Who Taught You To Cultivate Immortality Like This?

Chapter 207 Chapter 255 56 \"Red Romantic Supreme Grade Technician\" Huangfu Lan, Charmi

Chapter 207 Chapter 255 56 "Red Romantic Supreme Grade Technician" Huangfu Lan, charming and charming

After everything was packed up, Xu You stood on the balcony on the top floor and looked down at the entire Caojiazhuang. He had a panoramic view in all directions, extending far into the distance. With the naked eye, he couldn't see the end.

The architectural layout is obviously based on status. With Huixian Pavilion as the midpoint, the farther away you go, the lower the status.

"Senior sister, I have to trouble you with something." After watching the fireworks below for a while, Xu You turned around and said.

Xue Qianluo just said lightly, "You want me to sneak into the mourning hall secretly again?"

Xu You looked at Xue Qianluo in shock, "Sister, can you guess this?"

Xue Qianluo was noncommittal, looking like he understood Xu You very well. The latter continued, "Yes, senior sister, it was inconvenient just now, so there was no too detailed inspection.

Now, Senior Sister, it would be more appropriate for you to go there again. With Senior Sister's cultivation level, no one in Zhuangzi can find out if she deliberately hides her. "

"Well, I'll go there."


"I know, I will scan the entire village to see if there is anything wrong."

"Ah, how come Senior Sister can know what I want to say right away?"

Xue Qianluo paused for a moment, and then said, "As I said before, nothing good will happen if we do things together. You are somewhat intimidating to me, so I will naturally be more careful."

After saying that, Xue Qianluo turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared.

Xu You has a head full of black lines and cannot refute.

An hour later, green smoke appeared in the room again, and Xue Qianluo slowly appeared.

"There is nothing unusual in the mourning hall. The deceased is Gang Leader Cao himself, and there is no life left. Zhuangzi and I also took a look around and found nothing out of the ordinary.

If there is something abnormal, it is that there is some Yin spirit power under the ground in some places, but of course it is just some very shallow Yin spirit power. "

"It seems like there won't be any other twists and turns on our trip. It's just a matter of Caobang. It's simple. I will find a way to handle it as soon as possible without wasting too much time.

Senior sister, please don’t think that I am defeating you anymore. "Xu You said with a smile.

"Let's talk about it after we're done." Xue Qianluo said these words lightly, then turned around and left to go back to his room. Xu You is left with another black line.

Later, when Xu You was about to go to practice, the door of the room was pushed in directly.

Xu You turned around and saw that it was Huangfu Lan who walked in swaggeringly. Xu You looked at him in surprise.

He didn't expect that Huangfu Lan also seemed to live in this building.

The old gang leader Cao was dead. Xu You thought that Huangfu Lan would leave immediately after knowing this, without any reason to stay in the Cao gang.

As a strong woman with many things to do, it is not easy to take this trip.

"Senior, why are you still staying in Caobang?" Xu You directly asked the doubts in his heart.

"You still call me senior?" Huangfu Lan raised his eyebrows.

Xu You was stunned for a moment, and then shyly called, "Auntie."

"Senior sister is calling me senior. If I'm not here, I'll call you auntie, right?"

Huangfu Lan said lightly, walked straight to the table and sat down. The stool here was too small, and Huangfu Lan's buttocks were too big.

Squeeze it up, and the entire stool will be filled with this fullness and richness.

"Auntie, you."

"Take off the broken mask on your face first before you speak!" Huangfu Lan said lazily.

Xu You quickly took off the mask on his face, sat down opposite Huangfu Lan and explained again, "Auntie, you know, I'm shy, and I'm embarrassed to scream when outsiders are present."

"Are you shy?" Huangfu Lan sneered, "Do you want to listen to what you are saying again?"

Xu You smiled coquettishly, "Then I didn't expect that you wouldn't like it, auntie. Then, no matter what the occasion, no matter who is present, I will call you auntie, okay?"

"You" Huangfu Lan waved his hand and said, "You are the only one who is smart, right? Forget it."

Xu You then stood up with a smile and came behind Huangfu Lan, reaching out and pinching Huangfu Lan's shoulders and gently massaging them, "Didn't we agree that we should keep it secret at this stage?

I think this is pretty good. It secretly gives me a different feeling, which I think is pretty good. "

Huangfu Lan patted Xu You's hand, "Are you so perverted? Do you just like stealing? That was the consensus in the past. With what happened today, do you think the consensus in the past is still useful?"

