Whole Nation

: 2908 Crazy Blood (19)

Under the blue sky and blue sky, there was a burst of smoke from the main road in the distance.

"Come, come, everyone cheers up"

The ceremonial officer in a gorgeous uniform maintained the order in the crowd. The nobles of the Estan were reddish, their eyes glowed, and their necks were stretched to look forward to the place where the smoke was rising. The killing **** came, the falcon emperor came Although, for the Falcon Emperor, it’s like a thunder, and the emperor’s portrait is hung in the main hall of the royal hall as the monarch of the sovereign, but I have really seen the Falcon Emperor. There are very few here, most of them are heard and standing At the front of the crowd, even Prince Charlotte, the second former Istanian emperor who had been sealed as a duke by the Empire, had never seen the true face of the Falcon Emperor! I did not expect that the emperor of the Falcon Empire would suddenly visit the Istanbul area of ​​Istanbul at this moment.

The empire’s declaration of war on the Kingdom of Aden, in the eyes of others, said that the empire found an opportunity to intervene in the war in the Cornelia region and was ready to take a slice of the war. But for Prince Charlotte of Istanbul Kyoto, for The first reaction to this news was that he was happily pouring two full barrels of wine on the spot, and did not wake up until he was drunk for two days!

"opportunity finally arises!"

Prince Charlotte was screaming in his heart. As a prince of Estan, he almost ascended to the throne of the emperor. During the year, he watched how the Falcon Empire defeated the southern coalition, and watched a piece of Estan. The block was incorporated into the territory under the force of the empire, and finally had to remove the emperor’s honor, because Prince Charlotte believed that the empire’s control in the Istan region would not last for a long time. An area occupied by force has not been cleaned for ten or twenty years. There is absolutely no way to completely control it, not to mention that the area of ​​Istan is so vast, and the successive resistance forces, even the 200,000 imperial army, are not the same as to be exhausted. Prince Charlotte will certainly not tell the empire that there are already several resistance forces. The leaders of the country secretly visited themselves and even swore allegiance to themselves. About half of the leaders of these resistance forces had their own support, weapons, financial resources, and even secret letters to local officials. The empire believed that it was only by force. Enough to clean up the authority established by the Istan royal family for more than 100 years, it is a big mistake!

There is no ever-growing empire, nor a general who will always win, even the Falcon Emperor, the God of War!

Prince Charlotte believed that he wouldn’t wait too long. The empire’s character was there, a hungry eagle that would never feed, and as long as he could see it, he would want to occupy it. Such an aggressive nature How could the country stop the pace of external expansion at this point? Sure enough, it took less than a year to recover, the situation in the Istan region improved slightly, and the empire began again with a new strategic deployment of troops. Prince Charlotte for the empire It doesn’t matter whether they are fighting the Adenites or the Eeros. What he needs is that this war machine is fully efficient. As long as the empire will evacuate its troops in the Istan region, you can shake your arms and let them The Istan Empire is back to life!

Under the wind of the mountains blowing forward, Duke Charlotte's gaze narrowed involuntarily. In the distant horizon, the imperial cavalry wearing black armor felt like a flowing line, the blue sky, behind the imperial cavalry The red cloak in the wind is like a fire line spreading in the distance and expanding rapidly. Finally, a huge golden falcon king flag appeared in everyone's line of sight. The kind of overbearing retina that filled all the Iraqi The Stan people held their breath at once. It is said that the Falcon Emperor was a dark-haired young man who started his army as a small lord in a region. In ten years, he defeated the most powerful and vast vast empire in the history of Obaro! Prince Charlotte will never forget that just over half a year ago, the falcon emperor fought from Central Europe Baro to Fei Shan, and finally hegemoned with the southern army of 700,000 people in the Istan region. In six months, it wiped out millions of enemies. In terms of military command capabilities, this emperor is definitely the first to deserve.

