Who made him the Pirate King?

Chapter 253 Identified as Beihai Chuunibyou!

"I have seen descriptions of 'green jade scales' in medical books, but I have never actually encountered this kind of patient."

Luo answered first, and then reacted quickly.

"Captain, what you said before was about the 'Sapphire Scale'? Is anyone really suffering from this disease?"

Luo is an orphan in the white town, and may even be the last patient in the world suffering from lead disease.

Because of past tragic experiences.

Therefore, Luo has relevant knowledge about various intractable diseases on the sea.

For example, as far as he knows, there is a very special disease in the sea——

"Women's Disease".

No one knows how this disease came about.

All I know is that after a man suffers from this disease, he will immediately become a woman.

Luo Lili suspected that this "female disease" might be the effect of some kind of devil fruit ability...

About "Jade Scales".

Luo also had an understanding.

That is a disease even rarer and rarer than "Poly lead disease".

For an individual, "Sapphire Scale" is even more harmful than "Pin Lead Disease".

Patients with "Plumb Lead Disease" are only eroded by heavy metals.

Except when the disease occurs, the daily activities of patients with "Poly lead disease" are basically not affected.

But "Green Jade Scale" is different.

Suffering from "green jade scales" is equivalent to suffering from a strange disease that "death by exposure to light"...

"That's right, among the members of our Storm Pirates—to be precise, the 'non-staff members', there is a child suffering from sapphire scales."

Storm never allowed Bonnie to become a pirate, but he did regard Bonnie as a member of the Storm Pirates, and there was no conflict between the two.

"However, I have obtained the treatment plan for 'Jade Scales' from Dr. Vegapunk, and Dr. Gaji - the 'Evil Legion Leader Monster Bird Garuda' you call - is helping to treat her. Get treatment.

"I'm bringing you here now just to see if your [surgery fruit] ability can help the child shorten her treatment period or reduce her physical burden."

As early as when Storm first met Big Bear and Bonnie, he had talked to them about various methods that he thought might be possible to cure "Jade Scales".

Except for "Frankensteins" like Vegapunk and Gaji.

Trafalgar Law's [Surgery Fruit] was also regarded by Storm as one of the possible treatments for "Jade Scales".

After all, Luo used the ability of [Surgery Fruit] to cure the "Plumb Lead Disease" he suffered from on his own.

And aphrodisiac disease and sapphire scale are both super difficult diseases.

Storm felt that the ability of [Surgery Fruit] should be helpful in the treatment of "Jade Scales".

"I see."

Luo nodded seriously.

He is now the ship's doctor of the Storm Pirates, and his responsibility is to treat the crew members.

Moreover, "Sapphire Scale" is a super difficult and complicated disease.

Luo was also more interested in it.

His childhood dream was to become a doctor who could save lives and heal the wounded.

It's a pity that my life encountered major changes later...

The blue-eyed white dragon landed steadily on the giant snail in the Germa Kingdom.

Storm led Robin and Luo all the way to the secret laboratory of the Kingdom of Germa without any hindrance.

Reiju, who heard the news of "White Dragon's visit" from her servants, hurried over.

"Lord Bailong!"

Reiju bowed slightly to Storm in greeting.

Then she nodded to Robin and the newly appeared Luo.

"Miss Reiju."

Storm nodded casually towards the eldest princess of the Winsmoke family. He crossed over to Robin and raised his hand to signal Luo.

"This is my newly recruited ship's doctor, Trafalgar Law."

Reiju greeted Luo meticulously.

"Mr. Trafalgar, this is our first meeting. Please give me your advice."

Luo's eyes were fixed on Reiju, his eyes lingering on the latter's pink hair for a long time.

"Toxic powder..."

Reijiu tilted her head, and several questions appeared in her mind.



Storm coughed lightly and took the initiative to explain.

"Luo is from Beihai."

Reiju looked at Storm, her doubts unanswered at all.

Seeing this, Storm added another explanation.

"He's a huge fan of Sora."

"No! I'm just an ordinary reader!"

Luo interrupted the topic at this time and carefully corrected Storm's "mistake".

"In addition, Captain, the poisonous powder can manipulate, release, and absorb toxins at will. The poison she releases is so powerful that it can kill even giants.

"When the poisonous powder inhales the venom, the shape memory cloak specially created for her by Germa 66 will open, just like the wings of a pink butterfly. Please be careful."

The corners of Storm's mouth twitched slightly, and he turned to look at Luo, who was serious.

"Are you also an 'ordinary reader'?"

"This is common sense in Beihai."

Luo replied seriously.

Storm no longer paid attention to this middle-aged comic boy - Beihai seemed to have produced some such patients.

Including a certain half-immortal who likes to use tarot cards to tell fortunes, and an undercover agent who will become the captain of the Blade Force in the future...

The new-generation pirates from the North Sea all seem to be like this...

Storm identified them as --

Reading comics!

