the old saying -

Since I got mental illness, I have become more energetic!

However, Cedric's 180-degree change in attitude towards the undead is mainly related to another thing.

The undead can be resurrected after death, and the injuries on their bodies will disappear after resurrection. Since he discovered this, he no longer gave the undead medicine.

Why bother? The wound will disappear after resurrection anyway. Instead of wasting medicine for treatment, it is better to die quickly and start over. It is better to leave precious things like medicine to useful people, such as himself!

Cedric made a lot of money by reselling medicine. Not only that, he also made a lot of money by deducting the food expenses, weapons and equipment subsidies and other expenses of the immortals.

It's just a bunch of consumables. Why eat so well and dress so well?

In short, Cedric is in a very good mood now.

It's only been 20 days and he has made a lot of money. If the time is several times longer, he can buy a big villa in Haidu.


Cedric put out the cigarette butt and shouted downstairs: "The situation is tense recently. You must be vigilant when patrolling. Don't relax at all. Do you understand?"

Yes, yes, yes.

The players passing by downstairs rolled their eyes.

The players who came here are basically new players who came in version 1.1.

The reason why they were willing to come to this defense line was because this mission was very special. Even if they did nothing, as long as they stayed in the defense line, they could get guaranteed experience every day. If they did more tasks, their levels would definitely rise, and they would soon be far behind other players who entered the game with them.

The only drawback was that this mission was boring. They had to stay in the defense line with no people around for a long time. In addition to watching videos, watching live broadcasts, and browsing forums, their only entertainment methods were to fight with the wild animals and mutants around the defense line.

There are gains and losses. In order to win at the starting line, such small problems can still be overcome!

But this was what this group of players thought ten days ago.

Recently, Bai Fu has become popular in the community. This group of players was surprised to find that they were not the new players who upgraded the fastest. The players of the Silent Courtyard not only upgraded faster than them, but also did not have to go to jail like them.

The leader of the camp is a super pretty white-haired girl, the camp service is far ahead, the white-haired girl personally leads the team to fight monsters, the white-haired girl personally awards medals to outstanding players, the white-haired girl is the protagonist of the version, the white-haired girl has become a poster girl...

Look at their side.

The person in charge is a big man who picks his feet, there is no store in the camp, there is no beautiful girl in the camp, no, there is not a female NPC, there is no leading team to fight monsters and awarding medals, only urging...

It can only be said that there is no harm without comparison.

This group of players burst into tears.

[Ah, why didn't I read more guides in the community and go directly to Bai Fu]

[I envy you so much, I don't want a big man who picks his feet, I want a white-haired girl, can the official replace this big man who picks his feet]

[Alas, alas, alas]

[What's the use of saying these now, since I'm here, I can only finish the task honestly first, otherwise I will lose a lot of experience]


Now except for continuing to do the task honestly, no matter what choice you make, you will lose a long time.

[If Bai Fu could attack us suddenly like she did when she attacked the Bagalos Base or the Black Hawk Base, I would surrender immediately]

[Don't make a fuss, Bai Fu can't possibly attack us, this place is far from the Goli Desert]

[That's true]

The players in training grumbled to express their dissatisfaction.

They didn't realize that there were many eyes staring at them in the dark night, they were Bai Fu and Su Li who had just arrived here.

"The defense is very strict, even in the middle of the night, there is still no slack, these undead are really difficult to deal with."

Su Li frowned, looking unhappy.

The arrival of the undead brought a dramatic change to the world again. She didn't like this dramatic change very much, not because the undead irritated her, but more because she couldn't see whether this change was good or bad.

But she also knew that since the change had come, all she could do was to adapt to or control this change, otherwise she would be eliminated.

"Act according to the original plan. When Bai Fu succeeds in luring out the undead, I will cooperate with the action to create a bigger commotion to attract the attention of the Marine Biological Research Institute. The next thing will be handed over to the coyote who is responsible for the raid on the institute."

Bai Fu had no objection. She led the players to sneak towards the opposite defense line.

Su Li lay on the ground, staring at her back.

Come on, let me take a good look at how you control these undead under your command.

In order to find out Bai Fu's secret, the people above made very sufficient preparations this time. Not only did they send several psychics who are good at reconnaissance to assist her in observing Bai Fu, but they also sent her the most advanced hidden camera equipment sent by the Technology Research and Development Department.

Multi-camera 360-degree no dead angle, ultra-high-definition shooting can even see the trembling of eyelashes clearly!

Su Li took out the monitoring display from the tool box she carried with her, watching and laughing.

"Haha, haha..."

This smile made the assistant next to her scalp numb.

Hey, where did this perverted nymphomaniac come from!

Bai Fu led the players forward for a few minutes and stopped when they were 500 meters away from the defense line.

“Wait for me here and take action after receiving my message.”

While speaking, she handed a walkie-talkie to Patrick.

This move made the other players’ eyes wide with envy. Damn it, is this the benefit of getting the Silver Eye of the Sky Medal?

Next time if we hold a similar ring competition, we must buy more prayer cards. We can't let Patrick keep pretending!

