Whole Nation

: Two hundred and nineteen seventeen Crazy Blood (28)

In the reception room of the Boccari Chamber of Commerce, the person in charge of the Chamber of Commerce, Mao Moraoen, tore a trade contract into several pieces, and then gently placed it on the table. He said innocently, "I'm sorry, the original agreement was invalidated. There is no discussion about the price. If you think the price of the Boccari Chamber of Commerce is too high, you can choose to buy from other chambers of commerce and do business. It is originally your wish, rest assured, even if you are not from our Bokari Chamber of Commerce We will not intervene in buying food! But in Lisbon, who does not know, the food sold by the Bocali Chamber of Commerce is under the label of the Mao Mo family and can be easily walked in any area of ​​the empire. Chamber of Commerce, I don’t know if there is such a privilege!"

Opposite him sat a middle-aged Aden man, about fifty years old, with a slightly blessed figure, wearing a large one-piece Aden robe, and behind his seat, stood a gorgeous gold dress The young Aden, seeing Mao Moraun tearing up the trade agreement mercilessly, young Jin’s fingers clenched violently, his face flushed even more red, the other party was too hateful, obviously insulting the Abra family, what I have signed an agreement about what you want, but I almost didn’t ship the grain to the ship and suddenly changed my mind. Not only did I pull all the grain away, but I also tore up the trade agreement. It also hurt people, so I still want you to love me! Even if it is a robber, he will not sit down and talk to the victim after he has snatched it.

"Sir Mao Mo Laon really laughed, but it was just an agreement. Both parties did not settle the goods or the payment, then it is not considered to have been established. Now that there has been a change, then it is renegotiated, but your business association will suddenly The price has been raised to twice the original price. Such a large amount of money, even our Abra family, needs a little time to raise funds, so.

"Of course, this should be the case, anyway, we are also patrons of more than ten transactions, such a problem can be understood"

Mao Moraun waved his face lightly, stood up from the seat, and carried his hands on his back, gazing at the tree branches swaying in the wind outside the window, saying, "Three days, this is the maximum I can give. You know, in addition to the Chamber of Commerce of your Abra family, Beabury and Carmenton, the Chamber of Commerce of the Aden Hao, are also staring at this batch of grain! It is already in mid-April, and there are two months of new grain in the north. It’s harvesting season, so I’m not afraid to tell you that this batch of grain is already the last batch of grain stored this year. If you don’t want it, someone will naturally grab it!”

"Okay, three days is three days!"

The middle-aged man nodded and stood up, expressing his satisfaction with the meeting. After a few words of greeting, he took the person out of the Boccari Chamber of Commerce. As soon as he walked out the door of the Boccari Chamber of Commerce, he stepped on the outside carriage, and the middle-aged man was kind and sympathetic. The expression became terrible, and whispered, "The vampire Mao Molaun just wanted to be robbed by fire! Double the price, he also dared to shout, he thought I did not know that this time is more than two years If you don’t sell the food, you only have to wait for the rotten portion, and even dare to sell us twice the price of the new food! If it’s not for the brand of the Mao Mo family, I must use the machete handle to smash him. That face!"

"Elder Abu, I don't understand why we must buy grain from the Boccari Chamber of Commerce. The price has doubled. It is still many years of grain storage. There are so many chambers of commerce in Lisbon. Where can we buy better food?" Said the young man who sat down opposite the middle-aged businessman

"His Royal Highness, you don't know, the background of this Bocali Chamber of Commerce is the Momo family of the first princess of the empire. The first princess is in charge of the empire's internal affairs department. All the regional government officials will sell the face of the first princess. Unimpeded is not Hypothesis, and even if it is the Imperial Navy, it will not be divided into the goods of the hard-to-wear Mojia. If anyone can guarantee that the grain will be delivered to the destination, it must be the Bocali Chamber of Commerce!" The middle-aged man explained with a wry smile He said that the Abra’s family also belonged to famous local lords in the Kingdom of Aden, so it’s not an exaggeration for young people to call them His Highness,

In the Kingdom of Aden, there are many princes, the royal family has princes, the regional lords have princes, and the vassal states also have princes. In the cultural tradition of the desert people, the prince is actually a title representing noble status, and there is no strict name like Obaro. Divide.

