Whole Nation

: Two Hundred and Sixty Empire Wind (35)


Prince Aden West Connis finally agreed to pretend to be a businessman. With the assistance of the local garrison, a caravan mixed with a Falcon Empire was considered to enter the Ero's blockade line, and along the way, Eero's army was visible in the direction of Cornelia. The advancing queue, a brigade with a strong army, fluttering the gold-colored Missu's Ero Army's battle flag, the caravan entered the theater, and soon encountered a large group of clouds flying from the caravan in front of Egypt. Luo cavalry, a golden-haired man, with a dark red wolf head in his cloak, General Erow slammed the war horse, and his outstanding eyes fell on the caravan of the Falcon Empire in front of him. The wolf in the pack,


   "Which business group are you from? Don't you know that this is a war zone?" This young general of Erow asked with a serious frown and a serious expression


"Dear Master, we are from the Falcon Division of the Falcon Empire Business Alliance. Entering the theater is approved by your country. This is our pass." West Connis saw the guide inside the caravan immediately approached and took it out of his arms. A document, the guide is a little fat, wearing a six-leaf coat of arms on his chest and smiling at the young General Ero.


West Connis knew that Liuye was the logo of the merchant guide in the Falcon Empire Business Alliance. His eyes fell on the face of the young General Eero. He quickly lowered his head and his face became ugly. He pretended to be a driver The wagon driver in the carriage, at this moment, his hand holding the whip was clenched tightly, his lips trembling slightly, how could he be here? "West Connis whispered to himself,


He found out that he knew this young General Eero, and he could even say that he was very familiar. They said that they were very good friends. What is this young general called now? Connies doesn’t know, but he is in Aden's name is a small nobleman named Luo Siwu. Three years ago, he studied with him at the most famous Suluzhed University in the Kingdom of Aden.


Suluzhed University is the most famous university in Aden. It can even be said that the entire south is the best university. It is the pride of the entire Aden. Although the military strength of the Aden Kingdom is poor, it is because of the continent of the Eastern Continent and Obaro. Relationship, absorbing the academic research of the two regions, has a considerable reputation in astronomy, geography, mathematics, and this young general Luo Luo who took the pseudonym Luo Siwu, originally chose geography,


Although Sikonis was a prince, it happened to be the authority of geography at the University of Suluzhed. One of the students of Fontaine University was a classmate with this Luo Siwu. The two had been together for three years and the relationship was very good. No one was better than Xikang. Nice knows more clearly that in three years, this Luo Siwu has read all the maps about the terrain of Aden stored in the University of Suluzhedi in the name of traveling around. At the time, he once laughed about what the other party did to see the dead map. Yes, but now it seems that the other party is simply the person specially sent by Aero to Aden. I can imagine that with this Luo Siwu returning to the country, the Aden Kingdom has always thought that the desert area of ​​the barrier is in front of this Luo Siwu, who is proficient in the geography of the Kingdom of Aden. There are no secrets at all, so it can be seen how eager the Eero Empire wants to annex the heart of the Kingdom of Aden


The young General Eero did not notice West Connis, not only because of the mud on his face, but also because of the glory of his time in the Kingdom, but also because of the pass order sent by the Falcon Empire caravan He attracted his attention. The seal on the pass order was actually from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kingdom of Eero. The young general of Eero slightly frowned. The two wars, the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs even let the Falcon Empire Caravan pass through. It is really ridiculous. If there are so many carriage goods, if they are all merchants of the Falcon Empire, it is called a hell. At first, the Falcon Empire was pulled because the Falcon Empire was needed to carry this black pot. Leah, does this agreement still need to be followed?


"The orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs cannot be carried out in the theater of war!" The young general lipped his mouth, and tore the passage order to pieces, throwing them into the sky. Among the fragments like the scattered flowers of the celestial god, the name Eero The general sneered and said, "From now on, the merchants of the Falcon Empire will not pass, and they will immediately return, otherwise they will be killed!"


