Whole Nation

: 2018, Crazy Blood (29))

Aden, Minister of Aden’s Affairs, watched in surprise as the head of the intelligence department, Rahman, pushed open the door of the meeting room angrily, disregarding the emergency meeting that was being held, and pressed a report heavily on the conference table. The general at the meeting looked like he was going to eat people on the spot.

"Master Rahman, what are you?"

Abu Li looked at Rahman and said with a bad look, "The Ministry of Intelligence belongs to the royal family, but in terms of jurisdiction, the Ministry of Military Affairs can still get in. The Ministry of Military Affairs can also be regarded as half of the boss of the Ministry of Intelligence, Rahman. It’s not such a blind person on weekdays, what’s going on today?”

"I'm sorry to disturb your meetings." Rahman looked at Abu Dili with a solemn expression, and then his eyes fell on the Minister of the Navy, Ares, and said angrily, "The reason why this is so dead is because We just got the reason why the Falcon Empire suddenly entered the war"

"Oh, the reason the emperor entered the war!"

I also wanted to reprimand two words of Abu Force, like the springs that stood up from the main seat like a spring. The generals in the meeting also held their breaths one by one. The sudden participation of the Falcon Emperor made the Aden army completely incapable. Clear minds, hundreds of thousands of armies fought for more than half a year, invested huge national capital, and even more than 200,000 casualties. The Cornelia battle that finally gained the advantage was also changed because of the sudden participation of the Falcon Emperor. Become in such a state of embarrassment now,

The logistics of hundreds of thousands of troops are almost completely cut off. In order to prepare food, the kingdom has begun to encourage domestic nobles to buy food from other countries, even if the price is a little higher. The most unbearable thing about the kingdom of Aden is that from beginning to end, the Falcon Empire No explanation was given,

Aden sent three to four special envoys to negotiate, and all were blocked by the Falcon Empire without exception!

"What is the reason for the Falcon Empire to participate in the war?" This confusion made Aden unable to touch his head, and now the intelligence department said it was clear! Even the Minister of Military Affairs, Abu Li, did not believe it. He looked at Rahman with a very serious look and said, "Rahman, are you talking about the truth? To know the current situation, we can no longer commit a little bit more." It's wrong, especially for the Falcon Empire's participation in the war. This has exceeded the current limit of our army's combat. Only when you know the real reason for the Falcon Empire to participate in the war can the Ministry of the Royal Government make the most correct judgment!

"This is the reason why the Empire entered the war. Lord Abu Li took a look at it and it was clear!" Rahman's face was cold and he took a paper from his arms and handed it to Abu Li. "This file comes from the Falcon Empire Naval Base and belongs to For the level of confidentiality, our intelligence department also sacrificed three people, and it took half a month to get it."

Seeing Rahman say so seriously, it’s not like looking for something to perfunctory. The Minister of Military Affairs Abu Li opened the document in his hand. The first page of the document is an event, and the second page is a pair of awesome. When I drew my eyes over the date, Abu Li suddenly took a breath. His face became extremely ugly. After a while, Abu Li raised his **** eyes and looked at the Kingdom Navy sitting on the left. The commander-in-chief, Btoya, asked in a near-angered tone, "Commander Btoya, since the spring of this year, has the navy ever had any friction with the navy of the Falcon Empire during cruising in the southern waters of Centralbia? "

"Absolutely not"

Burtoya froze for a moment, and found that everyone was looking at himself, and immediately became decisively replied that the Aden Navy was not the navy of other kingdoms, it was the overlord of the Aden Sea, and he was the commander of the navy. Butya, there is no meaning to put the army in the eyes

As a strong naval force second only to the Minister of Military Affairs Abu Li, he rejected Abu Li’s speculation and said proudly, "The Falcon Empire Navy is the overlord of the Inland Sea, and my Aden Navy is the Aden Sea. Overlord, both are extremely powerful maritime forces. Although I always think that the Aden Navy is better than the Falcon Empire Navy, but the distance from the Inland Sea to the Aden Sea is half the continent, how can a Falcon Empire warship with Friction broke out in my Aden navy! If the reason for your army’s unfavorable operations imposes a reason on the great Aden navy, then I can only despise you!"

"How could the Navy meet the Falcon Empire Navy?"

"Did you make a mistake!"

"Maybe it's just an excuse for the Falcon Empire to fight!"

There was a lot of discussion in the conference room. The generals in the army were somewhat inexplicable, and the fleet admiral of the navy was full of anger. This meeting was originally not attended by the navy, but because it involves the transportation of materials from the coastline, so It was only when the Navy was asked to participate in this meeting that the Admirals of the Navy did not expect that they came here with all their blood. What they heard was the cross-examination from the army faction, which suddenly broke out! Obviously it was the incompetence of the army. Even if the Falcon Empire suddenly entered the war, the imperial cavalry was able to bypass the army’s blockade net, and the ghosts and gods appeared suddenly behind the Aden army.

