Whole Nation

: Two hundred and eighty-two Storm Eye (1)

In the Bavarian region, the declining wild grass shows a large area of ​​gray and yellow. In the cold air, a team of black cavalry jumped over the hills to stop the horseshoes, and a dark-haired young man raised his eyes. Looking around, the emperor's flag at the top of the long-term winding camp was swayed in the distance, and the golden falcon with open teeth raised people's spirits. The early winter scene, the sky was clouded, and the whole world was at this moment A little bit transparent, as if preaching the warning of the coming of winter,

The cold wind of the mountain blew the hair of the dark-haired young man slightly, and it seemed to show a somewhat thick face, a pair of slender, cold eyes, like a **** looking down at the earth in front of him

The Bavarian region is an uneven hilly area between the Hungarian Plain and the Fissan Plain. The vegetation here is not lush, and there is no dense ink pine forest that people in Central Europe and the Baro region can forget at a glance. It’s not like a whole piece of white maple in the Feishan area,

The vegetation here is intermittent, not lush, and does not grow in pieces. The dry and cracked ground is not suitable for storing water, so it is scattered like sparse hair. The ravine formed by the flowing water turns the positive land into a cobweb. The small hills are undulating like waves, and they look at the past and think that the earth has a fault here.

The first image here reminded the fat man of the endless loess plateau of the Jiuqu of the Yellow River, the existence of earth faults, so that the distance between two points became distant in such an environment, thinking that the place that can be seen is close, then Wrong, because of this unique earth fault structure, the place that looks very close may also have to go around for dozens of miles to reach because of a huge ravine in the middle. It takes hours, or even a day, to travel more than ten miles in a straight line,

The name Bavarian is not a Central European Baro language, but Hungarian. In Hungarian, it means running dead horses,

For the Hungarians who lived in envelopes for a long time, this is a cursed area, an area that is not suitable for the existence of prairie people. There are no lush vegetation and beautiful rivers. There is no vast area that can make people gallop, but the only thing left is the gully,

I don't feel anything on the map, but I really see it. The fat man had to sigh the magic of the earth’s creation. It’s not difficult to understand why the Hungarians were defeated by the Fei Shan army here, and lost this important area, no matter who fell in their hands, enough to be called a strong wall barrier.

Even if the Hungarian Qingqi has long wings, it is impossible to fly through a deep ditch with a width of hundreds of meters. It can't see the enemy but can't hit it. The other party had already arranged the entire line and waited there. The cavalry had no mobility and breakthrough advantage and faced the squeeze of the infantry cluster. Only obediently withdrew from this area,

After all, when it comes to array operations, the heavy shield of the infantry cluster and the long bow are enough to make the cavalry feel that they have touched the tortoise shell full of spikes, neither retreat nor advance. This is simply not suitable for cavalry cluster operations. This is the natural battlefield for infantry clusters. The old king of Faisan was indeed a good figure, and he was not sure how to push himself in the coastal area and the east. Is to push up a large number of temporarily recruited militia and all kinds of volunteers,

Including, the use of human filling to delay the eastern attack will absolutely not shake the main force of the Kingdom of Bavaria. Outside, it will intensify the resistance of the southern countries of the Inland Sea to the Falcon Empire. This kind of discovery cannot be counterbalanced. It was the first time that the falcon empire was encountered when choosing the battle method of sword and slant,

With such a ruthless opponent, it is no wonder that Thoradin I will get rid of it soon. The Feishan army has assembled more than 300,000 troops in this battlefield, and the empire's strength is roughly this number. It seems that Is quite capable

But the war is not counted like this. If we separate the troop structure, it is another matter. The Feishan Army is a uniform infantry cluster here, backed by the solid barriers built over the years, and there are local material personnel behind. Support, the superiority in terrain is self-evident,