When Huangfu Lan said this, Xu You's memory suddenly became full again.

Yes, after experiencing the dark room incident, it is really not appropriate to apply the previous relationship model now, and it needs to be changed.

"You can't say that to auntie. Who gets the point when it comes to stealing people? Isn't this you, auntie? If it were anyone else, I wouldn't have such thoughts at all."

Xu You massaged harder and harder, and then continued, "Then how does Auntie think our consensus should be adjusted in the future?"

"Now your little mouth is sweet again?" Huangfu Lan stopped teasing Xu You with this point. As a mature old woman, she knows the best and will not do things that annoy young men like little girls.

"No need to adjust, just leave it like this. It's pretty good to play secretly with a little guy like you."

"Aunt Haole, we will always serve you sincerely!" Xu You promised with a smile.

It seems that the relationship between Ran Ran and Huangfu Lan has completely returned to the way it was when they were in the private space on the top floor of Jubao Pavilion.

Xu You enjoys this state very much and is secretly very excited.

Then he asked curiously, "Auntie, why didn't you leave? I thought you would leave when you knew that Old Gang Leader Cao was no longer alive."

"I didn't expect the old gang leader to leave so suddenly." Huangfu Lan sighed slightly, seeming to regret his late arrival.

"Originally, I was thinking of leaving first, but after thinking about it again, I decided to stay."


"It's not for you, a little man!" Huangfu Lan stretched out his finger and tapped Xu You's chest, and his tone became charming again.

Xu You was startled, "For me? Auntie, what do you mean?"

"Aren't you here to help the Cao family turn the tide? Auntie wants to see what you do, how you, a little man, can dominate the world." Huangfu Lan's fingers began to roam around Xu You's chest.

"Auntie has heard your wild words many times before, so I want to see if you have the ability to realize these wild words.

Can you take aunt out of Huangfu's house in the future? "

Xu You was stunned for a moment, "Huh? Can't that kind of thing just wait until I improve my cultivation? Does it have anything to do with this?"

Huangfu Lan said, "Do you think it's that simple? Yes, you can rely on your personal strength when the day comes when you are invincible. But how long will it take?"

But having power is different. If you want to gain power, you have to be smart. Auntie wants to see the depth of your ability. "

Xu You didn't care about the itching in her chest, and said with a bit of laughter, "Auntie, how can such a trivial thing be reflected?"

"It's enough to see the big from the small."

"Then don't you have something else to do?"

"Big things are not as important as a little man like you. Besides, this is not a trivial matter. Auntie just wants to see a little man like you.

What, you still won’t let me see it? "

"That's not the case, it's just a trivial matter. Auntie, I feel a little awkward with you staring at me here, and I'll be shy."

"Pfft." Huangfu Lan let out a classic laugh, "You, even though Auntie knows you're faking it, Auntie just accepts it.

I just like seeing you shy. "


Xu You couldn't answer these words. Huangfu Lan sounded like a rich woman at the moment, making it difficult for Xu You to grasp.

"As long as it doesn't affect Auntie, you can do your business. But Auntie, if you live here now, do the Cao family members know your identity?"

"I don't know." Huangfu Lan shook his head casually, "I casually said that I came to express my condolences to the old gang leader and that he was an old friend. The Cao family will naturally treat me as an honored guest."

Xu You suddenly realized that the Cao family is in a bad situation now, and Huangfu Lan has shown enough of the "Five Realms" cultivation to the Cao family, which is enough to make him want to win over.

Now the Cao family needs to unite all the forces that can be united, especially the old friends of the old gang leader Cao.

So it is normal for Huangfu Lan to live here.

"Okay." Xu You said helplessly, "Auntie, how long do you plan to stay? You can't stay with me until the end, right?"

"It depends." Huangfu Lan reached out and pinched Xu You's cheek, "Auntie wants to see how you perform, little man. If you perform well, I will stay longer. After all, auntie, I can't bear to see you."

"Performance, what kind of performance?" Xu You asked.

Huangfu Lan said charmingly, "Of course it's all aspects of performance. You won't let Auntie down, right?"

"That won't happen!" Xu You said firmly. He originally wanted to talk about what happened in the dark room during the day, but Xu You didn't dare to say it.

Huangfu Lan's current state has obviously sealed that memory long ago, otherwise he wouldn't be getting along with him in the same way as before. He can't drink or pick up any pot now.

