Whole Nation

: Two Thousand and Forty-Three Thunder (23)


Over the head of the war-like Azshara city, in a burst of cheers, Fei Zejun withdrew from the breached gap like a tide. The defenders on the city wall were already strange, every three or four days, every time So, although it looks fierce, don’t be frightened by the foreign ministers of these Fezers. As long as you hold on for a while, these Fezers will withdraw themselves. After a few days, everyone has felt this pattern.

"Retreat, retreat, I know these guys can't hold on for long!" Even the lighter's adjutant shouted in excitement, and instead wore a black general armor and a wretched horned helmet on his head. Er, watching Fei Zejun retreat like a tide, his tight, thin lips are not a little joyful, because Fei Zejun is obviously not defeated and retreated, but belongs to normal strategic mobilization

After retreating, new troops will soon be covered up, it is not known how many times,

Gan Kefu really deserves to be one of the most experienced commanding generals in the entire South. The large group of 200,000 people not only showed no chaos in his hands, but also showed an orderly manner.

When a team retreats and a team moves forward simultaneously, the two phases alternate impeccably. If you try to send a cavalry to attack, the thousands of light cavalry who have been standing in the direction of the main array will sweep over like a razor. The cavalry is entangled, and the infantry who gathered up will kill all the attacking troops!

This kind of army of more than 100,000 people, commanding a commander that can be easily mobilized like his own arm, has exceeded the level of ordinary generals. It is their expertise to gather troops, expand advantages, hit a little and tear the entire front. Gankefu had a staggering awareness of the overall situation. On several occasions, he suddenly grabbed a gap with his superior strength, and then filled in a large number of troops. If he did not rescue, he would have the tendency to swallow the entire front.

For a few days, if it wasn’t for Lightl, or the line of defense, it was really torn apart by this tactic of pulling back and forth

It stands to reason. As a defensive side, according to the strong city wall, it is a side with natural advantages, but in front of veteran Gan Kefu, this advantage has not been shown. Instead, it feels like a flying insect that has fallen into the spider's web. His hands and feet are gradually trapped by countless lines. The too long Azshara line is making the balance of the battle situation towards the Fezers.

The fortress of Azshara is strong enough, but because it is not known that the other party will attack that period, it can only spread its troops.

Even if there were 78,000 people in Lightl's hands, he could still be in a saturated state of force at the beginning. After three or four days of confrontation, the troops without combat stayed on the walls and could not move. The troops that endured the fierce attack on the wall, the troops were disabled and retreated. After the reorganization, they were driven up. It was already exhausting for everyone. Because of the consumption of troops, the situation of being stretched is becoming more and more obvious

Gankefu continued to mobilize his forces to impact a section of the city wall, that is, he saw the lighter as the defensive side, because he needed to defend all the city sections, and he could not mobilize the mobile force. Even if there are more reserve teams in Lightl's hands, it will basically consume almost the same. Once the lighter can no longer be mobilized, Gankefu's true main force will be revealed. These 50,000 heavily armored infantry, who are well-kept, will be transformed into Fei Zejun's sharpest shooting guns under the cover of 10,000 Fei Ze heavy archers, as long as they penetrate a wall segment, and then a large number of infantry will flow into the city, By the time. Even if the opponent is the God of War, he can’t save the defeat,

The fierce battle continued until the afternoon, and Gankefu finally saw the soldiers on the wall begin to be vacant,

Raising his hand and chanting the trombone trombone is like a mountain pressed on the heads of all the defenders. The defenders who have just breathed out looked up at them one after another, and suddenly took a breath of air. The Fei Ze heavy armored army finally started. The attack line composed of 50,000 heavy armored infantry, the formation of about a thousand people in a team slowly and smoothly advanced, holding the tower shield in his hand, and the spear in his hand was neatly erected, just like A thick forest covered the land like this. The heavy armor of these heavy Feuer infantry covered two-thirds of the whole body. Although it was not as thick as the heavy infantry of the Empire, it had a weak skin attached to the joints of the arms. Armor, which can make these heavy infantry more flexible,

But it was not these that made the defenders feel **** eyes, but behind the Fei Ze heavy infantry in more than 30 consecutive queues, the more than 10,000 Fei Ze shooters who followed up in chain mail

The decoration of these Fazer archers is very distinctive. They wear feather hats on their heads. The length of the bow in their hands is as high as a person's height. When they are about 100 meters, they stop and stand up with a huge war bow in their hands. There is a sharp and fierce insertion into the soil to form a fixed relay point. From a distance, it looks like a long and dense pole has been suddenly erected on the ground. The huge arch handle has a bow string of more than 1.5 meters. With a single command, it is pulled out neatly. If you want to draw such a huge bow, the necessary condition is that the height of each shooter must be more than one meter eight, and the body is strong and strong. This is the famous Fezer dedicated to breaking armor 'S heavy archer,