The emperor's military structure is divided into infantry clusters and cavalry clusters. The infantry are mainly the Imperial Guards and the southern and northern Gangfei. Close to the three legions, with a total strength of about 140,000, followed by 70,000 from the countries of Obaro, and finally a cavalry cluster of 110,000 from the east and west courts,

If it weren’t for a unique terrain like Bavaria, the powerful cavalry cluster owned by the emperor* would become the most terrible nightmare for the opponent, but now, the cavalry’s combat power limitation in this area is actually 200,000 troops in the empire. Against the 300,000 Fei Shan army opposite, there are 100,000 cavalry but useless land,

King Fei Shan's desperation was also necessary to maintain such military suppression. In fact, it is also very clear that once Emperor * breaks through the Bavarian barrier, Fei Shan still has considerable military strength and land and population, in fact, he is already a 100,000 cavalry of the Empire There is a mass of meat under the horseshoe. Everyone knows that the Falcon Emperor* is like a whirlwind rising, swallowing Gaul, sweeping the Gangfei, and pressing the Central Barbados, each time using the infantry cluster to tear the opponent’s defense line, and then It was the huge and daunting group of cavalry that poured in. One bite was a big piece. Under the hooves of the empire, the blood of the corpse mountain was lifted all the way, and the morale and national strength of the army's heart were hit hard until the opponent recovered. , Only to find out that the other party is already in the city, the northern overlord Gaul was so wiped out in the last National Games, just a few years lost hundreds of years of mountains and rivers, Gangfei on the west coast was also beaten by this move The vitality was badly hurt, and finally the Kyoto was broken by the Istan army under the weak national strength,

Regarding the battle of cavalry, even if it is recognized by the Central European Baro, the Hungarian arch was also cleaned and killed by the imperial cavalry in the battle of northern Rila. Although Feishan thought that he was also a powerful country, compared with Gaul There is still a gap from Gangfei, not to mention the resistance of the flock of more than 100,000 cavalry in the Falcon Empire in the confrontation of Pingchuan. The Bavarian Barrier is Fei Shan’s first barrier and the last one! This understanding made Fei Shan put the center of gravity here at all costs,

In the name of the falcon emperor*, it is countless innocent bones buried under the iron hooves of the empire. If you want to compete with the main force of the falcon empire, you must first restrict the powerful advance of the imperial cavalry cluster under the same force. No one can fight head-on with the Falcon Empire Cavalry Cluster, which is already the consensus of the entire Obaro continent

In the face of the rising strength of the Falcon Empire, from monarchs of various countries to many famous generals, they are all studying ways to deal with it. The victory or defeat of the Bavarian battlefield is like a huge experimental field. Everyone's attention, the fundamental reason for the temptation of the southern countries is that they agree with this view

"With the loss of the cavalry's superiority, in the winter, it is impossible to break through the Bavarian front. In the end, the result of this war, the Falcon Empire, which has never suffered a defeat, will have a big defeat. To stop the endless expansion of the Falcon Empire in one fell swoop"

"So although it seems that the Falcon Empire has the advantage of war, with the advent of winter, this situation will soon be reversed. If you can give your support, Fei Shan is willing to use the power of the country to verify this. ! No matter the success or failure. For the countries, there will be no loss!"

"Of course, the countries can also continue to wait and see, who will be after Fei Shan!" Fei Shan's report of the foreign affairs officer was sent to the hands of the monarchs of the southern countries in this way, which also moved the hearts of the southern countries. The main reason is that the rise of the Falcon Empire is too strong, and within less than ten years, more than half of the central and northern Obaro was unified. Then give the warlord emperor another ten years, won't even the southern countries be swallowed up? Everyone is in danger, and it is inevitable to lean towards Feishan secretly.

