Whole Nation

: Two thousand four hundred forty-nine


Please enter the text La Jeras Castle,

A black horse-drawn carriage was escorted by a team of cavalry, and slowly walked along the snow-covered stone road outside the castle.

The carriage window curtain was uncovered, revealing an old man's face. The old man's gaze was staring at the huge military camp extending from the direction of the castle, and such a huge military camp was like a spider web that could not see the side. , Covering an area of ​​nearly ten miles, a team wearing black armor, the murderous imperial cavalry passed back and forth in this net, the infantry lined up along the way, a rumored imperial infantry crossbow leaned neatly in a row Together, the heavy armored cavalry, light cavalry, infantry, light infantry, the flag of the sea is continuous, the light of the armor covers the range of the eyes, the sound of the horseshoe, the noise, and the golden falcon flag in the wind and snow. Among the flying snowflakes, the flying flag looked so conspicuous.

Looking at this magnificent scene, the old man's eyes shuddered. In the distance, the old man saw a group of captives. These captives were wearing the uniform of King Fezer and holding various dukes in their hands. They were trying to dig the road. The stones and gravel on the side, which I didn’t think I saw at first, heard that the Imperial Army had captured the Seventy or Eighty Thousand Kings in Lakhras, and it was normal to appear in front of my eyes.

You can wait until the carriage turns the front curve, and the old man's face becomes pale. The road in front of me is the main road of the town below La Jeras Castle. I only saw this main road like a long dragon, dense and dense. A piece of King Fezer's prisoner of war was completely filled with his sight.

These King Fezer soldiers are widening the main road in front of them under the supervision of the imperial soldiers, or they are carrying items, and there are not many imperial soldiers guarding these captives. Basically, a single soldier controls dozens of Fezer Wang Jun was a prisoner, and it didn’t seem to pay much attention. Some soldiers even whispered. No one seemed to think that these captives would run, but each one of the Fitzer captives was extremely serious, and didn’t even want it. Look for an opportunity to escape.

In such a scene, the old man in the carriage looked at a pair of white eyebrows tightly, and his hands were clenched tightly on the table. This is the Wang Jun elite that Fei Ze Kingdom spent countless efforts to exercise? There is a little bit of soldiers who die unyieldingly! Is it true that as stated in the rumors, the Imperial Army has broken the backbone of Fei Ze soldiers,

"It was captured by King Fezer, so many people. It's terrible!" The old man heard a pattern from the opposite side. It was a middle-aged nobleman embroidered with blue and gold Shibuya coat of arms on his neckline. His eyes flickered, his face murmured uglyly, and then he swept the golden falconry flag on the top of Lahrasburg in front unnaturally

"I heard that the imperial army treated the captives well, and paid for the work, as long as they did not run, basically there would be no problems."

"Humph, a group of cartilage" The old man grunted dissatisfiedly

"Three days ago, in the wilderness beach less than ten miles in front of Lahrasburg, the Imperial Army ventured to ambush King Fezer with 200,000 troops. Two hundred thousand. The first battle was successful. Chenghe, the world changed color, and the black smoke filled the sky. King Fei Ze’s 200,000 main force eventually lost, and was defeated by the Imperial Army,” the middle-aged nobleman said to himself. More than forty people. Sixty-seven thousand soldiers were captured, and more than 50,000 people's lives and deaths are unknown. The battle has just ended. Watching, he abandoned the fort and ran away on his own, because he was in a hurry. I heard that even a large amount of military food hoarded in the city had not been taken away, so I directly sent this throat archer who led to the capital of King Fezer to the Imperial Army. Say these captives saw this, who dare to run?"

"If the empire makes a request to reach Hokuriku, will you also prepare to obey as they did?" The old man's eyes flashed, and his voice was quite dissatisfied.

