Whole Nation

: Two Hundred and One Hundred and Sixteen (4)

   "Are the atrocities of the Hungarians just indulged in this way? Have you thrown away all your hearts of justice"


   "The chaos of the Hungarian teeth affects millions of creatures in Central Europe and Europe. How to punish should be decided by the countries together. After all, the empire is an outsider. Such an attitude is really chilling..."


   "The property looted by the Hungarian teeth should be returned, the country of the Hungarian teeth should be destroyed, and the whole Hungarian teeth should be slaughtered...


  . .


At the meeting of the Central European Baro countries, the representatives from various countries were applauding Princess Luo Lan who made such a speech. The woman is amazing, even if she is beautiful, even if she has such courage All kinds of Lou Yangsheng, as well as the heartfelt sighs of the representatives of the various countries, has the Kingdom of Ebelus also risen since Rila and Hungary? During this time, it really is a gathering! Most of them are distinguished royal families from all countries. They came here with their own interests and demanded. If the empire wants to join the Central Europe, how should it be expressed?


For hundreds of years, when the major forces of the East and the West wanted to affect this area, this practice has become a routine. At the expense of Hungary, the country’s goodwill is sacrificed. In the eyes of everyone, it is the best way the empire can currently take. The teeth are over, most of the domestic young and middle-aged are dead, and there are fewer than 30,000 soldiers who can fight in the country. Such a country cannot be recovered in decades. The empire does not need to protect it. If you work harder, you have a tough attitude. Some, the Hundred Years of Worry can be removed in one fell swoop! Such an opportunity is rare in a hundred years! This is the idea of ​​most representatives,


The proposal of Princess Luo Lan of Eberus is in line with the interests required by the various countries. It has become the main theme discussed at the meeting. Its limelight has overshadowed the imperial representative who should be the conference center, the imperial princess. Turit Colleen, the empire's silence and the delegates who attended the meeting, has deliberately ignored the princess's existence and discussed with great interest how to punish the representatives of the Hungarian countries. It’s a carnival to share the fruits of victory. Anyway, the empire can only succumb to the justice of the entire Central Europe,


  The spiritually lazy afternoon time of today,


Turit Colleen hit the usual black palace skirt, a cup of tea was held in the palm of his hand, turned his head to look at the evergreen tree outside the window, tilted his long legs tired from sitting for a long time, a pair of beautiful eyes like wine, completely ignored All around, just staring out of the window, Yu Rong was still, and such a meeting was really boring! A group of self-righteous guys! When the Hungarians were rampant, they did not dare to hide, and now the Hungarians collapsed and ran out to chatter about themselves as masters. It is really unbelievable!


   Occasionally, one or two well-established delegates looked at her position, and then moved away cautiously. What is the attitude of the empire? The meeting has been held for two days. With such a protracted attitude, the woman of the barbarian emperor is really a vase? Or did the barbarian emperor have a headache, pushing this woman as a shield? Such a delay is not a way for everyone to see now. A hidden alliance led by the Kingdom of Eberros is controlling the direction of this meeting, regardless of whether the final empire will stand or not. The results will not change,


   Hungarian teeth are bound to be wiped out by the countries! Divide! This is the righteousness, and there is no way to stop it unless the empire is willing to fight against the entire Central European Baro, and it is impossible to support an already declining Hungarian tooth. If the empire is really determined, the empire is in Central Europe. The Romanian Rila people will therefore stand on the opposite side of the empire, and for the sake of a Hungarian tooth, give up the entire Central Europe, such a price is too great, too worthless! At this moment, a young attendant in a formal dress and a straight figure walked in from the door of the conference hall, looked around, came to Turit Colleen, and handed her a checkered letter


   "His Royal Highness, Your Majesty's reply!"


