Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 252 North Sea Hunting Plan!

My heart and conduct are as clear as a clear mirror, and everything I do is righteous.

Storm's words are extremely beautiful.

However, the vast majority of the members of the Storm Pirates still refused Storm's invitation to "be a navy"——

I was very moved and then refused.

The specific situation is not much different from what Storm had predicted.

Among all the members, Nami was the only one who agreed to Storm's invitation and chose to become a "just" marine.

But this little thieving cat is not here for the "Navy" skin at all.

She just took a fancy to the annual salary of at least several million Baileys that comes with the status of "Navy"!

Since being recruited by Storm, Nami has not made any "progress" for a long time.

Although a salary of several million Baileys is not a lot - even if Nami really became a pirate now, it would be possible to get so much money in one robbery.

But mosquito legs are also meat!

Nami never disliked Bailey.

Besides, this Bailey was obtained through "legal channels"!

Then this is even less objectionable.

Except Nami.

The rest of the members, like Ace and Kidd, who have not yet received bounties, have no interest in things like "Navy" and "Bailey". They are determined to become pirates.

As for Robin and Brooke, members who have received bounties...


If Robin and Brooke really want to be in the Navy.

Storm is not helpless.

For details, please refer to the subordinate of Tina, the future rear admiral of the Navy Headquarters - Zangao.

He was also a pirate with a bounty of 9 million beli, and was later recruited by Tina.

Not only was Zangao's bounty canceled by the navy, he was even able to join the navy, and eventually became a major at the navy headquarters...

Zangao can also be regarded as a good example of "correcting evil and returning to righteousness".

For Storm.

If Brooke and Robin wanted to be marines, it wouldn't be difficult.

It's a pity that it doesn't matter whether it's Robin, Brooke, or Luo who joins last.

All three members had no interest in the Navy.

Storm had no choice but to give up.

He doesn't have to let his subordinates serve as marines.

His original intention was just to obtain some wages and benefits for the crew through his status as "Navy".

It's a pity that none of these guys appreciate it!

Then we have to let Nami enjoy the benefits of the "establishment" alone.

Storm has recruited a new member for the "Blade Force" and is in a pretty good mood.

He also took out a large amount of food from Iqi's body - before leaving Dressrosa, he specially purchased a batch of food from King Riku and placed it in Iqi's "swamp space" for later use.

The swamp space with unlimited capacity has been praised by everyone who has used it!

"Everyone! To celebrate the joining of the 'Ship Doctor'! To celebrate Nami becoming the 'Navy'!"

Storm placed the mountain of Dressrosa specialties among the crowd, raised his hands in the air, and cheered.

"Let's continue with the party!"

No pirate can refuse an invitation to a party.

While the members were preparing food for the banquet.

Storm called Luo aside alone.

"Luo, you are welcome to join us."

Luo smiled, but didn't say much.

Since the death of M. Corazon on the island of Mignon.

Luo determined his life's goal as - revenge against the Don Quixote family and Don Quixote Doflamingo!

Now, Don Quixote Doflamingo and the entire Don Quixote family have been destroyed by the White Dragon.

Bailong gave out the [Silence Fruit] again, and then gave away Baby5...

Luo "sold" himself to the other party willingly.

"One more thing."

Storm took out a phone bug from his arms and then handed it to Luo.

"Are you really not going to give your 'grandpa' a phone call?"


Luo's smile just now disappeared immediately, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

"Captain, I just wanted to ask, why did you say that Marshal Warring States is my grandfather?"

"Huh? Haven't you noticed before?"

When Storm heard this, he frowned.

"The late Lieutenant Colonel Rosinandi, he was the adopted son of the Warring States Marshal."

"Mr. Corazon is actually the adopted son of the Admiral of the Navy..."

Luo was startled when he heard this.

"Isn't he a Celestial Dragon?"

"It's a long story..."

Storm was a little too troublesome and didn't want to talk about it.

However, under Luo's sincere eyes, he still roughly told the past of the Don Quixote family.

"...such and such, such and such...Don Quixote Doflamingo, his life is indeed disappointing."

There is a saying that goes like this——

If someone lived through Donquixote Doflamingo's childhood, they might not be half as kind as Doflamingo.

Storm is willing to believe this.

Even if he later learned about Bartholomew Bear's tragic childhood...

All I can say is.

Big Bear is really a special kind of person...

"Doflamingo...Mr. Corazon..."

Luo murmured a few words in a low voice.

Before today, he had no idea that Mr. Corazon had such a bad childhood...

Fortunately, the Admiral Admiral adopted him——

"Wait a minute!"

Luo suddenly came back to his senses and looked at Storm with confusion.

"Mr. Corazon is the adopted son of Marshal Sengoku...but I have nothing to do with Marshal Sengoku!"


