Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 206 Chapter 253 54 I Am A God! The Upper Class Is Submissive, But The Middle And Lower Class

Chapter 206 Chapter 253 54 I am a god! The upper class is submissive, but the middle and lower classes are attacked hard!

Huangfu Lan also used illusions to change his true appearance, and his cultivation level was at the early stage of the fifth realm, and then said, "You go first, I will stagger there later."

Xu You looked at Huangfu Lan with some confusion, "Senior, why do you need to disguise yourself to hide your cultivation?"

"I have a special status. I came to see Old Gang Leader Cao just for personal reasons. I don't want anyone to know." Huangfu Lan explained.

Xu You didn't ask any more questions, fisted Huangfu Lan, and then shot away in the direction of Caojiazhuang with Xue Qianluo. After a while, they finally arrived at the Caobang rudder.

Most of the monks in the Cao Gang are named Cao, and they all belong to the same spiritual family, the Cao family. The rest are independent cultivators and other monks who have taken refuge.

It has developed to the present and has formed a semi-family body integration dominated by the Cao family.

Caojiazhuang occupies an extremely vast area. It has been continuously expanded and repaired for hundreds of years. There are countless buildings in it. Of course, these are ordinary ordinary trees.

Caobang doesn't have the financial resources to build it with spirit wood. Even the village protection array is the lowest level. It can only prevent some ordinary wind, snow, thunder and lightning, and isolate some mortals from prying eyes. It doesn't count as a village protection array at all. .

To sum up, although the Cao Gang has been around for hundreds of years, it is still really poor if it is poor.

Mortals and monks live together in Caojiazhuang. Although it is just a village, the total population cannot be underestimated, which is completely equivalent to the population of a small town.

After all, the most important thing for the family is population. Only one mortal can practice cultivation, so a large number of students are needed to enrich the reserve army of monks.

It is indeed not easy to feed so many people, and the financial pressure is naturally great.

When Xu You landed in front of the grand and solemn gate, he was suddenly a little surprised, because the huge gate and the surrounding tall walls were all covered with white cloth.

This happens only when there is a big funeral. Is it such a coincidence that the old gang leader can't hold on when he just came here?

Soon, when Xu You and Xue Qianluo landed, a team of practitioners rushed out and looked at Xu You and Xue Qianluo with vigilance.

There are seven or eight people in this cultivation team. Except for the leader who is in the early stage of the second realm, the others are all in the early and middle stages of the first realm. It looks like he has just barely stepped onto the threshold of cultivation.

The average age of the team is even three years old. Such a situation is unthinkable in Kunlun.

It is estimated that any incompetent disciple picked from the outer sect will be stronger than all of them. This is the cruel disparity in the Immortal Cultivation World.

"Who are you two? Do you have business coming to Caojiazhuang?" The strong man in the lead asked bravely.

Although he didn't know exactly what the cultivation levels of the two visitors in front of him were, he could feel that they were definitely the bosses of the four realms of alchemy!

The most important thing is that the two of them are still so young, and their temperament and demeanor are as dazzling as the moonlight. Just like the immortals from heaven descending to earth.

Squeezing him to death by such a being would be like squeezing an ant to death. He would never dare to offend him. Usually when he occasionally encountered such a big boss in the village, he would have to walk with his head down.

Now I have to ask where my responsibilities lie.

Xu You just smiled faintly and threw a token to the other party casually, "Disciple of Shangzong, come to Caobang. Pass it to the person in charge."

"Yes." The captain quickly took the token and hurried towards the village. The other team members all lowered their eyebrows and did not dare to look at Xu You.

After a while, the captain left and returned, followed by several middle-aged men wearing sackcloth and mourning.

Cao Man, the eldest son of Cao Cao, Cao Rui, the second son, and Cao Di, the third son, all came, as well as Chang Maoqing, the elder of Keqing.

"Cao Man has met two young heroes." The eldest son of Cao Man, Cao Man, bowed to Xu You and Xue Qianluo very respectfully as soon as he came out.

The three people following him also bent down and bowed at the same time, their attitude was extremely respectful.

"My name is Xu Lang, and her name is Xue Qianqian. We are here on orders from our teacher." Xu You made up two names casually, concisely and concisely.

Cao Man and the other four people immediately turned aside, "Xu Shaoxia and Snow Fairy are here. It's so splendid. Please come in, you two."

Xu You and Xue Qianluo walked in first without saying any more. Cao Man and the four others immediately followed, for fear of being slighted in the slightest.

