Whole Nation

: Two thousand three hundred and thirty


   "It's really good literacy"


Lu Andrea’s eyes fell on the document, shining with unfinished gloss, licking his dry lips, and he felt with emotion that this document, written by Duke Geng Di, the chief of the aristocracy, condensed the entire Fazer class grammar, is definitely a fee For a scholar who has studied Fei Ze’s grammar for more than 30 years, seeing such a perfect document, even a punctuation is full of skills, the feeling of excavation is definitely not lost to eating. A big meal was refreshing. Until the emperor showed some impatience, Luandria carefully put the translated documents back on the fat man's table.


"It's just an agreement, what is so complicated to do!" The fat man has never been an elegant person. He scorns his lips contemptuously. Negotiating an agreement is like selling and buying between merchants. Too complicated, it is simply a waste of time and energy"


"These noble Fezers have seen the king before, and now they have to negotiate with His Majesty the Northern Emperor, naturally they dare not have the slightest sloppy!" Luandria smiled like an old wrinkled face. Although he is a scholar, It is also a noble family's high-ranking slave, who has been eye-catching for decades. This unmarked method of patting horses is already perfect.


The young emperor still had a smug look on his face. He turned the document over in his hand without any grace. After reading a few key contents, he put it down and his face became cold again. In the document, the nobles of Fezer asked the empire to open the West Coast area to give Asylum, and asked the empire to send the navy to **** them back to the north. After returning to the north, the nobles of Fezer are willing to give one million gold coins in return for this rescue!


"Help me write a replies and tell the nobles Fei Ze, if it is only this condition, the empire believes that directly taking the heads of these nobles and going to their families in exchange for ransom will be far greater than the so-called "remuneration" emperor. Looked coldly and waved his hand, looking at the winter yellow street outside the window


   "Yes, I get it!"


Luandria's face was pale and he nodded quickly. He sat down at his desk, picked up the quill on the desk, and began drafting the palindrome. There were two desks in the office, one for the emperor, and one Zhang is from Luandria. This is to facilitate the translation of the emperor’s notification document into Fezer language at any time. In fact, when translating the document just now, Luandria knew that the nobles’ proposal must be angered. Emperor's


In the past two months, what Lu Andrea saw and heard in the emperor’s office has already surpassed that of the scholar who limited his eyes to Fitzerberg. The strength and richness of the empire made Lu Andrea It was completely shocked to add, just to appease the millions of slaves in the West Coast area, the emperor's various materials and funds mobilized from the north added up to more than 10 million, compared to the hundred proposed by the nobles. Ten thousand gold coins, even such kind people like Luandria, despise these stingy nobles,


For other countries, one million gold coins, or a considerable amount of wealth, but for the empire of the northern masters, one million gold coins is a naked humiliation of the empire, only what it requires. Fragmentation is not enough. According to Luandria’s idea, if these nobles are willing to become vassals of the empire, and with the tribute of the property looted in the royal capital, there is a possibility that this negotiation can be continued. If it is only a million gold coins, is it worth an imperial emperor?


I already had a manuscript in my heart. Lu Andrea wrote quickly. In the palindrome, even the loyal and honest scholar of Lu Andrea, he also kindly wrote the emperor's words. "The empire believes that it will take your heads directly. The income from going to your families in exchange for ransom is far greater than the so-called "remuneration"


   Put down the pen, Lu Andrea respectfully handed the palindrome draft to the emperor


"That's it, it's still more straightforward to understand." The emperor took the draft palindrome and looked at it, and nodded in satisfaction. These Fei Ze nobles arrived in such a situation, and still remembered the benefits. , If you don’t hit your face badly, you won’t know that people are dead, and it’s useless to leave more money.


   "Your Majesty, does the empire really want to accept these nobles? You know, the impact of the Nurem massacre will have an adverse effect on the empire." After hesitating, Luandria asked cautiously.


   "Acceptance? A group of people who screamed and beat the rats, what did the Empire accept to do?"