Storm frowned and asked.

“Aren’t you the ‘adopted son’ of Lieutenant Colonel Rosinandi?

"Isn't the adopted son of an adopted son a grandson?"

The adopted son of Lieutenant Colonel Rosinandi...

Luo's lips moved a few times.

But he didn't even say a word of denial.

He had never thought of Mr. Corazon as a "father."

But hearing what Storm said, Luo suddenly couldn't think of denying it.

Probably in Luo's heart, the existence of Rosinandi did illuminate his gloomy childhood like the sun...

To Luo, Rosinandi was not a father, but more than a father.

"...No matter what! I have nothing to do with Marshal Warring States!"

Luo pursed his lips and said firmly.

"Even if the relationship between him and Mr. Corazon is very close... I have nothing to do with him anyway!"

"Whatever you think."

Storm shook the phone bug in his hand.

"Then do you want to contact him? I can directly dial Marshal Warring States' personal phone number."

"……In no mood!"


Storm put away the phone bug and patted Luo on the shoulder.

“There’s something else I need your help with later.

"Now, let's go enjoy the banquet!"

Luo Wuyan nodded.

At the banquet later.

Storm came up with a piece of news that surprised and surprised everyone present.

"Can we go to sea now?"

"Can we leave the Germa Kingdom?"

"Can we go fight other pirates?"

Bang bang!

Storm stretched out his hands and clapped a few times, silencing the excited guys.

"I know you're all tired of working out..."

Storm's eyes passed over Ace, Kidd, Kira, Nami, and Perona.

“I also believe that just training without actual combat is meaningless.

"I got this list from Dressrosa!"

Storm took out a ledger from Izzy's body.

He looked around and handed the account book into the hands of newcomer Luo.

"What is recorded on this list is the name, location, and approximate scale of the forces left by the Don Quixote family in the North Sea."

The Don Quijote family made its fortune from Beihai and became a world-class organization.

The four outer seas, paradise, new world...

Almost every corner of the sea has traces of the Don Quixote family.

Beihai is the "hometown" of the Don Quixote family.

Although the power left by the Don Quixote family in the North Sea is not as good as the "true base camp" of Dressrosa, it should not be underestimated.

Currently, the members of the Storm Pirates are gathered in the North Sea.

Storm was going to find something for them to do.

Just as he said.

It’s not enough to just immerse yourself in training.

Actual combat is the best way to cultivate strong people.

"Awesome! Boss!"

"This is the pirate I imagined!"

"The remnants of the Don Quixote family...do they also have a lot of money?"

Ace, Kidd, and Nami are all gearing up, eager to leave the Sky Garden now and rush towards the free sea.

"This is why I didn't let you go out before..."

Storm rubbed his brows, looked at Luo who was looking through the list of accounts in his hand, and gave serious instructions.

"Luo, you are from Beihai. You should pay more attention when you take these guys sailing in the future."

"I see, Captain, you are so long-winded!"

Luo lowered his head to look at the accounts in his hands and answered casually.

"Spider Mile...a name I haven't heard in years! It is indeed here! Humph!"

Law failed to take revenge on Doflamingo himself.

Now cleaning up the remnants of the Don Quixote family is also a happy thing for him.

The Storm Pirates’ operations within the North Sea——

Storm plans to temporarily call it the "North Sea Safari Project."

He had no intention of being personally involved in the project.

But the good news he announced in public still made most of the members present smile.

Wait until after the banquet is over.

Most members stayed in Sky Court.

Storm took Luo, Bebo and Robin on the Blue Eyes White Dragon and returned to Mignon Island below.

Luo told Beibo to bring the news of "joining the Storm Pirates" to the other members of the Heart Pirates.

Immediately afterwards, he followed Storm and Robin to the Kingdom of Germa!

"The Kingdom of Germa..."

Luo stood on the head of the blue-eyed white dragon, looking at the huge snails on the sea in front of him.

"The snail castle moving on the sea...is exactly like the one in the comics!

"Garuda, poisonous powder, spark red, electric shock blue, invisible black, winch green...

"And Sora, the hero of the ocean!"

Robin originally thought that Luo's character was very calm, unlike Ace and Kidd who "jumped out".

But looking at it now, she seemed to have misunderstood something before.

"Luo, are you familiar with the Kingdom of Germa?"

"This is common sense in Beihai!"

Law reluctantly retracted his gaze, glanced at Robin, and answered seriously.

Then he quickly shifted his gaze back to the giant snails on the sea.

"Hero Sora... Hero Sora... Do you really want me to be Hero Sora?"

"Law! Wake up!"

Storm put his hand on Law's shoulder and shook him hard.

"I didn't bring you here to destroy Germa 66!

"As a doctor, have you heard of the disease called 'Jade Scale'?"

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