"Oh? Really? You can't just talk about it then. Talking without practicing is just a lie." Huangfu Lan's eyes wandered over Xu You intentionally or unintentionally.

"Auntie, please welcome me!" Xu You said seriously.

"Okay, let's see how you behave, auntie." Huangfu Lan relaxed more and more, enjoying Xu You's massage, "Little guy, how do you plan to solve the situation in Caobang? Do you have any ideas?"

"I don't have any ideas!" Xu You shook his head.

"Huh? No idea at all?"

"Not at all."

"Then you look so relaxed?" Huangfu Lan asked strangely.

"There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain." Xu You said with a smile, "There is no rush for this kind of thing. You can either cut through the mess quickly or find the thread and get rid of it in one go. It's not a big problem."

"You are confident, that aunt should look good." Huangfu Lan said with a smile.

"Auntie is joking, I can do this kind of thing easily if you write me a letter."

Before Xu You finished speaking, she felt like the world was spinning. When she reacted, she found that she had been dragged to the bed at some point.

Huangfu Lan is right behind him.

Xu You was extremely puzzled and said, "Auntie, what are you doing?"

"Shh!" Huangfu Lan whispered to Xu You, "Your little senior sister is here. Maybe she noticed something moving in your room. So she came over and she'll be here soon."

"Ah? Come on, aunt, what do you mean by bringing me here?" Xu You asked confused.

"You are a very bad little man." Huangfu Lan whispered in Xu You's ear, "Didn't you say that our secrets should not be known to others?

It's hard to explain why I'm here this late at night. "

"It's easy to explain." Xu You said, somewhat dumbfounded, "It's hard to explain it now that we are here."

"Don't worry, your little senior sister can't find anything about auntie. Don't you like to be secretive? You said it's fun to be secretive, so wouldn't it be fun for us to be secretive now?"

Huangfu Lan's voice was like the devil's charm, and Xu You's whole body felt like it was struck by lightning, especially when he whispered it in his ear.

The warm breath was blowing out in bursts, which was unbearable.

Morally, Xu You felt that his current behavior with Huangfu Lan was very immoral, but psychologically, he was directly captured by Huangfu Lan!

Yes, which man can withstand such excessive gameplay?

Xu You doesn't even know how to describe her mood now. Huangfu Lan is really so good at it!

He has never seen an aunt like this!

Always bring yourself to do these irresistible Apex Level operations and gameplay.

During the day, I could still take some initiative, but after these adjustments, I became someone Huangfu Lan could easily tease.

When can we truly stand up and call the shots?

"But I'm afraid that if I don't perform well, what if my senior sister comes over?"

Before Xu You finished speaking, Huangfu Lan took off his coat, leaving only the white shirt underneath.

"Auntie, what are you doing?" Xu You was surprised.

"Men and women are not intimate." Huangfu Lan said with a smile, "Your little senior sister is a serious person. She will not come forward to look at you when she sees you sitting on the bed wearing only underwear."

With that said, Huangfu Lan pulled down the bed curtain to cover it halfway. She was hidden behind the bed curtain and could not be seen by the naked eye.

And Xue Qianluo couldn't sense where Huangfu Lan was. The latter's cultivation level was so much higher than hers that it was impossible to detect it.

Xu You turned to look at Huangfu Lan who was hiding behind the bed curtain. The plump aunt was half-lying there so enchantingly that Xu You couldn't move her eyes away.

"Little guy, where are you looking?" Huangfu Lan said as he put his right foot on Xu You's leg.

"No, Auntie, I only have the lining left now, and you are still so thick, it's not fair!"

"What, do you want to be like before? This is all Auntie's got today, do you really want to continue?" Huangfu Lan said with a hint of teasing.

"If it's okay for Auntie, it's okay for me. The number of sets doesn't matter. I mainly want to be honest with Auntie."

Huangfu Lan directly stretched out his hand and pinched Xu You's arm, making Xu You grimace in pain.

But soon Huangfu Lan stopped and came back, and there was a knock on the door.

"Who?" Xu You asked aloud.

"Me." Xue Qianluo responded.

"It's senior sister, senior sister, please come in." Xu You spoke calmly, as if he was normal.

Soon, Xue Qianluo pushed the door open and came in. From her angle, she could not see behind the bed curtain. She could only see Xu You sitting cross-legged in a thin lining.