The young emperor's mouth had a tingling smile. "It's just something, the empire is not easy to do, so they have to let them do it. I'm not afraid to tell you, and soon the news that will make Fezer more shocked will come. King Fezer If you want to have a unified kingship in your dreams, it will soon become an illusory dream with bamboo baskets and empty water. You just don’t know that the old king who has finished his calculations can finally hold it up!" The emperor said unclearly So words


   "More shock!"


Luandria looked suddenly, but soon calmed down, followed by the emperor, what he saw and heard, which was not a shock, during this time around the emperor, this Luandrian scholar has figured out A little bit of this rumored supreme, murderous Empire emperor's temper, the emperor on weekdays is definitely a very good rotten good man, regardless of nobility or slaves, all are treated equally, without the slightest majesty And the sense of oppression, but sometimes the look of dozing off the legs on the desk is more like a young man who can find a lazy opportunity and will definitely be lazy!


But it was this young man who had risen on the western coast of northern Obaro for several years, swept the Gaul Empire that had entrenched the north for more than two hundred years, engulfed the central and imperial empire, and beheaded the 300,000 army of the central power Feisan. Stan, during the First World War, hit the southern coalition of 700,000 people. The entire southern people killed were worried. Now the entire Obalo continent is not looking up at its figure. People are panicked, and they are stepping on the fee. Zee’s west coast has spurred the fuse of the battle between kingship and military power that has accumulated over a hundred years!


At this moment, an imperial guard came in from the door, holding a report in your hand, "Your Majesty, the Fifth and Twelfth Army of King Fezer's Army, have begun to move westward, and they are still in The 4th Corps of the Royal Corps directly under the royal family monitoring the Noble Army, and the 7th Corps also entered the Blue Rain Valley this morning."


   "Well, let's go first!"


The emperor took the report, waved his hand to the guard, glanced at the report, and said with a smile, "Fei Ze Wang Jun seems to be about to start. It is a godsend. It is a pity that the tens of thousands of southern vassals originally wanted them. I was able to hold back for a period of time. I didn’t expect that King Fitzer was so impatient. He just wiped out the special case of Ferret, and immediately used a butcher knife to start his own allies. Now he is not even willing to wait for the troops to build up. It’s the right thing to hear about the noble army’s hands."


   "The sound of the wind? How come!" Luandria looked dumbfounded


   "It's normal. Someone inside the empire sold this news to the royal family of Fezer at a high price." The emperor placed the report on the desk unintentionally and tapped his finger on the desk with a thoughtful look


"People inside, Your Majesty, I... I definitely don't have it." Luandria's face suddenly turned white. Such a secret matter, except for the emperor, only a few people knew. If there was an inner ghost, What do you think, you are as dazzling as you are with a label! A Fezer, staying in the most confidential emperor's office, and often coming into contact with the top secret of the empire, to say that this inner ghost is not himself, and even Luandria himself does not believe it! Is it easy to live a good life, is that the end? But I’m really not a ghost, Luandria’s legs are shaking


"I know it's not you, because this news is basically what I let people sell! Full 20,000 gold coins, and also made the Feiser royal family think that they bought the eyeliner inside the empire and think that they have the overall situation. This is a good thing. , Everyone is happy!" No young emperor grinned, showing his white teeth, almost did not scare Lu Andrea down


The emperor turned around and touched his chin to himself. "Unfortunately, the southern vassals died too clean. If one or two survived, it would be even more perfect! The royal family betrayed and killed by virtuous means. Allies, brutal and **** oppression of the nobles of the kingdom, there are two of these, let alone say, the support of the new king can be said to be a just act launched to reorganize the royal family!"


   "Support the new king!"


