Whole Nation

: Two Thousand and Three Hundred Thunder (11)


   "We were rejected?"


  The replies from the empire made the nobles of Fezer who were waiting for the empire to release the news of the west coast one by one stunned, feeling like a pot of ice water was dripping down the head


   "How come, one million gold coins, the greedy emperor is not satisfied yet?"


   "Yeah, one million gold coins, just need to let go of the border, let us take refuge on the west coast temporarily, this price is already very high"


The nobles have argued that they can get one million Huang Cancan gold coins without spending any effort. For the Northland nobles who have risen in all the net worth and the future and hope to rise in this battle for kingship, this One million is just a naked sitting on the ground,


  Some people are saying that it seems that the news is true, we were all sold by the Falcon Empire to the royal family of Fezer."


"Don't talk like that, don't you think it's not messy now?" A Northland nobleman who was only a little worse than Grand Duke Geng Di, glanced left and right, with a deep, hoarse voice. Say


"I think this is very possible! The royal family had already prepared to send someone to come to discuss in secret. As long as we are willing to give up most of the territory, the royal family may consider putting us on a path." Duke Geng Di's eyes flashed, and the eyes of the old gods flashed After a sharp ray of light, his words made the nobles around him suddenly stand still,


   "Sir Geng Di, you mean, you have sent someone to negotiate with the royal family?"


"What do you mean by doing this?" A young nobleman stood out from the crowd and questioned angrily. There was also a low-lying discussion inside the nobleman. Many noblemen knew for the first time that the nobleman's senior What they did was the bottom card of the two negotiations,


"Anyway, it's all talks, talk about one family, and talk about two families. It's really nothing wrong. If there is, it's also about not putting on the face." Duke Geng Di's expression calmly waved his hand. "It's like a proverb. As we said, we can’t talk about putting all the eggs in one basket. In the final analysis, we Northland and the royal family do not have an endless power struggle like the military. For the royal family, if we want to control Northland as soon as possible, kill It is unfavorable to lose the nobles. Our nobles in the Northland have been entrenched in Fez for more than a hundred years, and they are intertwined. Once we really want to fight hard, it will not be easy for the Fez to fight in the north and south, let alone And the Falcon Empire is watching on the West Coast."


Hearing the words of Duke Geng Di, the nobles' faces suddenly appeared, yeah, it seems to be the case. The royal family wants to destroy the military because the military has swelled and it has reached a crisis. However, unlike the nobles of the Northland, they are the royals. The most important ally, ten years ago, under the pressure of the military, supported the incumbent king’s ascension. The two sides had cooperated intimately, and there was no need to pay for the destruction of one party.


"I think Duke Geng Di's words are not unreasonable. The royal family wants to go south. This may not be an opportunity for us to let everyone go back alive!" A leader who is similar to Geng Di also stands When he came out, he didn't show too many unexpected looks on his face. If he talked to the royal family closely, wouldn't there be only Geng Di's family? The nobles of the Northland and the royal family have been together for more than a hundred years, supporting each other and jointly fighting against the military. How can the connection between them be cleared in one sentence, only this kind of thing, Geng Di said, and those The nobles who secretly negotiated with the royal family, all pretended to be deaf and dumb.


"If you can really go back alive, you can make a little sacrifice." When you heard that you could go back, the nobles' faces suddenly became much better. The most feared thing is the fluke. The nobles thought that the royal family only wanted Hokuriku after all. The land is not their life,


What happened to the Nurem tragedy, the nobles have long since recollected it, that is, a long-term trap for the king, because the Nurem massacre, the noble army and the military parted ways, and eventually led to the anti-royal alliance split At the same time, it also urged half of the military's strength to fall under the control of the royal family. The military's strength was greatly weakened. With this opportunity, the royal family reversed the entire situation without a single soldier, and the original inferior force became the dominant force at one fell swoop. , And also received the full support of the original noble kings and nobles, which can be described as fame and fortune. It had already become the royal prestige like cold water. This time it has become hot and hot. It is not a noble army. How can the royal family get it? Such a benefit! But is it fair to put such a black pot on the noble army?


   "Negotiating with the empire was originally just a backup method, so you don’t have to worry about it!"


