Whole Nation

: Two hundred and twelve Winds and clouds (5)

The situation has changed too fast. The empire's declaration of war is like a loud slap in the face of everyone's response, and it hits **** the face of Ebros on behalf of Princess Luo Lan. A beautiful woman who was the focus of the meeting from beginning to end, her face was blank, blank, dull, whispering, what's going on? "Someone felt the atmosphere of the meeting was different, so I asked unclearly, and found out that the situation was wrong, how did the representative of the Falcon Empire leave, it seems that something wonderful was missed

The eyes of the people talking around all fell on the beautiful figure who stayed there. The bright sunshine in the afternoon shone on the precious oriental silk woven gorgeous dress. The beautiful and amazing face carried a touch of sadness, a bright goose yellow, Dazzling long hair dangling on shoulders, everything looks more pale

"The empire declared war on Abeloth, just now! This beauty was terrified!" A middle-aged nobleman next to his stomach licked his lips and explained kindly

"What, declare war! Are you sure you heard it right? Didn't you just declare peace?" The other party froze for a moment.

"Oh, this is an accident. I heard that the Ebros disturbed the important meeting between the imperial emperor and the imperial priest. The barbarian emperor went viral on the spot! That’s it, this time there was a lot of fun. Such a woman will be sent, even if it is insufficient, it is a disaster!"

"Who said no, even having the courage to disturb the meeting between the emperor and the high priest, the Kingdom of Eberros deserves it, well, you are going to provoke the barbarian to do what you do." Glanced at his uniform, his eyes lifted

"Are you... Silas?

"I am Prince Ferre of the Kingdom of Silas!"

The middle-aged aristocrat with a tummy, with a frivolous sneer, stretched out his hand, and the other party stretched out his hand in amazement. His depressed face was like swallowing a live fly. Now who doesn’t know that the Silas are eagle dogs of the Falcon Empire , The barbarian I just said. Will not be spread to the Falcon Empire,

"What do you think of the loan of the Empire? Our country is one of the countries most affected by the Hungarian teeth. I think this loan should be given to Silas..." The middle-aged Silas noble said shamelessly

At this time, there were more various voices of discussion. Just like the tip of the needle, Luo Lan's ear was pierced. Her long and white fingers were clenched tightly together, and there was a huge pain in her palm. Country's attitude! This is the allies who had vowed to stand on their side the day before! Did the empire's 20 million gold coins reverse everything?

"His Royal Highness, such a result is regrettable. But as a representative of a country, I need to consider it for my own country, I'm sorry!" A representative of another country with a good relationship with the Kingdom of Eberros, walked carefully, his Attitude basically represents the attitude of all countries. The empire's sword is still high, and it is still out of reach. Fortunately, it is not on his own head. That unlucky bastard, the Ebros, you don’t know that the Falcon Empire is a barbarian from the northwest, and reason with the barbarian. It’s strange that he doesn’t beat you,

Fortunately, this barbarian is rich, as long as he is happy. There are still hopes in life! "Many delegates thought of looking away like this, and turned around with a look of misfortune, some bad luck took a deep breath. Some breathed a sigh of relief, took the wine glasses in their hands and greeted each other,

The reputation of the empire outside is indeed somewhat notorious. The previous large-scale wars because of the non-problem have caused many countries to worry about the situation after the empire took control of Central Baro. Barrow? After all, it took several years to wipe out the Gauls, the overlords who dominated the north, and engulfed the West Coast overlords, who were just inhuman, and now they have captured the Central European Baro with one hand. , All of them were hit by a slap and couldn’t find the North.

The power of the Falcon Emperor is the source of deep concern for the monarchs of the Central European Baro. This time, the powerful entry is stepping on the tired bodies of the Hungarians. Such a powerful country is so tough. Once it is decided to use force to conquer Central Europe Baro, who is seriously injured, who can stop it? The disaster it caused was far greater than the chaos of the Hungarian teeth. Fortunately, the attitude of the empire was not bad. Everyone knows that the so-called loans can really fall on each country, but this is a The positive signal, the imperial power stands out from the crowd, and it does not punish the Hungarian teeth. It also reflects the attitude that a mainland lord should have. Everything in the country is ultimately blamed on strength and commitment. A regional hegemon does not dare. To protect one's vassals, how to talk about protecting the entire region,

Regarding the attitude towards the nations, the empire did not raise its sword and did not adopt a consistent tough attitude, but adopted the Huairou policy of opening the way with money. This is enough to make most of the Central European Baro countries to let go of their inner concerns and the empire will take over. Central Europe Baro is the overall situation. Starting with Central Europe Baro region, it is completely connected with North Central Baro. The representatives participating in this meeting did not realize that they are participating in history. This meeting unveiled the Oparo mainland. A new era, an era where Eastern and Western commerce are truly integrated, the era of the Falcon Empire,

In the Kingdom of Silas, the camp where the Central Army of the Emperor was stationed has doubled or tripled, and all the logistics supplies that have been stored have also been transferred here. Outside the Central Army Camp, the West was killed from the north of Rila in one breath. In the barracks of the court, within the central military account, the chiefs of all ethnic groups sat together,

The time is already July. For the grassland tribes who are accustomed to the prairie autumn and air, this kind of day is the most difficult. The center of the big tent is covered with brackets to allow the outside wind to flow in. What exactly does it mean, Master Duweiyan, you know the truth, has this battle been fought yet?"