Seeing Xu You who was so cool, Xue Qianluo turned his eyes there and didn't look much.

"Sister, is there something wrong?" Xu You asked proactively.

"I just noticed something moving in your room. Are there guests?" Xue Qianluo asked, and then moved his nose, "Is it Senior Huangfu?"

Xu You looked at Xue Qianluo in astonishment, but she didn't expect that the other person's nose was so sensitive. Huangfu Lan actually didn't leak any breath just now.

But I didn't expect that Xue Qianluo could sense this.

Not only Xu You, but Huangfu Lan who was hiding behind the bed curtain was also a little surprised. After being massaged by Xu You just now, he relaxed his vigilance and leaked some breath.

Unexpectedly, she was sensed by Xue Qianluo like this. The little girl was very alert and had a very sensitive sense of smell.

But Huangfu Lan didn't panic at all, and instead stepped on Xu You's calf with his jade feet.

Xu You was trembling in his heart, but his expression was very calm.

He pretended to be surprised and said, "Yes, Senior Huangfu came in just now."

"Where is she?"

"Let's go." Xu You remained calm, but praised, "I didn't expect Senior Sister to be so sensitive. With Senior Sister protecting me, I can rest peacefully later."

Xue Qianluo ignored Xu You's praise and just asked in confusion, "Senior Huangfu, what are you doing here? Isn't that gang leader dead?"

"Although he is dead, Senior Huangfu plans to pay his condolences, so he will probably stay here for a few days."

Xu You, who was explaining, suddenly lost his voice, his face instantly turned red, and he started laughing.

But it was Huangfu Lan who didn't know when he stepped on her jade feet on his lower back and scratched her there.

What happened is that Xu You is very itchy now and can't stop jumping.

"Huh?" Xue Qianluo looked at Xu You strangely, "What are you doing?"

"It's okay. I was bitten by some insect. It's not a big problem." Xu You opened his mouth and came.

"Bugs? What bugs? Are there still bugs here?"

"It's an old house, and some bugs are normal. It's not a big problem. It's okay." Xu You continued to smile, "Where did you say just now?

By the way, senior Huangfu will stay here for a few days to do his best as a junior. "

"That's right, then she also lives here?"

"Yes, I'm leaving now to rest."

As soon as Xu You finished speaking, his whole body became tense again.

Huangfu Lan's hands moved behind his back, fingertips stroking lightly.

Do you understand the finger sliding project in the club? This is it!

But Xu You has never been trained by an Apex Level technician like Huangfu Lan.

As we all know, the experience that finger skating can bring is directly proportional to the technician's appearance, so you can imagine the experience that an aunt of Huangfu Lan's level brings to Xu You.

The electric current is comparable to that of a divine fusion, it’s so fucking overwhelming.

Xu You didn't expect that the aunt hiding behind him would be so naughty and act like this.

What Huangfu Lan said to him just now came to mind again, don't you like to be secretive? Do you like the tension and excitement when secretly?

Auntie will help you experience it.

Xu You understood this sentence directly now, especially when he saw Xue Qianluo's innocent and strange eyes looking at him.

This feeling is really amplified countless times.

It’s really exciting. This is just finger sliding!

Xu You now also has a profound understanding of that sentence: a wife is worse than a concubine, and a concubine is worse than a steal.

But at the same time, Xu You still felt a little immoral and guilty.

Telling lies to a pure senior sister like Xue Qianluo with open eyes is irritating and accompanied by extreme guilt.

I'm afraid that Xue Qianluo will find something wrong later, and then come up and directly lift the bed curtain, which will be a great pleasure.

"What's the matter with you? Why do I feel that you are weird?" Xue Qianluo frowned and looked at Xu You who was tense and uncomfortable.

"It's okay, senior sister, the bug bit me again."

"Huh? There are still bugs. Let me help you take a look."

"No need, Senior Sister! It's okay, it's just a naughty little bug."

Xue Qianluo looked at Xu You with disbelief and suspicion. It looked like he was bitten by an insect. It was obviously weird, but she couldn't tell what was weird.

Xu You took a deep breath at this time and said. "Senior sister, it's getting late. Let's rest. We'll be busy tomorrow. Recharge your batteries."

"Are you really okay?" Xue Qianluo asked.


Xu You's voice stopped suddenly again. Huangfu Lan was still scratching his back. He really couldn't hold himself tight.

