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: Two thousand six hundred and sixty-one Empire Storm (36)

The hills of southern Istan ushered in the heaviest snow since the beginning of winter, as if the white covered the world in front of me, the cold wind screamed and wrapped a large snowflake on the face, and the horseshoe fell into a snow pit that fell into the ankle. Under such heavy snow, a middle-aged Istanian aristocrat who was covered with snow and almost covered with snow into a snowman, and the stubble that was carefully maintained in the past, was frozen. He glanced sadly at the snow field that seems to have no end in front. The body is almost completely lying on the horse's back, and both feet are tied to the war horse with leggings. The purpose of this is only one, that is, even if the person passes out, he will not fall off the horse. The only thought of the middle-aged Istanian nobleman is to keep going, "How far is it from Gangwa?" This Istanian middle-aged nobleman stood up and cheered up,

"Sir, we should be in the Allen Hills in the south, about a hundred miles from Gangwa!" A guard cavalry familiar with the terrain glanced around and glanced at the heavy snow on the goose feathers, exhaling a thick white gas. If the snow stops tonight, you should be able to arrive at Gangwa tomorrow. If the snow does not stop, it will be hard to tell!"

"How many days are we out?"

"eleven days!"

"Go ahead!" The middle-aged nobleman took a deep breath, rubbed off the ice and snow on the stubble with his hand, and revealed a determined middle-aged man's face, revealing a refined temperament, but paled a lot, if Now some people see that it is impossible to believe that this istan noble, who is almost like a tramp, will be the Governor of Sarum in the province of Kabul in the north of Istan, known as the pearl of Istan,

More than a dozen cavalry guards were by the Marquis of Sarum, and the whole queue was heading toward the south in a word. Even if everyone had tired and wanted to die, the snow on his face was frozen with ice, and his eyes were red like rabbits. The man stopped the horseshoe to the south, but he was no longer able to run fast. It was completely driven by the instinct of the horse towards the front.

Their goal is Gangwa in the south. ▉▋E▋小▊说网om▉Gangwa is the important southern town of Istan, and is also the seat of the current headquarters of the Falcon Emperor’s army in Istan. At this time, it has been one month since the North-South War, which has crushed 700,000 in six countries. The coalition empire. It not only deterred the entire south, but also thoroughly ruled the governors of the Istan region,

The empire general Varisian, who had already mastered in Feisan, was again ordered to reorganize the Istan region. Varisian knew the nature of the governors of these regions. Due to the lack of central government, many people are used to the wait-and-see mentality. Obviously, they have little capital in their hands, and they still have bargaining calculations. The governors of Istan in the south are still better. Anyway, the main force of the emperor is stationed in the south. We all squeezed the tails one by one. In the final stage of the North-South War, the Southern Governors expressed their sincerity. "≤"≤Fiction"≤Net, www. .≤ is also to take out all the troops in the hand, whether it is regular army, miscellaneous army, 780,000 people in seven, eight, eight, and the southern part of the South The coalition forces fought several blockades and suffered heavy casualties. Now that there are still some left in their hands, it is no longer enough to worry. Varisian is worried about the governors of the northern region of Istan.

During the North-South War. The North did not make any effort. Later, when it was seen that the wind was not in the right direction, he hurriedly joined the Empire side. The governors in the north returned to the wait-and-see attitude again, thinking that the Falcon Empire wanted to swallow Istan, and how to adopt the Huairou strategy to envelop people. In this way, everyone can take advantage of the spring breeze of the Falcon Empire. To get a capital to enter. The north is not a border military town, and it has not been regarded as a military barrier by the Istan Empire. Therefore, the northern area prospered to win the south, but the army is not as powerful as the south. The south has long battles with the south, and the mountainous hills are not long. The place where rest and recuperation is practiced, most of the soldiers of the Istanian Empire were also transferred from the southern region.

After the early rebellion and the rampage of the Six-Power Allied Forces, the population economy of the South also fell to its lowest level in three decades. Instead, it was the North, which was not affected by the rebellion and the Six-Power Allied Forces. The population city remained intact, and the Empire entered the Istan region. In the name of export, it is not easy to rectify the Governors of the North

Considering the resistance to rectification of the North, Varisian also complained to the fat man after accepting the order. In this case of the North, mild means integration is only afraid of being difficult to be effective, tough military means, and fear of a good Istan The north was destroyed, and the fat man responded to the suffering of Varisian.

