Whole Nation

: 2,179 Public Enemies in the Mainland (7)

In the port of Kailuo, the dull sea at night was reddened by the blazing fire from the direction of the port. The sound of chaos in the port rose up. The boats docked in the port have anchored in order to avoid the fire. The goods were burned by the fire because they could not be transported

"Is this?" Governor Basingra, who also showed some disdain for the failed embarrassment of the Ali Chamber of Commerce just now, looked at the distance with a blank face, his pupils squeezed.

"Sir, the port caught fire" A servant ran in panic

"I see it!" Governor Basingra asked with a sullen face. "What the **** is going on? Doesn't the Ali Chamber of Commerce's ambush fail? Why is the port now burning!",

"Small is not very clear," the servant said with an ugly face. "The sudden fire broke out, and it was not late at night. There were still many pedestrians on the streets of the port, but in this case, an unknown number of masks were masked. People rushed into the port on horseback, holding torches in their hands, and throwing easily flammable oil bags to the pier, houses on both sides of the street, taverns, and even several low-grade brothels in the port at that time, sweeping the whole port The fire broke out in this way, small doubt, this should be the move of the Ali Chamber of Commerce, and it should be understandable to change to a strong attack after a failed sneak attack."

"After the failed raid, take the raid? If the Ali Chamber of Commerce's Treasure Lan Su has such a skill, it will not be nearly squeezed out of the port!"

Basinla's face was sullen and his lips lipped, and he was quite clear about what kind of person Bai Bao Lan Su was. He thought that Bai Bao Lan Su, who had just become the head of the Port of Kailuo Branch, had various performances and abilities. He was almost squeezed out of the port by Kubel from the three major chambers of commerce. Bai Baolan Su cried out and found the Governor’s Palace, saying that he would pay more than 10% of the tribute every year. It seems to be a hardworking guy. And it's more obedient. Governor Basingra came forward to stop the aggressiveness of the Kubel Chamber of Commerce. And several times to the Ali Chamber of Commerce, as long as Baibao Lansu served as the head of the branch, the governor's office will do its best to help, so that Baobao Lansu can gain a foothold in Kailuo Port.

"Adult means that the Ali Chamber of Commerce is being used as a stepping stone to other chambers of commerce?" That confidant servant was also smart. Reacted quickly,

"It should be so, otherwise, this fire is too coincidental!" Basinla is who has been in the Empire's largest foreign trade port for fifteen years. The businessman’s insincere means have seen too much. This time the Emperor’s Department issued a huge order and made it clear that this order would only fall into one family instead of all three. In this case, it can both combat The Falcon Empire Chamber of Commerce is able to step on the Ali Chamber of Commerce hard, even if it is itself. Will do it without hesitation

"Behind this fire, stood the figures of the three major chambers of eros, while ambushing the leaders of the empire chamber of commerce in the ali chamber of commerce. Taking such a fierce action on the port where the Falcon empire chamber of commerce headquarters is located can not only achieve impressive results. , But also fiercely contrasted with the incompetence of the Ali Chamber of Commerce, one bird with one stone and two birds with one stone"

Basingra's voice paused, and his angry eyes focused on a residential house that collapsed in the distant port due to burning, and Ning said, "If I am not wrong, it should be the handwriting of the lesser owner of the Solomon Chamber of Commerce. It’s strange that the atmosphere is so tense. Why did the young businessman get involved in danger

"Now it seems that this young chamber of commerce had the intention to stand out in one fell swoop. The Solomon Chamber of Commerce has been in charge of the head of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce for hundreds of years, and it is not easy for those who can become the young merchants to use this shameless means. Are you not afraid of revenge from the Falcon Empire Chamber of Commerce?" Basinra looked at the fire on the half-red sky of the port, and his face flickered. The fifteen-year governor had never seen anything. The struggle between the chambers , Especially the competition between large chambers of commerce, no less than a real war between the two countries, businessmen chasing profits, even if one side wins, it does not mean that the other side does not have the ability to die together, so even the winning side Would be cautious not to touch each other's bottom line

This fire undoubtedly burned the bottom line of the Falcon Empire Chamber of Commerce. The loss of goods is inevitable, and more importantly, it also caused casualties, ambushes and fire prevention in personnel. Is it to kill it? The question is, there are tens of thousands of Falcon Empire merchants and sailors in the entire port of Kailuo. Have you finished? The water is too muddy and may even turn into a storm. If even the governor’s palace is involved, the struggle of the private chamber of commerce will become official, and at that time, the naval battleship of the Falcon Empire really had an excuse. Shelled port Kailo

"Order the city guards to withdraw from the port and the three chambers of commerce starting tomorrow!"

Governor Basingla ordered to his servant, and he saw that he also hated the people who set fire to the port tonight. The Empire’s largest foreign trade port, Basinra invested countless efforts, and the port Complete facilities and hundreds of docks, and the huge economic circle formed around the port, this time are considered to be filled into this fire, that is also the loss of millions of gold coins. These guys burned all the way. Basinra is responsible for wiping the buttocks, how is it possible that you are not good? Well, then face the revenge of the Falcon Empire Chamber of Commerce, this kind of thing, the Governor's Mansion is not a substitute for the dead ghost! It can be seen that Governor Basinla has hated the bones

The sky dyed with fire is as gorgeous as the sunset. The banquet has automatically stopped at this time. Even if the melody in the hall is melodious, the fire is so big at the moment, and there is noise from the street direction. The balcony looked at the direction of the fire. The harbour in the early winter was originally a place with strong winds and waves. The flame could not be suppressed by the wind, just like a huge fire snake swallowing from the east and west ends to the middle. Engulfed,