"This lord, do you know what it means to do this? Unauthorized seizure or expulsion of the imperial caravan means a declaration of war against the empire. We have already paid the changed taxes before, so we should let us pass!" A flattering Falcon Empire businessman, but at the moment, his face was cold, and his tough attitude was palpable. This can't help making West Connis look a bit dumbfounded. The Falcon Empire businessman has such a cow? Dare to go up directly with General Erow


   "Oh, I can directly order people to kill you, so nobody knows!"


The young general of Eero looked at the imperial businessman who stood out with his eyes, and slowly raised his hand. The Eero cavalry behind him began to pull out the saber at the waist. A cold light flashed, and there was a breath of air. The cavalry is not a racket, but actually killed someone on the battlefield, and it should not be long before the time, otherwise the smell will not be so strong,


"We are the business group of the Falcon Empire's business alliance branch. Every station is clearly documented. If the caravan suddenly disappears and is traced down, we will soon know that it disappeared into the Ero army's theater. I believe the Empire will know how to do it!"


The threat of the young general Eero did not frighten the businessman of the Falcon Empire. His humiliating words made the young general Eero hesitate. He was annoyed that the Falcon Empire was betrayal in the Cornelian War. Originally, it was immediately sent to the outer edge of the port to send troops to intervene, but until now, I have not seen a soldier of the Falcon Empire. Instead, it is because the Falcon Empire has not sent troops, and the entire south has pointed the finger at Erow. Everywhere is condemning the invasion of the Arroyo Empire against Aden. If it is not because the battle is smooth, and the strong strength shown by the Arroyo Empire, those stubborn kingdoms in the south may have taken this opportunity to poke behind the Arroyo Empire. Knife


The current chaos in the south has reached a point where the Eero Empire feels incapable of suppressing it. Several medium-sized kingdoms are taking action, or gathering troops, or having sufficient combat readiness. They have also borrowed a large amount of funds from the Falcon Empire’s Imperial Bank. No one dares to say that these countries have no strength in the battle against Eero. After all, the entire eastern region is the most powerful in the Eero Empire. If this battle is won, Cornelia, the fertile land, will be captured. The great strength of the Luo Empire is not to mention. The most important thing is that the Aden people, the biggest hidden danger in the east, can be removed, and the elite teams that need to station heavy troops in the past 100 years can be recruited as elite teams of ten to twenty. On other battlefields, this force cannot be pryed into,


If it was before the North-South War, there is still a certain amount of power checks and balances between the powerful countries. It has been completely broken long ago. The Adenites have lost their vitality, the chaos in the church is frequent, and the Fezer Kingdom is not suppressed by the Falcon Empire. Moving, the Eero Empire is the only one in the country, and the small and medium-sized countries that were originally suppressed also hope to re-divide the sphere of influence in the chaos. The southern situation is like a crater, and there is a possibility of a large eruption at any time. The more cards he holds, the more powerful he is, the more he will undoubtedly take advantage of it. The Eero Empire has waited for such an opportunity for a hundred years. This time, how can it be missed, but this time, it is true that the Falcon Empire in the North fell into the mouth. Ok?


When the General Eero hesitated, an officer wearing the uniform of the Eero Guards drove from the front, stopped in front of him, and paid a salute. "Admiral Elidia, His Majesty the Emperor Summon in front!"


Hearing the call of the emperor, this young general called Alidia no longer hesitated, his eyes were shining, and only the outsiders knew that the Eero army was attacking Cornelia, but few people knew that Ai Xian Emperor Luo also visited the front line this time. Otherwise, how could the 300,000 Ero army cooperate so closely and push forward in layers, squeezing the barrier of the Aden Army, a Cornelia, could not attract the eyes of His Majesty, To summon my purpose is naturally about the content of Aden. I have been lurking in Aden for three years and I have seen Aden on the chest. I am not asking for this day. I will point out the weaknesses of the Kingdom of Aden before the emperor. Come, let the whole empire of the empire look on the side, and achieve the military achievements of a soldier. Thinking of this, he glanced fiercely at the merchants and merchant carriages of the Falcon Empire. He unwillingly waved his whip and bored. With a snort, "Good luck this time, if you meet next time, it won't be so easy to talk about, go!"