"The other party's purpose. It should be waiting for the arrival of winter"

The fat man took a deep breath and looked across the vast land ahead. The decisive battle of hundreds of thousands of troops was chosen in such a place. From a strategic point of view, it is not consistent with the fat man’s habit of arranging battlefields for the enemy. Shan was specially prepared for the empire. The Empire not only has no home advantage, but also because of winter. Into a more passive, because the winter coastal areas will freeze. The imperial navy would not be able to land, support, and transport troops indiscriminately as it is now. By then, the only way ahead was to break through the Bavarian defense line.

The corner of the fat man's mouth was coldly pointed. This battlefield was painstakingly arranged by King Faisan. If the gully is a huge chessboard, then the opponent tied himself to the position of the chess player. Unfortunately, he has never been willing to be a chess player. habit! Bavarian! I'll show it to you! "

"Your Majesty, do you need to notify the front?" An accompanying guard squadron asked for instructions

"Go" the fat man nodded his head, and the imperial guard cavalry whirls towards the camp below the mountain. This is near the Kaussuri mountain range in Bavaria. It is the garrison area of ​​the third flag regiment of the imperial guard. Listen When Her Majesty Falcon came, Kenneth, the third commander of the Guard, quickly greeted him, and looked at the oncoming Majesty Falcon, kneeling down on one knee quickly. "Greeting Your Majesty!" The officers behind him were also kneeling All over the place, watching the eyes of His Majesty Falcon are full of heat. The first barracks that His Majesty arrived in front of Bavarian is the Third Guards of the Guard. Who can compare this award,

In fact, the fat man first rushed to the third guard regiment of the Guardian because it is the closest to the place where he disembarked, and for confidential reasons, the first choice of his own Guard Corps is located. The fat man stopped the horse and looked over the Guardian regiment. The officers are all covered in iron armor, which makes the fat man's pupils tighten.

In half a month, it will be the winter season with snow drifting. When the wind and cold season is full of sky, for the soldiers who are fighting outside, an armor is put on the body, it is cold in the bones, and there is a layer of frost outside and ice. Wo Xue is the most intense thing for anyone. The Feishan people think that the cold winter will reverse the situation of the entire war. It is also the idea that the war is long and undecided. Seeing the Feishan army constantly strengthen the defense opposite, under the cold winter, the floating of the hearts of the people is inevitable.

The cold winter will not have much impact on the emperor's soldiers who have experienced the expedition to the cold and attacked Gaul in winter, but for the prairie cavalry and the Central European Baro countries, it is another matter if they are not What about Bavaria?

The fat man's thoughts were deflected involuntarily, and there was a hint of feeling,

Yes, if there are no people who can stay in town, the Central European Baro countries should retreat first. Although the countries express their heartfelt call for diligence, it is built on the powerful military and financial power of the empire. Let the kingdoms rush to the front line to die with Fei Shan. The possibility of Zhu Guoyang's violation of Yin and Yin is 100%. Even if he is a loyal empire of Reilah, he will never really bring his power out. The only possibility is They died with the Fissan people. There may be only one country, that is Hungary,

The Hungarian tooth that caused the Empire to slaughter 200,000 young people in one breath, resulting in the loss of more than half of domestic males. This time, it was also a 10,000 light ride. Because the Eastern military minister of Hungarians knew that other countries could run, but Hungarians could not run, because once the wings of the falcon empire were lost, the countries that had been looted by Hungarian teeth would tear Hungarians first. Broken into pieces, killing men and women of all ages. One will not destroy the entire Hungarians! If it weren’t for the Falcon Empire, the Hungarian teeth would have been over. At this moment, the Falcon Empire is the patron saint of Hungarian teeth, and there must be no problem at all!

The prairie cavalry in the east and west courts are looking for a better place to graze horses. Should also choose to temporarily transfer to the Central Europe Baro area, then the 140,000 infantry of the empire will be highlighted and exposed to the 300,000 heavy soldiers of the Feishan army,

It is no wonder that King Feishan so vowed that if he drags the battle into the cold winter, he can let the Falcon Empire suffer a great defeat! The reason why the other party is going to die hard is here, the other party is also waiting, waiting for the Emperor * to have fluctuations and cracks

"Send this to the Dongting military barracks. The news of my arrival from now on, no one should spread it!"