After everyone left, the team on duty at the door looked up cautiously.

"Boss, what are the backgrounds of those two immortals?" one of the team members asked in a low voice.

"Disciple of the Shangzong! How can you ask?"

"A disciple of the Shangzong? A disciple of Taihua Clan?" When a team member mentioned the three words Taihua Clan, his eyes were full of envy.

In his opinion, the Taihua Sect is the most powerful existence. All the disciples in Caozhuang are proud to join the Taihua Sect. For them, this is a ceiling-level Transcendent Level force.

His disciples are all extremely talented in cultivation. There are several disciples who have reached the early stages of the third realm in their twenties!

It's an existence they can't even imagine.

"Probably not a disciple of Taihua Clan." The captain shook his head, "A few years ago, I was lucky enough to go to Taihua Clan with my elders to offer gifts.

I have also seen some Taihua Sect disciples. Although they are all extremely outstanding, none of them have the temperament of the two immortals just now.

The strength of those two immortals is definitely at the fourth level, but I don’t know how much. "

"What? The fourth realm!"

All the team members gasped. The two of them looked much younger than themselves and others, but they were the bosses of the fourth realm!

This was directly beyond their knowledge. In the past, they had only seen this kind of thing occasionally in the distant Apex Level newspapers, but never in real life.

Those who can cultivate to the early stage of the second level before the age of twenty-five in Cao Family Village are the most powerful geniuses! He was trained as the future mainstay of the Caobang.

Most of them long for this, but obviously they can't. The first to the second realm is a natural chasm for them, and they are satisfied if they can cross it at the age of forty.

After listening to the captain's words, everyone was dizzy, and it was hard to imagine how powerful the two immortals just now were.

"Captain, where do these two immortals come from?"

"I don't know." The captain shook his head. This was beyond his knowledge.

"Do you think there are people from the five sects and seven sects?"

"How is it possible? The disciples of the five sects and seven sects are all heavenly beings. How could they come to a remote place like ours?"

"Yes, well, what do you think the disciples of the five sects and seven sects are like?"

"What is it like? I heard that they can get dozens of Shenzhou coins by just doing a task.",

"So many? Can any mission have so many?"


"We have worked so hard this year that we have only earned less than ten Shenzhou coins!"

"What are you talking about! Keep your voice down!"

"I also heard that each of them will be equipped with a storage bag and a Law Weapon."

"Damn, that's so cool." One of the team members waved the big iron rod made of ordinary iron in his hand, with envy on his face.

"I also heard that there are various robes."

"Vestments? What is that?"

"That's a divine item! I heard that wearing it can make you ascend during the day!"


"Also, what they eat is phoenix marrow and dragon meat. Just one bite will increase my cultivation for a month!"

The captain listened silently as his subordinates imagined the cultivation life of disciples of the Five Sects and Seven Sects. Although he did not know the details, he had at least seen some aspects of the world.

He knew that everything his men said was wrong, and many of them were just conjectures, even heard from some ordinary storytellers.

But he didn't utter a rebuttal, just remained silent and listened to their slobbery talk.

Their births are destined to be frogs in a well all their lives. The vast majority of the team members have never even left Caojiazhuang in their lives, so how can they talk about other things?

As the captain, he naturally cannot deprive his subordinates of the right to imagine these wonderful things. Most of the happiness of the lower-level monks often comes from these fantasies.

How cool would it be if I had these?

How can they know that the real top world is countless times more chic and magnificent than they thought.

After another while, seeing these people chatting more and more crookedly, the captain opened his mouth appropriately, "Okay, stop talking. Don't say anything that is not conducive to unity!"

As soon as these words came out, the team members could only stop communicating. The captain's dignity was still very strong.

"Is it a good thing or a bad thing for these two immortals to come to us?" someone asked.

"Of course it's a good thing. The visit of the Immortal is definitely a great thing!" the captain affirmed, "Okay, don't talk about it anymore. If the Immortal finds out and punishes you for being disrespectful, no one can save you by then. "

When these team members heard this, they immediately kept silent for fear of making a mistake. They all went back to stand guard honestly.

Xu You was walking inside Caojiazhuang at the moment. He didn't know that his and Xue Qianluo's superficial appearance would have such an impact on the team on duty.

Now he was just stepping on the bluestone road and looking at the people of Caojiazhuang around him.

The rooms are mostly made of wood, and the densely packed houses are as far as the eye can see. The world inside is like a simple fireworks town.