"The Empire will order all Governors of the provinces of Istan to report to Gangwa in the Emperor Base within a certain period of time. Those who fail to meet the deadline will immediately be dismissed!" This opinion made Varisian stunned. What is this opinion?

The report transmitted from the Imperial Ministry of the Navy made Valisian, who was thinking about how to reorganize the Governor of Istan, a bit difficult. Don’t look at yourself as the highest military commander of the Empire in Istan. No one dared to look up in the entire south, but when it was really necessary to mobilize the army, without the order of His Majesty the Falcon, these hundreds of thousands of troops could not be mobilized at all. The Eero Empire waged a war on Aden, and Varisian instinctively smelled it from inside. Opportunity, but the order from His Majesty the Falcon is "wait and see its changes. Without order, you can never send troops without permission!"

This is totally incompatible with His Majesty the Falcon. In the past, the style of seeing the benefits must take a bite. Where did the "change" in His Majesty's order?

Varisian can only suppress the eagerness in his heart, nailing his eyes on the Cornelia battlefield, watching the 300,000 troops of the Eero Empire rush into the Cornelia area, watching the Aden army rescue crazy, a length of three The Cornelia promenade in Baili, the two military forces and nearly half a million hanged together, were almost beaten into the dog blood promenade. In the end, the Eero talents struggled to settle the battle situation a month later, and the Adenites were not reconciled. 'S evacuation

Varisian could only understand that, the goal of the Airo army was not Cornelia, but the main force of the hundreds of thousands of frontiers rescued by Aden.

If the attack on Cornelia is the purpose of the Arroyo Army, won’t even take Cornelia for half a month, and the Arroyo’s attack has been very quick from the beginning, it can be said to be an unexpected example of its attack, absolutely It was a long-planned operation. One hundred thousand rebels entered, and then the troops under the banner of crusade cut in. One ring buckled this ring, but as soon as the Adenites were dispatched, the situation immediately changed, and one hundred thousand rebels could obviously soon Just hit the town of Cornelia in one breath, but deliberately slowed down the process. E小▊▉说▉▌The Eero army who cut into the back of the net █ spread out the line of the army, and the teeth were staggered, which was obviously a trick of netting and hunting, and finally a fatal blow to the logistics line. If it weren’t for Aden’s frontiers to run fast, more than 100,000 people would be destroyed by the Eros

"This report is immediately transmitted to Your Majesty!"

Varisian seriously folded the report in his hand and handed it to the adjutant who came in. The Governor of Istan, who had come to report it, had arrived in seven, seven or eight. This is the time. It was Varisian who felt the vengeance of His Majesty the Falcon. It was difficult for the North to rule, because these Governors were there, and that was their territory. Now they are transferred out of their original areas. What they want to do is not yet Imperial meaning,

The meeting place is set in Gangwa in the south, and the governors in the south are better, with three or four days away and seven or eight days away. It can always be reached, but the governors in the north are somewhat bitter. From the north to the south of Istan, even if it is the fastest horse, it is also an eleven-two-day journey, bumping on the horse for more than ten days in a row , Even a strong man made of steel, buttocks have to be twisted into several pieces,

Moreover, the northern part of Istan is the core region of the Istan empire, and the proportion of civilian officials serving as governors is much higher than that of the south. It is conceivable that in the snow and wind, a group of clerical workers in the wind and snow wrapped down the wind and snow, and arrived at the Gangwa. I was afraid that I would have lost most of my life. In the ice and snow, the cold half lived alive, just to get to the place as soon as possible, no bargaining, no sharpness, no idea where to throw it. The so-called deadline is actually a warning to the governors of the north. The empire can naturally remove the unruly governors of the north as long as they are out of date.

The fat man who received the urgent report from Varisian did not intend to intervene in the war between the Eros and the Adens. The empire was not a savior, and the war between the Eros and the Adens was too muddy. The Eeros was fighting. With the idea of ​​going deep into the hinterland of the Kingdom of Aden, it was not because the Adenites were planning to lure the Eero army into it, otherwise the evacuation of hundreds of thousands of frontier troops was so timely. The two countries have been fighting each other for a hundred years. Who still does not know who? If the Kingdom of Aden is destroyed so easily, then the Kingdom of Aden has been destroyed many times, but Emperor Erow is a little too confident and eager, otherwise, he may not see some clues,

Fatty is now fully committed to the affairs of the Imperial Bank. After all, military expansion is limited, and the attitudes involved are affected. After the First World War, the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of troops consumes and destroys the reconstruction of the area. How can it be better to expand economically directly Better,

