Whole Nation

: Two hundred and forty-two Storms (22)


"What! The empire is going to cancel the high priest!"

Palsina also heard it for the first time. A beautiful face was filled with shock, but soon calmed down again, and the tempting red lips sighed.

"It’s okay. The high priest has too much power. Whether it’s the local Sarande or the fast-growing Obaro, after gaining such power, it will inevitably try to suppress the other factions by all means. 'S temple will immediately be caught in a vortex of blood and blood"

Palsina’s voice paused, and her expression looked sad. “The temple has withered away and can’t stand up to such infighting anymore, so I have been unable to make a decision for a long time. So I want to take a look at the list of the first festival group?"

"of course can!"

For this last Sky High Priest, the fat man couldn’t refuse, and wanted to comfort a few words, but couldn’t find what to say. He quickly took a name-filled list from the pocket on the chest of the uniform and handed it to Pals. Qinna "This is the list prepared by the empire. In fact, this time, I hope you can help the empire determine the members of the sacrificial group

"So much!" Palsina's eyes fell on the list, and she was shocked, writing a few sheets of paper,

"A total of 73 people, I plan to use 50 of them to form a sacrificial group"

"Sacrifice group of fifty people!" Parsina was a little surprised, holding the list, a little overwhelmed. She originally thought that the empire formed a sacred group, probably just like the highest level of the sky temple before, from five to It’s a good group of six people, but I didn’t expect it to be a big group of fifty people.

"Let me be sure, are you not afraid of my selfishness?

Palsina hesitated, put down the list in her hand, and blinked light blue eyes like stars, not looking at the fat man intently

"In fact, it doesn't matter if you are selfish"

The fat man can be called a boar-like skin, that is, it is so short that it does not turn red in a second, and it quickly returns to normal. Please search (Product#书……网) to see the most complete! In fact, he wanted to say that if you are willing to have selfishness, the interior of the temple is now divided into local and Obaro, which is the result of the imperial boost

The sky temple native faction. It is mainly composed of the original nobles of the Sarand. Under the several suppressions of the empire, these original sky temple backbones are afraid of each one at this moment, and they simply immersed themselves in the teachings of the doctrine.

The Obaro faction, with its roots in the more diversified Obaro continent, aims to expand the influence of the Sky Temple with all its strength, and attracts a wide range of personnel, regardless of class, civilians, businessmen, nobles, as long as they are willing If you believe in the sky religion, you will accept it all. In addition, the new saint is selected by the civilian class. With this best publicity background, influence quickly spreads among the civilians. It seems to be regarded as the backbone of the sky temple. In this case, even if the local factions want to open With one eye closed, the conflict between the two sides is inevitable

It's not uncommon for Palsina to stay in the sky temple for so long, but she also has her own line, but fortunately, it may be due to her personality. The faction of Palsina is mostly the kind that advocates that the temple should serve the people. It is also a pro-minist group within the temple faction, and this is also the reason. The sky temple was able to expand with the rapid expansion of the empire in just a few years,

"Since I handed the list to you, I recognized your vision," said the fat man. "I believe you will choose the most suitable ritual group. The empire does not expect the priest group to be fair, nor does it necessarily satisfy both parties. But at least So that both parties’ voices can be heard”

"Okay, I have a heart"

Palsina felt a little bleak in her heart and continued the destiny of the Sky Temple for two hundred years. Now she is in her own hands. Her eyes see the rainstorm outside the window has stopped, she sighs, holding the white fingers of the list Tight, she actually didn’t know that the fat man canceled the high priest and established the priesthood. In fact, he wanted to split the temple power. This man in front of him is, after all, an emperor of the empire. Any force that might threaten the kingship, according to the empire The iron-blooded style has always been very good without direct violent eradication, but this time the power reorganization directly and completely made the temple power weak.

