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: 2178 Public Enemies in Mainland China (6)

Istan Empire Kyoto, the atmosphere of early winter is getting stronger and stronger. The flower beds on both sides of the street have begun to see traces of hoarfrost. This year is a very sad year for the Istan Empire. When a large number of people were transported back, the street and the windows were filled with cheering crowds. The different petals thrown in the air were different. The long-term black strips representing sadness were hung on the facade shops and the residents’ windows above. There were no pedestrians on the street. The shop opened only half of the door indifferently. The long black strip of the street was blown by the cold wind, making a popping sound

It has been three months since the disappearance of His Majesty the Emperor. From midsummer to early winter, there is no news. Although the official of the Istanian Empire did not make a clear statement, everyone’s heart is very clear that Emperor Saladin I should not exist with this. World,

The Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs asked the entire Kyoto to ban the noise from half a month ago, all entertainment and banquets were stopped, and it was the practice of the Istanian Empire to mourn the emperor’s death for thirty days.

The wind turbulence caused by the Eastern Province has made Kyoto even worse. Now the entire empire is looking at Kyoto, but the situation is surprising. The rebellion of the Eastern Province has not let the second prince of Kyoto be passive, but instead Helped him with a huge help, let him move towards the imperial throne, the once difficult step was greatly accelerated, and the spectacle lenses in all regions of the empire were even shattered.

"The lesson of Feishan's fiasco is still there. Now it is the province of the East. The military department's supervision has reached such a level that the intelligence is unknown. It is like a blind man! "It has always been given to the more gentle and gentle second prince. After the news of the province's rebellion, he was even more determined and courageous than everyone expected. The two undersecretaries of the military affairs department responsible for the regional supervision and intelligence department of the imperial affairs ministry were abolished in one fell swoop.

In response to the order of the second prince, the military gangsters were rarely silent this time. no way. The second prince stood in the righteousness this time. The defeat of Feishan has become the most painful scar of the entire Istan Empire. Hundreds of thousands of troops, an emperor, and 60% of the emperor's officials Group, where did you lose? The reasons for all this have been confirmed by multiple investigations. The Minister of Staff responsible for formulating the combat plan turned out to be the undercover of the Feishan people. For the entire Imperial Party, it was simply a loud record that could no longer be heard. Slapped. The military gangsters finally stabilized the situation, and then emerged a rebellion of the Eastern Province. The Governor of the Eastern Province, Hajira, is also the military’s leading general. His rebellion is completely the general’s. The last trace of arrogance was gone,

The second prince seized this opportunity and put his hand into the military department in the name of picket negligence, even if the big brothers wanted to stop it, they could only stare dryly. These two parts are the core of the core of the military department. Regional supervision is the most fundamental responsibility of the military department, and the intelligence department. It is also the premise of all the combat plans of the Ministry of Military Affairs. The second prince’s hand is quite fierce. With the rebellion in the Eastern Province, the arrogance of the emperor’s side was severely suppressed, and at the same time, the confidante was pushed into the emperor. * Fang's base camp, military department.

Once dispersed for several months, the emperor's political power was concentrated in the hands of one person for the first time. That is the second prince, and now not only the military has given in. Even the ministers of the ministries are speculating that the first step of His Royal Highness should be to justify the throne of the imperial emperor and become His Majesty the 17th emperor of the Istanian Empire.

With this consciousness, it is impossible to remember the atmosphere of the death of the old emperor. There is no lack of flattering villains, and the ministers also know that the former emperor spent 20 years to cultivate The heir is not the second prince. If it was not the reversal of Faisan, the emperor Thoradin disappeared. At this moment, it is the royal prince who is standing in Kyoto. Where is the second prince? Shockingly, if it was the crown prince, the second prince would have been able to send to remote areas and live unmistakably in old age. It is already a good thing. Where is there a chance to be firmly rooted in the imperial Kyoto as it is now? Have the momentum of the next emperor

In this way, the mourning of the second prince for the former emperor is very limited! The long black belt around the city also seemed too untimely at this time, it was time to take it down and replace it with a bright yellow belt representing the new emperor ascended the throne. The mist in the morning was still on the streets, and the city guards riding a black carriage, just Already holding a three-meter-long iron fork, the long black belt was removed along the street, and then a long yellow belt was hung on the roadside canopy. The shops on both sides of the street began to open the double doors, and the old and broken wind lamps were also It was replaced with a new wind lamp, and the magnificent cavalry statues on the city square were also lit up with rags, revealing the breathlessness of the Istan Empire

In the chilly morning breeze, a black carriage appeared gently on the street, the wheels rolled on the flat road stones, and made a crackling sound, and the door handle had a winged gold The falcon, which is a symbol of the representative of the falcon empire, is followed by a team of twenty-man black cavalry on each side of the carriage, wearing light black armor, and a long red cape dragging from the shoulder to the horse's butt, the cavalry morale There was a breath of air from the battlefield, the horseshoes rumbled like winter thunder, the newborn sunlight shone on the black cavalry, and the street suddenly felt a little cold.