Thousands of lights are on, smoke is lingering, and children are in groups. But now every house has white silk hanging in front of its door, making the atmosphere a bit solemn and heavy.

Ninety-nine percent of the people living here are mortals, and only a handful of monks.

Moreover, although monks and mortals live together, their status is as different as heaven and earth.

Xu You walked all the way in, and the monks he met on the road all saluted respectfully, but when the mortals saw the young masters of the Cao family, they knelt down and bowed their heads, not daring to raise their heads.

Cao Man and the others were so used to it that they didn't even look at the mortals around them. They just looked at Xu You and Xue Qianluo cautiously with a smile.

Occasionally, Xu You could see one or two children blinking at him ignorantly, and then suddenly a feeling that he didn't know how to describe would well up in his heart.

I suddenly felt grateful for my luck. If I didn't have any qualifications for cultivation, would I be like a mortal kneeling down to greet the "immortal" when I came to this world?

If I don't have enough cultivation qualifications and can only join some small and medium-sized forces, will I be like the monks who were on duty outside Zhuangzi just now?

Holding the Mortal Weapon on a day-to-day basis?

As the forces go up one level at a time, and the classes go up one after another, how lucky do you have to be to be able to directly cross dozens of levels and become a true disciple of Vermilion Bird Peak.

To become a talented disciple of Kunlun, how many people can be as lucky as me?

There are billions of creatures in Shenzhou, how many of them can be like this?

The template for a hard-working protagonist is probably like this. He comes from a mortal family in Caojiazhuang. In his eyes, Caojiazhuang is a behemoth at the Transcendent Level.

Then the ancestral graves emitted green smoke and thrived in Caojiazhuang. They walked out of Caojiazhuang and went to the better Taihuamen. This is the Transcendent Level sect that they have dreamed of since childhood!

Afterwards, smoke came out of the ancestral graves, and he successfully walked out of the vast Taihua Mountains, which is thousands of miles away.

Then the ancestral graves continued to emit green smoke, and they spread out in the southern part of Dongyang County, gaining great fame, and then came to the stage of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Further up there is the Middle Earth Continent, the five divine continents, and countless Apex Level forces and Apex Level geniuses.

Good guy, this can write a 10-million-word traditional upgrade novel.

At this moment, Xu You suddenly felt that he was extremely lucky. He had the Nine Yang Spirit Body and was protected by Azure Lotus, so he could walk so smoothly on the path of spiritual practice.

Only then can I meet and make friends with people who are at the top of the Immortal Cultivation World since I started practicing. The birth point is at the top of the food chain.

To be honest, Xu You always thought that Immortal Cultivation World was like this.

I never realized this problem in the Low Level tasks I did before.

But the question Xue Qianluo asked him just now about why he didn't eat minced meat, coupled with what he saw and heard at this moment while hiding his identity.

He suddenly felt that the Immortal Cultivation World was actually more than just this. The world of the middle and lower classes was more cruel and struggling.

Of course, Xu You will not have any ideas to change the common people because of this current situation. The butt determines the head. He is now 100% on the same side as Kunlun and other Apex Level circles.

It can only be said that this trip really allowed him to experience another side of the Immortal Cultivation World. This is an issue that he has never thought about in detail before. This may also be another meaning of working at the grassroots level.

Xu You suddenly understood. The purpose of asking him to come here was not only to train his leadership skills, but also to improve his understanding of the Immortal Cultivation World.

In this way, Cao Man and the others were superior immortals along the way, and Xu Youhao and Xue Qianluo were even higher than these immortals.

As the leader of Caogang, this moment can be described as groveling.

They are the very few people in Caojiazhuang who know the truth and know that Xu You and Xue Qianluo are Kunlun disciples.

I just don't know which peak's disciple he is, but that's not important. Let alone which peak's disciple he is, he is just a random outer disciple.

Everyone in Caojiazhuang should worship him like a grandfather. Kunlun, one of the five sects, has more potential strength and influence than just words.

In these substructures, that is absolute heaven.

Caojiazhuang is very big, and the group of people walked quickly for several quarters of an hour before arriving at a central hall deep in Caojiazhuang.

The mourning hall of the old gang leader Cao is set up here. Xu You asked a few questions casually on the way here. The old gang leader Cao died suddenly this morning.

It's less than a day away.

Although Xu You was surprised as to why the old man left so suddenly, he still didn't ask about the specific details. After all, the end of his life was within this short period of time.

