Whole Nation

: Two hundred and ninety-eight Falcons fall (8)


On the southern border of Istan, on the roads on both sides of the mountains, a huge chariot suddenly stopped, and several priests in broad robes knelt in front of the chariot. One of them was looking ugly. Reporting the news of the death of the great knight who fell to the mountain, the car was "enough" with a slight imperceptible anger. Although it was with anger, it fell into the ears, but it was as soft and sweet as the mountain breeze,




Taking the chariot as the axis, there are more than one hundred Templar knights wearing coats of arms on all fours kneeling neatly on the ground, and 100,000 Templar soldiers are all lying on the ground. Swept across the banner with a loud voice. The air of killing rises to the sky, and the towering spears are like a forest.


   The death of the Grand Knight of the Falling Mountain has spread throughout the Temple Army. The famous Grand Knight, the commander of hundreds of thousands of southern coalition forces, has just fallen into a raid and has become the laughing stock of the south.


   "The Great Knight of the Mountain is dead, why are you still alive?"


In the white curtain on the car, wearing a golden pope costume, a black silky waterfall, the Pope's wish tree pope, slowly stood up from the altar, and looked at the distant sky with extremely holy eyes, lips squirming After a while, the pupils were dark, two blood drips from the corners of the eyes, and the lips tremble slightly.


   "Take him down and let him return to the Holy Tree!"


"Your Majesty, I really..." The high priest also wanted to explain that several Templar knights had rushed up like a wolf and brought the pale priesthood priest from the front of the chariot. It dragged down like a dead dog. A few days ago, he was one of the three great priests of the Order. No one looked at this poor high priest. The army of the Order’s country has always been priests and Templars. This time it was also the case. It was this Hafeng Luo high priest who went to the Allied Forces with the Knight of the Falling Mountain. From the moment when I received the news of the death of the Knight of the Falling Mountain, the senior leaders of the "Baidu Qihangwen" country I know that this Hafengluo high priest is dead. If it’s anyone else, then it’s the long knight of the mountain, the personal father of His Majesty the contemporary pope, although the contemporary pope has just been waiting for the pope for three years. But absolutely no one will come forward in such a situation


"This matter must be returned with blood!" The anger from the high level in the south, the southern coalition forces urgently withdrawn from the reserve force, plus some returning troops, a total of 20 fully-powered regiments, North Korea With the rapid development of the coalition headquarters, and the establishment of commanders of various countries,


   Duke Feitai, Commander of the Harvey Kingdom


   Wish Tree Commander-in-Chief "Iron Wall" Chief Pei Ma


  General of the Kingdom of Fize


   Kingdom of Aden Horsepower Duke of Jinghua


  Sergeant Anliu


  Prince Musk of the Kingdom of Ikar


In the coalition base camp, the six chiefs of the coalition inspected the list of battle damage in front of them. They were silent and showed sadness and sorrow. On the night of June 29, the Hungarian army attacked the southern coalition base camp at night. In the rolling morning light, the Hungarian cavalry retreated like the tide, but the impact was rapidly spreading. The rapid assault of the Hungarian tooth, the **** battle overnight, the coalition forces suffered heavy losses, and more than 27,000 people died, the coalition commander-in-chief The Great Knight of the Mountain was killed in battle. Six generals of his country were killed and eleven were injured. The entire coalition command was almost paralyzed by half. In addition to the heaviest loss of the Order State, there is a long and glorious war history in the Kingdom of Harvey The Royal Cavalry Regiment of the Royal Family was so severely damaged. Two hundred King Harveys were sent to the coalition base camp to practice and no more than one hundred and fifty people died, including three nephews of His Majesty the King. , Duke Fei Tai, commander of the Harvey Kingdom, finally suppressed the urge to order the commander of the day to drag the dog to feed,


Compared with two months ago, when the Allied forces dispatched Istan to defeat the invasion of the Eastern Provinces, the morale was high. Now the Allied forces are low in morale. The generals are overwhelmed one by one. On the hundreds of square kilometers of land, there are nearly 200,000 troops of the coalition forces, but in the hearts of these coalition soldiers, there is no sense of security. The base camp of the coalition army has been attacked, and other camps are even more difficult to say. The impact of riding, the forced coalition camps had to adopt a contraction policy, but strategically, it showed a ridiculous situation that was suppressed