The middle-aged man's voice paused, gently pulled the curtain of the carriage, glanced at the street outside, and said, "This time the army of the kingdom is in desperation in the Cornelia region. The logistics of the army are burned. Now who can be the first Time to transport food to Cornelia, who is the hero of the whole kingdom"

"There has been news in the country. This time, the family with the most food is available. His Majesty the King will directly give him the Baihe Su Da Oasis within a 30-mile radius."

"You mean Baihe Su Da Oasis!" Hearing the name mentioned by the middle-aged man, the young man Jin shook his body before revealing his stunned and unbelievable face, enough to show how shocking it was

"Yes, it is the Baihe Su Da Oasis known as Aden Liujing!" The middle-aged people seem to have known for a long time that young people will be like this, so the expression nodded affirmatively, saying "the source of the information will not be a problem, 30 The Baihe Suda Oasis in Lili, although in terms of area, is far behind the large oasis of more than a hundred miles, but the Baihe Suda Oasis is veritable. There is at least three or four hundred rivers crossing the Baihe River with plenty of water. There will not be a desert crisis in 2012, unlike the Ganlin Oasis obtained by the Alita family. Although it is so large in size, it has been submerged by the expanding wind and sand and the water supply has been cut off in less than 20 years. , Now there is a bare shoal where "Bai and Su are not only the core area of ​​the caravan, but also the famous Baihe Temple is on the side of the Baihe Su Da Oasis across the Baihe River, this time It was also urgent, the royal family even gave up this heart and flesh, the owner ordered the sale of all the industries on the southern coast into money, it was for this matter! The merchants of the Falcon Empire would take the opportunity to raise prices, this is What had been expected for a long time, there is no need to fight with the Empire, what we want is actually the amulet of the Mao Mo family!"

"It turns out that I understand!"

The young Jin face was uplifted, and the profit-oriented imperial people, how could you know, compared with this Baihe Su Da Oasis, which is known as Aden Liujing, what is the price of twice the food! As long as it can be labeled as the Mao Mo family, and successfully shipped to Cornelia from the imperial commercial line, it is three times four times, and the family will buy it without hesitation! As long as you think about being able to cross the Baihe by boat, the two sides are vast oasis woodlands, the feeling makes him tremble with excitement. Those who have not lived in the desert, how can they know how water means to the desert people Whatever, where there is water, you can live. Sometimes, when the young Jin sees these imperial people wantonly waste water, they have the urge to draw a knife and cut people. The good water is spilled on the ground, just In order to suppress the smoke from the caravan wheels! "Crunch" Just when the two had countless fantasies about Liujing, the carriage turned into an alley and suddenly shocked and stopped

"What's going on?" The middle-aged man's face changed slightly, and there was still more than ten minutes away from the destination. He protruded his head from the carriage window, but the scene in front of him shocked him, and his carriage driver leaned on On the chair, a cluster of arrows hung on the neck, the whole neck was softly lowered to the side, the reins of the carriage had slid down from its hands, the two carriage horses had stopped completely, and their heads were lowered

On the roof of a two-story building on the left side of the alley, a blinded archer was placing the second arrow on the bowstring, and the other two blindfolded samurai legs slightly bent and jumped into the air. , Like two iron harriers, one left and one ferociously fell towards the carriage, the big leggings and leggings swelled up against the wind,

Wow la la "The moment when the feet stood firm on the top of the carriage, one of the sturdy desert samurai, with the big scimitar in his hand, was already slamming on the carriage roof with the falling momentum, and the wood chips were flying, and his mouth was still underestimated. Whatever, he was hit by a cold light from inside the hole, and his body rolled down from the top of the carriage more than two meters high to the ground. A small cluster of arrows was inserted into his stomach. The arrow had completely penetrated the attacker's stomach. The white feather outside is shaking. This is a short hunting bow. It is a self-defense weapon developed by the desert nobility. It is usually a mechanical spring device mounted on the iron sleeve outside the arm. Two are difficult,

The tough desert samurai did not expect to encounter a short hunting bow here. The desert nobles have a tradition of poisoning the short hunting bow and arrow clusters. Most of them are anesthetics, which will gradually paralyze the arrows. Finally Most of them will be caught alive! So this kind of arrow cluster must be pulled out, with a grin, holding the tail of the arrow cluster, the red intestines are out

Another desert warrior saw that his companion was injured and jumped angrily to the ground. The scimitar slammed into the car door.

