Whole Nation

: Two Thousand and Twenty-Nine Thunder (9)


   "You are Luandria of the Bibiana family!"


Lightl looked at the old man who appeared in front of his face with joy. He did not expect that he would meet the person who was willing to help himself before he entered Rovka. Three years ago, the brutal Fezer army The mission to the Kingdom of Kalisu requested that the original agreement be revised, and that a tribute be added to the original basis. Fei Ze spoken on the west coast, but it was not applicable in the southern region.


  The situation in the south is still a mess. Even if Fei Ze, as the suzerain, goes to the south with accompanying scholars who can translate,


And Luandria happens to be the entourage scholar of the mission, one is a mission scholar, and one is the legendary and famous hero of the Kingdom of Kalisu. Logically speaking, the probability that the two can be connected is very small, but On that occasion, the nobles of the Kingdom of Kalisu, who was forced to sign an agreement, decided to start a mission to the Fitzer Corps in anger and anger.


Of the real power figures of the Fezer military, the Kalisu nobleman naturally dared not to do anything casually, nor did he know who found out that the accompanying scholar Lu Andrea was only a high-ranking slave, and as a result, Lu Andrea naturally became the best candidate for the implementation of the killing of chickens and monkeys in the eyes of the nobles of Kalisu. After learning of the plan, Leiter showed strong opposition. "If the dignity of a country needs to be achieved by punishing a slave, then this There is nothing more dignified about the country, and this will only arouse the vigilance of the Fezers, and it is not worth the loss!" Although Lightl’s opposition did not stop the plan, but also because of the intervention of Lightl, the first general of the military , The framed Luandria did not suffer from torture and died, but was secretly taken from the prison on the day of detention by Lightl,


It was declared to be the name of a teacher who is proficient in Feze language for his daughter. Luandria was originally a very famous scholar on the west coast of Fezer, and he has also enjoyed considerable reputation in the south. Since then, Leiter has announced that he wants to To find a noble Fezer for his daughter, Lu Andrea lived in Letle’s house for a whole year. As a nominal teacher, he taught Nalin Fezer, the cultural knowledge of Fezer, also from Luan In the mouth of Deria, Litera in the south knows more about the wider world


Fitzer is just a country on the west coast of Baros in Southern Europe. To the north of Fitzer, there is a stronger falcon empire, which is why he chose to escape west, because only as strong as the falcon empire, It may not be necessary to look at the face of the Fezers at all, and the Fezers absolutely dare not chase the control area of ​​the Falcon Empire!


   "I heard about the situation in the Wangdu area, and I'm sorry..."


Lu Andrea looked at the embarrassed face of this legendary command, and his face was a bit bleak. The news of Wang Jun’s massacre of the southern vassals had spread to the west coast. Shocked, as a senior slave of the great noble family of Fezer, for decades, he has long regarded himself as a Fezer, and Lu Andrea feels ashamed in his heart when he thinks of the despicable means of the royal family of Fezer.


   "Sorry? No, this matter has nothing to do with you." Lightl smiled, mouthless.


"This is... Her Royal Highness Princess Nalin!" Luandria looked at the woman next to her, her mouth slightly open, stunned, the gap was too big, not because he was exaggerated, but Nalin's appearance now, If you don’t recognize it carefully, who would have thought that it was the southern princess who was famous for her unruly and capricious princesses, who had escaped for several days in a row in the dirty slavery group, even if the real princess was almost like a beggar, Besides, Nalene’s face was deliberately darkened, and her skin appeared rough. I thought that at the light house, I didn’t suffer from the troubles of the princess, but one thing was fine, that is, I never rushed myself. Go out, otherwise, you will never live to the present,


At that time, I don’t know how many aristocrats of the Kingdom of Kalisu were waiting outside to kill themselves to become famous. They were just slaves, even if they came from the suzerain, they were also slaves. The Kalisu people killed them. For myself, at most it is to compensate a little money, and most of the people in the mission are also holding a lively mentality, and they know that this is the Karisu people to vent their anger, and no one is willing to stand up and bear the anger of the Karisu people.