In the sun, one person and one ride came out of the group of cavalry like mountains, black hair fluttering in the wind,

"Greeting Your Majesty!" The noble group of Istan knelt down, Prince Charlott arranged his collar, knelt at the front, and the three hundred and fifty nobles of Istan knelt down on his knees, his voice oscillating to all sides. In front of this monarch king, everyone's breathing was a little quick, no one dared to raise his head, his head could not wait to reach the ground,

"Let's get up!" The eyes glanced at the Istan and Kyoto nobles. The fat man raised his hand. For these people, there is really no need to show precautions. Now those who can still stay in Istan and Kyoto have been wiped away. The **** people, the large number of elite imperial officers in the Feishan area, died in a large area of ​​war. It is only the Estan and Kyoto area, which is dominated by civilians. How can it support the idea of ​​contending with the empire? With the end of the North-South War, Istan and Kyoto offered to change the empire into a Principality, take the initiative to cancel the emperor’s honour, and become a dependent country of the Falcon Empire. Of course, the Empire will not refuse such a request, and the fat man is very clear. Stan Kyoto made such a move, which is enough to prove that the royal family has no power to control the Kyoto government

Because it wasn’t made by the arrogant Istan royal family at all, but by the ministers of Istanbul Kyoto. Anyway, it was the Istan royal family that received the biggest loss, renounced the honor and renounced their rights. ? The order of the new king never came out of the Kyoto area. Seven hundred thousand of the southern coalition forces were collapsed by the empire. What an Istanian Kyoto is! The drunken gold fan is still the drunken gold fan, and the noble class of Istan, who fled from various places, is gathered in this land less than a hundred miles, resulting in this wind of luxury enjoyment in the repressed atmosphere of the dead country What's more, the Istan empire was already clouded yesterday, and the people kneeling here are afraid that most of them have automatically forgotten the dignity of the Istan empire!

Or, except for one person, at the inconspicuous position at the end of the crowd, a skinny old man was only half kneeling, making the fat man’s gaze slightly paused, and veteran Moses looked older than half a year ago, and his clothes looked Somewhat shabby, as the admiral who returned to the empire, naturally no one will be seen, but the bones of the body are still breathing hard, or feel the cold eyes from the emperor of the empire, Moses shook his body slightly, just lowered his head Some, but still not kneeling completely

The hand of the Imperial Guard has touched the handle, and the person who ignored the authority of the empire should be killed, but the fat man waved his hand to stop it. This is still the only fruit of the pre-Istanian era after the pursuit of the Feishan army. The veteran should be respected. As a soldier, Moses finished his duty as a soldier! As for the fate of this country, it is no longer for the elderly to decide! Istan’s tricks in the past six months in Kyoto have long been in the eyes of the Imperial Supervision Department, subsidizing the resistance, secretly colluding with some resistance forces, and even secretly meeting with the governors of several regions. The reason why Varisian did not order Estan The royal family was completely eradicated, completely because the royal family of Ista could not be eradicated now. After all, it was an empire that had been established for more than 100 years. The royal authority has long penetrated into the bones of the Istanians. Without accurate evidence, Istan The eradication of the royal family will have a very adverse impact on the Empire's control of the Istan region, but it is naturally not impossible to let this tumor grow!

"Xia Luoqing, the empire's report of the war on the Kingdom of Aden. Qing should have received it!"

The fat man's eyes fell on Charlotte, the former second prince of the Istanian Empire who was kneeling before the war horse. The whip in his hand gently patted on the palm of his hand. He said in a condensed voice, "This empire is fighting against the Kingdom of Aden, but it is for the sake of Istan, the Kingdom of Aden. Hundreds of thousands of Istanians looted during the North-South War are looking forward to the rescue of the imperial army day and night. Shouldn't Charlotte, as the prince of the Istanians, express something?"

"The empire is extremely happy to declare war on the Aden for the Istanians. I am willing to support this war with one hundred thousand military expenses to treat the fighting empire soldiers." Charlotte's eyebrows twitched slightly, and his heart had long scolded the Falcon Emperor. This is simply extortion. Your falcon empire wanted Cornelia’s interests to fight against the Adenites. Why did you take the name of my Estan, but you still have a very excited look on your face, and you’re not grateful. Rushed directly to the horseshoe of the Falcon Emperor and wept bitterly!

