Whole Nation

: Two thousand five hundred fifty six


Heavy snow covered the sky

In a remote mansion of Fezer Palace, a complex figure staring at the heavy snow fluttering in front of his eyes, he gazed at the snow as if it were the same winter ten years ago, under the same heavy snow, the death of an old man, Changed the destiny of a kingdom. The old man was called Boaris. At that time, he was the prime minister of the kingdom of Fezer. The reason why he remembered this old man was because this morning, a person who should not be here came to visit. An ugly man with several scars on his face, bowing at the waist, looks like an old man who has shrunk in a circle, but in fact, this man is not very young, only forty years old, but has lost two Half a hundred temples, quite old-fashioned, even faintly red in the eyes, full of struggle

"Are you crazy, how come you dare to come back after so many years?" The figure turned back from the window and said to the man, his voice was heavy and powerful, with a chilling killing intent. The guard commanded Kurudia. Since losing the first line of defense, he has been deprived of his actual military power in accusations. Now he is just honestly staying in his mansion, but it does not mean that the soldiers on his body The breath also dissipated,

"Why don't I dare to come"

The ugly man looked at Kurudya without fear, and smiled bitterly. "Prince Albert has been mobilizing all forces to find me since returning to Beijing, even if I have been hiding in a remote mountain village for the past ten years, and still pretending to be deaf. If you don’t communicate with others, someone can still find me. There are only a few people who know that I’m alive, and people who know where I am, except adults, I really don’t know who else. If it’s really an adult, then Just a little bit, wouldn’t I send it myself!"

"I said not me, believe it or not"

Kurudia's eyes flashed coldly, and he said with a heavy tone, "The things that happened, the death of the Prime Minister. (wWW.VoDtw.coM) I believe you know better than me! What do you think is the worst thing for you?" Looking at me now, I know how much hatred the prince has! I know that I will not be forgiven. What good is it for you to betray me? Let the truth of the year be known to the world? Let three hundred innocent souls joke? If you and I really do this, I’m afraid that the first person who wants us to die will not be His Royal Highness, but... "I seem to know what I should say. Kurudia shut up

"If it weren't for you, who else knew I was alive. Know that I was there?"

The ugly man's red eyes rolled. "If the thing was a rope, then you and I were the grasshoppers tied to a rope. The result of the truth shaking is that neither of them can live, so you I believe it! That’s why I’m here for you.”

"I'm just an ordinary person now. In the face of the full search of a powerful prince, if I can't find a wing that is hard enough, I will always be found out! Although you have lost power, you are still under the command of the Imperial Guard. Title, those who hunted down did not dare to openly find here!"

"I'm hiding here for a few days. It should be fine! If it wasn't for the Imperial Army to block the road to the coast, I would have escaped!"

"If it is only a short time, it should be possible" Kurudia nodded helplessly.

"Thank you so much. I wouldn't risk coming here if there was nowhere to go." The ugly man's scarred face showed a touch of gratitude. He glanced coldly at Kurudia and hesitated. "Did anyone really know what happened then?"

"No one but you and me really knew about it at the time." Kurudia sneered a little, and said with absolute certainty that all three hundred people were executed. There were also thousands of related people who were met in two or three years. This kind of death, do you think His Majesty will give this matter a chance to turn over?"

"Really? If that's the case..." The ugly man's face grew darker when he heard Kurudia's words, and he opened his mouth to say something, but finally stopped, glancing at the snow outside. And sighed, "It has been a long time since I saw such heavy snow. I don’t know why, this snow reminds me of ten years ago, even if it has passed so long, I still feel that this air is not only cold, but also disgusting. Bloody smell, the unwilling shouts of the young and strong officers seem to be still floating in the snow!"

"It's so cruel, Your Majesty is so cruel! Three hundred people, all cut their heads at once!" The ugly man shook his head, with a hint of mockery in his emotion.

"I know what you want to say! But I believe it is by no means that person!"

Kurudia's face was blue, and five fingers were clenched into fists. Some things, he was not unaware, but he was unwilling to think about it. The person who knew the truth of the year was indeed almost dead, except for himself and this person. In addition, there is a person who knows better than anyone else. Even the hiding place of this person is that person’s choice.

That man is His Majesty King Laurie II, who is seriously ill in the palace now.

This king’s plan for ten years finally wiped out the powerful military force in one fell swoop, but unfortunately, after all, he was old and his physical energy was severely consumed. In addition to the rebellion of the great prince who had been given high hopes, he was already bedridden. For many months, Prince Albert's entry into Beijing was also due to the powerful oppression of the royal family and had to make a decision.

"Faithful dog! Sure enough, it is a faithful dog, even if it is sold by the owner..." The ugly man skimmed contemptuously and shook his head. "I heard that the man is no longer good, so the royal family ruled Only then would they dare to blatantly recall Albert to the capital!"

Kurudia was silent. Although King Fezer was the royal patriarch, the power of the royal adjudication committee was also quite large. Looking at the current royal children, either they are young and inexperienced, or they lose their energy when they are old. It was the throne contenders of that year, both in the royal family and the aristocratic class, who had a considerable appeal, and did not know how much money was spent, which touched the old people of the royal ruling meeting and completed the counterattack back to Beijing.

When I came back, I got the support of many large families. Even the Guards, who spent a lot of their efforts to integrate, also invested most of them in the prince's door, and directly emptied themselves.