The Istanians who saw this scene subconsciously lowered their gaze, which contained complexity, humiliation and obvious fear,

Falcon Empire! Obaro is the veritable first power on the continent, with millions of troops invincible, and a vast territory spanning the entire north and central Obaro. Its terrifying naval battleship is now showing its might outside the port of Kyoto, and Kyoto has even protested. Dare not have

"I heard that this negotiation is about the return of hundreds of thousands of emperors* from the sea. As long as they are willing to pay a certain ransom, these hundreds of thousands of people will be able to come back, but all adults are pretending to be deaf and dumb!" Citizens whispered with people nearby

"True and false, where did you hear that?"

Someone hesitated to ask that the imperial army suffered a fiasco, and the Kyoto side blocked the follow-up news. Therefore, most citizens think that the army that followed the emperor's expedition, even if there was no death, was basically captured by the Fissan people and captured. What does it have to do with the Falcon Empire?

"It's true, I heard from the fleet returning from the coast of Feishan. Although the army that followed the emperor suffered heavy casualties, there are still more than 100,000 people who have survived!" The citizen felt that he was questioned, and he was very angry and unspeakable. "You're welcome," and the people who came back also said that the Falcon Empire is willing to return these hundreds of thousands of people to us intact, but the Kyoto side has evaded it for various reasons. In fact, it is frightening to say nothing When tens of thousands of soldiers come back, they will be in trouble, and they will just let themselves die across the sea!"

"Asshole, how could this be!"

The people in conversation suddenly became angry because of the blockade of upper-level news. They also know now that more than a hundred thousand Eastinist people are lonely overseas. They have fought **** battles with their enemies across the sea for months. There are countless deaths and injuries, but they have no choice to surrender. The reason was rejected because of the intrigue, so that the situation across the sea was awkward and the life was difficult. This kind of thing is in the ears of any person, it is like a fuse!

"Oh, a hundred years of history in the Istanian Empire. There has never been such a degree of being pressed to the door of the house that you still need to be accompanied by a smiley face. "The one who talked to him has a sad face." Tens of thousands of people, not only millions of people involved in the Istan empire, but even tens of millions of relations

"Wife, children. Parents are waiting for their return, but these warriors of the empire are rejected by the empire itself!"

The voice who spoke was paused and looked up towards the imperial palace. "The Falcon Empire is a barbaric country. It is so large that it covers the vast wings of the entire north-central North Obaro, making all countries dare to be angry. In other words, even if one hand grabbed the Eastern Province from our hands, it wouldn’t matter if the whole of Kyoto did not speak, but in the face of the problem of more than 100,000 soldiers returning to the country, this attitude is still a shame. I don’t care about those standing in the emperor. What do the ministers in the palace think? Anyway, as an ordinary Istanian, I feel ashamed. Even in the past one hundred years and one thousand years, this matter is engraved on the forehead of the Istanians. Disgrace! Never destroy!"

"Yeah, it's a century of national shame!" The words around the people around him were written with anger. It seemed that even the voices of conversations were hit a lot. Several city guards who were in charge of public security nearby came and were not close. I was stared at inwardly by the eyes of anger,

The captain of the leading soldier hairy, "Strange, what's wrong with this today? Don't these people know themselves? Well, even if they don't know themselves, they should know the clothes of the city guard." He didn't know When he was doing something, the crowd came up,

"Is it true that Kyoto is unwilling to let the soldiers who followed the emperor return?" All sorts of accusations made the captain of the city guard change his face. In his capacity, where did he know the secrets, but he came around There are too many people, and the people around him suddenly became angry when they saw his support.

"Beat him, that's the kind of person who wouldn't let those soldiers come back!" In the crowd, I don't know who shouted, and it immediately became chaotic

Sitting in the carriage was the Falcon Empire Navy Secretary Dustrenkai who lowered the carriage window curtain. On this road that had been walking back and forth for 17 days, he could perceive a slightly different place every time. After a pause in a canopy that had been replaced with a long golden yellow band, Dusterenkai's dismissive corner of his mouth flicked, and said to the adjutant across from him, "The situation is now in Kyoto. These Istanians are still calculating. Ascending to the throne of the emperor, I really don’t know what to think, even if I became the emperor, there is no regional control, no military strength, no funds, just an empty shell in Istanbul Kyoto, but it can’t represent Iraq. Stan Empire, if it wasn’t for Her Majesty’s Falcons to urge it several times, I really don’t want to use this method!”

"The commander said that the second prince wanted to be an emperor and was almost crazy. This time, he used the Eastern Province incident to accidentally fight for military power from the military. Now even the attitude of negotiation is impatient. "The adjutant brought out a document on the opposite side and handed it to Dustroemke on the opposite side" and the intelligence sent by His Majesty showed that several countries in the south of Obaro have a tendency to move, starting this month, It has already begun to repel the Falcon Empire Chamber of Commerce. Your Majesty believes that the Imperial Navy can no longer continue to entangle in the Istan Empire, and the task of covering the independence of the Eastern Province has been achieved, but it is not possible to let Estan and Kyoto integrate calmly. That's why I issued such an order"

"The most difficult to rumor is true, and we haven’t lied. It’s just that some content has been omitted. I believe that the second prince’s death will not be admitted."