   "Is Biberia's home still on the west coast?" Lightl asked him about the west coast, and the answers he got made him look more and more ugly.


"Most of the nobility and slave lords have left the West Coast, and the rest are self-sufficient, afraid of being..." Luandria sighed. "If the two have no place to go, Just join me for the time being, although the west coast has changed a lot, but there are still some boats going to the south, I should be able to arrange it for you.” Lu Andrea has seen Leiter’s embarrassment and said with a condensed voice


"You can arrange the boat to the south? I heard that it belongs to the imperial navy..." Lighter's eyes flickered, sweeping the black imperial cavalry around Luandria, and his voice stopped. Suddenly, Ningsheng said, "Or, do you have a new owner now?"


"That's right. In fact, I mainly do some translation work." Lu Andrea smiled helplessly. What should I say? It's already a lot of age. It's not a face-to-face thing to change the owner, not to mention the person The owner is not an ordinary person. Luandria is afraid to say it, and Lettle will immediately choose to leave. From the bottom of his heart, Luandria knows that Letle is in the embarrassing situation of the Kingdom of Carisu


This is the case of the so-called Gonggao Lord. If Leiter was born in a powerful country, such as Fitzerberg, or was able to make great strides, but in the southern kingdom like the Kingdom of Carisu, Leiter is a general who specializes in battle After the Kingdom of Carisu is strong enough, it will only become the most feared object of the royal family. In the year of the Lightl family, Luandria has clearly seen the monitoring of the Lights by the Royal Family of Carisu.


  Following Luandria, the lighter father and daughter entered the city of Rofka. The sight in front of them made the lighter father and daughter look more and more straight, too many people! The city of Rofka is not a big city at all, it is at most medium-sized, and it is still a semi-fortress. But even so, it is not a problem to accommodate 50,000 or 60,000 people. It stands to reason that it is close to the Wangdu area and was affected by the war. Coupled with a large number of slaves, the whole city should be very chaotic, but the scene in front of it is not that far. From the beginning of entering the city gate, there are crowds of people along the street, and there are various shops with attractive brands. Abound, and directly opposite the city gate is a gigantic, straight, huge and wide field


The entire Guangxian field was paved with stones, and the smooth, blue-black falcon pattern was inlaid in the middle of the Guangxian field. It made people feel a sense of oppression at a glance, and it can be seen that this giant is a big Guangxian The field is not original, but was built by flattening nearby buildings, with a length of more than two hundred meters, and at least one time can accommodate three or four thousand fugitive slaves, even if so, they are still stranded in There are more than a thousand slaves on the wide field, and the people in the imperial uniform are registering, and there are all kinds of shouts around the imperial cavalry marching forward


   "The Carey Merchants Group helps you live and work in peace, recruiting 80 caravan staff, one silver coin per day, first come first served"


   "Free's wind, build the most professional weapons, recruit craftsman apprentices"


The stalls densely spread on both sides of the road in the center of Guangxianchang seem to be a few kilometers across. It gives people a feeling of being in a different space. Inside and outside the city, it is completely two worlds, and let Lettle feel the most shocking. It is because these signs are all written in Fei Ze language. When did the Empire have learned Fei Ze language? Impossible, Leiter had learned Fezer, and it took more than half a year to make it basically understandable. This is because there are university professors like Luandria,




Aware of the abnormalities on Leiter’s face, Luandria’s old face unexpectedly blushed, explaining that “The empire needed a lot of manpower on the west coast, and the businessmen from the empire also needed manpower. The problem is that the Imperial Bank has a special translation service. As long as they are willing to spend some small money, they can convert the Imperial language into the Fezer language, and these business groups are most favored by the slaves who fled the king. Presumably you have guessed it, Many of these slaves are skills passed down from generation to generation, serving the great nobles of the king. In the empire, these people are considered skilled craftsmen and are the talents most needed by the empire. The kings are in war. These craftsmen are tenth. Seventy-eight are in the hands of the empire. According to my conservative estimate, the number of these people is at least seven or eighty thousand!"


