Whole Nation

: Two thousand four hundred and ninety-nine Falcon fell (9)


The great sun shines on the body, warm and sleepy, closes the battle report in his hand, the fat man intentionally or unintentionally puts a red circle on the map on the desktop with the pen in his hand, the mark in the circle is "Istan Kyoto "


"Isn't it, the Southern Allied Forces really attacked Istanbul Kyoto?" The look of Brant Bonnie sitting opposite showed a look of surprise. A pair of eyes resembled a lake and blue lake, with a slender eyebrow, like jade. The snow-like skin, with a generous wind and grace, the most rare is the kind of cold and vibrating temperament that is enough to make any man feel ashamed because he has a love heart,


The fat man said freely, "The other party is not all a fool, there will always be one or two smart people, how good it is to attack Istanbul and Kyoto, not to avoid the disadvantages of fighting against us head-on, but also to encourage the morale of the whole army. And, for the empire, Istan, Kyoto is also the goal that the empire had to save, otherwise the empire sent troops to Estan to be famous!"


"Hehe" At this point, the fat man took a sip of the wine on the table, his voice paused, his eyes suddenly became sharp as a knife, and he laughed and said, "More than three hundred warships lurking in the dark, may attack at any time, five. More than 100,000 southern coalition forces are moving northward, and now Istanbul Kyoto is used as a bait. The entire Obaro will not think that the empire can win this battle except for fear! I don’t know how many people are waiting to see the empire. joke"


   "Abandon Istanbul or forget it!"


Brant Bonnie couldn’t help but reach out and fiddle with her hair, so that the whole intoxicating face was exposed, glanced at the red circle on the map lightly, her beautiful and eyebrows frowned slightly, and had to Admit that the number of troops used by the southern coalition this time has reached an alarming level, with a total of more than 600,000 before and after. It is not known how much war potential will continue to be tapped, and the first-line troops led by Varisian are only 200,000, plus the "Baidu · Sailing Word" will enter the 50,000 empire of the imperial gang of the non-northern army in Istan, and the 60,000 cavalry combined with the two courts of the aid, the total is also in the early 300,000. The inclusion of the central army in the already opened empire is also a very difficult war. The biggest problem is that for the south, even if it is a failure, it means losing some troops, and for the empire, If it fails, it means that the empire's efforts in the entire Central Europe Baro region will be paid off. The dominant southern army will inevitably enter the Central Europe Baro.


"Give up?" The fat man blinked and suddenly laughed. "It took so much energy, mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops, and deliberately made such a big gap. Is it just for one to give up? And it is still set when the enemy stepped in. After setting the battlefield?"


"The battlefield that has been set! Isn't it..." Brant Bonnie's beautiful eyes flicked sharply, revealing unbelievable eyes, and suddenly felt a chill. As a fat disciple, how could you not? Knowing what your teacher is best at, the terrible layout strategy, the world’s first, the falcon’s claws will never fail, this is the truth of how many opponents’ corpses piled up, and how many opponents are unconsciously thinking that they occupy In order to win the victory of the victory, but was instantly crushed to death, if others will be scared by the force of the southern coalition, but his teacher will, the kingdom of Feishan is 300,000 elite, how arrogant and arrogant. I think that it can replace the Istan Empire, and it is not the same as being introduced into the killing game by the teacher and wiped out! Is the Southern Coalition a lot more than 600,000? What a lot. . . . . In front of his teacher, no one dares to say that he has enough troops! No one knows what the teacher’s limit is,


Just like now, hundreds of thousands of empires are confronting in the Istan Empire, but the teacher is watching the pink crimson tree flowers blooming outside the window, watching the falling petals dancing in the wind, everything is so peaceful and calm, The entire continent’s eyes are in the Istan region, but few people know that the entire southern Obaro is regarded as the most terrible enemy of the man. The mainland’s number one military **** is in Central Europe across the sea from Istan and Kyoto. Roanso, a famous holiday town in the coastal area of ​​Barrow, accompanied by its own but lover disciples, watching the city's most famous July crimson city


   "Yeah, I deliberately released Istan Kyoto, the purpose is to coalition forces to attack Istan Kyoto!" The fat man seemed to be in a good mood, and he didn’t take it seriously.


"I do not understand!"