"Your Majesty has decided?" Turit Colleen's spirit was shocked, her voice was not loud, but the voice of the entire conference hall disappeared at this moment, and everyone's eyes turned to the imperial princess, the Empire Are you finally saying something? The focus is back, or, from the beginning, the empire, the imperial sword that killed hundreds of thousands of Hungarians in one breath, is still in a state of war, regardless of the attitudes of the previous countries. I can’t ignore the huge gap between these powers. Even the elder princess of Ebros can only stand on top of the great righteousness. The empire, after all, exists like a behemoth, just think about the two empire The demise of it, you know that this pressure is enough to suffocate!


The wide conference hall has a length of more than 30 meters. On the long-sided conference tables and chairs, the representatives of various countries have a breathing pause, watching the imperial princess's white fingers gently tap the smooth glass produced by the empire. The tea cup, as white as frost and snow, showed a bit cold and glamorous. With the other hand open, it will soon determine the reply of the entire CEIBS fate. At this moment, everyone has a trance, a moment that truly determines fate, no, It should be said that it is history, and the content of the reply should be similar to the forecast. The chaos in Hungary and the teeth caused such great fluctuations. Millions of creatures are painted. If it is not punished, it is absolutely unreasonable.


   But I don’t know why, everyone’s heart is still a bit depressed breathless,


There was a trace of dignity on Princess Luo Lan’s beautiful face, and her white and slender fingers clenched together unconsciously. Sure enough, the barbarian emperor fell into the calculation of the Istanians, punishing the Hungarian teeth, and slaughtering the Hungarian teeth. At the other end of the Central European Baro, the biggest barrier was lost. The Hungarians were not soft and hard, and the brutality of warfare was notorious. Even the Istanians dared not go to war casually, to some extent. It is also said that the Hungarians alone blocked the power of Istan from going into Central Europe Baro for a hundred years. Together with the Kingdom of Rila leading to the West, they are called the two gateways of Central Europe Baro.


The rise of Rila is the convenience of this gateway. For the Central European Baro countries to contact the west, they must pass through the Kingdom of Rila. Because the Hungarians cut off the road to the east, the Kingdom of Rila enjoys the entire Central Europe. This superior condition of Palestine was finally involved through decades of sand accumulation and good relations with other countries. Finally, it achieved a great momentum with a small force. Now that Rila has fallen, if the Hungarian teeth are destroyed again, Central Europe The opening of Barrow’s eastern portal, the Central European countries of Barrow, will inevitably be split in front of the two forces of the East and the West. This is the most terrible place in the Estonian plan. Without a soldier and a soldier, even a copper plate is not necessary. It is easy to divide up the excellent situation achieved by the Falcon Empire defeating hundreds of thousands of Hungarian talents, and according to the agreement, the Istanians will give full support to the Kingdom of Eberros to become the master of half of Central Europe.


   Various thoughts, mixed in the conference hall,




The imperial princess Turit Colleen glanced back and replied, her charming eyes were amazing, and she suddenly lighted up, as if it was just a body sitting here before.” This moment is the return of the soul! The corner of the mouth is slightly upturned, In plainness, it suddenly shows the calmness of the overall situation. This woman represents the attitude of the empire. What is the empire’s decision? To save Hungarians and the entire Central European Baro as enemies, to give up the situation obtained by countless efforts, or Give up the Hungarian teeth in exchange for the goodwill of the countries, but how long can this goodwill be maintained?


"Your Majesty's reply is that we will not punish the Hungarian teeth! Because the Hungarian teeth are already vassals of the empire! As the sovereign state, even their vassals cannot be protected. What qualifications are there to talk about protecting the entire Central European Baro!" Turit Colleen lightly tapped the table with her fingers and glanced at the people who came back to Zhou with a slight smile at the corner of her mouth. This boring noontime can finally be over


Under everyone's stunned eyes, she gently pressed the document in her hand on the table, and said clearly: "But for the current situation of Central Europe Baro, the empire is also willing to bear the responsibility of the Central Europe Baro, we will The war-stricken countries provide 30 years of interest-free funds with a total of 20 million gold coins, but according to the convention, a certain guarantee is required! This is the sincerity of the empire!"