The bounty of three million was originally a matter of stability, because the sudden rotation of the Hungarian East Army made the Xiting people once again empty

After a series of **** battles, the spoils obtained were not enough to satisfy Xi Tingjun’s appetite. Fortunately, the Falcon Khan King was sympathetic to Xi Tingjun’s pain. He first allocated 1.5 million gold coins to make Xiting everyone’s face look good. Some, but King Khan’s withdrawal order was not issued, and no one dared to withdraw troops without permission, so tens of thousands of horses were kept here, and they were mixed together. There are all kinds of flavors. Fortunately, the prairie people are used to it, but they don’t think it’s a choking thing. It’s just that on the prairie, it’s the same with tribal grazing. Go put it, it’s like being crucified like this,

"The King Khan's withdrawal order will not stop. The army is just staying like this, it's never the same thing!"

The patriarchs of all tribes stared at Duo Weiyan, you are the eldest son of the King of Khan, and the head of our West Court. This is the time for you to come forward, Duo Weiyan's hand on his chin, the expression on his face It is hard to understand, and the empire entered the battle of Obaro. It seems that the overall situation has been determined. But King Falcon Khan had the army ready to take off. It does not seem to be a peaceful attitude. If such a gesture is only the Xiting Army, it is the Central Army of the Empire. The same is always there,

The parade whistle was continuously released, the weapons were repaired every day, and the back-up supplies were constantly transported. The defense of the inside of the army and the initiative to launch offensives are two concepts. If it is defended, with the current military strength of the empire, I am afraid that no country dares to take the initiative to attack. If it is not defended, it must be an attack, complete preparation, sufficient supplies, and after refining, it can continue to fight. The finest line, this sharp-edged look, looks no different from the war period, the empire still wants to fight? With whom?

Just as Xi Tingjun's head was muddled, a black warhorse, under dozens of guards and armoured archers, was rushing towards the direction of the camp. The old man immediately, dark skin, pale hair fluttering, thin 'S figure gives a strong iron feeling, it is the former Dorok General Speaker Doze transferred from Gaul,

Feeling the dilemma of imperial diplomatic talents from the Rila diplomat, the fat man thought of this long-sleeved Dase,

To control the Central European Baro, the empire is only a part of the force, and it needs an outstanding team of foreign officials. This will allow the influence of the empire to be maximized. Sometimes the problems that cannot be solved by the sword may be a word on the negotiation table. Sometimes, two countries fight for life and death for hundreds of thousands of troops for a region, and the advantage gained by the accumulation of dead bodies may finally reach the negotiating table, because the foreign officials are incompetent, and the situation of being buried in the negotiations is everywhere. Yes,

After being tempered by the Gaul region, Doze has already possessed a considerable ability to unify the region. It is the best candidate for the Empire to sit in Obaro, and has been appointed as the Governor of the Central Obaro region in the empire. No one has thought of it. At the age of sixty, the old man of Doze even had such a chance. This is the governor of the Central European Baro region. With the authority to deter a region, under his eyes, it is the war of more than ten kingdoms and the real seal of the territory. Officials, far more important than the small place in Gaululasti,

This team of people arrived in a hurry,

Before the battalion, the head of the Imperial Central Army, Reposti, took a group of generals of the Central Army to greet him. Because of the performance of the southern battle of Rila, he and Yaglins have been officially promoted to the deputy commander of the Imperial Central Army. The Jaglins cavalry temporarily rested in the north of Gangfei. The tens of thousands of Empire Central Forces within the scope of Rila were temporarily integrated into his hands. He was already a veritable empire, and he was only thirty-six years old. Teijin Peak, an opportunity for a regional military and political governor,

"Sir Dorsey, did your majesty's order bring it?"

Reposti's face was a little anxious, the army was ready to issue, and he had been waiting for the order for two days. He also heard about the situation in the meeting, and the progress was not smooth. At this time, when a soldier is needed, When did the empire ever tolerate the word, provocation, it must be paid with blood, this is the style of His Majesty

"That's right"

Doze was on the war horse, his face narrowed slightly, and he took a red letter from his arms and handed it to Reposti. At this moment, it seemed that the wind was blowing across the vast area outside the camp, and some broken leaves were rolled into the sky. , This scene made hundreds of armoured Central Army soldiers at the entrance of the camp immediately standing straight,

Within a few tens of meters, don't hear a coughing voice,

Daying could feel that he had a serious killing weather. At the end of the camp, two armoured soldiers had raised their arms and raised the trombone in their hands. A dozen generals of the Imperial Central Army saw the surface of the letter The red body shook all together, and at the same time, I thought to myself that this is the command to fight!