Brant Bonnie bit her lip lightly and asked deliberately, the female knight who was nearly 26 years old, according to the theory, was the pinnacle of Fenghua Zhengmao, the mature ones were mature, wrapped in black transparent mesh The flat waist is as thin as a willow, and the figure is getting taller and taller, and the beautiful buttocks are rounded and straight under the white long skirt, the beautiful legs are slender and straight, and the black open-toed fish "Qaihang·Dongzi☆Xingmeng" mouth shoes are elegant. No sense, beautiful jade-like pretty face, three years of career as a leader of the frontier guard, let the female knight learn the sturdyness of the prairie woman, and the coquettishness of the prairie woman. When facing her teacher, she is no longer like It used to be more or less awesome as before, looking at the fat man's gaze, more like the prairie woman's gaze to see his man, to show off to his man, is it wrong? It's just that one hundred thousand soldiers who are not from the northern legion cannot see this scene. If they see the head of the legion that is cold and arrogant in their hearts, there will also be a scene showing weakness to the man, I am afraid that the glasses will be broken!


"Istanbul Kyoto has admitted that it is a vassal of the empire, so it is a goal that the empire must save. If the empire does not care about its life or death, who will believe in the credibility of the empire in the future!" The fat man sighed helplessly, and could not bear it, so he was afraid of it. , For her own woman, she is always soft-hearted, she deliberately looks away from the window, and sees that the street has already seen a bit of early autumn, many young men and women are snuggling in pairs, a calm breath Then, in this atmosphere, fat people feel that it is too outdated to say such cruel words.


"If I'm right, the Southern Army will definitely stop on the road to rescue Istanbul and Kyoto. This is a bureau set by the Southern Army, and the Empire has to jump!" The fat man withdrew his eyes and his voice paused. "Forcing our army I have to use force to advance towards Istanbul, forcibly, consume our strength, and offset our thunder god's advantage to the greatest extent. This is the opponent's intention, and it is still on the battlefield set by the opponent. I believe that at this moment, The generals of the Southern Army must have been confident enough to wait for the victory!"


"Is not it?"


Brant Bonnie raised her eyebrows, feeling vaguely what was captured, but there seemed to be nothing, because the facts were so obvious that everything was showing how beneficial the Southern Army’s attack on Istanbul Kyoto was, even There is a possibility of reversing the entire battle node. Istan Kyoto was attacked. The Imperial Army’s originally solid defense had to give up. It was like being caught by the nose. It had to use the inferior strength to break through the coalition’s superior strength. Blocking, the feeling is like knowing that the front is a trap, and you have to squeeze your nose forward. The blocking line constructed by the 600,000 Southern Army is waiting for the 300,000 Imperial Army with a big mouth open, and it must be Difficult steps, even if the 300,000 Imperial Army broke through the blocking line, in the end, there are still a few people left, only God knows


   "If you think so, then you can't be wrong"


The fat man looked at the beautiful face outline of Brant Bonnie, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, saying, "Of course, the Empire will rescue Istan and Kyoto. This is a thing that children can see, not only will it save, but also from the land and sea. The two lines approached Istanbul, Istanbul! The imperial navy was actually ready to rescue Istanbul, half a month ago."


  The fat man no longer wants to go around in circles, and said softly, "In fact, except for me, the entire combat plan, only the Secretary of the Navy, Dustron Kay, knew about it."


"In order to ensure that the army is realistic enough, no news has been revealed. The main force of the southern coalition navy has been delayed. This is the biggest hidden danger of the entire battle. Everyone looks at the hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the southern coalition army. Drive into Istan, but ignore the strange waves of the thousands of miles of coastline in Istan Empire


  "This war is actually the battle of the decision, the navy!" The fat man took a deep breath and his nose snorted heavily.


"Don’t look at the current situation, it seems that the Imperial Army’s military strength is at a disadvantage, but don’t forget that the Empire has elite weapons and Thor, and has a mobile combat capability of 50,000 Hungarian cavalry. It may not be possible to obtain a trace of cheapness. Instead, hundreds of thousands of troops of the Southern Army are gathered in the Great Plains of Istan, Kyoto. The most important thing to worry about is that the back road is cut off."