  "His Royal Highness, a total of 20 million, what does 30 years of interest-free funds mean?" Some people hesitated, and some people showed a contemplative look,


"It is the funds lent to you to restore the country without interest! As for the guarantee, the requirements of the empire are not high. All countries can exempt the imperial caravan. As long as they are exempt from the imperial caravan, these funds will be available after thirty years. Don't pay it back!" Turit Colleen looked at the bursting atmosphere and seemed to have expected it, answering them calmly,


   "After thirty years, no.


mouth. No need to pay back! is this real! "


The collective face of all the delegates changed, and took a breath. Today is an eye-opener. 20 million. The sum of the total tax revenue of the entire Central European Baroque country in one year is all such figures. Hunting The eagle empire dumped it as soon as it shot, and it’s fake to say that it’s not tempting, everyone is a little dazed


Who is unclear about the economic situation of the Hungarians? The country’s poor clanking, a country where the land was put into the pasture and weakened by layers for a hundred years, is said to be such an elite company and military armor before the war that armor is equipped Uneven, how much money can the domestic economy have? Even if the Hungarian tooth is divided, it is also a national benefit like Eberus, how much can be allocated to himself? Everyone has an abacus in their hearts. Benefits are what the countries are pursuing. This empire's loan, but the real gold and silver for a real price, is 20 million at a shot. They all say that the falcon empire is fat. , It’s an insight today,


   "If what the Highness Princess said is true, then the Hungarian tooth problem can also be considered!"


One of the delegates immediately changed his attitude. "Is this the feeling of being hit by money? It is shouting to severely punish Hungarian teeth. In fact, there are so few powerful countries. Other small and medium-sized countries are just enough to want to divide behind. It's just a cup of soup, but in front of these 20 million gold coins, everything is floating clouds,


   "Yeah, the cruel war is after all tense, we should still face the future!"


   "I don't know when this fund will arrive, when will it arrive?"


  "The sincerity of the empire is really admirable! "Various words echoed in the conference hall, the wind changed,


Princess Luo Lan suddenly stood up from her seat with a cold face. "I'm sorry, my body was suddenly uncomfortable, so I left first!" The sudden change in the venue made her cold face seem to be covered with a layer of frost She can feel the shaking of the hearts of the people in the conference hall. She thought that the great meaning she mastered was so shaken? The empire was so despicable that it used money to buy the nations, just to save the Hungarian teeth, and sold 20 million in one go. Is it worth it? Seeing Princess Luo Lan standing up, several other hidden allies of the Kingdom of Eberros also hesitated to stand up.


"Princess Luo Lan, I think my words haven't been finished yet! Just go, it's rude!" Turit Colleen looked at the standing man, waved his hand to the guard at the door, and suddenly showed With an aggressive gesture, the guard stood at the entrance of the conference hall,


   "What does Her Royal Highness mean? Is this how the empire treated Central European Baro countries!"


Luo Lan glanced at the guards that appeared at the door, stopped, and his eyebrows fell slightly, the wind direction changed, but it did not mean that his own party had completely lost his capital, and Dayi was still in his own hands, even if the countries would not follow them. The latter, but it does not represent, will oppose the division of Hungary. The remaining few countries are enough in strength. Since the defeat of Hungary, the domestic strength has not reached 30,000, but only Abelos. The Kingdom has a military strength of 80,000 people, and there are still a large army of 100,000 people in several other countries. With such a strength, it is enough to smooth out the currently weakened Hungarian teeth.


"His Royal Highness Princess is too anxious. Of course I won't block just one thing when I go back. I also ask Her Royal Highness to bring it back together!" Turit Colleen gestured to the attendant behind him and the attendant handed a document To her, Turit Colleen glanced at the document, closed the text and handed it to Luo Lan opposite,


   "This is?" Luo Lan looked at this text in confusion.