After arranging the players, Bai Fu walked towards the defense line alone.

Because she was going to persuade the players in the defense line to surrender, she deliberately did not hide her figure.

The players in the mission were still alert. When she was still a hundred meters away from the sentry outside the defense line, the players standing on the sentry found her.


A bullet passed through the night and hit 20 centimeters away from Bai Fu's toes, splashing mud. I don't know if it was missed or a warning.

But at the moment the bullet was fired, the alarm sounded in the defense line.

"Ding ding ding-"

"A stranger is approaching, a stranger is approaching, it has been confirmed, there is only one person!"

For a while, the entire defense line was boiling.

Cedric, who was smoking happily by the window, was so scared that his cigarette fell directly.


Who would come here in the middle of the night for no reason, and there is only one person?

His face was as ugly as if he had eaten a fly: "Go, catch that person for me, I want to see who is so bold as to break into the military restricted area!"

Not long after he finished shouting, a burly man walked in from outside the office.

"Do you want me to go out and take a look?"

Cedric turned around and saw that the person who came was an elite agent who had just been sent by the higher-ups not long ago. He was very powerful. He waved his hand: "No hurry, let's see the situation first. If the invader is not very strong, just let the undead deal with it. These undead are quite useful."

The agent didn't say much, and the two of them just waited.

But this time the situation seemed a little strange. The undead who received the order did not charge mindlessly like before, but looked at each other with weapons in hand.

After Cedric finished shouting, all the players in the defense line received a new task.

The task name is [Emergency Invasion], the task goal is to kill the invader, and the task reward is 1 million experience + special title + rare skills + super high camp reputation.

These players were all confused.

[Duo...Duo Shao? ]

[1 million, damn, I counted correctly, it's 6 zeros, what the hell is this task, how can the reward be so exaggerated]

[There must be a bug, usually the experience of completing a task is only a few hundred, this time it jumped to 1 million, it's not a bug, no one would believe it]

[I'm dying of laughter, this is a bug, wait for me to post a post in the community]

Soon a player posted a screenshot of the task to the community, and this post immediately attracted countless players to watch. There is no way, so far no player has ever seen a task with such an exaggerated reward, even if it is just a bug, it is amazing enough.

[No, if this task is completed, it won't really reward 1 million experience, right?]

[The official came out to be beaten, and a task with a reward of 1 million was created. You are really outrageous]

[Don't play dead, if you don't give some friend fees to compensate, this matter will not end]

Just when other players kept torturing the official in the community, the players in the defense line also took action.

Bugs are bugs, and tasks are tasks.

They rushed out with guns in hand, shouting: "Military site, no entry, invaders, put down your weapons and surrender, or we will shoot!"

Their shouting had no effect, the man on the opposite side was still moving forward.

Oh, so brave, braver than Ah Wei.

The player with a bad temper fired several shots into the sky: "It seems that you don't want to accept the toast... punishment..."

He froze in place while being punished.


The player who followed behind was full of confusion. He patted the shoulder of the player in front of him, looking forward and asking: "Are you okay? Why don't you move... move..."


Under the light, all the players who came later could see the appearance of the person coming.

Silver hair, white shirt, handsome small belt...

"Why does this NPC look a little familiar?"

Familiar, how could he not be familiar!

In the community, a new post popped up.

[Brothers, I know why the reward for that mission is 1 million experience points. This is definitely not a bug. If you don’t believe me, watch the live broadcast.]

A link to a live broadcast room was posted in the post.

Most players thought it was just a hype, but a few players still clicked in.

Then, their reactions were exactly the same as other players at the scene.

Oh my god, isn’t this our Fu Fu?

After recognizing that the person was Bai Fu, everyone reacted at that moment.

Now everything made sense.

After all, the emergency invasion mission was to fight Bai Fu. As the owner of the Silent Garden, the queen of the dark web, the protagonist of the version, and the new poster girl, it was normal for Bai Fu to be worth 1 million experience points.

[This angle of lighting makes Fu Fu look even better]

[Fu Fu is still handsome in combat]

The live broadcast room was full of comments. At this time, Bai Fu spoke up: "You are the same undead from the other side of the fog as Patrick and Digger, right? I don't really want to be your enemy, but I have something very important to do here. If you insist on standing against me to stop me, then I can only attack you."

Ah, I hit Bai Fu?

After hearing Bai Fu's words, the players in the Primarch camp were shocked.

How to fight this? Bai Fu kills high-level bosses as easily as killing pigs. Killing these noob players with one skill may make them fall in a group.

The scalps of the players who had just shot at Bai Fu or threatened Bai Fu were even more numb.

Family, do you think I still have a chance?

Although they imagined that Bai Fu would attack them, they really didn't expect that Bai Fu would actually attack them. The fierce impact made these players at a loss.

The situation did not change until a few bullet comments passed through the live broadcast room.

[Silly, if you don't stand on the opposite side, you don't have to fight with Fu Fu. If it were me, I would surrender now and stand with Fu Fu]

[That's right, I have no place to surrender even if I want to]

[Damn, I'm so lucky, I envy you so much]

Yes, surrender!