Seeing countless Eero cavalry flying from the front of the caravan like a wind, the armor cold, rolling up the soot and murderousness of the sky, West Connis's face became more gloomy and terrifying, he could understand the words of the Eero people, the original Luo Siwu The real name turned out to be Alidia, the name that Conción had seen in the domestic military newspaper, Alidia, the head of the 17th Cavalry Regiment of Eero, this time the 300,000 troops of the Eero Empire swooped Cornelia, with the exception of the 100,000th Eros 4th Army in front of the name of the rebels, is the worst of the 17th Cavalry Regiment of Eero, the first 40,000 rescue troops sent from the Great Oasis by the Kingdom of Aden It was the ambush of this 17th Cavalry Regiment, which lost more than 7,000 people and suffered heavy blows. Later in the battle between the two armies, the 17th Cavalry Regiment came out from the unexpectedly deserted side of the desert and led the Aden Army behind. Of the logistics transport team was completely killed, which eventually led to the main force of the Aden Army because the logistics could not support it and could only make a decision to give up Cornelia,


In the battle of Cornelia, this Allydia is in the limelight, and its reputation is rising. No one knows how he can do it. The Biyadin soldiers must also be familiar with the desert terrain and the route that even the local garrison does not know. , He was also able to cross the road with ease, leaving a shadow in the heart of the Aden frontier. Now Siconis knows that this new Eero army who was rising rapidly in the battle of Cornelia was in Surrug three years ago. Luo Xiwu, a German geologist, remembered that he still had a joke about discussing the terrain with the border. At that time, the other party proposed that only a light cavalry was required to penetrate the side of the wilderness to cut off the logistics line of the Aden Border Guard. At the critical moment, the Aden Army suffered a heavy blow, and he once laughed that he was whimsical, that the desert is a famous dead place, and the sky is dusty, no one can turn it out. Obviously, he did it and took the cavalry from the dead. Turned out, as to how to do it, I don’t know, but if the other party can really find a way out of that wilderness, the other party may not be able to pass through the desert of the Kingdom of Aden and kill the core of the Kingdom of Aden in one breath. Go Oasis!


   "We are not going to the Falcon Empire anymore, we must return to the Oasis immediately!"


West Connis madly grabbed the collar of a subordinate, if it was just conjecture, but the emperor of the Eero Empire even enlisted himself, which means that even if the other party does not find the way to the core oasis, it is absolutely Not a little Cornelia can be satisfied, ridiculously the entire Kingdom of Aden is still looking forward to the other party, after swallowing Cornelia, the idea of ​​stopping the military,


   There are not many troops on the border, but there is no sign of the strength of the domestic troops. Once the 300,000 army of Eero breaks through the big oasis, the consequences will be unimaginable.


   "His Royal Highness, we cannot leave the caravan at this time!"


His men quickly suppressed him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He looked to the left and right, the Eero army was marching beside the caravan, like a forest long spear, like a white in the sun Hualin, the long queue can't see the end at a glance. Such a scene has made West Connis fight a cold war. Cornelia has already arrived. Why is the Arroyo still moving in the direction of Cornelia? Or from the beginning, I made a mistake myself. The goal of the Eero army march is not Cornelia, but the side of the Great Oasis. The wilderness death place that reversed the entire battle situation. Killed there, the frontier who had been looking straight ahead was simply unable to respond,


   "Leaving the caravan now is to be exposed to the eyes of the Erow, and please, your Highness, hold back and wait until evening!"


Another subordinate looked ugly, but soon, West Connis realized that he could no longer go, as the frontier patrol leader said, the Eero army sent out to the Empire caravan that entered the theater. The army monitored before and after the caravan, and West Connis saw an escaped businessman killed by the Eero army.


   Now the caravan can only move forward. In front of the caravan is the port of Cairo in the Eero Empire. Before arriving in the port of Cairo, any behavior of leaving the caravan is handled according to the spy.


   Three days later, the outline of the Cairo port of the Eero Empire appeared in front of the caravan. The Eero army that had been following only stopped here.


West Connis immediately found the Falcon Empire Navy at the port of Cairo. After the Erero army occupied Cornelia, a report of a possible attack on the Kingdom of Aden may be sent quickly from the Empire Navy Department. Continued【】

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