"I'm a little tired. I want to take a break. Tomorrow, can you find me a Fazer language teacher?" Palschena rubbed the sun distressingly, and the beautiful Xiumei frowned together. Looking down at the list carefully, the beautiful chin makes a stunning intellectual beauty

"Of course, I will send someone to arrange it"

The fat man's eyes flickered, he withdrew his goal with difficulty, and nodded his head, knowing that it was the eviction order, and Palschena did not directly push herself out, which is very good. After all, it is also the current high priest of the Sky Temple. The empire canceled the high priest’s actions without any complaints, which was also a lie, but the fat man believed that Palsina should also be aware that the hidden danger of the temple was to expand too fast. The sky temple changed from a small country religion to a sudden change. The national religion of the empire, the local factions are still good to say, still only based on the island of Sarande, but those Obaro factions sent to Obaro to build the temple are another matter.

The local factions are stubborn and seem to be prepared to use silence to express their dissatisfaction with the temple’s civilian route. The Obaro faction looks vibrant, but there are many merchant groups, nobles and other secular forces also taking advantage of the opportunity. Penetrating in, there is a vague look at the highest power of the temple. For the empire, this is tantamount to igniting,

Therefore, Palsina has been hesitant, and now the highest power is divided into a fifty-person sacrificial corps. Even the outstanding ambitions cannot form a unity. Also because of the existence of the sacrificial corps, the local temple There is also no need to fear the situation where the Obaros surpass, and the two sides are incompatible!

The fat man closed the door of Palsina’s room calmly from outside, and then left after hearing the sound of lying down in the room. Palsina’s room was at the end of a corridor, and the eaves on both sides dripped from above. , Forming a curtain of water, you can see that the rain has stopped outside, the new sanctuary is dotted with a large flowerbed on the luxurious wide ping, dozens of well-decorated carriages lined up and stopped there, at the end of the corridor, an empire The general saw the fat man and hurried over to salute

"Did everyone see you?" The fat man stopped and asked

"Yes, all the delegates who came to the ceremony. I have seen them one by one, and all the temple personnel"

The commander of the Empire Northwest Corps, Crolisat, reverently replied, "and told them clearly that if there is any surprise on the west coast of the high priest of Palsina, even if it is only a little frightened. I will let them All of their heads stay here, even their families will not be spared, no matter who is behind it, it’s the same!"

"that's it?"

The fat man glanced at the slightly excited Crolisat, and his nose snorted heavily. "Although Palsina said there was no trouble. In fact, this is not the case. Both factions are already fighting. Both eyes are staring at Pal. At the moment when Sichenna stepped down as high priest, Palschena suddenly decided to go south, completely disrupting the steps of the two factions, and also made many people feel annoyed. Some people proposed to take the opportunity to start in the south. The high priest does not necessarily need to resign, because the result of the accident is also the same, in this time the southward entourage. Both parties have arranged personnel, but Palschena does not think that the two factions will do so, Pals If Qinna really happened, what would you do to kill them?"

"This..."Collisat was seen from the emperor's cold sweat, and his hands were sweating while saying, "Your Majesty, you know, I am a rough man, such a thing can be thought of That’s all for those. Do you want to count all the servant animals in their family?"

"Forget it. This kind of thing is not suitable for you to do. I still find the supervision department to do a little better. You can adjust the three thousand elite to cooperate with the supervision department." The fat man waved his hand helplessly and looked out the window somberly sky. These brave and insidious guys, if not looking at the hint of Palschena's unwillingness to see blood, I wouldn't let it go!

"Yes, I'll arrange it immediately." Clolisat, as ammonized, nodded quickly. He was a murderous soldier. He used a knife to cut people, and the blood was half a meter high without blinking, but he was really not good at this kind of work. In addition to shouting, something went wrong, and the other party destroyed your whole family. I really couldn’t find anything new. There is a monitoring department playing various hostage kidnappings, knocking on the black, threatening, and coming smoothly

"Gankefu personally led the 200,000 King Fezer army to surround Azshara. Leter has persisted for six days. In persevering, fearing that there will be problems, it is time for the Northwest Army to move." The fat man returned from the window. Body, said to Crowlisart behind him

"Your Majesty, is it time to go to war?" Crolisat's violently straight neck and bloodshot eyes have been on the West Coast for more than a month. I really look forward to the stars and the moon. I look forward to the war every day, not to say Crowe Lisart, the nearly one hundred thousand troops of the entire Northwest Army, is not that his eyes are red, two years later, he was finally raised by his majesty again to the front line of battle, and he was severely cut as a war knife of the empire.

