Whole Nation

: Two hundred and eighty-three Storm Eye (2)

"This is... it's snowing"

The fat man heard the soft footsteps behind him, and Princess Dongting heard a few worries with obvious worries in his ears, warm white jade-like hands on his waist

Feeling the worries of the beautiful woman behind him, he patted the hands around the waist, the fat man smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, and said with relief, "Fortunately, I have prepared for it earlier, and ordered Varisian's Gangfei South region to prepare for the winter supplies. It should be shipped to another part now, but the needs of hundreds of thousands of troops cannot be solved in a short time!",

"Materials? After the snow, it may be that the ice is coming. Only the materials are not enough!" Rui Tangtingna pumped a pretty nose that looked exciting. Under the crescent eyebrows, it was a pair of light blue beauty like moonlight. Eyes, sweeping across the gully, said: "In such a bare wilderness, even if you have clothes to withstand the cold, there are not enough houses to withstand the cold, and there is no large forest to provide wood, it is also very dangerous for the army. It’s okay for us to say that I’m afraid that the coalition forces of the Central European and Baro countries will not be able to persevere. Most of their troops are poorly equipped, and many soldiers are still in summer dresses. "But yes, they just came to show loyalty to you, the emperor. Is it really expected to play a big role? Just a few days ago, the coalition forces of the various countries were still complaining about the poor transportation of the rear materials. It’s not that King Rila insisted on staying, other countries may have already chosen to evacuate!"

The fat man's eyebrows frowned slightly. He thought of such a situation, but he did not expect the cold winter to come, and the countries of Central Europe and Baro had already shaken. The Rila people insist that it will become more difficult after the heavy snow. This snow is of extraordinary significance to the Bavarian battlefield that has focused on the entire Obaro. The Fissan people will bet Also on this snow

"The first snow every year. It's a very sacred thing on the grassland, according to the usual practice is to hold a memorial service for the whole family, otherwise you will encounter a heavy snowstorm in the snow," Rui Tangting said with her own voice, with a tone of voice A trace of indescribable melancholy, and a tongue out.” For the tribes on the grassland, a snow disaster that killed all the animals. It was as terrible as breaking off the tribe’s survival foundation in one fell swoop. That’s the real sky. Wei is the angry expression of the mother of the grasslands for mortals. Tribes that have suffered heavy snowstorms are regarded as ominous tribes. Even after the winter, they will be driven out of the grasslands by other tribes. Fortunately, it has been much better now. , The tribes migrated to the south, and some tribes migrated to the north of Obaro. The probability of encountering snow disasters has been greatly reduced. Even the Pauta people who are most afraid of the winter have a fixed winter shelter. I hope that this winter, I’m not going to receive a report about a snowstorm!"

"The empire has a trading post on the border. Even if it is cold winter, it will not stop the market. This winter should not be too cold!" The fat man turned back, and his finger gently brushed Rui Tangting’s still like a beautiful girl. Same face.

"Trade station? You mean the black market filled by that woman!" Rui Tangting said with a straight face, this woman's black market robbed herself of a lot of business, because of the existence of the border black market, many originally had to pass The tribes who exchanged materials themselves turned to the black market, which had a large impact on their expansion. Speaking of which, Rui Tangting's hated teeth are itchy

"Regardless of who founded it. It is undeniable that the prairie people get the benefits!"

The fat man scraped a little on her smoking nose. Brant Bonnie didn’t deal with Rui Tang Tina. The original intention of setting up this kind of trade fair was really partly to crack down on Rui Tang Tina’s hegemony of inland trade. It was a bit similar to the underground black market. Although it was not formal, it was It can be guaranteed that at any time and in any season, the grassland tribes can exchange the specialty products of various ethnicities for the required materials from here. Another result obtained is that the safety factor of the grassland tribes overwintering is greatly guaranteed.

In the years when Brant Bonnie joined the border guard, there were fewer and fewer people in the prairie who died in the winter. To be honest, the fat man did not know how Brant Bonnie would think of setting up this to fight against Rui Tangting’s supplies. Monopoly, the reason for raising military expenses is only part of it, but it is a bigger component for the pitiful winter scene of the prairie tribe.

"Don't presume that woman is good to me!"