Turit Colleen said calmly, "This is the text of the empire's declaration of war. At noon today, the rudeness of the personnel of your country interrupted the important meeting between His Majesty the Falcon and the high priest of the sky temple of the imperial state church. The behavior, the hustle and bustle of the personnel of your country, has caused the anger of His Majesty Falcon. When His Majesty signed the reply to the talks, he was sent along with this!


   "This is the text of the declaration of war signed by Your Majesty, and now officially handed over to Her Royal Highness!"


  " declared war.


mouth. text! "


  Luo Lan held the hand of the text, it felt like she was holding a red iron, her body trembling slightly, her pretty face suddenly turned white, and the representatives of several countries behind her were also stunned, declaring war? what's the situation! The falcon empire declares war on the kingdom of Albertos!


In a flash, representatives of several countries took a subconscious step backwards as a whole. The imperial legion's combat power was outstanding. Hundreds of thousands of Hungarians were still there. There were not even Fengfeng people who were slaughtered by the empire. Not even the Hungarians can match it, let alone the ability to fight against the empire. Originally thought to occupy a position of great righteousness, I recognized that the empire would never be torn apart, and now everyone is caught by surprise,


   The Empire declared war! On the one hand, the empire made a big money offensive and raised a butcher knife. What should I do?


   "His Royal Highness, I'm sorry, my stomach hurts suddenly and I need to leave!"


Representatives who responded fast enough, holding their stomachs, flew out of the hall in general. The news of the Empire’s declaration of war against Abeloth needed to be sent back to the country as soon as possible, taking advantage of the fact that the Empire’s army had not begun to connect to other countries at the fastest speed. It is the most important to cut off the relationship with the Kingdom of Eberros. The voice of discussion in the conference room has also calmed down. No one stood up. It is the same thing to divide the Hungarian teeth behind the Kingdom of Eberus to help Eberus. It is another matter for the kingdom to fight against the empire together. It is something that can benefit in the front, and support is also supported, but the latter is going to die, and there is a crisis of annihilation. Who is full and supports, still The Kingdom of Albertos is waiting to die!


"This is impossible, absolutely impossible!" Princess Luo Lan's pretty face was white, holding the text of the declaration of war. The whole person stayed there, disturbing the important meeting between the imperial emperor and the imperial priest. What a joke, what an excuse? , Even a three-year-old child doesn’t believe it, but it’s enough to keep it neutral! At this moment, she feels that the world is really absurd, and everyone knows that it is fake, but without the unified attitude of the entire Central European Baro, facing the pressure of the imperial army, no Central European Baro country dares to stand up for Alberto The kingdom is backed up, in contrast, the Hungarians have the empire to bear


   "This must be a misunderstanding~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can explain! If there is any damage to the empire, I can compensate!"


Luo Lan said anxiously that at this moment, she was still talking about what kind of face she was seeing. The empire threw out 20 million yuan to disintegrate the joint labor of the countries, and was also preparing to use force to kill Yi Bai, while in the countries. , The expression of the Kingdom of Eberros has been too glaring,


"Explanation? Misunderstanding! Is the dignity of the empire, the emperor's face, can it be reimbursed?" Turit Colleen sneered unintentionally, completely controlling the situation, choosing the Kingdom of Eberros as the goal, not for a time Whim, but the result of various intelligence analysis,


  The empire is going to dominate the Central Europe, and the Estonians secretly supported the kingdom of Ebelos. The countries know this well.


  Now what everyone is looking at is whether it is with the Falcon Empire or with the Estonians, which side can get more benefits,


  Coaching must be dominated by interests, and the protective umbrella must be still the kind of tough and more reliable.


  The empire chose the Kingdom of Abeloth to show the countries of Central Europe,


  Hungary is a vassal of the empire, no matter how big the storms have been, the empire has no guarantee to return. Now it is your turn to love the kingdom of Belarus. It is up to you to see if the master behind you dare to protect you! It is a pity that the Istanians soon cannot protect themselves, I am afraid that they cannot protect you! (To be continued) [] If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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