After finally calming down, he reluctantly said, "I'm fine. To be honest, senior sister, I was actually practicing just now, and my mind has not yet come out of the state.

This time I was emotionally unstable and thinking about all kinds of things. "

Listening to Xu You's explanation, Xue Qianluo's face was still full of doubts. This explanation was simply untenable.

But seeing that Xu You did not seem to have anything wrong, Xue Qianluo also found it hard to come forward, and men and women were not close to each other.


Xu You breathed a sigh of relief at this time and showed a calm smile to Xue Qianluo, "I'm really fine, senior sister."

Seeing that Xu You looked completely fine, Xue Qianluo nodded slightly, "Then you should have a good rest and let's go."

Finished. Xue Qianluo went out directly and left.

After Xue Qianluo went out and closed the door, Xu You breathed a sigh of relief again, and then grabbed the hands of Huangfu Lan who was still acting as a demon on his back.

The delicate wrist was grasped in the hand, and the feel was amazing. Xu You said helplessly, "Auntie, how could you do this? I almost made a fool of myself just now."

"Make a fool of yourself? I think you are very beautiful." Huangfu Lan couldn't move her hands, and she didn't break away. She just stepped on Xu You's legs with her jade feet.

She said this to Xu You with all her charm.

Seeing her aunt lying on her side so close to her, Xu You really couldn't hold herself any longer.

Such a shape, such a posture, such a curve, such a coquettishness, such a beautiful Huangfu Lan top of the head.

The way Huangfu Lan was secretly and naughty behind her kept flashing in her mind. Xu You felt that she was completely conquered by Aunt Huangfu.

In addition, now that the atmosphere is beginning to drift in an ambiguous direction, Xu You subconsciously reaches out to grasp her aunt's beautiful feet.

But Huangfu Lan turned around flexibly, not letting Xu You touch him, and put his left foot on Xu You's chest to prevent him from getting even an inch.

"What? Are you going to hit me again?"

"Auntie, it's hard for me not to get fucked by you like this."

"Love can be flirted with, but not taken over."

For a while, Xu You didn't even notice Huangfu Lan's movements clearly. She was already standing on the ground, looking dignified.

She is no longer as charming as she was hiding behind the bed curtains just now.

Xu You, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed, looked at Huangfu Lan with a somewhat resentful expression.

The latter just said lightly, "Today's matter will be considered even."

"What?" Xu You didn't react at first. It took him a while to look at the laziness on Huangfu Lan's face before he realized what he meant.

Huangfu Lan's behavior just now was completely "retaliation" for his behavior towards her in the dark room during the day.

Damn it, aunt, is he so vengeful?

If this is the case, then please come and let Xu take the lead!

"Auntie, I don't think it's even." Xu You said seriously.


"You can continue like this for a little longer, and I can better experience the cruelty involved."

Huangfu Lan glanced at Xu You and could see his little thoughts at a glance. She lazily stepped forward and pinched Xu You's face.

"Little guy, Auntie had a lot of fun just now. But that's it for today. Auntie is afraid of making mistakes."

"But Auntie, I'm not very happy!" Xu You said.


"You always let me go up, and then let me go down quickly. This is very unfair to me! Men and women are different. You always make me pull myself up again and again.

From now on, I'm afraid it will break! It's really broken. Auntie, can you be responsible? "Xu You said quietly.

"Don't worry, little one, if this happens, auntie will be responsible." Huangfu Lan stepped forward and whispered in Xu You's ear, breathing hotly.

"Also, Auntie still likes your little senior sister very much. I was just playing with you just now, how could I really do this in front of your senior sister? Auntie is not as shameless as you.

I don’t know if you, little guy, are really stupid or just pretending to be stupid. I really don’t know what your little senior sister is thinking? "

Xu You was stunned for a moment, thinking about Huangfu Lan's words. He couldn't help it. He really couldn't connect the character of a sword-mad character like Xue Qianluo with feelings.

I've thought about it, but I'm not sure. Xue Qianluo's brain circuit always makes people feel magical. Even with Xu You's wisdom, he couldn't figure it out at all.

"Okay, Auntie, let's go first. See you tomorrow."

After saying that, Huangfu Lan turned into a fragrant wind and left, leaving Xu You alone in the room feeling miserable.

Xu You looked helplessly at the empty room and fell into deep thought.

The next day, at dawn, Xu You woke up from meditation.