The thick voice of Duke Geng Di reached the ears of every nobleman, and continued to say, "In order to unify the kingship, His Majesty the King pretended to be a grandson for ten years, and finally found an opportunity to uproot the military power in one fell swoop. I also hope to be able to go south as quickly as possible, with absolute military superiority, completely occupy several vassal kingdoms in the south, and realize the biggest gain in the southern region in more than 100 years. Now waiting one more day, it will be more difficult to go south. In front of this national game that affects the entire Fizer, where is there any mind to disperse our forces to kill us! So the current situation is just to occupy more chips in the negotiations, I believe everything will be very good There will be results soon, you don’t have to worry so much!"


   "Sir Geng Di is right, Wang Jun is eager to go south, how can there be leisure to kill us!"


  The nobles settled down one by one and comforted each other, but few people noticed the flash of mercy in the eyes of several noble army leaders


Wang Jun would not kill all the nobles of the Hokuriku, because that was a waste of time, but he would never let the nobles of the Hokuriku go back in such a complete way. The repaired ones will definitely be repaired. Will let go! The huge wealth that the Northland nobles looted in the Wangdu area was afraid that the king had already been designated as the military budget for the army to go south. Wang Jun and the military have been fighting for so long, even if they have savings It is also used in seven, seven, eight, eighty thousand troops to go south, or the southern expedition in the winter of all things, military food and supplies must be prepared in advance, the royal family does not get money from the noble army, where to get money No money, everything is empty talk!


   For several large nobles in Hokuriku, they have a close relationship with the royal family, and some were once in a marriage relationship with the royal family. They are really normal vines that have occupied Hokuriku for 100 years. Even if the royal family wants to move, it is necessary to weigh the consequences.


The battle for the royal power is over and the royal family has achieved a full victory. What is needed now is to achieve the royal power's control of the entire Fazer in the shortest time. As long as these large nobles are willing to give up part of their interests, loyal to the royal family and recognize the royal power's rule over Hokuriku , And then spend military expenses to support Wang Jun’s southern expedition. Anything can be discussed. The union of interests is itself the link between the royal family and the nobles.


   But other middle and small nobles are hard to say


The nobility in the Wangdu area was seriously damaged in this catastrophe. In order to calm the anger of these nobles, the royal family also needs to find a vent. These insignificant small and medium nobles are undoubtedly, of course, this is the big nobility. The tacit understanding in the heart, who would say it silly, now is self-sufficient, who still cares about the life and death of these small and medium-sized nobles! In this default, the nobles and the royal family are negotiating closely,


In the eastern part of the Kingdom of Fezer, the Blue Moon Mountain, the gray sky is covered with winter rain, and the cold weather is like a layer of hoarfrost. The royal family of Fezer is directly under the Fourth Army of the Legion, and is heading towards the road. Ke looked at the marching queue with great satisfaction, annihilated the army's 100,000 elite and southern vassals, and made the royal army up and down like a reborn, originally wearing old armor, now replaced with fine iron armor, weapons in hand It was also shimmering with cold light, the sound of neat footsteps in the queue, the splashing water splashing on the ground, and the majestic army in front of me, heading towards the east of the city of Zeni,


The city of Xianchenyi used to be the boundary between the royal control zone and the military control zone. The 16,000 troops of the 4th Army in Rallyak were the royal troops sent to the east to completely resolve the remaining troops of the border guards. The first army and the second army of Teli have been destroyed. The main force of the military has disappeared. The tens of thousands of people who have stayed are already like rootless duckweed. As long as the royal family properly accepts, these tens of thousands of frontier defense forces will invest. Under the royal account, for the sake of insurance, the royal family still sent the fourth army of Rallyak to carry out this task. If the preaching was not successful, it would be suppressed by force.


Although the number is only 16,000, but the victory of the Royal War has just been achieved, the morale of the army is very high, and the weaponry is excellent, and the royal family believes that it has not lost the direct elite of the special case of Ferret, plus the Royal Great Office Xiang, no one noble dare to resist along the way, the remnants of tens of thousands of frontier guards are scattered, and the scattered sand is not just a good way


One of the local marquis personally opened the way for Wang Jun. As the governor of the province, this marquis was afraid of the dead ghosts, the grass on the wall, and when the military was strong, he invested in the military camp without hesitation. In preparation for military supplies and materials, Wang Jun is now victorious, and immediately arrested the nobles who invested in the military camp, and gave hundreds of thousands of bribes to Rally Axe. Although some are not accustomed to this provincial governor, they are For the sake of money, Rallyac still praised the governor of the province as a firm supporter of the royal family in his report.