"Seven or eighty thousand!" Leter said secretly, what is the concept of seventy or eighty thousand skilled craftsmen, and the entire Carisu Kingdom has less than ten thousand skilled craftsmen, even if it is like the Kingdom of Fezer, it has accumulated a hundred years I am afraid that the craftsman talent will not exceed one hundred thousand. After running so much at once, even if the royal family of Fezer is unified, it is impossible to restore to the heyday in a short period of time. It seems that in the battle of the king capital, the biggest benefit may be the Falcon Empire. No wonder that along the way, the Empire Patrol did not ask about the fugitive slaves, but was rather vigilant and silent about the noble team. No sound, it was originally calculated to absorb all the details of Fei Ze Kingdom,


Behind Luandria, walked through the city’s wide field, and after moving forward for seven or eight hundred meters, the mobile crowd began to become fewer and fewer, and the imperial soldiers wearing black armor began to appear, and the queue finally stopped. In front of a huge mansion, Leirte has stopped talking with Luandria, and his expression is very serious. This should be the headquarters of the Imperial Army in Rovka, and there is still an imperial general, otherwise it will not With such a serious breath, like a fierce beast squatting in the dark,


  With the intuition of the soldiers, Lightl can already feel the murderous air that came from the face, which is the breath that has only been experienced after the blood of the corpse mountain! I think of the rumors that the Falcon Empire kills people in the north, and the people killed are counted in millions of units. Compared with it, more than 10,000 people have been slaughtered in the south. Not worthy!


"Here it is, you seem to have guessed a few points, yes, my current master is a big man of the empire." Luandria glanced at Leirte, and came down from the war with the help of the guards. He was It was ordered to participate in a secret negotiation. As for the two parties of the negotiation, Lu Andrea had already guessed a few points, and he needed to negotiate as an interpreter. If it was not the royal family of Fezer, then there would be only a group of anxious nobles. Those noblemen killed two hundred thousand people in Nurem, now they are shrinking to the west of the king capital, the king army slayed allies in a raid, and will not let these nobles who betrayed the royal family, these guys must be nowhere to go now, Only come to the Falcon Empire for help


   "Big character? How big is the character!"


Lightl took a deep breath and guessed that it was completely different from seeing. Through the big iron gate, you can see the imperial black armor soldiers with red capes on the team of Guangping~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they stand The figure in the distance is like a fixed little black spot in the distance. This is the true face of the imperial army that claims to be invincible in the north of the mainland.


"A big man who can help you, but the owner will not help, I don't know! Waiting for me here" Lu Andrea sighed, turned and walked into the mansion, he didn't know that = this is true Leter is good or wrong. The big man's method has long exceeded his imagination. He came to the door of the room. Luandria pushed the door open. The sunlight entered the room from the window sill, transparent and bright, and the air was filled with air. With a faint afternoon breath, the warm yellow on the copper multi-handled candlestick flickered gently in the wind, illuminating a document being examined at the desk


"Lu Andrea, you came just right. Help me look at this document. These nobles are full of grammar that I don’t understand. I have a big head. What is the agreement here is the oldest "The words of young people" Seeing Lu Andrea as if they saw a savior It’s too embarrassing for fat people to understand the documents of the noble Fizer nobles. In fact, you can’t blame the Fez nobles completely. You know, when you know that the person who wants to see this agreement is the supreme falcon empire, Fizer The nobles were almost convulsed in the past. In order not to offend the majesty of the God of War, this document, even the most grammatically mastered old Duke Geng Di, personally wrote, and all the nobles were on the side to make up for the lack of grammar. A trace of flaws turned out to be a protocol document that made the fat man glared for more than half an hour, and didn't understand what it was. 〖To be continued〗【】

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