Whole Nation

: 2550 Don't need nobility


Please enter the wind and snow outside the text window. The fat man closes a document in his hand casually and looks at the two Northland nobles who have been scared into the room by entering the room.

"Your Majesty the Falcon?"

Duke Geng Di courageously asked with a respectful look, even the old nobles who had seen all kinds of worlds would be stunned in the face of an imperial emperor, not to mention that the young people in front of him were as black as ink Hair, a pair of black pupils, the moment he lifted his head, Duke Geng Di could feel that his eyes were as bright and translucent as the stars in the sky. Under his eyes, there was enough pressure to make everything unhindered,

"What a terrible look"

It seems that all secrets are invisible under such eyes. The eyes of the king, thinking of the word often mentioned in the outside rumors, Duke Geng Di is very certain that the person in front of him is the supreme emperor. It is said that the emperor of the Falcon Empire actually has the face of a Central Biya, but I did not expect it to be true

"Did anyone tell you who you are meeting with?" The fat man didn't answer, but frowned at the pretended gesture,

"We come in a hurry, so. http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d..." Duke Geng Di looked embarrassed He bowed his head, and no one really told them, even if someone said, they should believe it, who would have thought that the imperial emperor would come to battle in person?

"Forget it, "the fat man shook his head and stretched out his hand to the two." The two are also guests of the empire, just sit down! Everyone is smart, and I don't want to turn around for some things. I believe that the two already know the joint crusade As for the announcement, Fei Ze's royal family betrayed his righteousness, slaughtered his officers, slaughtered his own vassals, and..." The fat man's voice paused, his eyes swept over the two, and he continued to say, "Persecution of nobles!"

"Your Majesty wants us to make an announcement?" Duke Geng Di's face paled slightly. For this, the two had already felt it, but they didn't expect it. The emperor really didn't have any twists and turns. He asked directly and hesitated. Duke Geng Di said in a trembling voice, "It's not a problem to announce the announcement. But I hope to know how it will benefit us?"

"You have been blocked in the land of Kyoto for more than a month. Now you have the opportunity to go back. What other benefits do you want?" The fat man's face was dull, and the room was cold. I feel a little bit frozen

"How about the royal family of Fezer, we don't care about it, but we hope that the empire will not intervene in Hokuriku"

Duke Geng Di straightened his neck and took a deep breath. His face was pale and made such a request. In fact, his back was already cold. The emperor in front of him was not the emperor who inherited it, but killed in one hand. There can be one true hero who comes out like this. Not to mention the current situation, the army of the empire wiped out the main force of the king. The next step is to sweep the entire land of the king. Under the pressure of the army, you are bluntly saying that now the millions of creatures in the land of the king are all leaning on this Under the emperor's breath, a slight dissatisfaction may be the tragic number of people who fell on the ground, wanting to bargain face-to-face with the imperial lord. What is needed is not only courage and courage, but also true determination, just like Geng Di who appeared in front of Fei Ze Palace with hundreds of Northland nobles in heavy armor ten years ago. If it were not for expressing such determination, the military would not make concessions in the end.

"What if I don't agree?"

The fat man didn't anger and smile on the seat, and dealt with these nobles, and the fat man didn't do it once or twice. The most distinguishing feature of the nobles is that they know how to make a choice. Knowing who is on the side at a critical moment and who can be the head of the house, which one is not well aware of the choice of benefits, so the best way is to spread out and say that he has read the information of the two, this old Some, pale-snowy hair, is the most prestigious Duke Geng Di in the aristocratic army. The figure is thin, but when he hears his own words, the middle-aged man with a bit of sharp ambition flashes in his eyes. One of the giants, the current family of the Karby family, Carus, these two people, one represents the interests of the old aristocrats who want to maintain the distribution of Hokuriku’s interests, and the other represents the new nobles who want to change in the chaos. interest

As one of the three major interest groups that can compete with the royal family and the military, the nobles of Hokuriku. Although the internal factions are complex, but because of the marriage relationship, they are rarely stable. As long as there is a decision, the entire Hokuriku Standing together, the interests of all honors and humiliation, this is also the principle that the nobles of the Hokuriku can firmly stand in the confrontation between the royal family and the military. Although the two represent different factions, in fact the Duke Geng Di happens to be the uncle of the Duke of Carus. The marriage history of the two families has been for sixty or seventy years. Would still choose a compromise,