"Asshole, this is a real pull!" Lighter took a deep breath. As a Southerner, he knew how terrible the power of this heavy archer was. A powerful large compound bow with a bison tendon The bow of the bow and the thicker wild buffalo horn's handle are even more impressive. The range can reach 130 meters, far exceeding the common range of ten meters in the southern bow. If it is equipped with a special heavy arrow, It can easily penetrate heavy armored infantry at 80 meters, and even the armor of heavy armored cavalry can penetrate at 50 meters. If it is close to 20 meters, any heavy armor is a piece of broken paper, and may even be worn with one arrow Through a fine iron shield, shoot through the arm of the shield bearer

The only drawback is that this kind of killer is obviously not available to ordinary people. It has high requirements for archers. Not only must it be well-trained, but also need to have quite good physical strength. Once it is lost, it is not easy to supplement. The war between the South and Fitzer On several occasions, he suffered heavy losses due to the participation of this heavy archer. In a famous battle sixty years ago, a powerful southern country spent 40,000 heavy infantry soldiers who had accumulated countless financial resources. The expanded Fizer contends, and the result was just a charge. These heavy archers were all shot within 50 meters. Eventually, the entire country was forced to become Fasser’s vassal kingdom under heavy military damage. This country is Carrie. Su Kingdom,

As a former Kalisu soldier, Lightl also spent three full years, trying to build a long-range unit against Fei Ze heavy bow, the result was that he was defeated in the battle and captured himself,


The shooter on the city's head was also nervous and blue. Although he hadn't seen such a battle after a few days of fighting, the hand holding the bow and arrow was a little trembling. After a few days of fighting, it seems that he has developed a habit. Everyone has become accustomed to every time Fei Zejun dispatched more than 10,000 people, and then everyone only needs to hold on for a while to win, but this time, it is obviously different from the previous, the pressure increased fiercely, it is a psychological test for anyone.

"Asshole, why are there so many people!"

Most of these soldiers were recruited from slaves on the West Coast. Their combat experience and mental speed qualities were almost equal to zero. The confrontation in the previous days gave them a little confidence. Anyone who knows will be confused by this huge gap. As a result, 200,000 Fei Zejun put a quarter of the troops at once, and saw the huge clusters in front of the plains lacking a big horn, uncountable infantry lances, shields, flying like the ocean The double-headed eagle battle flag, like the tide of the ocean, is so shocking, even if the war-veteran veteran still sweats in his palm, not to mention them, it is already very good to not escape directly.

"Hold on, don't mess!" Various shouts rushed on the walls,

"God, so many enemies, how to fight!"

Fei Zezhong infantry is getting closer and closer, 100 meters, 50 meters, the number is large, the momentum is strong, the feeling seems to be like the entire earth is drowned in front of his eyes

"Stop them!" The archers on the city walls unleashed their bow strings before waiting for the order~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A cold flashing arrow, drawing countless rapid white lights and shadows in the air, covering down below The shouts of Fei Zejun under the "erected shield" neatly. The shield like the goose was lifted violently, covering the top of the head, leaving no gaps. This time, the real attacking force was pressed, and the movement was neat. On the ground, the people next to him will also go around quickly. The cluster of arrows shot from Shang Min hit the curtain wall like a rainstorm.

Dang! Dang! Crotch!

The arrow cluster was hit by the shield, scattered, and could not play the slightest blocking ability. The shooter above was dumbfounded.

The empire assigned them only the southern bow captured in the North-South War, and the shooting strength was very weak. The penetration force for the real heavy armor was very limited. It was not a fat man who was stingy. It’s impossible. It was originally thrown as bait. Naturally, it will not be the top combat equipment of the empire.

"The other party played really, everyone pay attention"

Seeing that the archer was invalid, tens of thousands of melee pikemen wearing heavy armor began to push the line of the castle wall, just like the prey that finally appeared, "shooting" this time, the shouting was the heavy archer from the city of Fez, I heard a sound like a heavy rain hitting the ground, a large cold light rose like a meteor rising from the horizon, like a huge sweeping sickle, slashing the heavy armor arrayed on the city head The spearman, poof! Countless blood squeezed and exploded from the front end of the middle arrow, red human blood and countless pikemen pierced by the arrow fell from the top like raindrops. On the fifth day, as the fat man expected, Lightl’s troops began to engage in battle. Huge loss

The child has been hospitalized with a fever. I have been a bit busy for the past two days, please forgive me!

(To be continued.)

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