Southern powers are now overwhelmed. The rapid expansion of the strength of these small and medium-sized countries has also touched on the sense of crisis in the surrounding countries. You expand your troops, I also expand your troops, you buy weapons, and I also buy weapons. In order to avoid being overwhelmed by this kind of military competition, some poor countries have begun to sell royal jewelry in private,

The contents of the loan signed by the Imperial Bank are increasing, and most of the loans are returned to the empire from the military expenditures for the purchase of weapons. By March, the trade volume of the empire’s arms exports to the south had tripled. The precedent of the Papute Kingdom. Now the Imperial Bank has signed contracts with seven small and medium-sized countries on the southern coastline of Obaro. At one stroke, it has won centuries of mortgages for nine coastal ports, and dozens of mines and various regions. Resources can be said to have opened up a situation in the south, which was much stronger than the effort it took to get a Cairo port from the Eero people.

The expansion of the Imperial Bank in the interior of the Empire has also been very rapid. Since the Imperial Bank has made a reputation at the headquarters of the Business Alliance, showing a strong background, then the governor of the southwestern district of the Empire’s most prosperous province, Saron, even expressed Welcome the entry of the Imperial Bank branch into the Southwest District,

In April, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Imperial Kyoto borrowed 60 million loans from the Imperial Bank for construction in various places.

Unlike the main business of commercial alliances, Imperial Bank is mainly engaged in loans and deposits. In particular, Imperial Bank has introduced measures to collect interest after merchants’ deposits reach a certain amount, which can be said to stir up thousands of layers in the entire Empire. Wave, in the past, when businessmen saved money in business alliances, they needed to pay custody fees, and the imperial empire had interest to take, which was unheard of. Although the interest rate was minimal, but the custody fee saved was just a small amount. The credibility of the Imperial Bank, guaranteed by the Imperial Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the affirmation of the southwestern empire of the Empire, even the emperor Krolisat, and the imperial commercial queen Sokotus Delan personally control, what problems will there be? ? With the rapid rise of the Imperial Bank, the commercial nature of the business alliance has become more prominent. The loan function that originally belonged to the business alliance has been replaced by the imperial bank holding 80 million business alliance gold tickets.

When the warmth of the early summer of May hit the face, the Imperial Bank has completely become a part of the Empire’s economy. Deposits and loans are not limited to the South and the Empire. The northwestern Obaro is subject to the Empire’s kingdom. Also started lending to Imperial Bank,

The purpose of these kingdom loans is not to buy weapons and expand armaments, but to buy merchant ships to form caravans, build domestic road facilities, and the exhibition of the imperial commerce and trade industry, so that these surrendering kingdoms have begun to rely consciously on the economic core of the empire. In the circle, the empire rarely appeared in peace. The main forces of the empire stationed in the Istan region began to withdraw their respective stations in April, leaving only the 200,000 legions of Varisian stationed. The Istan region was reorganized. Later, the empire was re-planned as seven southern provinces and four northern provinces. Although the governors retained their positions, the jurisdiction of each place was taken over by the administrative officials sent by the empire.

"Your Majesty, after capturing the great oasis of Philo in the Kingdom of Aden ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the Eero army was counterattacked by the Aden army, and the battle damage was more than half.

In July, in the office of the Imperial Palace in the Imperial Palace in Kyoto, the fat man drinking cold water finally waited for the result of the battle between the Eero Empire and the Kingdom of Aden. Although the Eero Army took a certain advantage in the early stage, it took the periphery of the Aden Kingdom in one breath. The four oasis, but after all, it is still unacceptable. It is even more foolish to want to compete with the Adenites in the desert area. As a result, the two desert heavy troops relocated by the Adenites from South Centralbia are fierce. Slapped,

The emperor Eero, who was interested in calculation, was said to have been slashed on the arm by the shocked Aden camel cavalry. Logically speaking, this is not a fatal knife wound. The problem is that there is a desert hinterland. , Wound infection, now the entire Eero country is messed up, this situation is like the emperor Istan died in the war, all the domestic forces want the kingship,

What is even more chaotic than in Hérault is that the entire south is completely out of control,

Conson Kingdom with medium strength first declared war on the small country Ambia Kingdom, Papute Kingdom sent troops again and captured the South Anfu area in one breath. The Fezer Kingdom sent a special envoy to negotiate with the empire and was willing to cede a port as compensation. In the face of such chaos, the southern chaos is completely broken. . . . . . (To be continued.)

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