The level of spiritual energy in Caojiazhuang is very low. Even though Huixian Pavilion is already the place with the most abundant spiritual energy, it is still too low in Xu You's eyes.

Xu You stood up and looked through the balcony at the abundant vitality of the Cao Gang below. Early in the morning, countless people in the village and most of the low-level monks began to get busy.

At this time, there was a gentle knock on the door, and the housekeeper from Huixian Pavilion came in, followed by the slender maids.

They held all kinds of exquisite food in their hands.

"Shangxian, these are the most famous breakfast here in Dongyang County and the preserved fruits unique to our Caojiazhuang. Shangxian, would you like to try them?" the steward asked with great respect.

"Bring it in, I'll eat some." Xu You looked at the hot breakfast, nodded and smiled.

The maids placed the food on the table one by one with light steps. Xu You sat down like a gentleman. When he was about to take the chopsticks, the housekeeper said.

"There is no need for the Immortal to take action. Let these servants serve the Immortal, so as not to contaminate the hands of the Immortal with food."

Xu You was stunned for a moment, looking at the beauties who were looking forward to it, but it was difficult to dampen their enthusiasm, so he nodded lightly.

As a result, Xu You only had to look at him, and a pair of fair and delicate hands would put the food into his mouth. The fragrance of the food mixed with the fragrance of the woman exploded on his taste buds.

Don't tell me, it's so fucking enjoyable.

These beauties all have good looks and figures that can make a debut, and they have been carefully trained to serve men very well.

There is something good in Caojiazhuang. Let alone the cadres who inspected it, it is really useful.

"Where is Cao Hu?" Xu You asked after eating for a while.

"When I get back to Shangxian, I'll be waiting downstairs all the time."

"Ask him to bring that Cao Zhong."

"Yes, Immortal."

The housekeeper took the order, and only Xu You and these orioles were left in the room.

Some of them deliberately showed off that they were very hot, taking off their clothes a little to reveal their fair skin in various places.

In other words, Xu You is someone who has experienced big scenes and is as stable as a rock.

"Exalted Immortal, do you need some wine?" At this time, a maid with the most outstanding appearance suddenly asked in a shallow voice.

"What is this?" Xu You was puzzled.

The maid quickly explained, "The wine is Sushouqing, one of the top ten spiritual wines in Dongyang County. As for chewing, I chew the wine once or twice, and then drink it with the immortal."

"Huh?" Xu You raised his eyebrows.

"Don't worry, Shangxian. I grew up in Huixian Pavilion and have never been in contact with any man. I eat and drink Lingquan Lingguo every day.

He has never touched any meat or fish, and he has never given chewing wine to any other immortal leader. Today is also the first time for Shangxian to chew wine. "

Listening to the maid's explanation, Xu You was a little surprised. He could naturally hear the huge cost involved in cultivating such a maid.

For so many years, Xu You has remained as pure as the purest jade, just to give herself her first cup of chewing wine at this moment. To be honest, Xu You felt a little disgusting at first.

But I don’t know why, but at this moment, I feel that this wine will be extremely sweet after being chewed by the extremely pure Supreme Grade maid in front of me.

Does Caojiazhuang have such advanced gameplay?

"I'll get you a drink first, and I'll tell you whether you want to drink it or not." The maid bowed slightly and saluted.

Then he poured a glass of the famous Sushouqing spiritual wine with his slender hands, and then poured the wine into Cherry's little mouth.

Then he started chewing gently and carefully. After a while, he covered his mouth and the empty wine glass with his left hand, and soon a cup of chewing wine appeared in front of Xu You.

Crystal clear, and a different kind of fragrance escapes from the wine glass.

Xu You looked up at the girl with outstanding appearance, and then at the glass of wine in front of her.

Really fucking good at playing! Xu You won’t be able to fix it so early in the morning.

However, it is exciting, Xu You has no intention of drinking it now.

Xu You always felt something was wrong, it was broad daylight, and Xue Qianluo and Huangfu Lan both lived here.

Of course, the most important thing is that the time is not right now. This morning, in her room again, the little girl came up and chewed wine, which was somewhat aggressive.

This thing is fun to have at night, for special occasions.

For example, when I was in a brothel, or late at night, when I thought about it, I felt like Apex Level,

Xu You remembers the other person's appearance, and will talk about it later if the interest really comes.

At this time, there were footsteps outside the door. From the corner of Xu You's eye, he saw Xue Qianluo dressed in white walking in.

(End of chapter)

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