Such a match can take into account the interests of the entire Hokuriku Group, and will not suffer heavy losses because of the selfishness of a certain person. From such a person, the fat man can already see that the Hokuriku nobles really want, but actually hold on One-third of an acre

Fei Ze Bei Lu is actually insignificant to the empire. The main strategy of the empire is still the coastal and core areas. Like the half-barren and semi-mountain areas like Fei Ze Bei Lu, the empire is simply inconspicuous. To put it plainly, it is to invest No matter how much money is available, it is also a bottomless hole for drifting. This kind of money-losing goods will only be guarded by a local native such as the Hokuriku noble!

"Then I won't make any announcement even if I will eventually be overwhelmed by the imperial army!" said Duke Geng Di

"Does it matter a lot? King Fezer's main loss is more than half, and the rest are only 40,000 or 50,000 in Kurrudia, while the Imperial Army has a total of 300,000 before and after. The announcement of you is actually of little significance." The fat man had a calm face, his hand gently rubbed a ring worn on his finger, a black ring body was engraved with a wingspan falcon, and behind him was a large snowflake fluttering outside the glass window

"In such moments, please ask your majesty not to tell jokes"

Hearing the emperor’s words, Duke Geng Di’s eyes were sparkling, and he resolutely said that his hands were clenched into fists. “If it’s so easy, I’m sure that your majesty has ordered the advance of the army. Although we are dull, we can see that the empire needs This aristocratic announcement came to justice against Fezer. Duke Geng Di’s voice paused and continued, “Fezer strangled the vassals who did not obey the orders, and suppressed the military rebellion. To put it bluntly, it’s just Fitzer’s internal The problem has nothing to do with the reputation of the royal family. The royal power has such power. Only the massacre of the nobles of the country is the most serious crime that shakes its royal status. What the empire needs is not this most important declaration, only this Announcement. Only in this way can the empire really hold the name of justice and crusade, otherwise, the interpretation will be naked invasion anyway! At that time, the empire will face the crusade of the entire south!"

"Isn't it a battle between the North and the South? I haven't fought it. I don't care. The Empire's million troops are still on the front line of the Inland Sea and can fight at any time. As for the name, don't you forget His Highness Prince Fezer? His prince, but he announced the support of the new king half a month ago!"

The fat man stretched a lazy waist and rolled his eyes flatly. It was indeed the noble leader who pushed the current king to the throne ten years ago. This vision may not be great, but when it comes to justice, it has a very good sense of sharpness, and it has directly changed the massacre vassal into a punishment of disobedient vassals, and the civil war has become a suppression of military rebellion. , Really the right of the royal family! If you think that you are holding the empire's lifeline this time, it is too naive to plan for yourself for so long, how could it be a plan!

"This one......"

Duke Geng Di looked ugly. The momentum that I had just achieved was immediately returned to its original form, yeah, Prince Fezer was still clutching it in the hands of the empire. Although the provinces outside the king capital are all under the banner of supporting the grand prince, in fact, everyone knows that the grand prince is just a puppet with nothing. The remaining tens of thousands of border guards and the troops of the grand prince are actually all The Empire is in control, with such an ace in hand. The importance of the aristocracy’s declaration is dispensable. It turns out that what I’ve been thinking about is just a card that is optional in the other party’s hands. In this case, what qualifications do I have to put forward the terms of the word here!

"Actually, if the empire doesn't enter Hokuriku, it's not completely impossible to talk!" The fat man glanced at the decadent two, with a cold smile in his mouth, playing with his own mind, is it up to you?

"What condition does your majesty need?" Duke Geng Di, who was despondent, came immediately to his spirits, and his wrinkled eyes were full of excitement. He thought that there was no hope, and he did not expect the other party to take the initiative. As long as the empire was willing to talk, then everything was easy to handle As long as the core interests are not involved, it is also acceptable to make some trade-offs. When it came, Duke Geng Di was not without various ideas

"It's very simple. I need your sincerity and surrender to the empire's sincerity. Otherwise, I really can't find a reason why the empire wouldn't march into Northland."