"The six commanders had their own thoughts about how they could cooperate with each other. Now the other party is attacking Istan and Kyoto, and the empire must be rescued. It seems to occupy the initiative, forcing our army to give up its advantages and step into the other party’s design. The fixed battlefield is actually invisible, giving the imperial navy a name to take the initiative to attack. In this way, the imperial navy’s actions will become more natural and will not arouse suspicion from many parties. Moreover, in order to ensure that the other party knows that there is no naval cooperation. I can’t beat Istanbul Kyoto. I also prepared a big gift "Fat man pretends to be mysterious and laughs." "In order to cooperate with the attack of the opposing army, the navy of the six southern countries will be ordered to go north, no matter how they are lurking. It was discovered that the opposing navy would only advance north against the coastline. As long as the opposing navy was willing to show up, the imperial navy would set up a whistle on the coast along the way. It would be found that the southern army wanted to ambush the imperial army outside the Istanbul of Kyoto. Was the opposing navy ambushing northward? If the enemy’s navy is killed, the opponent’s army will be self-defeating. Even if it defeated Istanbul, it will be the result of the whole army’s death.


The fat man licked his lips and glanced across the stunned Brant Bonnie. "Actually, I am also curious. If the southern coalition knows about the battle of hundreds of thousands of people, it is actually just a cover of the naval battle. Irony! Even if the coalition forces want to break their heads, I can never think of Istan Kyoto, but I gave them to them deliberately!"


Ye Feng beat his face with a **** smell, veteran Moses, standing on the head of the city of Istanbul Kyoto, through the flickering firelight, looked at the coalition attack line like the ant colony below. The attack continued, and the trembling of the bow of the heavy crossbow car of the Empire shook into the ear. It felt like a knife stabs into the meat in the dark. No shield can resist this irresistible. Terrorist attacks, bursts of shock, and the brains of people and horses beaten splashed. This effect is even more shocking than the actual battle on the battlefield. The two armies fight to kill. Anyway, they can see what the enemy looks like. Everyone fights no matter who is braver and the armor is stronger. Weapons are sharper,


   There was a crossbow arrow shot like this, the neatly arranged shield suddenly split like a billiard ball, and the soldiers behind fell down a large amount in an instant. Those screaming wounded soldiers opened their eyes wide, their faces were filled with fear, blood flowed down into a stream, the wounded soldiers were crushed in the heap of corpses and screamed for help, no one had time to ignore it, people turned their horses over, The blood was splattering, the wind was churning, and the attack was originally like a rainbow. At this time, it was like being punched on the bridge of the nose. It was both sweet and bitter, and it was already confused. The soldiers in front cried and called After being beaten, the queues behind were pierced like paper, and a heavy crossbow arrow pierced into it was a piece of limbs and arms thrown up with blood and water, the entire queue seemed to be swept away by a large chunk ,


   "Go forward, go forward!" The twenty teams assembled by the coalition forces and the six teams from the local governor were all scattered.


"Attack~www.wuxiaspot.com~ shoot!" On the head of the city of Istan, Kyoto, the Istanian capital, funded by the Imperial Army, struggled to continuously launch more than one hundred Imperial heavy crossbow vehicles toward the dense enemy below, Under the city was covered with the corpses of the Allied Forces, and the flamed siege tower was paralyzed there. The attack of the Allied Forces, under the impact of the heavy crossbow vehicle, hit a head full of flowers, leaving three or four Thousands of corpses retreat in panic


Ever since Istanbul signed an agreement with the empire to recognize the empire as the sovereign state, the empire’s ordnance has been flowing into Istan Kyoto from afar. The excellent weapons from the empire have made the soldiers of the empire have a lot of energy. The famous Istanian who came back from Shan, Moses felt the most obvious about this. The soldiers’ confidence in combat improved significantly. Although the coalition’s offensive was very fierce, after encountering a heavy crossbow vehicle continuous fire, it has slowed down. 'S attack is more like a temptation,


If I had some concerns before, I can’t see it at all now. The whole army firmly believes that Kyoto will not fall, just like now, the soldiers are ready to go, divided into three groups of rotation, and the soldiers who have not been on the front line are all gathered. The wall privately discusses the casualties of the coalition forces, which is a good sign,


The battle-hardened Moses knew that as long as the soldiers did not show timidity and had a sufficiently strong defense, Istan Kyoto was enough to become a meat ground. This Istanian empire took a hundred years to build a strong wall, enough to resist any trebuchet. The impact of the city wall is as high as thirty-five meters, unless the special siege equipment has such a height,


  Tonight, the coalition forces will not expect that the morale of the Istanbul side of Kyoto will improve because of them.

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