The mourning hall was very large. It was draped with many white cloths and lit with red candles. The evening breeze passed through the hall, blowing the huge mourning hall into the air.

Xu You glanced at the coffin in the middle of the mourning hall, then stepped forward alone and lit a stick of incense to worship the deceased.

After that, Xu You slowly turned his head and looked at the four people behind him, and the general information about these key figures in Caogang began to appear in his mind.

The old gang leader Cao left suddenly, and the next head of the family has not yet been truly determined.

The eldest son Cao Man is steady but cowardly, the second son Cao Rui is radical and ruthless, and the third son Cao Di is thoughtful and deep.

These three people are the most talented in cultivation among the many descendants of Old Gang Leader Cao. Over the years, Old Gang Leader Cao has devoted a lot of resources to them.

Now they have successfully cultivated to the four realms. Among them, the eldest son has the highest cultivation level. He has practiced Taoism for more than fifty years and has reached the middle stage of the four realms.

The second son and the third son are slightly worse, both at the early stage of the Fourth Realm.

Cultivation family leaders like Mr. Cao will give birth to children in large numbers, although the probability of children born to monks and monks being able to practice is much higher than that of children born to mortals.

But after all, there is a high probability that a child with spiritual talent will not be born, so we can only rely on measurement.

Through mass reproduction, several spare successors are selected from the best.

This is also the reason why the population of Caojiazhuang is comparable to that of a small town. Everyone is working hard to have children.

In addition to the direct descendants of the old gang leader Cao, there are three other high-end combat capabilities of the Cao family, which Cao hid from their uncles.

One of them is in the middle stage of the Five Realms. He has been in seclusion all year round and does not care about worldly affairs. The other two are in the early stage of the Five Realms, and now hold great power and are responsible for the operation of the entire Caojiazhuang.

In this way, these people are all the top combat power of the Cao family.

If Mr. Cao were still alive, this force would indeed be regarded as a very good Middle Level force. After all, there are still enough high-level monks.

What's more, the Cao Gang now has not only monks like the Cao family, but also four elders with different surnames. Chang Maoqing, who we just welcomed together, is also a Late Stage cultivator in the Four Realms, and is an elder who is close to the Cao family.

The other three are very subtle. They all hold great power and have a lot of influence in the Caogang.

In particular, these three people are all in the early and middle stages of the Five Realms, and they have the highest level of combat power in the entire Cao Gang.

If Mr. Cao were still alive, then as the only boss in the entire Cao Gang who was in the early stage of the Sixth Realm, he would naturally be able to easily suppress these three elders.

But now that they are gone, these people naturally cannot be suppressed. How can they not be dissatisfied if they hold great power?

At first, the Cao Gang only had the surname Cao. Later, in order to expand production, it absorbed some elders with other surnames to increase its strength.

This kind of thing always has pros and cons. If you can suppress it, then you and I will be good. If you can't suppress it, the inside will collapse sooner or later.

Facing Xu You's gaze, the four of them lowered their heads slightly and did not look at each other.

Xu You glanced at the four people briefly, then turned to look at the coffin, looking more and more strange.

Not to mention the sudden death of this old gang leader Cao, it stands to reason that this old gang leader Cao can be regarded as a hero-level figure.

The Caobang has developed rapidly in the past few years in his hands, and under his control, it has become famous in the Taihua Mountains.

Now they are at the forefront of these medium-sized forces in the Taihua Mountains, and their strength is quite strong. How can such a shrewd hero not think about the things behind him?

No members of the connecting group have been designated, and the trouble left by so many elders with foreign surnames has no intention of solving it at all.

Is he so confident that his children can take over Caobang smoothly despite these internal and external troubles and let Caobang continue to maintain its current status?

It's impossible to think about it. Without the only six-level monk as the backbone, the consequences can be imagined.

This is not something that Old Gang Leader Cao can do at all.

Xu You nodded slightly towards Xue Qianluo and motioned for her to come over. The aloof Xue Qianluo, who had not said a word the whole time, walked up.

Xu You’s spiritual consciousness sent a voice message and asked, “Senior sister, if you have a higher level of cultivation, can you help me sense whether the person in the coffin is alive?”

Although Xue Qianluo didn't understand why, he just nodded slightly, then stared at the coffin. After a while, he shook his head slightly at Xu You.

Xu You also fell into deep thought. He had also used some tricks just now. The man lying inside was indeed Mr. Cao, and he had no vitality at all.