"Adult, in front of you is the city of Zeni. The host there is a Viscount. Although he is impoverished, he can't afford any money to honor you, but the Viscountess is quite charming. The weather is cold, and the adult travels along the way. It’s good to have a personal bed warmer,” said the governor of the province, with a flattered face and bright eyes, said to Rally Ake. He originally thought that the military would win, but in a blink of an eye, the military was defeated so thoroughly. The punishment may come at any time, and the Governor-General will be panic-stricken all the time, and finally rely on a general directly under the royal corps, naturally like a drowning man grabbed the life-saving straw


"Admiral Governor, bothered, but the bed warmer will be relieved. The military situation is urgent, and I will not stay in Zeni!" Rallyak waved his hand indifferently. Although he was greedy for money, he was a general of the royal army. Being able to be valued by His Majesty the King to carry out this task still has some restraint in itself. A woman in a remote small town can see where to go, or she can finish things as soon as possible and return to Wangdu. What woman can’t get ! Those nobles who crimped in the king capital, in order to climb to the upper level of the direct army, they took everything!


"Adult is really my role model of Fezer", the Governor's expression sighed. At this moment, a cavalry was passing by the infantry marching queue. It seemed to feel something. Rally Ak also raised his head and glanced at the horizon in front of him. Eyebrows frowned together, and in the flying white raindrops, a large shadow appeared on the horizon in front.


   "Attention!" The officers of the former team raised their hands carefully,


   "What's the situation ahead?" Rally Acquired loudly


   "Adult, an unknown number of cavalry was found in front" said the scout cavalry, panting


"Cavalry?" Rallyac changed his face. The cavalry came from this place, but a thunderous sound across from it proved the report of the scouts. The large black cloud was rapidly expanding, and the ground was shaking slightly. The edge of the ground covered by the dark clouds, a dazzling cold weapon reflected in the eyelid of Rallyak,


   "God, it's really a cavalry!" A fat pig-like governor uttered a wailing noise beside him, his body trembling, and he was immediately convulsed.


"It's a waste!" Rallyak looked away with a disdainful look, and said that, in fact, Rallyak's face was not good-looking, and when he saw a huge steel cavalry, he broke through the white rain. Come ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Rows of majestic war horses, the knights above are wearing heavy armor, and in their hands are lances of cavalry like piercing walls, black pressure


"This is the border guard cavalry!" Seeing a banner of the Fezer border guard swept up in front of the wind, Rally Ak's pupils squeezed involuntarily, and the hand holding the whip made a gurgling sound, this is The so-called scattered border guards?


"Woo" Just when he was stunned, the trombone that charged across had torn the sky above the head, the heavy metal light, the rifle lifted forward, and the thousands. Thousands of horseshoes splashed the soil, the border guard cavalry began to move forward neatly, the long white ribbon of the helmet was like a high-speed moving cloud, the speed was so fast, it was close to one point every blink of an eye, neatly side by side cavalry lances, horse nostrils sprayed You can see the white gas


   "Attention, array!"


The fourth army directly under it was totally chaotic. It was not easy to talk about the thin marching queue to become a thick battle line. The cavalry hit so fast, as if a dazzling light belt was quickly pressed in the direction of the fourth army, and the horseshoes stepped on. As the world collapsed, the soldiers of the Fourth Army had begun to throw away their weapons and fled backwards. The officers shouted and shouted them to stop them, “No running! Kill anyone who runs,” but they can’t stop the momentum of escape!


"Kill!" The neatly advanced rifle was like a river of light turning up in the middle of a white rain curtain. The horseshoes rumbling and the earth trembled. It was drowned like a hurricane from the soldiers who fled, and brought up a series of blood stains Under the horseshoe, a fluffy blood burst like fog,   

  〖To be continued〗【】

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