In the port where the sun shines in the afternoon, a black horse-drawn carriage is parked beside the port's observation deck,

The port of this small city is not large, so there are very few ships coming and going. Most of them are delta fishing boats with fishing nets, and white delta sailing boats are on the nearby river. The breeze blowing on the blue water, Rila, is not a country backed by the ocean, like a small port in front of you, it is only used for inland rivers,

The blue river surface is clear and clear, and you can see the cruising fish, two curved half moon bridges, and the spires of the houses on both sides of the river. Like bathing in a golden light, the golden light shining on the street, such a calm and beautiful scene reflected in the beautiful pupils of Palsina

"With a breath of 20 million to appease the countries of Central Europe and Baroque, such a generous style, doesn't it look like your style?" Parsina, the high priest of the Sky Temple, stood on the lookout and raised her hair slightly. With a pretty face that charms the crowd,

"Cough, I'm not afraid to tell you. That's all Hungarian money." The fat man coughed awkwardly and touched his nose with his finger. "And these two million are not so easy to take! Well, well, then It is to recover the funds that were newly constructed because of suffering from the Hungarian teeth, that is to say, if there is no construction, there is no money to get!"


Palsina froze for a moment, then smiled and said, "I know, how can you be so kind. But what does the so-called construction mean? If the other party doesn't build with money, what are you going to do?"

"The content of the construction is very simple, building roads. Building a trading post or something! Of course, it must be repaired in accordance with the requirements given by the empire!" The fat man smiled slightly and explained, showing a straight smile from the chest. , That's not difficult to do"

"Empire funds are given in batches according to the progress of construction. The first sum of money is not much, that is, about 10,000. It is said that there is so much money. The amount is limited. Whoever does more will get it. More, road construction. For these countries, it is only necessary to levy some unpaid labor. What the empire gives is yellow orange orange gold coins."

"As long as you are not a fool, you know that this sale can be done, and some countries may have the idea of ​​taking advantage of it, but they will soon discover that others can indeed get more gold coins, and they will follow suit!"

"Let's talk, it's so complicated, in fact, it's just paying for people to build roads for you?" Palschena said with a look. "Although I don't know what the final result is, I can feel that this If the road is repaired, it will be a miracle!"

"It will indeed be a miracle"

The fat man came to the river and sighed slightly, gazing at the river surface shining in the sun,

"This road will traverse the entire Central Europe Baro, connecting the east and the west. This isolation barrier, which has burned a hundred years of war in the hegemony of the east and the west, has opened the door to the empire. It has blocked things for hundreds of years. The road barrier will disappear because of this road. If it is repaired, this road will definitely become a major artery on the land. If such a miracle is really calculated in terms of labor costs, 20 million gold coins are only afraid of even One third of the wages are not enough"

The fat man grinned, "But the empire is not at a loss. The imperial caravan is exempted from taxation for thirty years. The entire Central European Baro at least superficially supports the empire. The most important thing is that the military power of the empire cannot be stationed for a long time. In the Central Europe Baro region, with this main road crossing Central Europe Baro, the imperial cavalry can reach the king of any kingdom in Central Europe Baro in half a month, which can greatly reduce the pressure on the Imperial It only takes 50,000 to 100,000 people to be stationed in the northern part of Gangfei to reach the deterrent to the entire Central European Baro!"

"Unexpectedly, a road can make you cost-effective like this! If those countries know the truth, they don't know what kind of expression it will be!" Palschena heard funny, and she smiled, sitting on the platform, taking off Under the shoes, the white and tender feet under the skirt are exposed, and the clear river is easily moved freely,

The temple high priest, who is less than a month before leaving office, has completely released the shackles. Here, she can talk and laugh, and can talk to the man about the empire at will~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Worried about the suspicion of interference in the national policy of the empire, here is where neither the secular monarchy nor the divine power will interfere,

"You don't say, I don't say, who would think of these!"

The fat man raised his eyebrows, his emotions fluttered, and said with a hint of cold pride in his mouth, "Even if there is such a kind of thought, there will be no extra thoughts in that respect, because the empire has declared war on Abeloth, although it is only a local war, But enough to attract everyone’s attention”

"Declare war? Isn't it ready to adopt a peaceful way? Why!" Palschena stood up slightly coldly. She was too aware of what the man's understatement represented in the declaration of war. It was the steel horseshoe that the empire conquered all, and it was the dead mountain. Sea of ​​blood!

"There is no reason, when you are the boss, you have to tell the younger brother below, you have money and a knife, and disturb the important private meeting of the imperial emperor and the imperial priest. Is this count?"

In July, the war between the Empire and the Kingdom of Ebroth broke out (to be continued...)



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