Dusterenkai took the document while reading it, and said with a smile, "As long as the spread of more than a hundred thousand of the Istanian army is still across the sea, the Istanian army will inevitably fight back against His Royal Highness. , Enough for the second prince to toss a winter. When the time is no longer, the reputation is greatly damaged, plus the centrifugal separation from the military and the region, don’t say that the throne is the new emperor of Istan, even if he can continue to be in It’s a problem to stay in Kyoto!"

"Let the fleet prepare. The supplies are complete, and if conditions permit, we will leave tomorrow morning!"

Dusterenkai raised his eyebrows and closed the documents in his hand. This is the information of the Imperial Intelligence Department on the southern area of ​​Obaro. The Feishan people’s contact with the South has long been known by the Imperial Intelligence Department. The abnormality of time also shows that the empire may face several lines of war

At this time, it is sure to disturb the Istanian side first.

The Imperial Fleet will also be ordered to repatriate, and the coastal areas of the Empire will begin combat readiness. There is one more thing mentioned in the document. That is, the Strand Navy, which was annexed to the Imperial Navy, will soon go to the Imperial Navy Base in southern Africa to receive reorganization and training. His Majesty Falcon specifically requested that this matter be personally taken care of by him. Your majesty really gave yourself a big problem! Strands who died in their own hands, there are five hundred or sixty thousand without 100,000! Dusterenka smiled bitterly inside.

"So fast?" The adjutant's face was a little stunned and worried. "Leave so anxiously. With such rumors, how to look at it. We all seem to flee after breaking through the secret! For the reputation of the Imperial Navy." ..."

"Isn't it better, so that the Istanians will really believe that it is the Kyoto side that has secretly rejected the return of those soldiers! Otherwise, why has the brave and invincible Falcon Empire Navy left so hastily!" Dusteren Kaihaha smiled and joked that the word "Lost and Flee, I didn't expect it to be useful to my imperial navy one day!"

"Haha" the adjutant also smiled across the side. "I spent more than ten days in Istanbul Kyoto, facing a cold face every day in Kyoto. To be honest, it was really irritating. Istanbul Kyoto decided that we were not reaching the goal of negotiation. I’m not going to leave before, so I’m trying my best to delay us, I don’t know tomorrow, when they know that we just patted our **** away, and planted a **** pot for them, the second prince will Can't take care of the scolding mother of Wang's face!"

In the afternoon, rumors had spread throughout Istan and Kyoto. The panicked Kyoto guard ordered the city health centers to fully control the situation, but several large-scale conflicts broke out.

"Immediately investigate who is going through this matter!" In the palace of the Istanian Empire, His Royal Highness the Second Prince of the Istanian Empire angrily smashed the glass of his hand on the ground, and the red wine stained the carpet under his feet. , The figure walking back and forth, the extremely pale face, all made the following Kyoto garrison body tremble, because of the fear of the news and the prestige was greatly damaged, the news about the more than 100,000 people of the Istanian army still stranded in Fisher Was sealed tightly,

Otherwise, the second prince would sit idly by, and don’t say that the citizens of Kyoto would overthrow him. Even in the entire Istan Empire, the reputation of His Royal Highness would stink the streets, so the only one who knows this news is talking about it in Kyoto. Personally, even the military gangsters are silent on this matter, yes, they know, but they will never jump out at this time, because once the news poke out, the second prince will step down, the military Days will also fall into the most likely moment of collapse,

The angry empire people will not care about the comparison of combat power and national strength. They will urge the military to send people to rescue. Isn't this killing the military? There are still extra troops in Istanbul and Kyoto, not to mention that the Falcon Empire and the Faisan Kingdom Faisan Coast are already gathering heavily, and the war is about to strike, just like the wrestling between two giants, a weak child who can’t help but wind inside, What happened to Istanbul sent troops to the coast of Feishan? At that time, I’m just afraid that people didn’t pick it up, and the people who went to pick it up are also filled in, which is really shameful and thrown home~www.wuxiaspot.com~ In this case, the military gangsters pretend to be silly. Understandably, at this moment, it was suddenly stabbed out by someone,

Nima, who did it? Could it be better? Not only is the second prince completely messed up, but the military is also at a loss, but the military is relieved that the person who was the first to be grilled on the fire this time is the second prince, okay, look You are still reaching out! It should have been done by someone who dislikes you. It's really poisonous! "Immediately convene an emergency meeting!" The heads of the military department looked pure and shocked. Who would dare to take the initiative to bear this time? Drag the matter to the second prince as much as possible

"Negotiations tomorrow, agreeing to the request of the Falcon Empire." The second prince's side can be regarded as simply, and the death order was given to the person in charge of the negotiation. It was already the worst anyway.

At this time, only to make the greatest efforts to restore the reputation, one step away from the throne of the emperor, must not be planted in this way, for this reason, even if you really have to carry a heavy debt, it will not be spared.

When he became the emperor, he was never too late to pay the debts, but unfortunately, the news came the next day that made him completely desperate,

The imperial fleet has left the port of Istanbul Kyoto and its destination is unknown! (To be continued)

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