Hearing what the emperor said, Luandria’s old body couldn’t help but tremble a bit. The emperor was actually planning to re-establish a new King Fezer. It’s a big deal. The emperor had no intention of accepting the noble Fezer At least there is no meaning of asylum. Sadly, the nobles still value themselves, thinking that the empire will shelter them for a million gold coins. The enemy of the so-called enemy is a friend, but in the emperor’s calculations, this obviously does not work. These Nobles don’t spit out all the robbed things, don’t expect to step into the west coast to take refuge, and don’t die the last batch of nobility, the cruel and **** oppression of the nobility can’t be discussed. With such awakening, Lu Andrea’s heart Feeling pitiful and sad for the nobles of Fezer, knowing no, the news of the negotiation negotiations, the emperor sent someone to sell directly to the royal family of Fezer!


"Your Majesty, in fact, the southern vassals did not all die. When they came down, they just happened to encounter one outside the city." After hesitating, Luandria told the emperor the news that Leiter was not dead. The relationship with Lightl said "I was in Carlisu's encounter. If it wasn't General Lightl, I would not be there anymore."


   "Letter? That legendary star of the Kingdom of Carisu in the South"


Hearing Lu Andrea’s introduction to Leitel, the fat man’s eyes suddenly shone and he rubbed his hands excitedly. He really wanted to sleep. Someone gave a pillow. He sent someone to secretly sneak into the Wangdu area to search for survivors. However, Lu Andrea picked up one on the road, and was one of the high-level members of the extraordinary southern vassal army. He really lived up to save the character accumulated by millions of slaves! All the southern vassals were killed in one night. It is said that Fei Zejun cut off all the heads of the corpses of the southern army in order not to leave a living mouth. I didn't expect to slip such a big fish!


   "Your Majesty, what should this person do?"


Luandria asked cautiously, the emperor’s thoughts, he dared not guess anymore, he turned his hands over the clouds and rained over the hands, he negotiated on this side, and sold the noble army backhand there, and may also immediately order Lightl grabbed it and handed it over to the Fezer royal family to complete a certain layout. Luandria was also playing drums. If the emperor really ordered to capture Lightl, what should he do?


   "Place it first with you, and still no one can know that he is alive"


The emperor hesitated, "Although the Imperial Army is tightly controlled, there are now a large number of slaves who have fled from the Wangdu area, and there are a lot of people in the city. There will never be less spies from the royal family. Just like the empire always pays attention to the actions of the royal family, the royal family also keeps an eye on the empire's actions. This time it deliberately releases the secret of negotiating with the noble army. In addition to using the royal hands to force the noble army to follow, there are Another purpose is to take advantage of the Fei Ze royal family's intelligence network in the city."


   "This kind of information network looks very mysterious, but it is not difficult to find"


The emperor's voice paused, and he said, "There are many slaves running from the direction of Wangdu to the west coast every day, but there are very few running back from the west coast to the direction of Wangdu~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Relax, the other side is even more unscrupulous. As long as you check the people who left Rovka to Wangdu in the past two days, you can roughly find the other side's veins. The intelligence department has already found a part. When the network has not been closed, the other side will not I thought that since they got the information, the thread has been in the hands of the empire. Once it is not easy to confirm, then it will be twice or three times.


"Yes, I see." Luandria heard a chill from his spine to the top of his head, trembling with fear. At the door, Luandria opened the door of a black carriage parked there. After waiting for more than half an hour, the light-leaf father and daughter said, "Get in the car first, my master said you should not show up now, go to my place to settle first, and if there is time, he will come in person!"


   "What a big shelf, anyway, we are also from the Kingdom of Kali Su..."


When she heard that she didn’t even show her face, she directly dismissed herself. The arrogant Nalin couldn’t help but scolded, but before her words were finished, she was interrupted by Lightl. “I think your master said That’s right, I really shouldn’t show up. The whole city is full of people who have fled from Wangdu. Like a teacher, maybe one or two know me, it’s bad!”


Standing in front of the window of the office, from top to bottom, watching the black carriage leave from the door, the fat man turned back, and his eyes fell on the report of the Wang Jun movement sent. From a time point of view, that thing should be It's almost done. If the aristocratic army was annihilated by the king army before then, it can only be regarded as the foolish aristocracy. 〖To be continued〗【】

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