"If you can't win a victory in a short time, the morale of the coalition army will never be restored. We can't keep up with the Hungarian cavalry. Can't even the army of the opposite empire beat?" Six in the coalition base camp In the commander-in-chief, Duke Fei Tai of the Harvey Kingdom roared loudly and clapped his hands at the combat map on the table. "Our army has 200,000 people, and its follow-up strength is nearly 500,000. In terms of strength, it has an absolute advantage. As for "Set sail, Dream Boy ☆ Star Dream", it's two hits and one hit, we also won! "


"The Falcon Army has the Thor to deal with the cluster, and the head-on impact is not good for us!" Prince Musk of the Ikar Kingdom has a complex face, and his eyes are dignified. This time, the Ikar Kingdom Army sent 60,000 camel cavalry, Musk The prince does not want to be placed on the front line of the impact. The thunder **** of the Falcon Empire is too famous. Almost all Obaro countries have reached a consensus, that is, to face a falcon empire with Thor. Army, the loss will be doubled to tripled, and the opposite Falcon Empire Army is close to 200,000. Should we fill in 600,000 people?


"It would be great if the Thunder God of the Imperial Army could be contained!" Darius, the great monarch from Martinlija, with blue eyes like the ocean reflected on the topography of the table, his hand suddenly pointed at one on the map Point, Ningsheng said, "I think we have forgotten an important issue, that is, the purpose of the Falcon Empire to send troops is to rescue Istanbul Kyoto. In this case, we can use Istanbul Kyoto as a bait to remove the Falcon Empire from Led out from the defense, Thor is used as a field weapon, but it has almost no role in the suddenly encountered combat."


"Istanbul Kyoto!" The eyes of the commanders of the six kingdoms fell on the finger of the great monarch Darius, and his face was invariably stimulated. The method that Darius said was not impossible. Thor was cumbersome and encountered a surprise attack. In the face of battle, it can't function at all. This is equivalent to breaking the Falcon Empire's greatest reliance. The monarch is equivalent to the duke's knighthood in the Martin Liya Kingdom, but it has much more power than the duke, and not only has an independent territory, Thousands of slaves, and large-scale private legions, such as this Darius brought 70,000 private legions,


   "So, let's attack on Istanbul and Kyoto! My Harvey army can be the main force of the attack!" Duke Fei Tai nodded his approval


   "Yes, knock out Istan and Kyoto first!" The other commanders agreed, and that night, a coalition of up to 15 teams started the operation. The total strength is between 150,000 and 200,000, and the governors of the Istan region are accompanied by actions. The governors of these areas are organized into six combat teams with the main forces of the coalition. Although the combat effectiveness is not very good, The number is huge. As many as 60,000, the total strength is close to 250,000, this is an amazing number, attacking the strength of Istan and Kyoto, even more than the opposite Falcon Empire army,


"Ohh Ohh ohh……"


  Noon, a long trumpet sound echoed in the Istanbul Kyoto Great Plains. Varisian received a report from the front, and he was inexplicably nervous. Is such a large-scale coalition mobilization really come to retaliate? But how is the direction of transfer to the direction of Istan and Kyoto? Is the other party prepared to eat Istan and Kyoto in one bite, and then turn around to deal with themselves? This is too illogical. What the coalition forces want to do? "Varisian's head is too big, and he thought the other party would take revenge, so even the deep trenches outside the camp were dug up seven or eight, just waiting for the other party to hit the head and break the blood flow, but the other party even posed like this No matter what the posture is, standing at the sentry tower high above the camp, overlooking the horizon to the south. It is already a hustle and bustle of the wild, and the whistle of the trumpet, all the troops are gathering together urgently. Riding the sonorous son, The iron pieces of the armor made a sparse sound, and a team of infantry marched in the direction of Istanbul Kyoto


   "Tell Yaosun that the main force of the coalition forces is heading in the direction of Istan and Kyoto!"