"This era. It is no longer part of Fitzer, do you still see the Lord Duke? You and I, even the entire Fitzer, are now involuntarily!" The middle-aged aristocrat smiled bitterly, he was thin and dressed in a A black dress with bald hair, high nose, and thin lips. At first glance, it was a kind of somber and experienced character. His name was Carlos, he was the owner of the Carlos family of Hokuriku, and he was also the deputy of the noble army negotiations. , The Lord is the old man opposite him, Grand Duke Geng Di

"Age? It may be that I am old, and it doesn't matter if I can't see clearly. I only know that Hokuriku can't succumb to people! Whoever wants Hokuriku, step on my corpse first!" Duke Geng Di His face turned red and his eyes flashed with determination. His life was pinned on the land of Beilu. How could it be confusing!

"This is to say, if the empire really marches into the Northland, can the Lord Duke stop it?" Carus rolled his eyes, but he despised the other very fiercely in his heart. He really stood and spoke without backache. The behemoth wants to reach out to Hokuriku. Can those of us want to stop it?

Looking at the end of the Fei Ze royal family, you know how terrible the consequences of blocking the empire. The 200,000 army was defeated. Although he is on the opposite position of the royal army, he is deeply destroyed by this. The whole battle of the main army of the army was shocked and inexplicable, and even a trace of fear, and occasionally could not help but think that the 200,000 king army is elite and so uncomfortable, then these sixty or seventy thousand people in the capital are like headless flies. What is the noble army wandering in the area? In the previous negotiations, I even bargained with the Imperial Army, but I didn’t know that the sky was thick,

The noble Fei Ze Northland finally chose to negotiate with the royal family, never thought that the empire would take retaliatory action. After all, some things, hearing and really seeing are two different things. The empire swept the 700,000 southern coalition forces in the North-South War, and the southern coalition forces were thrown away. A, several great powers were so badly injured, and became the fuse that triggered the chaotic situation in the south. Everyone is holding a lively mentality. When the sky collapses, there are naturally tall people standing on it and occupying the entire northern empire. For the Hokuriku noble cluster, which is only a regional control, it is too far away, and the two are not at the same level.

But now, after the Imperial Army managed to control the west coast in a short time, it immediately fell like a **** soldier, and Lakhras once again shook the south,

The butcher's knife of the Imperial Army has been pulled out, and it is still dripping blood and has not been recovered. No one knows who will be next. During the World War I, Lakhras not only undermined the plan of the Royal Family of Fezer for ten years, but even said that it was directly equivalent to kicking the Royal Family from heaven to hell. By the way, the group of generals cultivated by the royal family for many years, how many loyal and unnecessary royal children. When he said that he had surrendered, he surrendered. It is said that King Harriet II received the news. I just vomited several large mouths of bright red blood, and I am still unconscious.

Politically, the Falcon Empire has been overwhelmed by various means, completely dressing itself up as a justice, and instigating the eight central nations to jointly issue a condemnation of Fitzer’s declaration, “The Fezer royal family betrayed, slaughtered nobles and Officer, slaughter of vassals. Everyone spurns and has lost the qualification of king. The Falcon Empire is willing to discuss with all the countries."

With the announcement date, several vassal kingdoms in the southern region also issued a response announcement that the royal family of Fezer had been above the cusp for a while. At this moment, an invitation letter with the coat of arms of the Imperial Falcon was printed. Who dares to treat at will? No one is a fool. The Imperial Army’s shots are so precise. With one glove in hand, it is like playing magic. It cleanly cut the largest military cluster in the Fezer royal family, and then cut off the channels for possible support. Now it is necessary to completely abolish the Fei Ze royal family from the commanding heights of morality. Is it just for a land of the kings?

Since the Falcon Empire exposed its fangs, it must have come to the entire Fizer to find the noble army. The most likely thing is to run on the charge of slaughtering the noble. As long as the noble army publishes another response, then Is to push Fei Ze's royal family into the fire pit that is no longer alive

same. This is the situation. Unless the Hokuriku nobles do not want to be mixed in Fezer, the best way is to bow their heads! But some people just can't see this clearly! Fei Ze's era is over. Although the current situation is not what I want to see, the trend is already established. An old and stubborn want to stop, like Geng Di, is to find death!