In other words, Mr. Cao didn't fake his death or anything, he was probably a real dog.

Did he really just die like this?

"Hey, wait, there seems to be some weird black energy underground?" Xue Qianluo said to Xu You.

"Huh?" When Xu You heard this, he also felt towards the ground. Sure enough, there was some very light black air, which revealed the bone-corroding Yin spirit power.

"Is this the Yin spirit power needed for ghost cultivation?" Xu You asked.


"This is a bit strange. There are still Yin spirits under Caojiazhuang."

Xu You looked at this weird coffin and always felt something was strange. Could it be that Mr. Cao wants to turn into a ghost cultivator?

This should not be the case. He has exhausted his vitality and cannot turn into a ghost.

"This Dongyang Ghost Land in the southern part of Dongyang County is rich in Yin spirit power. It is normal to have some here." Xue Qianluo added.

Xu You nodded slightly. After thinking to no avail, he did not think too much for the time being and said directly to the four of them, "The two of us are here to follow the order of the master to help the Caobang tide over this difficulty."

"Thank you so much, Xu Shaoxia, and thank you Snow Fairy. With the help of these two immortals, our Cao Gang will definitely be safe and sound." The four of them clasped their fists in unison.

Xu You looked at these people with half-squinted eyes and suddenly asked, "Mr. Cao passed away suddenly this time. Didn't he have time to arrange his funeral arrangements?"

"Yes, my father left suddenly and he didn't have time to arrange his funeral arrangements."

"You haven't said who to choose as your successor?" Xu You directly asked this extremely pointed question.

"No." The four of them paused at the same time, then shook their heads at the same time.

Xu You said calmly, "Then who do you think is better to be the gang leader now? Should you three brothers choose one? Or should you choose one of those elders?"

Cao Man was the first to raise his head, looked at Xu You with some hesitation, and bowed his head and said, "Xu Shaoxia, every generation since the Cao Gang has been passed down has been in charge of the family."

"Oh," Xu You continued calmly, "So you mean that the position of gang leader will come from the three of you, right?"

Cao Man just clasped his fists and did not dare to answer this sharp topic.

Xu You was not surprised by the silence of the four people, and just said, "I remember that Mr. Cao also has a son with outstanding spiritual talent, right?

His name is Cao Zhong, right? I heard that he is the youngest among the four of you, but the most talented. Now he has broken through to the Alchemy Realm at just over forty years old. In the early stage of the Fourth Realm, this is still without much cultivation resources, right? "

"Xu Shaoxia knows everything clearly. Brother Cao Chong is indeed the most talented among us." Cao Man said, cupping his fists.

"What about others? Why didn't they see him coming?"

"Brother Cao Chong is the son of a maid. According to family rules, he cannot come to the mourning hall at this time." Cao Man replied. This sentence also pointed out Cao Chong's identity in a very subtle way.

The children of the family born from a maidservant are worse than those born from a concubine. They cannot inherit the family business and take charge of the family. At most, they can only become elders or the like. This must be based on the situation that they are good enough.

This principle is true everywhere, especially in this cultivating family with orderly inheritance, which naturally attaches more importance to this point.

"Okay, I understand. It's getting late, so we'll go back and rest first, and ask your brother Cao Chong to come look for me tomorrow morning." Xu You said these words and left directly.

Xue Qianluo followed Xu You out of the mourning hall.

Cao Man and the other four also followed out immediately.

"Where is my accommodation?" Xu You asked directly after going out, and then waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I won't bother you to send it.

What was the name of the captain who was on duty at the Caojiazhuang gate just now? During this time, I asked him to come and familiarize me with this place. "

"What's his name?" Cao Man asked the other three people, and all three of them shook their heads.

So Cao Man clasped his fists at Xu You and said, "Okay Xu Shaoxia, I'll call him over right now. From now on, Xu Shaoxia will be led by him in Caojiazhuang."

"Go ahead." Xu You waved his hand directly, not polite at all.

In other words, he has never been polite from the moment he arrived here, and he has been somewhat overbearing.

Of course, Xu You doesn't care about this. Just do good things, it doesn't matter what you do.

Cao Man didn't dare to neglect, and shot directly towards the entrance of Zhuangzi. In a short time, he carried the captain back and landed in front of Xu You.

"What's your name?" Xu You asked directly when he saw the captain.

"Go back to Shangxian, the villain Cao Hu." The captain wanted to kneel on the ground and was trembling as he spoke.