"Hundreds of thousands of military expenses! For the current Charlotte, this is indeed a big deal! But how did I hear that Charlotte's banquet held a few days ago cost 30,000 gold coins, is it the blood of my imperial soldiers? Fighting, is it just the value of Charlotte’s several banquets?" The fat man sneered with a sneer in his mouth, and he ordered the emperor to come in person, and you gave 100,000 military expenses and wanted to be sent away. This is to send a call to Huazi,

Regarding the current wealth of Istanbul Kyoto, the Imperial Supervision Department has not looked at it for a day or two. Although the Istanian royal family was placed on the issue of captive by the empire, as a century-old empire, the deep roots are actually quite amazing According to the estimates of the Ministry of Supervision, the Istanian royal family currently says that the wealth is still in the tens of millions, and a considerable portion of this money has flowed to the resistance army in Istania, otherwise Varisian will not destroy 100,000 in one fell swoop. The Resistance Army is no longer the scope of a small rebellion. The original still needs to be cleaned up. If the financial line of the Istanian royal family is not completely cut off, the resistance in the Istanian region cannot be completely quelled!


Hearing the words of the Falcon Emperor, Prince Charlotte suddenly felt a little ignorant. Although the wealth of the Istanian royal family was amazing, it was actually greatly reduced, especially the financial support of several large resistance forces in secret, which has made Istan The royal family feels pressure, and these consumed financial resources always need a pretext and excuse to obscure, otherwise the imperial agents in Istanbul in Istanbul will be aware of it, so the royal family in Istanbul thought of the way to hold a banquet, the scale of the banquet and the The consumption has always been difficult to count, and the banquets between nobles are quite frequent. A small banquet in three days and a big banquet in five days are very common. Using the banquet to cover up the consumption of financial resources, it only cost five or six thousand. It has been claimed that 20,000 or 30,000 were used externally. Is it true that someone did not check the details! Even if the empire perceives something, check it along the line, there are forged banquet consumption accounts, and the empire can find out what! Prince Charlotte didn't expect such a foolproof approach, how could it be turned into a stone and hit his feet!

"Too much, I believe that Charlotte will also be unbearable. Just one million military dollars. I believe that the royal family of Istan will not be so mean!"

The fat man looked at Prince Charlotte, who looked like earth, with a slight corner of his mouth, and his tone suddenly became colder. "Xia Luoqing has also been a person who has experienced war. The importance of military expenditure should not be explained to me. The war is like fire." The army is about to enter the battlefield at any time. I don’t want the fighter jets to be missed due to the delay in military spending, and the empire’s battle is entirely for the rescue of those Istanians. I believe that Xia Luoqing will do it himself. Three days later, Luoyang Hill, hope Xia Luoqing Do not disappoint me!"

"Yes, I see!" Prince Charlotte almost agreed to gritt his teeth. No way, even if the Empire Emperor came in person, this line of spreading murderous Empire Guard Cavalry, there are seven thousand or eight thousand without ten thousand~www .wuxiaspot.com~ Charlotte does not doubt that once he refused, the emperor would directly order the cavalry to go in and find out for himself, which was definitely a catastrophe for the royal family of Istan, and once the falcon emperor was aware of the real financial resources of the royal family , It's even worse,

The eastern part of Obaro, the most tense now, is not the Adenians who were inexplicably declared war by the Falcon Empire, but the Istanbul of Istanbul which has been downgraded to the Principality. To kill as much as possible and retain the integrity of Istan and Kyoto,

But this year, for His Royal Highness, the second prince who was in the former Istanbul Kyoto, it was a heart-wrenching affair, and every move of the empire in the Istanian region caused a wave of confusion within the former Istanbul Kyoto.

No one is a fool. The Falcon Empire promised to keep the Istanian royal family. It was nothing more than to stabilize the needs of the Istanian region. With the passage of time, the empire’s control of the Istanian region became increasingly stable, and the value of the Istanian royal family became apparent. There is for

At this time, the Istanian royal family was only a duke’s title, and the reign was only 50 to 60 miles around Kyoto. The number of troops retained was only the standard of a small duchy, 3,000 infantry and 3,000 archers, such The force, compared to the nearly ten thousand elite cavalry brought by the emperor, is simply the same as not! (To be continued.)

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