Whole Nation

: Two thousand five hundred fifty-five Song


Kingdom of Aden, Lisa Oasis,

Encyclopedia Lisa means forest land in Aden, but the area where the word Li carries the word forest is not a dense forest area. On the contrary, this is a loess desert area with the most distribution. It is countless gullies that have been washed out by the quicksand. These gullies are like muddy mudstones, and they are like being crossed by huge nail plows on the ground, leaving behind a long and endless, roaring more than ten meters deep. Scars, barely seeing signs of vegetation on the bare land, only a few low-yellow shrubs tremble in the roaring wind,

When the night falls and the night wind blows, a black sand storm will appear in the sky. From a distance, it looks like a black dense forest shaking in the sky. Even in the Aden Kingdom, such a harsh environment is also used. The place to punish the prisoners, those nobles who have been blamed will also be moved here. Once exiled into this area, it is basically equivalent to the announcement of the death penalty. The name of the Great Oasis has been in existence for a hundred years ago, and it is replaced by gods. The cursed land, where water is scarce, only people abandoned by God can survive in this severely water-scarce area

Some people once said that another section of the Great Oasis is actually connected to a quiet and beautiful mountain without wind and sand. As long as it is turned over, it is part of Centralbia, but when they lead the surveyor to go, they often will not When I came back, after a long time, there were rumors that the guides were actually desert robbers. They made up beautiful lies to lure those caravans who tried to go to Centralbia, and finally killed the caravan halfway. Divide the goods inside, so later, no one would believe that another part of the desert is actually connected to the rumors of the beautiful Central African continent

In the slightly rising dust, a team of hundreds of camels with their hoods covering their whole bodies moved. On either side of the camels were hundreds of cavalry wearing metal armor chains. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest updated novel is covered with a layer of leather robes. Behind these cavalrymen, a compound longbow is carried on the back. A flag is erected in front of the camel team. A square text is written on it. The Biya people will recognize it here, it is a Song character

With a burst of clamoring crash sounds. The knight walking at the front stopped. Uncover the hood at the beginning, revealing black hair. The net cast made by hundreds of deep-sea pearls is covered with long black hair like a waterfall, and the black long hair suddenly emits a lustrous color. This is a Central Asian woman, her beauty Very special, like an untamable flame, with long black hair flying in the wind, curling up unyieldingly behind him. The big eyes shone with a deep and sharp light that the girl should not have, like a sharp sword out of the sheath. Be ready to tear your opponent at any time.

"The team pays attention, the front should be the dark devil land we are looking for." The middle-biased woman's slightly upturned mouth seems to be mocking someone, both with a little girl's slyness and mixed With the unique charm of a mature woman, her dress is quite capable, with a deep purple body armor. Behind is a long sword wrapped in gauze, slender figure, tied with a rose-like red silk belt, full of wild dress, but reveals a fatal attraction that makes people unwilling to turn their eyes, wild. Unrestrained, burning everything like flames,

now. At the place where she stopped, there was a concave downhill slope. In front of the downhill slope, trees began to grow more and more. Originally, only one or two trees had grown there alone. Now they have gathered in groups of three or five. . There is a small forest in front. This is a real forest. A small tree grows every three or five steps. Although the trunk is very slender, although the branches and leaves are sparse and sparse, they can be seen in this wild desert , Enough to give people a feeling of entering heaven from hell. This is why she stopped suddenly

There are trees, indicating that there should be an oasis in the front. They are the camels of the Song nationality in Central Biabia. I am afraid that the Adenites do not know. In fact, the distance from here to Central Biabia is already very close. Daxueshan, a person without sufficient preparation, basically has no life to turn over the snowy mountain. Only 20 years ago, a businessman was rescued in the snowy mountain and sent to the snowy mountain. As a result, he became a member of the Song nationality Twenty years later, his daughter, the half-century woman of Central Biya and Obaro, in front of her, followed the father’s description and traversed the wild desert along the route.

The woman took out a map from her arms and reconfirmed the situation in front of her,

The wilderness and desert are endless and seem to have no roads. In fact, the gullies blown out by the sand wind are the best guides. You only need to go westward along the gully, a distance of three to four hundred miles, and you can easily traverse the desert. The ground started to grow green grass, and sometimes there were bushes, which came out of the ground like a arrow. These shrubs are extremely peculiar in shape, with five or six leaves on top of the straight stems. Although they are also loess, there is obviously moisture here, but they are only locked in the soil, because from here, the leaves appear very moist and extremely Fertile and moisturized,

It seems that this road really exists, and here is really connected with Obaro! But in such a place, do you really have a mechanic who understands the manufacture of merchant ships?

The woman was full of emotion, rolled up the map in her hand and put it away, and sighed at the confused distance

Now the war in Centralbia has been repeated ~www.wuxiaspot.com~The prairie people have been going south for a year. After occupying the Central Court of Kyoto in the Central Biyari, the power has expanded rapidly, and there is a tendency to include the entire central and northern Centralbia into the sphere of influence Since the last defeat of the Central Afghan Central Army, the vitality was badly hurt. Although several counterattacks were gathered together, they were all gone. If it were not for the Southwest Longjia to support the situation, the grassland army would probably have crossed the river to the Central Abe The current area is also swallowed,

For the Song people in the south, it was a slight opportunity to rise. After being assisted by the iron ore from the Falcon Empire of Obaro, the Song people gathered their forces and sat down to watch the war between the Central Biya and the prairie people. While working hard to expand Cailu, according to the agreement with the Falcon Empire, several commercial ports have been built in the south, and the southern commercial road has been opened, but the effect is not good, because the Song nationality is a mountain nation. For marine trade and commercial ship manufacturing, it is simply Blind, so several commercial ports are mostly monopolized by foreign merchants from the south. Among them, the most powerful merchants, even the merchants from the Kingdom of Obaroa, have 80% of the profits of commercial ports. Occupied by these foreign businessmen, it was painful and painful. The Song people decided to learn commercial shipbuilding technology. This high-end technology is naturally impossible for the Adenians to impart to others.

The father of the woman, who was once a noble of Aden, proposed this trade route that could reach the kingdom of Aden. The kingdom of Aden is also a great country of marine trade. Encyclopedia of Oasis, the area where the kingdom of Aden is used for exile, inside the nobles of exile There are always people who understand oceanography. Although it is only one in 10,000 chances, the Song people have to try it!

The thunder was rolling, and the bun just saw yesterday that it only wrote 3,900. He hurriedly rushed out two thousand words to fill up the attendance. Didn’t everyone say that they would open Central China? Then open it in advance! (To be continued.)

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