"It's a big fire, I'm afraid the whole port is burning," someone exclaimed,

"This time I am afraid that some people will cry." Others have obvious gloating in their voices, and some people have pale faces. The fire is in the direction of the port. Who doesn't know most of the goods of the Falcon Empire Chamber of Commerce Where are they, such a big fire, I am afraid that the entire port will not be spared, some ports have industrial nobles. Can't help mentioning the heart. With the influx of the Falcon Empire Merchant Fleet, the current port is prosperous. If such a fire continues to burn, it will at least cost tens of thousands of gold coins. Soon someone said goodbye to the Governor’s Mansion and hurried over to see the situation anxiously,

On the periphery of the port, a number of horse-drawn carriages stop there

The people in charge of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce, which had just defeated the ambush of the Ali Chamber of Commerce, looked at the port engulfed in fire, and their eyes were full of blood. Fist clenched into a fist, ambush does not achieve arson burning port! The behavior of the other party is no longer a competition between chambers of commerce, but a provocative book of life and death!

"This matter will never end like this!"

Akfusu, the head of the Kailuo Port Business Union, vowed that he would report to the Ministry of Maritime Trade in the southern part of Gangfei as quickly as possible, and he attached the testimony of many witnesses at the time. Although there is no clear evidence, the arrow points to the three chambers of commerce of the Eero Empire,

Because on the second day after the fire was extinguished, the Falcon Empire Chamber of Commerce suffered heavy loss of goods, the three major chambers of the Eero Empire began to pour goods, occupy market share, and high prices were acquired from the nobles who owned the port industry. The purchase price of the burnt store is the same as when it was intact. The loss of the local nobles in this blaze was almost negligible, and the call for the government’s government to intervene in the investigation was also gone, and the government’s government was silent in this incident. Let the port of Kailuo, which has just experienced a fire, be shrouded in a strange atmosphere. Now it is the whole port of Kailuo, watching what the merchants of the Falcon Empire will do!

The report of the fire at Port Kailuo was delivered to the Ministry of Commerce and Trade on the fifth day. With the development of Imperial Maritime Trade, the scale of the Ministry of Commerce and Trade has already ranked first among the various departments of the Commercial Union. The bright and spacious building of the Ministry of Maritime Trade has four floors and is made of marble. A hurried employee holding documents and a businessman holding various bills of lading in his hand. Is the most common in this building

Holding the report of the fire at the Port of Kailuo, a senior adjutant from the Department of Maritime Trade walked into an office at the very top of the Department of Maritime Trade. The sun was projected from the stained glass. This office has a lot of space, but the facilities are not Not many, a large desk and a long cabinet with various materials, and some antique white statues with personal preferences,

He Ruile, the head of the maritime trade department, is putting a document on the right side of the table. This is his habit. If he does not sign it, he will put it on the left. If he signs it, he will put it on the right. The unsigned documents were taken away, especially some documents related to trade secrets, and it was an earthquake when they were released. For example, the one he just signed was sent by the Imperial Navy,

The content is that a large number of new officers of the Imperial Navy will arrive in the southern part of Gangfei in the near future. According to the practice of the Navy, some officers will come to the commercial alliance to learn, because the imperial seas are too vast, even the naval officers cannot take Take a trip to each area, then to understand the various environments and weather in these unfamiliar seas, the most comprehensive collection of business alliances, even if it is a lot of maps of the imperial navy department, are borrowed from the business alliance maritime department. Yes, so it is not uncommon in the Navy for military officers to learn from business alliances, and it is recognized as the best way to learn about the imperial waters in the shortest time

Only this time, the number of people is really a bit large, 527 people! Did this send all one half of the Imperial Navy Department?

"Warwick, what's wrong?"

Feeling distressed, He Ruile saw the adjutant who walked in the door. The dignity of the adjutant's face suddenly raised an ominous hunch in his heart. "It will not be a report from the south." He Ruile said to herself a little. The south he refers to is the area south of the Inland Sea. Recently, the area south of the Inland Sea has become tense. Fezer, the Hérault Empire and other regions have all apparently rejected the defamation of imperial merchants. He Ruile of the Ministry of Maritime Trade has a headache. Although the business alliance is powerful, there are not only one hundred thousand or fifty thousand or sixty thousand merchants under his control.

However, the security of the business alliance itself is based on the shocking and powerful force of the Falcon Empire, just like the southern region of the Inland Sea, where it is a marginal area of ​​imperial deterrence~www.wuxiaspot.com~ facing various provocations There is no way for a business alliance to at most engage in a trade embargo or something, without hurting muscles or bones, whoever cares about you!

"Sir, this is just received!" Aide Warwick passed the report in his hand.

"This... is it true?" He Ruile jumped from his seat at a glance. Kellogg, the largest foreign trade port of the Eero Empire, was set on fire and countless goods were burned, causing 187 casualties to the Empire sailors. Where can Ruiler still sit, know that his ocean-going merchant fleet of the Herui family is now in Kailuo Port

"Adult. If you can, can you contact the imperial navy? The gentle adjutant Warwick, who has always been kind to others, is also chilled at this time,

"Imperial Navy... I'm just afraid of hardships." He Ruile grinned wryly, the port burned, people died, and there were more merchant sailors waiting for the business alliance's reply. Everyone’s heart is gone, but where the Imperial Navy can be moved by the business alliance

"Sir, why don't you beg that one at this time?" Admiral Warwick hesitated and said boldly

Hey. . The computer is broken and replaced with another one (to be continued)

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