The eyes of the player who was broadcasting brightened. When they were chatting casually before, a player smiled and said that he would surrender on the spot.

Now Bai Fuzhen is calling. If he doesn't surrender, he will wait for the New Year. Once Bai Fu accepts his surrender, he can join the Silent Garden and enjoy the first-tier game experience.


The player threw his gun on the ground and raised his hands high: "I surrender, Fu Fu, in fact, I have always been your fan, but I didn't have the chance to meet you before!"

With him taking the lead, those players who have long been loyal to Bai Fu immediately followed up.

"I surrender too. I joined the Primarch just because I had no choice and just for fun. The Silent Garden is my true love!"

"Finally I found the organization."

"Fu Fu, I've been your fan for ten years!"

A large number of guns were thrown on the ground one after another, and for a while only a few people on the field were still hesitating.

In fact, they also envied the players of the Silent Garden, but if they surrendered here and quit the Primarch, not only would they lose a lot of experience, but the Primarch's favorability would also plummet. Isn't this a bit uneconomical? In order to complete this guarding mission, they have been busy for more than 20 days.

A player stood up and advised: "Why are you still entangled? That little bit of experience is lost. I read the guide and you can accept commissions and sandworm sweeps at any time in the Silent Garden. When the time comes, you can form a team yourself, or find a few big guys to lead you. After a few rounds, the lost experience will be made up."

"Brother, if you don't follow the protagonist when playing games, why do you have to take the most difficult path and go against the protagonist?"

"Isn't the poster girl more attractive than the big man who picks his feet?"

Under the continuous verbal offensive, the hesitant players were finally persuaded.

Submit, why not submit?

There are only a few of them. What can they do if they don't submit? Once the defense line is defeated, the mission will not be able to continue.

Bai Fu raised her eyebrows slightly.

This is really a domineering aura, and the players bowed down!

She knew that her popularity was ridiculously high recently, and she also knew that many players said they wanted to join her, so she wanted to come and try, but she didn't expect it to be so smooth.

The bonus of the official promotion to the front page is much greater than she thought.

If she becomes a real poster girl, she won't even need to speak. A group of players will chase her when she passes by somewhere.

The future is bright!

Bai Fu nodded secretly. It's better to finish the task first.

She deliberately showed a look of surprise: "You..."

The player who surrendered first saw this and said hurriedly: "Fu Fu, we are really surrendering. If you don't believe it, we will arrest the person in charge of this line of defense now!"

He turned around and left, and the other players followed him.

Surrender does require a token of surrender.

These players picked up the weapons they threw on the ground and walked towards the inside of the defense line aggressively.

Bai Fu followed closely behind.

As they walked, the players who were a step slower and didn't have time to rush out also joined the team to capture Cedric after figuring out the situation.

The movement here successfully attracted Cedric's attention. Cedric smiled and said to the elite agent next to him: "Look, they have caught the person back."

The elite agent took a look and was surprised. It was really efficient.

Cedric walked to the door: "I'll go ask the intruder where he came from."

He had just walked out of the office building, and the player just happened to come to the door of the office building.

The two sides met like this.

Cedric waved his hand: "Bring the person up, let me take a good look at her."

The player moved, but the direction they moved was different from what Cedric imagined. They did not move backwards, but charged forward.

When he reacted, the player who rushed in front had already thrown him to the ground.

"Let go, let me go, what are you doing?" Cedric struggled violently.

"What? Of course, I'm going to catch you and give you to Fufu!"


Cedric was horrified: "Are you going to rebel? Bastards, betraying the Primarch will not end well!"

The player holding him down was unmoved, and the other players were not idle at this time.

"Let's go and capture the others!"

Except for the players who were not online, the remaining ninety players attacked everywhere and soon captured many people from the nearby houses.

These NPCs were caught by the players for no reason, and when they heard Cedric shouting about rebellion, they thought that the players had discovered the inside story of Cedric's greed for money, and they immediately shouted in panic.

"It's none of my business, really. I was forced by Cedric. It was him who deducted your various subsidies. He deliberately deducted your food expenses and made you eat those garbage every day."

"I proved that he didn't lie. I did take some money from Cedric, but it wasn't much. I can return all the money to you. Don't kill me!"

"I actually sympathize with you. When I saw you were injured, I wanted to give you medicine to treat you, but Cedric said that you can be resurrected after death, so there is no need to waste medicine on you. What can I do? I can only do it."

Their shouting directly confused the players on the scene, the players in the live broadcast room, and Bai Fu.

Wait, there is such a thing?

Cedric, who was pressed to the ground, shouted: "Slander, they slandered me!"

But no one believed him.

"Be born!"

Bai Fu turned her head and glared at Cedric, who was pressed to the ground.

She had already thought about how to brush her first famous scene after becoming a temporary poster girl.

"I hate this kind of person the most in my life, hang him on the street lamp!"

PS: The details are almost sorted out, I will update 6600 today, and if I don't need to go out on the Dragon Boat Festival, I will update 10,000.

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