"Within a week, cooperate with Lightl to attack the 200,000 kings of the Duke of Fezer Ganck. Do you have this confidence? "The fat man asked coldly.

"No problem!" Crolisat nodded affirmatively, indicating that the whole army was up and down. As long as your majesty ordered it, not to mention defeating the 200,000 king army of Gankefu, it is entirely possible to hit the capital of King Fezer in one breath. !

"Then prepare yourself." The fat man reached out and patted the old empire general in the northern grasslands, which dragged the 200,000 elite army of Ruierdian, the mountainous wolf who had been through his own year. It’s also time to get out of the cage. Fighting this kind of assault should be Crolisat’s expertise. The fat man said that the troop assembly should be as secret as possible. The six central countries will soon release support for Prince Fezer to become the new The king’s declaration, and the joint denunciation of the Fei Ze royal family, the Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also drafted a document. Only after the six central countries have released it will it announce its support for the new Fei Ze king. At that time, the empire can justly send troops!

Area of ​​King Fizer, Azshara


The long horn with a sense of sorrow reverberates in the smoky sky, and 200,000 kings of Fizer can’t drain the water surrounded by the fortress of Azshara. The outer wall of a sturdy pillar fortress, a large number of King Fitzer army swarmed up, and the city wall channel connected to the pillar fortress, the two armies have fought to a mass, countless Mars emerged, and knives, spears, and swords hacked On the opponent's armor shield

After several days of fighting, the soldiers on both sides had begun to become bloodthirsty. The attacked people grinned carelessly. The city cone hit the head. The fragments of brain plasma, blood and skulls flew across. The entire head was gone, the blood was white. Rolled into a river, corpses on the flanks of the battle,

"On the Fifth Regiment" Gankefu's old face was very calm. It seemed that in his eyes, he didn't see the **** battlefield of the ground fighting in front of him. He just raised his hand and shouted to a general behind him. Under the banner of the double-headed eagle army, there were seven square formations consisting of 8,600 people in the Fifth Regiment,


The captain of the led infantry pulled out a sharp long sword, and the swallowtail battle flags representing the squadrons screamed in the wind, and the seven squares marched forward like ants.

A team of heavy armoured cavalrymen began to turn their horses, like a cluster of arrows ejected with a whistling wind, flying like locusts from the side of the queue of infantry, and the white long satin on the steel helmet was like a battle flag in the wind. In the dance, the crotch of the warhorse is wearing a round cavalry shield, holding a light cavalry lance with a sharp spike at the front~www.wuxiaspot.com~ in a queue of two hundred rides, shaking the foot The reins, moving the horseshoe forward, rushed into the line of defense of the broken earth wall like a rolling line,

The horseshoe pushed away the corpses piled up in front. The sharp sword and axe poked on the heavy armor leaving only a shallow wound. The lance pierced through the heavy armor and caused a slip of sparks. The penetration of these heavy armor cavalry made the gap tear. Was bigger, rushed to kill for a while, these heavy armored cavalry retreated and let the infantry cluster continue to penetrate

"Kill!" The rifles of the infantry on both sides were laid down intensively, and the spearpoint of the cold light was like a neatly leaping forward killing line, and the soldier's mouth made a weird howling

"Go forward, the enemy will collapse"

The blood captain of the infantry captain who led the team was struggling to roar towards his men. His eyes were filled with spears like dense grass, and next to them were the falling bodies and the blood spattering on his face. At this moment, I lost my ability to think. In just a few minutes, the staggered lance array Lin was half thin.

The impact queue is like a flash of turbulent waves hitting the black cliff wall, and it will soon shatter and scattered, even if wearing heavy armor, it will not survive in such a intensive confrontation, the assault formation is completely chaotic, only guarantee A rough prototype,

"Order the fifth regiment to withdraw, the sixth regiment"

Gankefu raised his hand and stared coldly at the corpse in front of him. He deservedly was an experienced veteran. For the fortified Azshara fortress, he took a step by step method of nibbling and attacked a section of the defense line to force the defenders. Constantly deploy troops to fill in, so that the opponent's defensive advantage can be weakened to the greatest extent, and the strength advantage of Wang Jun can be more reflected!

(To be continued.)

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