The fat man stood up coldly, looking at the bright white earth outside the window. The empire's military flag was swirling around the castle like a sea. For more than thirty years, it was the capital of King Fezer. The army stopped here to rectify. In fact, Duke Geng Di Part of the reason is correct, that is, without the proper name, the empire cannot attack the horse honeycomb of King Fezer. Once stabbed, it will be a considerable trouble for the expansion of the empire throughout the south. Attacking Fezer can still It is considered a category of war. The southern countries may not be willing to fight directly with the empire, but if they capture a king, it is really naked occupation. In the case of the unclear attitude of the southern countries, this is quite a big one. adventure

"Sincerity?" Duke Geng Di froze, and Carus froze. What is sincerity? This range is too general

"Three days later, the imperial army will begin to advance from Lahrasborg to King Fitzerall." The fat man turned from the window, his voice suffocating, and he said coldly, "Fezer The king capital now only has less than 40,000 guard troops of Karudia. In order to block the advance of the imperial team, the 40,000 troops of Kurudia will be deployed in front of the emperor. Once the war starts, they will be unable to take into account the direction of the king. "

"What does this mean?" Duke Geng Di's body shuddered abruptly, and Karus was confused, and what was the connection with the imperial army's attack in good faith?

"Don't the Duke know it very clearly already, why do you ask?" The fat man looked like a smile instead of a smile.

"Your Majesty means that we should take the opportunity to raid the King's capital behind us!" Grand Duke Geng Di gritted his teeth, and the boss with a pair of eyes, worthy of being the elite of the older generation, immediately understood the meaning of sincerity in the mouth of the emperor, The capital of King Fezer is all on the emperor. If the noble army suddenly attacks, and the noble army contacts the nobles in the city, it will definitely be a 10% success rate.

The emperor himself did not fight the king of Fize, but pushed the black pot of the king of Fize to the noble army. This hand Li Daitao was stiff, and even people like Duke Geng Di wanted to clap. If it was the noble of Fize Attacked the king capital, then this war that eventually destroyed the entire royal family of Fezer, could not be counted above the empire,

"The crime of attacking the king capital is not a small one, and there are many nobles in the king capital, all of whom have contact with us."

At this moment, Karus also came in a trance, his face pale. At this moment, he found out that compared with the old nobles like Duke Geng Di who had experienced a truly cruel era ten years ago, his new nobles, whether they were reactive or daring The soul is obviously much worse, bargaining with the emperor, such a thing, it is impossible to kill yourself, let alone see through the emperor’s intentions at a glance

"You don't have to do it, the empire does not force you, or that sentence, three days later, the empire will attack, you have enough time to consider!"

The emperor looked calm and sat down~www.wuxiaspot.com~The two Hokuriku nobles had a dignified look, and they fixed their eyes on the window behind the emperor. The imperial heavy cavalry stepped into the spreading snow and rolled up a white snow. From the position of this window, it was just high down, as if looking down from the sky above, the heavy cavalry of the imperial cavalry, like in the snow A huge semi-arc cut through the ground in front,

"You have a lot of contact with the aristocracy in the city. I believe you will have a decision." The corner of the fat man's mouth slightly raised, and his hand was gently swayed, indicating that they could go. "If it is replaced by an imperial siege, I am afraid that it will be jade. As a result of all burning, you go and you can minimize the loss. I am not actually a killer. I hope that when the emperor arrives in the capital, none of the nobles in the city will suddenly have the voice of the emperor. The cold eyes penetrated, and the cold feeling spread to the hearts of the two northern nobles

"Aren't there any nobles? We get it." Duke Geng Di's body trembled and took a deep breath, even those willing to follow the Hokuriku nobles, the royal family that is the enemy of the Hokuriku nobles, are nobles too. Kill in place! Only in this way, there is no nobility in the city, the meaning of the Falcon Emperor should be so!

I have been hesitating for a few days. After playing Fei Ze, do you want to end? In the end, my wife said, "You have written 9 million words. How can you climb the threshold of 10 million words? If it is over, You will regret that for a lifetime, "the buns are epiphany at once, they are all 9 million. Let me climb over 10 million. The works of 10 million words and the works of 9 million words are completely different. ten! I will insist, don't scold me, don't hit me, remember, don't hit your face!

(To be continued.)

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