"Slap" the door was nearly cracked, the desert samurai kicked it, and the door was completely finished

"Great power!" The middle-aged man and the young man in the car took a breath of air, quickly and skillfully pulled out a scimitar from under the carriage seat.

"His Royal Highness, I will kill a road and go right away!" The middle-aged man looked terrible, yelling and jumping down, fighting with the desert samurai who hacked the door, desperately knocking the desert samurai back a few steps, Jin The young man turned around and wanted to jump down, woo! A spiked arrow with a gust of wind wiped it away from a few centimeters away from the door of the car. The cold sweat of the young man Jin came down. If he didn’t hesitate a moment ago, he didn’t have time to jump out, then this arrow The position is exactly the position of his head, just like the coachman who has been completely dead, the other party has a hobby of shooting people's heads!

At the moment of hesitation, the second arrow shot from the car window

Fortunately, the opponent couldn't see the specific situation in the car, so the arrow was still missed, with a piece of wood chips, rubbing the young man's face and firmly inserted on the table in the carriage. No, the opponent's shooter was too powerful Now, getting off the train is also a dead end! Young man Jin gritted his teeth, hesitated, and suddenly pulled something from the position of the chain on his neck. It was something like a whistle. The young man put it in his mouth and inhaled violently, "Woo" with a loud eagle From the eagle whistle in the mouth of the young man, the sound was loud and straight, attracting everyone around him to look at the place where the sound sounded,

Ah, the third arrow hit the young man’s thigh with blood on it. The young man pressed the thigh with his hand, his mouth still blowing the eagle whistle, and the tone became higher and higher

The security in Lisbon is excellent. Within ten minutes, people from the nearby public security office arrived at the alley. The dark alley has stopped fighting at this moment. The attackers are nowhere to be seen. The carriage was about to fall apart. There were two blood-stained people leaning on the carriage. Fortunately, they could breathe heavily. There was a **** body on the ground.

"Aden again!"

The leader of the public security led the team carefully, and his eyes fell on the crest of the broken carriage, his eyebrows narrowed,

"We, the Yehe Chamber of Commerce, don't know what's going on! The other party should want to rob us halfway, they are all little thieves!"

The middle-aged man stood with his teeth clenched~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He was cut with a knife on his right arm, and blood was soaked in the robe through the wound. The young man helped him. The middle-aged businessman was not willing to attack people. What more to say, during this time, the Aden merchants in Lisbon were crazy. Although Lisbon was a commercial maritime center, the amount of food was so much. Some chambers of commerce would fight their ideas if they could not get enough food. Arriving at other Aden chambers of commerce with food in hand, attacking, assassinating, intimidating, and even relying on force to go to the warehouse to rob, anyway, as long as they get food and change to Baihe Su Da Oasis, even afterwards, it is worthwhile to compensate each other for some losses!

"Little hair thief? When was the little hair thief already using the Aden Chinese standard bow and arrow!" The police captain sneered, throwing an arrow cluster ripped from the car door in front of the two. There was a white on the tail of the arrow cluster The crescent mark is a symbol of the arrow cluster of the Aden army,

"It seems that the identity of the attacker is also the Aden! This is the sixth attack case born in the last ten days. The targets of the attacks are all Aden merchants, and in the market, all Aden merchants All of them are buying food frantically, the price has doubled or the supply is in short supply, and now even your own compatriots are killing, what the **** do you want to do!" The captain of the law and order was completely angry, these Adens had already made Lisbonto uncomfortable, not Those who knew thought that the sheriffs of Lisbon were all wine bags! (To be continued.) 8

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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