The prince just expressed his attitude, and the royal ruling would wish to give all the power that can be given

Nor can it be said that everyone is blinded by the prince, but it is really everyone who has seen it. The large patched ship of His Majesty Laurin has been shaken, and who is willing to wait for it to be waiting The boat was flooded to the neck, and the imperial army pressed the border. The royal family desperately needs a strong leader to lead the royal family of Fezer through this difficult period,

Prince Albert is undoubtedly very consistent with this point. It is the royal prince himself. He was once called a military war wizard by the Fei Ze military, and he has fought a fierce war with the sturdy barbarians for ten years in the southwest. Wise. Firm will and rich experience in war. There are a lot of talents under your command,

Such a character is the royal character that the royal family desperately needs after it has unified the entire royal power,

Seeing Kurudia’s silent face, the ugly man suddenly laughed. "The ridiculous His Majesty Laurin spent his whole life to unify the Fezer King together, and gave it to someone else, your majesty, Captain Wang Dian. Now in the eyes of others, it is also the life of the fallen leaves in the wind, deprived of military posts, no one came out to speak, everyone thinks that what you are sending is a removal order, and then directly from the mansion in front of you Go to prison"


"Don’t think I don’t know. Ten years ago, it was you who personally escorted the Prince Albert to the southwest swamp. "The ugly man continued unintentionally." The three assassinations conducted on the road, although the prince was not killed , But also let the two most dependent men of this prince die, the last time, your **** sword was less than ten centimeters away from the prince’s body. If it wasn’t for the mad woman who fell on your sword, it’s early in the world There will be no Prince Albert, and you and your prince are treated like blood feuds, unsolvable!"

"Nonsense, where did you hear it from?" Kurudia clenched her fists and shivered slightly. Eyes full of anger

"Why, some things are unwilling to think about it, but I am thinking about it night and night, how the three hundred companions howl before the head is cut off, like the wind in the ear, how can it escape!" The ugly man opened his mouth, his eyes flashed with strange light, and seemed to be caught in some kind of memory, murmured

"It has been ten years, and it is also snowing. Three hundred young and strong officers under the banner of "Kingdom of Heaven" rushed into the official residence of the Prime Minister of the Kingdom, and used a sword on the neck of the Prime Minister to force the Prime Minister to support the military. Prince Albert became the new king of Fizer. According to the situation at that time, Kingdom Prime Minister Boaris, who can save his life with a little approval, unexpectedly chose to refuse, and finally ignited these young soldiers. Angrily angry and angry, the prime minister Polaris had more than sixty swords in his body and fell in a pool of blood. The incident broke out and shocked Fezer. He was originally standing in the neutral part of the force, all directed to the 50-year-old crown prince overnight On the one hand, the Hokuriku noble group even issued a collective condemnation and demanded severe punishment for the black hand behind it. At that time, Laurin, who was only the crown prince, also reversed the situation and finally resisted the military in one fell swoop.

"Because of this incident, three hundred promising young soldiers were collectively executed for the crime of rebellion. The three hundred young and strong officers were directly under the superior, that is, the military's strong support for the high-ranking Prince Albert at that time. This incident was deprived of all its duties, despised Southwest to fight against the barbarians, and let itself kill itself. In this incident that stunned the entire capital of King Fezer, no one knew that one of the 300 young and strong officers was Li Daitao. It was replaced with a prisoner of death. That man was called Babris. He was also one of the heads of the three hundred young officers. He was the most confidant of Prince Albert."

"It is precisely because of the confession of Babris that Prince Albert was positioned as a behind-the-scenes hand, and eventually from the most powerful contender of the king, the darling of all parties, and turned into a despicable situation that everyone shouted."

"Enough is enough" Kuruda's expression was fierce, and his arm slammed on the table in front of him. He said sharply, "What happened then has been concluded, no matter who it is, it can't be turned over!"

"I just betrayed him, and you, but in his face, killed the love of his life." The ugly man's face was mad, and there was a bit of coldness. "I dare to say that Albert wants to kill you. Kill me a lot more! If he misses the chance to leave the king capital this time, once he is in power, he will kill you first regardless of everything!"

"What do you want me to do? Or, what do those people want me to do? You can come to me so majesticly, do you really think I don't know what's going on?"

Kurudia gloomed and sat down on the seat

The main force of the 200,000 Kings of Gankefu was destroyed by the empire, and he vowed to stick to the first line of defense for at least a week, but he was beaten into a sieve in one morning. The peace talks agreed to the previous request. As a result, the empire directly refused ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and also issued a request for a decisive battle around the king's capital after three days. The news came back that Wang Duenei was already in a panic, although Ai Prince Burt had a private enmity with himself, but in such a situation, he still did not engage in himself. Although the actual military power was deprived, the position of the captain of the palace was still

In the entire royal palace, he is also the military chief of the Wang Dianjun

These shaken nobles, it is normal to hit their ideas here, because in order to cope with the final battle with the Imperial Army, the military power in the king has been completely emptied, and the remaining troops are now their five thousand kings. Palace army! What do these nobles want?

"We hope adults can leave the north gate of Wangdu one night tonight." The ugly man's expression became serious. He took an envelope from his arms and put it gently on Kurudia's table. Continue to say, "The Imperial Army is no more than thirty miles from the king. On the battle power, the entire continent knows that the Imperial Army is claimed to be the first to attack, the field is invincible, and the thunder gods are all floating earth. To be honest, Albert this time It must be a fiasco. If you don’t find a chance to leave Wangdu yet, you won’t have a chance if you want to go. These 100,000 gold tickets are the rewards from adults for their care!”

Hearing the ugly man’s words, Kurudia was silent. He picked up the envelope on the table, wondering if he should open it or put it down,

"Only tonight, and only in the early morning!" Kurudia put down the envelope in his hand, took a deep breath, and looked out the window! When the nobles found this person, they obviously warned themselves that they knew what was going on. If they were not allowed to leave, it wouldn't matter if their reputation was wiped out after Albert returned to the capital, and his majesty's name would be completely wiped out! (To be continued.)

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