Varisian looked solemnly and said to her that her 50,000 cavalry was the main mobile force of the Imperial Army. After the raid of the Allied base camp was successful, 50,000 Hungarian cavalry returned to repair three days later and were released again. The advantage of the Hungarian cavalry lies in its high mobility and rapid attack


Especially the leader is the lone wolf Ao Sen. Under his leadership, the Hungarian cavalry may only appear in front of a coalition camp in the morning. At noon, he shot arrows outside a coalition camp hundreds of miles away. Tooth cavalry, divided into countless squads, like the arrows, over the roads, fields, plains, woods, grasslands, deserts, villages, woods, and brown fields of the Istanbul plains. The golden fields and pastures put pressure on the defense line of the 200,000 troops of the Allied Forces. After the 30,000 cavalry of the Allied Forces was damaged, this situation was even more difficult. Until the camel cavalry of the Ikar Kingdom arrived, it was stable.


Duke Feitai, commander of the Harvey Kingdom, stood twenty miles from Istan, Kyoto, squinting at the infantry cluster in front. The big red cape hung from his shoulders to the ground, just like two giant giants. Before the octopus fought in a melee fight, their first contact was with their long tentacles. The small fortress outside Istan, Kyoto was naturally the first object to be removed.


A dozen or so staggered black smoke pillars straight up into the clouds, and a blazing flame emerged from these stone bunkers, like a red fire snake entangled on it, where the black smoke rose, it was a piece of metal reflection. The dense swords, the dust rising under the queue, covered the sky. As a precursor, the 60,000 infantry of the Harvey Kingdom directly hit the outer defense line of Istanbul, and Istanbul was completely unprepared. With a spearhead, these small castles were broken as if they were destroyed,


  When the sun rises, more than 100,000 coalition troops are laid out in a row, advancing in a line of scattered troops.


   As far as the eye can see, at the end of the horizon, it seems that there are all kinds of flowers blooming everywhere. A series of densely packed flags lined up one after another. The end and the end could not be seen. On the vast battlefield, soldiers and horses preparing to attack were densely packed, ordering the soldiers to gallop between the battle arrays, and sorting the queue.


   "These assholes, bully and fear!"


The new emperor of the Istan Empire screamed angrily at the military conference. These southern coalition forces did not dare to find the trouble of the Falcon Empire, so they spread all their anger on Ista Kyoto. It was really not a thing. The influence of the Prince’s incident was suppressed, but I did not expect to encounter such a problem again.


  In any case, the main force of the coalition forces laid out an array to capture Istanbul Kyoto, but Istanbul Kyoto is the core of the Istanian empire after all, and the heritage of the empire for many years is not troublesome,


After the imperial navy cut off the southern sea route to Istanbul Kyoto, more than 100,000 former soldiers of the Istanian Empire that were originally stranded in Fissan were returned to the country~www.wuxiaspot.com~Although they have great resentment towards the country, However, in the face of national crisis, a large number of soldiers joined the army of the new emperor.


The participation of these professional soldiers with rich combat experience has greatly improved the combat strength of the Istanbul Army. Although the strength is still controlled at the limit of 80,000, there are more than 20,000 veterans. With these troops, Istanbul Kyoto also had a lot of confidence, and a large number of armaments from the Falcon Empire brought in Istanbul Kyoto’s combat power. In June, the new emperor of Istanbul signed a secret contract with the empire and completely recognized hunting. The eagle empire is its sovereign state, and uses all the rights and interests of the ten provinces in the south as collateral to loan ten million gold coins to the falcon empire


This time, the new emperor of the Istan Empire personally sat in the main camp of Kyoto, stood on the wall of the century-old Istan Kyoto that has not experienced war, looked forward, saw the faint tide black outline on the horizon, and took a deep breath. It finally began. "The twenty-team Allied offensive echelon is rolling towards the wall, the metal light of the armored shield and the spear flashing, and the earth makes an overwhelming sound, that is, countless feet stepped down hard. The sound of the cold light, the spear of the flashing light stretched out in front, rushed forward, and the lance like the forest stood forward, as if a high-speed moving aperture appeared on the ground out of thin air.


   "Bang! Boom! Boom!" A dense black shadow was thrown from the head of the city of Istanbul in Kyoto. It was a catapult above the head of the city, and thousands of coalition infantry came under the wall. At the moment when the huge slingstone rolled into the front of the crowd, the scattered blood flower was like a flower blooming on the earth, "〖To be continued〗【】

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