As a partial disciple of the Cao family, now that several masters of the master's family are here, plus Xu You, this battle naturally makes him panic.

"Captain Cao, while I'm here, I'll help you get us acquainted. I've already told your young masters."

Cao Man followed up and said, "It's a great blessing for you that the Immortal has taken a liking to you. Why don't you thank the Immortal?"

"Thank you so much, Immortal. I will ride on horseback and back even if I die." Cao Hu immediately promised.

"The residence of the Immortal is arranged on the top floor of Huixian Pavilion. You can take the Immortal there quickly." Cao Hao said again.

"Yes, Shangxian and the young one are coming this way." Cao Hu immediately prepared to lead the way.

Xu You did not leave in a hurry, but turned around and said to the three people, "Don't let outsiders know that we are here in your Caojiazhuang. If you let me know that you are using our names to show off, you will be responsible for the consequences."

"It's the Immortal." Cao Man and the other four responded with clasped fists. Watch Xu You and you leave.

After Xu You and the others disappeared from sight, the four of them got up.

"Uncle, why did Kunlun suddenly send two disciples down at this juncture?" Chang Maoqing asked Cao Man.

Before the latter could answer, Cao Rui sneered, "It's just a disciple with a good background in Kunlun. Come down here and get gilded with experience.

The majority of these disciples don’t understand anything, so just follow him, why do they need to say more and do more? "

"Second brother, be careful what you say!" Cao Man's face was stern.

Cao Rui sneered, shook his sleeves and left directly. Cao Di didn't say a word, but left with a gloomy face.

Cao Man rubbed his temples gently and watched the two people leaving.

Chang Maoqing had a cheerful smile on his face, didn't say anything more, and left with clasped fists in his hands. In the end, Cao Man sighed deeply, turned around and left.

The arrival of Xu You and Xue Qianluo can be said to have brought unprecedented variables to Caojiazhuang. It is still unclear whether they are good or bad.

On the other side, Xu You and Xue Qianluo walked slowly on the road of Zhuangzi, looking at the local customs and customs in this simple Zhuangzi.

The Cao Family Village is a world of its own, with its own logic of operation and survival. Both the monks and the common people in the entire Zhuangzi are working hard for the Cao Gang, and the profits they receive feed back to them and strengthen the entire Zhuangzi.

Therefore, regardless of the mere position of being the leader of the Cao Gang, it would be extremely difficult to really do well in this position.

Every day when I wake up, I don't know how many mouths are waiting for food. Let's put it this way, there is no mediocre person who can be an outstanding gang leader.

Putting aside their cultivation and vision, letting them go to Kunlun to be the peak master would at least be able to handle things in the peak in an orderly manner.

Therefore, the abilities of the best in each class are not much different. There is only one real difference, and that is caused by birth.

Especially the Immortal Cultivation World where classes are relatively solid.

It’s not that Old Gang Leader Cao can only be Gang Leader Cao, it’s because his world and his stage are so big, so he can only be the Gang Leader of the Cao Gang for the rest of his life.

Under the conditions of non-genius, a good stage, a good future, and a good position are the same as Azi, and can only be transmitted through mother-to-child and blood.

Oh, by the way, some of them can also come through sex.

The overall trend of Caojiazhuang is a bracket shape, with low sides and high middle, and the slope is not too big.

Huixian Pavilion is located in the core area of ​​Caojiazhuang. It is not easily opened at ordinary times. It is maintained by dedicated personnel. Only people from the Sect such as Taihua Gate will open it to welcome guests.

Xu You and Xue Qianluo were naturally arranged to stay in the most luxurious penthouse suite in Huixian Pavilion, and all the arrangements were top-notch.

It can be seen that everyone in Caojiazhuang really treats them as the most important guests.

In addition, some maids were also assigned. These maids were of various nationalities, fragrant and delicate. The steward of Huixian Pavilion said implicitly in his words that he could do whatever he wanted with these maids.

Even if you play to death, you will play to death.

Depravity, really depravity!

Xu You deeply lamented the feeling of being a master brought by his status, which he had rarely experienced before when he stayed in Kunlun.

In a true sense, only when you get to the grassroots level do you know how awesome this layer of skin is, and only then do you realize that your status is like a god.

Of course, Xu You is naturally a gentleman, how can he do whatever he wants when Xue Qianluo is here. There is still some strength.

[Please give me a monthly pass, okay? ]

(End of chapter)

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