Whole Nation

: 2907 Crazy Blood (18))

The coastline sunset scenery in spring is very beautiful, especially when you look at it from a hill above the coastline, you can see that the sunset dyes the entire sea with a gorgeous red color. The blood-red sunset shone on the sea, slowly converging its own afterglow, as if to take away all the dark red condensed between the heavens and the earth, and wanted to leave the earth, but only a sad and pale

Varisian, the Governor of the Istanian Empire, stopped and looked forward to His Majesty the Falcon, who was standing on the cliff and staring at the sea. Explain the event! Otherwise, it is regarded as a war!"" Explain? Why does this sound so awkward, and when did the empire explain this kind of thing?"

The fat man turned back coldly, glanced at his confidante, and snorted. "A whole fleet was sunk. He came here and shouted and asked the empire to explain. The Adenites were so obvious. Procrastinating the strategy, I believe you will not see it. Although the sinking of the Dragon Crow is a navy affair, everyone is an emperor. On this, there is no difference between the navy and the army!"

"Subordinate incompetence!"

Varisian was said to be ashamed, and he even felt a little guilty and replied, "There is indeed a criticism of this situation in the army, thinking that the dragon crow is the navy, even if it is sunk, it is the face of the imperial navy, The Army only needs to look at the preferences next to it, but I didn’t expect such a wind, even my majesty knew it! It’s a dereliction of duty!”

"Fortunately, you know to control this kind of speech quickly, otherwise I will hear this kind of **** speech from nowhere, and you, Governor Istan of Varisian, don't do it!" The fat man waved his hand lightly, his voice condensed. He said: "Since the Empire's North-South War, the empire has no less than 200,000 troops stationed in the Istan region. It has really operated as the empire's east line. Looking at the empire, it is only five or six people who can receive this honor!" "In order to stabilize the Istan region in the shortest possible time, I even directly appointed you as the empire’s highest military chief and chief executive in the Istan region, and can handle emergency situations in the Istan region according to power without my approval. It’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s true to cover the sky with one hand.” You know, since this appointment was issued, the report on my desk accusing you of brutal suppression of civilians in the Istan region has not been cut off, but I just threw it away, even I don’t even bother to look at it, because I believe you Valisian! I believe you will not let me down!"

"The predecessor of the Istan region was the Istan empire. The heroine of Soladin I had already inspired the pride of the Istanians. The Istan empire expanded rapidly and even once captured the imperial empire of Kyoto. Countless, if not the rapid rise of the Falcon Empire, the Istan Empire may be the first empire recognized by the entire Obaro! "" is such a country, in just two or three years, because the emperor died, he fell into a situation of falling apart In the northern part of Istan, because of the war, they are less affected. The hatred of the empire is relatively light. Once in southern Istan, the hatred of the imperial people increases rapidly."

"The main reason was that the North-South War that determined Oubalo's hegemony was furious. The North-South War, the two sides invested more than 1.56 million troops, and the total number of soldiers lost was 100,000. One can imagine that because of this North-South The Istanians affected by the war are even more uncountable. At the beginning of the war, the Southern Coalition, in order to overwhelm our logistics line, very cruelly drove the Istanians from the south to the north until the end of the war. At least half of the population in the entire southern part of the country was driven to the direction of Istanbul Kyoto. The empire spent four or five months to settle these migrants before it was stabilized. These refugees alone are enough to turn the entire Istan region into a rebel zone!

The fat man took a deep breath, his voice paused, and continued, "Those guys in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have absolutely no idea of ​​facing such an occupied area, without the power of strong suppression, and they still talk about what control they have! The fierce District Internal Officer, if you are really removed, their heads will be chopped down and hung on the pillars by the rebels of the Istan region the next day!"

"Finally, you did not disappoint me. In just over half a year, with the opportunity to settle the refugees, most of the rebellion in the Istan region was annihilated, but this is only temporary. If you want the Istan region to really be Belonging to the empire, you must completely stabilize the south. Isn’t the Adenite to explain? Tell them that Istan is now the land of the empire. Naturally, the Istanians are all empire people. They have looted millions. Should the people of the empire also give an explanation to the empire! If there is no explanation, it is regarded as declaring war on the empire!"

"Yes, my subordinates understand what to do!"

After receiving the reply from the emperor, Varisian's face showed a lot of joy. His majesty was His Majesty. He easily solved the most troublesome problem. As the highest military chief of the empire in the Istan region, how would he not know that he wanted complete control? How difficult is such a large area! If you are on the battlefield, defeating your enemy, you only need to kill him, and here, you will find that conquering a nation is not just as simple as conquering its land. You can suppress it by force, but in fact you are very clear in your heart, This is only temporary, the Istanians have their own long history, and how many years are the eastern Oubalo overlords. How can their national self-esteem be wiped out by random repressions? The war was exhausted, there was no one in ten, the national strength was even plummeted, and even the land was eventually reduced to the tragic battlefield of the North and South Wars. Millions of foreign troops were staggered and killed on this land that did not belong to them. Pride collapsed at that moment, the central government was weak and incompetent, and the governors of various places searched for their masters like a wall of grass. Although they were eventually swept by the Falcon Empire through the victory of the North and South Wars, the hidden dangers were also quite large. It seems that if a person swallows more food than he digests, even if he is not choked, it is even more troublesome to get stuck in the throat!