Just as the two whispered in the carriage, the carriage drove into Lahrasburg

After entering Lahrasborg, the figure of the captives of the Fezer army was no longer visible, and replaced by imperial soldiers with imperial breath. The history of Lahrasburg was not long. It followed the scene sixty years ago. Accidental change, and a strategic strategic site built by the royal family in a critical mountain area

The body of the castle is built on a sloping mountain, with only a winding mountain road going up, and the town down the mountain. The main road from the Wangdu area passes through the mountain

The whole castle is made of white granite, which is made from local materials, and extends horizontally along the mountain road. Finally, a fortress like a gate is formed. Such a fortress is in a high position. You can see more than ten miles from the surrounding area. The Great Army could not make a breakthrough in a short period of time, and thus could provide time for the Wangdu to prepare for the war, but now, the Imperial Army won Lahrasburg without any effort, overlooking the entire Wangdu area, If you can extend your sight more than twenty miles forward, you can see a magnificent huge wall, that is the wall of King Fezer!

Karus saw the imperial guards covered with snow all around him, and his eyebrows could not help but slightly raised. There are rumors that the imperial army did not continue to march to the king capital because the heavy snow came too suddenly. It is self-deception, the empire is dominant in the Barrow continent of Northern Europe. I don’t know how many violent battles have been fought in the snow, not to mention the night when the 300,000 army of the Feishan Kingdom was killed, it was a snowy night The imperial army covered with the cold wind of snow-making in the north will be afraid of this little snowflake in front of it?

"Or, the Imperial Army did not directly hit King Fezer, not only because of the sudden snow!" I don't know why, Karus couldn't help flashing such thoughts in his mind.

The carriage stopped at a Guangping in the castle at the moment. A young officer in the uniform of the Imperial Army pulled the door open. The ground was still covered with a layer of thick snow without ankles. The cold wind screamed and came face to face. Dense snow is blowing in the wind, and the cold is blowing, but Carlos's heart is hot. Indeed, the era of Fitzer is over, because that is the era of King Harrell II, and the elders such as Duke Geng Di. In the era of the throne ten years ago, the stormy **** battle for the throne, and the chaos of the monarchy of war that filled the smoke of war ten years later, these older talents are the situation of the times, and in the new era, you may have such opportunities,

Moreover, the opportunity seems to be at hand! Just like this snow, falling from the sky!

Following the officer, the two walked into the main body of the castle in front of them. The light of the torch was reflected on the column of the Mia marble corridor, staining the entire column with scarlet, and the wide corridor echoed the patrol's hollow footsteps, as if I could smell a killing and **** smell recently.

Walked behind the officer for five or six minutes~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Cruise saw two rows of soldiers in the guard brigade standing in front of him, and a middle-aged strong man in the uniform of the imperial general stood by the door , Seeing the arrival of the two, said blankly, "The two came a little late"

"Your Excellency?" Duke Geng Di's gaze paused on the strong man. He felt that the other party was not like a nobleman, which reminded him that most officers of the Falcon Empire were not aristocrats. For him, such a tradition For the elderly, it feels really unacceptable!

"Croissant, the commander of the Northwest Army of the Empire!" The strong man grinned, and the shining light shone on his horizontal flesh like granite.

"Head of the Empire's Northwest Legion, Clarissat?" Carus heard the name of the strong man, bowed his head unnaturally next to it, and felt that the name was familiar. They didn't know much about the empire. , So I can feel less familiar, but by all means, Carus just feels familiar. Suddenly he thought of something, his body shivered abruptly, Crowlisat, the commander of the Northwest Army of the Empire, was not pulling a few days ago. Empire General in the Battle of Hellas! One of the five famous generals of the imperial military, such an identity, just standing at the door and waiting

Who is inside that door? Empire emperor, mainland military god? No way"

Karus tried his best to suppress the fear in his heart, and still felt his feet soft and his breath seemed heavy. He felt that the walls of the corridor were echoing the grimace of the Jinge iron horse of the imperial army. Every gorgeous stone looked like a piece Dao Fengrui stared at himself, and in the cold weather, he felt that sweat beads came out behind him,

I know this picture is a bit watery, but there is no way. After a large chapter is over, a transition chapter is always needed.

(To be continued.)

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