Rui Tangting clearly knows that she is responsible. Now who doesn’t praise this former leader of the Imperial Border Guard is a nobleman who came down to help the tribe through the bitter cold winter. Let Rui Tangting feel very hot when she hears it. Long-lived noble, what is it that saved the entire Dongting tribe? Can't help complaining to the fat man how arrogant the new head of the Gangfei Northern Army is in front of him. He is partial to Xiting, who is also a prairie man. The fat man just listens with a smile. This man has his hands in the outside rumors. A woman stained with blood, like a **** queen, only when she removes the cold mask in front of herself will she reveal the little woman's side, jealousy, comparison, and a little bit of complacency

This is also impossible. As the leader and commander of the grasslands who united hundreds of thousands of tribes, there is no strong and fierce means. It is impossible to suppress the grassland tribal ambitions. I thought that I did not show the staggering at first. Means, with a thunderous force, the East Ting upstart Solomon Dagon was defeated by force, and the old fox Bokasli was forced to go to Zhivading to care for the elderly. The current East Ting does not know how many fights and kings are king. In view of the fact that the former Dongting King’s reputation is still so difficult, he will not hesitate to dispatch a large army to kill the squads when necessary, let alone Rui Tangting and the female generation, on the one hand, it is necessary to suppress the ambitions of all ethnic groups, and on the other hand, it is necessary to guard against your own Men disintegrate tribes,

The long princess identity only brings responsibility, and has never been happy!

When the sky became translucent, Rui Tangting stepped on the warhorse and reluctantly chose to say goodbye. The tribes after the snow need to be comforted, and they also need to find a new camp to settle the horses. The fat man watched Rui Tangting disappeared at the end of the earth and turned around. Here, his eyes began to become sharp on the vast snow-covered ground, and the hearts of the people floated. The actions of the Central European Baro countries have proved that Fei Shan’s correctness to place the main battlefield in the Bavarian region. In this silvery white At the other end of the earth, the assembly number of Fei Shanjun began to sound. The fat man's hand was clenched tightly. Come on, let me see how Fei Shanjun eats my emperor* at a time. At this moment So that the fat man is really determined to fight in Bavaria

In the early stage, the Strand Sea forces were swept away, and the Fissan’s military power was stripped and cocooned in the coastal area. The east-west attack severely defeated the high strength of the Fissan Army. The mid-term attack from the Eastern Front was really the last trace of the power of the Fissan’s national strength. It was tuned out, the war was not started, and Feishan’s 200,000 troops had been slaughtered. The third line was tight. What he did was not to accumulate victory for this main battlefield.

Bavaria, all countries want to watch the jokes of the Falcon Empire, then I will show them with the iron hooves of the empire, who is the last joke!

The Central European Baro coalition camp, the ground covered by sporadic snow flakes is white, the coalition camp with flying flags, King Rila, accompanied by several guards, walked into a huge camp, and looked at the coalition that had arrived first in the account. The princes, their faces were ugly and took a deep breath. "Have you all decided? Just withdraw your troops, what kind of face will you deal with the Falcon Emperor!"

"Your Majesty Auwit, this is not true. We have been here respectfully for half a month. Now that the winter snow has passed and the soldiers' clothes are thin, can we continue to wait here to freeze to death!" His face is a little unpleasant, various dissatisfaction

"Yes, the soldiers didn't wear it, and there was no wood firing nearby. Everyone knows how hard it is in the cold winter of Bavaria. Besides, we are not withdrawing to the country, we just move the combat troops back, even if it is The Falcon Emperor is blameless if he is guilty!"

"Move a little?" Orwitt knew too much about the thoughts of the monarchs of the kingdoms. When the snow fell and the ice was frozen together, the infantry cluster of the Feishan Army would begin to move forward. The empire won Feishan, and it was not good for the countries. , The empire was defeated by Fei Shan, but it was more in line with the ideas of the countries. If the falcon empire has been so undefeated, with Rila in the front and Hungarian teeth in the back, the Central European Baro countries really only willingly become a vassal of the empire. Lost

"It's understandable that you want to move." Orwitt sneered. "But I want to ask ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How far is this move? Thirty miles? Fifty miles? Or one hundred miles! "

"This" military account suddenly sounded a sucking sound, the king's face became ugly

"Your Majesty Auwit, you have too much control!" Someone inside the kings snorted heavily. Is it true that the tiger is not a tiger? The real tiger hasn't come yet. You, a Rila, are clamoring here. "Yes, everyone just doesn't What is willing to fight, the Feishan army has used the Bavarian area as a barrier for many years to build a solid defense, and has also created the battle of Nabme, which defeated the Hungarian archer cavalry, whether it is familiar with the terrain or The military layout has all the advantages above. In contrast, although the emperor's combat power is powerful, when the cavalry cluster with the strongest combat power is almost abolished, how can the imperial infantry in its early 100,000s cost more than 300,000? The main force of the Shan army contends'

'At that time, we will inevitably fill all of us like a dead line to fight against the Fei Shan army, that is, the silly Hungarian talents dare not slacken, and your Rila, the Falcon Empire saved you, we There is nothing to say, but others who are willing to fill their troops into this dead fight, do not leave now, really wait until the Fei Shan army puts all pressure on, everyone can't go away! "As soon as this word came out, the eyes of the kings flashed a complex look at the same time, and the atmosphere suddenly became heavy, (to be continued)

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