Reiju smiled awkwardly but politely.

As the eldest princess of the Germa Kingdom and the eldest daughter of the Vinsmoke family.

Reiju had also heard of the comic book "Marine Warrior Sora".

But she didn't know that this comic book would have such a great influence in the North Sea...

"Miss Reiju, since you are here, please lead the way!"

Storm waved to Reiju, signaling her to move together.

"I just need to see Professor Judge."

Reiju immediately abandoned the strange-looking mustache man and bowed to Storm again.

"Master Haku, please follow me."

Storm took the lead and walked in front.

Reiju lagged behind him by half a body length and followed him silently.

Robin and Law walked at the back.

Law stared at Reiju's back and murmured softly.

"Toxic powder... Although it's not as tough an enemy as 'Invisible Black', it's also a very scary opponent..."

Robin noticed that the eldest daughter of the Vinsmoke family in front of her had quietly clenched her fists.

She couldn't help but glance at Luo next to her.

'This 'Ship Doctor' has a really contrasting personality...'

Luo's voice seemed very low.

But the people present all had a pair of sensitive ears.

Because Storm was in front, Reiju couldn't react to Luo's words.

But Storm didn't need to care about these roundabout trivial matters.

"Luo, do you care about Miss Reiju's affairs?"

"No! I care about Germa 66!"

Luo clenched his fists and said unwillingly.

"I didn't expect it! I would become an ally of the evil Germa 66! I'm really going to vomit!"

Although Luo crawled out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses in the White Town, he lived in the Don Quixote family for a long time and met countless villains.

But even such a Law knows what "disgusting evil" is!

No doubt.

Germa 66 is that kind of disgusting evil!

Reiju is not only clenching her fists now, but also several blue veins burst out on her forehead.

As the "highest masterpiece" of the Vinsmoke family, Reiju's body has also been transformed by bloodline factor technology, and she is an out-and-out "super-modified person".

If it weren't for Storm's presence.

Reiju would definitely let Law know what "bone-eroding poison" is now!

Law's performance once again made Storm feel a little speechless.

The second-year comic boy in the North Sea is really speechless...

Everyone came all the way to the secret laboratory of the Germa Kingdom.

Bonnie is receiving treatment here, and Big Bear is taking good care of her.

The father and daughter were not in the sky garden just now, nor did they attend Law's "welcome party".

The arrival of Storm and his group immediately received the "attention" of everyone in the laboratory.

"Captain brother!"

"Captain/White Dragon!"

Bonnie was lying on the bed, waving to Storm from a distance.

Big Bear and Judge came up together.

Storm first asked about Bonnie's treatment.

After getting a full set of improved treatment plans from Vegapunk.

Bonnie's treatment speed has also increased a lot.

Judge's treatment assessment is that all treatment tasks are expected to be completed within seven to eight months.

This time is longer than the "half a year" estimated by Vegapunk.

But it is much shorter than the "two and a half years" that Judge said before!

After listening to Judge's report, Storm nodded to the archaeologist lady next to him.


Robin handed over the small treasure chest she had been holding.

Judge first glanced at Storm, then took the treasure chest with both hands and opened it on the spot.

"Is this... [Blunt-tailed Lizard Fruit]?"

Judge was also familiar with the Devil Fruit Encyclopedia.

He originally thought he would see the [Silence Fruit].

But he didn't expect that Storm took out another animal-type devil fruit.

But they are all devil fruits...

Judge didn't say much.

Strictly speaking.

In this sea where everyone is postpartum.

Simple and crude animal-type devil fruits are much more "popular" than fancy superhuman-type devil fruits!

"This devil fruit is also the reward for my subordinates' "staying" in the Germa Kingdom during this period of time."

Storm briefly explained the situation to Judge, and then motioned Law to come forward.


Law walked out from behind Storm, but his eyes were still staring at Vinsmoke Judge.

"Damn Germa!"

Judge's reaction was exactly the same as Reiju's just now.

Confused, puzzled, and even a little panicked.

Lord White Dragon was not going to destroy the Germa Kingdom immediately after giving him the [Blunt-Tailed Lizard Fruit]...

For a moment.

Judge felt that the [Blunt-Tailed Lizard Fruit] in his hand was like a hot potato.

"Don't mind this guy!"

Storm patted Law's back lightly and pushed him to Bonnie and Big Bear.

"He is a fanatical fan of "Sora the Marine"."

"No! I am just an impartial reader who supports Sora the Marine!"

Law was pushed away by Storm, but he did not forget to turn his head and corrected him.

"Also! I hate the despicable villain Germa!"

No matter how much Law hated Germa 66.

Under Storm's high pressure, he quickly devoted himself to Bonnie's medical examination.

During this period.

Storm asked Reiju for a copy of the World Economic Daily to kill time.

The front-page news of today's World Economic Daily is——

"It's the season for the International Tea Party again!"

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