The fat man walked into the military camp accompanied by officers, and took a ring on his middle index finger seriously and gave it to a guard behind him. Looking up at the sky, I was really looking forward to the winter! I slept until late in the evening and waited for the sunset to be thrown into the tent from the hillside. The fat man woke up, stretched a long lazy waist, and walked to the gate of the tent. Looking into the distance, the gorgeous red sunset covered the sky in the distance. It's like a huge cloud of fire, igniting huge clouds. This is the power of the setting sun, far more crazier than the sunrise, like an old man madly betting everything

At this time, a team of prairie cavalry costumes appeared at the gate of the barracks. The princess of the east court wearing a pierced red princess armor came down from the war horse. The exquisite deerskin boots stepped on the bare ground and looked at the familiar back in the distance. , The slender charming eyes reveal a blazing flame, and the moving pretty face is like a frost, melting back to the earth in spring

That **** is finally here

The always proud princess could not help but sigh. If this **** doesn't come yet, it's really waiting for the winter snow. Even if you try hard to suppress it, you have to respect the tradition of wintering Tibetan horses on the grassland. Let the subordinates retreat to the ranch area, otherwise it will cause misery for the longevity, and lowering the uncontrollable horse plague is enough to destroy the foundation of the tribe. In that case, it is impossible to require the subordinates to fight! Didn’t wait for the Feishan people to take the initiative to fight

And he is already the uncrowned master in the East Court, but it does not mean that he has no enemies. A woman is in charge of the East Court tent, tens of thousands of control strings, and many warriors gather. Some people are always dissatisfied. The grassland tribe will only respect The strong man, and most of his strength is not his own, but from that man! It’s not that I haven’t seen each other for more than a month, and I don’t know who has madly passed out that he has lost the favor of the King of Khan, causing those tribes’ subordinates to look gloomy.

"His Royal Highness, King Falcon Khan is the master of this land. Even if you are the identity of Her Royal Highness, without the favor of the King Khan, you will lose the support and protection. Weak meat and strong food are the iron laws of the grassland for millennia. The most loyal Wumu also vaguely said that he should give birth to a son of King Khan, so everything has been solved,

"It's so easy to give birth to a son. The fat man who has been dead for ten days and a half months is really commonplace, and no one comes. He gave birth to a son of a fart! This time I finally got caught!" She smiled consciously, even she did not realize that it was the joyful smile of the woman who was about to see her old man, caught the fat man, and then told him that he was going to have a son for him!

When the fat man woke up~www.wuxiaspot.com~The genius was just dawning, Rui Tangtingna shrunk in her arms like a sleepy lamb. The fat man couldn't help but shake his head and smiled hard. *, the infatuated sleep, has the charm and temptation that makes people unable to let go.

Looking at Rui Tangting's tightly closed eyes like a crescent moon, her tiny and delicate nose bridge, I wonder if she can find something she lacks in reality in her sweet dreams? Returning to the carefree life of the long princess, arms around her could not help tightening, pity rose,

After all, it was the twenties, when it was Fenghua Zhengmao, his shoulders carried the responsibility of the tribal revival. Haili talked and laughed, trying to pull the tide of tribal divisions. A man can't do it. This woman almost did it. As a woman, is it wrong to ask yourself a son? But is it really time for the emperor's bloodline and the ambitions of the prairie tribes! Wait a few years and wait until the prairie tribe is completely incorporated into the empire. At that time, don't say a son, just a bunch of sons!

"Wow" There was a rustling voice in my ear. The fat man got out of the bed and bypassed the brazier placed in the military account. He opened the military account with one hand. Outside the account, the winter snow was like fluff and the earth was white. Winter is coming early!

"(To be continued)

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