Now listen to the emperor’s intention to pass on the contradictions in the Istan region by taking the opportunity to fight against the Kingdom of Aden. If so, this dragon crow event is indeed a best opportunity. The Adenites in Istan The hatred in the south is not a little bit, it is not too much to say that it is a row of mountains and seas. At the time, the southern coalition army had hundreds of thousands of people. The most raging in the south of Istan was the most violent Aden army, because the Aden army has always had the habit of plundering population Taking advantage of the opportunity of the North-South War, there is no scruples and omnipotence. In order to capture the so-called loot, it is often surrounded by cities and towns, and the old and weak women and children are not letting go. In the North and South Wars, the Adenites looted countless people from the Istan area as trophies. Looking at the entire south of Istan, the Istanian said that the Adenites were not biting their teeth and wanting to eat their meat! After all, it was the Southern Coalition that ravaged the south. If the empire declared war on Aden in the name of revenge for its people, it would surely be able to quickly reverse the hatred of the south against the empire!

When I saw the special envoy of Aden again, Varisian was already another attitude. Is it difficult to talk about peace?

Varisian also understood that the Adenites and the Eeroes are now dying in the Cornelia area, and they finally took the advantage. At this time, the Adenites are most afraid of new forces intervening in this battle, and The empire is one of the people who changed the entire battle situation. This is also a big loss for the Adenites. The entire third fleet is gone. Thousands of people fed Wang Ba and still sent a special envoy. I shouted to get an explanation from the negotiating table. I was almost deceived. The Adenites were declaring war, and they were trying to avoid war!

The more so, it also shows that the battle between the Adenites and the Eero Empire has reached the most critical moment, and the Aden talents have to adopt this proactive attitude to hold down the empire! What else do you need to be polite!

When the head of the special envoy of Aden was put in a box and sent back to Aden, Varisian had already issued orders for the assembly of troops. This time, I saw what tricks the Adenians could use and suffered such a shame and humiliation. do?

"Is the Empire really going to fight us?"

"Asshole, I said, this method won't work!"

"It was a disgrace, but now it is slapped hard by people."

The Kingdom of Aden was already frying pan, and suddenly found that 200,000 emperors really assembled on the border. The Empire also issued a banner asking the Kingdom of Aden to return all the people it looted during the North-South War. Who is it? The Istanians were not the scope of the empire at that time. Since the emperor entered the Istan region, a series of crackdown measures have not been seen. When did the empire care so much about the Istanians? This kind of chilling excuse shows that since the North-South War, the imperial army, which has already scuttled in the direction of Istan, seems to be determined to fight against itself!

The high-level leaders of the Kingdom of Aden are going crazy. The Falcon Empire is not the Eero Empire. In the North-South War, the sturdy fighting power of the Falcon Empire made the entire Oparo fear, let alone the Falcon Empire is Opel The country with the most cavalry has a conservative estimate of at least 300,000 imperial cavalry. Such a cavalry cluster can completely crush the so-called undead legion of the Aden Army.

Only the news of the Falcon Empire emperor's visit to the Istan region made the Adenites feel anything! The tight nerves of the Adenites have been drawn into a straight line. Every shot of the emperor emperor is the result of shaking Obaro. For Cornelia, the kingdom of Aden has invested most of its strength. It is easy to form a reversal against the Eero Empire, and it is immediately possible to pay for it! The Aden intelligence department is running madly, trying to figure out the real intention of the Empire to start the war, but it is completely in the clouds,

Obviously it was the despicable and shameless battle of the Imperial Fleet that led to the annihilation of the whole army of Aden’s Third Fleet. How it turned out to be the bitterness of the vengeance manifested by the Empire, and it raised the banner of revenge against the Kingdom of Aden. What made the Adenites grievously want to vomit blood is that the entire Obaro thinks that it must be the Falcon Emperor who wants to intervene in the interests of the Cornelia region and seek excuses.

When the entire Obaro is focused on the Istan region, in the place where no one pays attention, the bright clouds of the bow of the early spring in the early spring, most of the time there is no wind, and the visibility on the lake is very high. After studying the surveyed southern waterway map, the experiment started with the three Imperial Dragon Tooth Ships as the main body of the test. The three Dragon-class warships have no weapons, but they are the same in size as the Dragon Tooth-class warships.

Seeing the flag bearer on the shore of the lake, he issued a slogan saying that he could start. Cartis, who had just been promoted to the admiral of the twelfth squadron of the Imperial Navy, sorted out his collar. A black and straight Imperial navy uniform stood on the battleship and ordered to rise The sails were ready, and the sailors who had been waiting for it began struggling to pull apart the sails of the battleship, and the white sails rose quickly.

I only felt a slight tremor under my feet, and the scenes on both sides began to move backwards. The bow of the Longya battleship, like a knife, split the water grass that had been floating on the lake for many years, and it was stable like a smooth mirror. It's the same as sliding up~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Another part of the lake is the popular river channel in southwestern Biya, the speed of the Longya warship is not fast, even if the full sail is raised, it can only be maintained in such places as the river surface For the speed test, none of the three Dragon Tooth battleships were equipped with turning paddles, otherwise the speed would be faster, and only three heavy bows were inserted into the waves in front of them, just like three huge smooth octopus finally entered with the current River channel,

The size of the Longya battleship can only be regarded as medium in the naval battleship, but in the inland waterway, the Jedi is regarded as a heavyweight. The impact of the local water flow cannot shake the heavyness of the battleship at all. If there is no accident, these three Longya The warship will extend eastward along the river channel into the southwest of Centralbia, and then into the mountains of southern Centralbia, until it reaches the southern estuary to achieve a full journey in the true sense!

"Let's start recording, let's see how long it takes us to reach our destination!" Cartis said solemnly to the adjutant behind him. This experiment was extremely critical and secretive. It was arranged by His Majesty Falcon himself, even for the Imperial Navy Department. Only a few of the imperial navy ministers know this. If it succeeds, confirm the feasibility of river passage. The empire will build a naval base on this inland lake. As the imperial navy’s support point in Central Biya, it will be enough to change the empire’s presence in China. The grand layout of the Asian region!

(To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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