A fire burned down the Aden army to hoard grain and heavy Ulaw and the city, which has made the whole army lose face. How did the falcon empire's cavalry ran silently to Laouwa? There was already a naval admiral saying that maybe the imperial cavalry appeared in Lawuwa with wings!

"If it is not the cause of the navy, then how do you explain this!" Abu Liji waved his hand heavily and placed the paper in his hand in front of Btoya

Btoya took the scroll and opened it, looked at it slightly, and said slightly, "What is this? A picture, what can it explain! If the Falcon Empire used this as an excuse to war, it was the entire Obaro." Big joke! Such things, as long as I want, I can make people draw as many as I want. The ships on the painting look like the structure of my Aden ship, then I let them draw an empire The structure of the battleship is ready! This kind of thing is itself a worthless dead thing! A painting that you want to use as an excuse to go to war is a joke!"

"It's really ridiculous"

There was no hint of laughter on Abu Dali's face, but he took the document by hand and gave it to the head of the intelligence department, Rahman, saying one by one: "But you, the navy, don't forget it because of this Painting, the imperial navy fought without declaration in the waters of Istan, annihilated the Fourth Naval Fleet, and no prisoner remained. In Raowa, he still slaughtered tens of thousands of soldiers in Aden, without leaving prisoners, the other party was obviously In revenge, this is no longer a question of excuses, but the falcon empire has declared war for it! I need an explanation!, hundreds of thousands of Aden Army who died in the Cornelia area need an explanation, if The navy still thinks this request is ridiculous, so I have to go and ask His Majesty the king in person!"

Under Abu Dylan’s extremely cold eyes, the admirals of the Aden Navy who were still laughing laughed away. The army generals on the opposite side also looked at them terrifyingly. The dialogue just now was heard by the generals, although they did not watch it. That document, but I also guessed some of it. The falcon empire’s participation in the war is definitely related to the navy. What is the navy of these navies, are you still unclear? Wanton has always used the Aden waters as the back garden. It is entirely possible to say something to the imperial navy that broke into the Aden waters! Just do it when you do it, and it's caught by someone! Now that the Falcon Empire imposes brutal revenge on the Army, these guys can still be so happily mocking the Army here. Are these guys really comparable to the Army!

"Okay, after I go back and investigate, I will give Master Abu Dali an explanation!"

Putuoya took a deep breath, knowing that this matter might not be so easy to fool, how could he not know about the navy sinking the Falcon Empire naval battleship! When he first discovered the Falcon Empire Navy Battleship in the waters of Aden, he personally ordered the Fifth Fleet to follow, and eventually sank the Empire Battleship in a secluded sea area. He thought that he was doing it without knowing it. He didn’t expect it. It was also left a portrait! I wanted to deny it all the time. How can the Minister of Military Affairs Abu Lijin take himself? The Navy is not a combination of various oasis like the Army. The full name of the Aden Navy is the Royal Fleet of the Kingdom of Aden. The royal brand is hung on the front. It is independent in its establishment. It is directly under the command of the Aden royal family and is also controlled by the Aden royal family. A powerful deterrent to foreign trade of all ethnic groups in the desert,

After leaving the conference hall, a naval admiral came up from the back and whispered to Btoya, "Commander, do you really want to thoroughly investigate this matter?"

"What? Thoroughly? What did I just say thoroughly?" Putuoya's mouth twitched slightly. "The Aden Navy has never seen the Imperial Navy. This is the fact. Even if Abu Dili finds His Majesty, I am the same." , I believe you think so too! My Navy in Aden bears the heavy responsibility for the safety of the Aden waters, and will never allow ships of unintended intention to pass through the Aden Sea. Any ship passing through the Aden Sea will either be subject to surrender or strike Shen, for more than 100 years, this is how we did it! This is the dignity of a sealord, what are we doing wrong!"

"Yeah, what's wrong with us!" said several admirals behind him

"Obviously, the army is unfavorable for its operations. How can they succeed in blaming the navy!"

"I firmly support Lord Btoya!"


The cool breeze in April blew across the fort bridge of Bailubao, the capital of Bokahang Province, and made a whine sound. It was famous for its beautiful scenery. According to records, this castle made of off-white granite has been fifty years away. Years, now the temporary residence of the imperial emperor, after 50 years of ups and downs in the castle of Bailu, still showing his own solidity and stability without concealment. The walls surrounding it are made of three-meter-long and two-meter-high milky white granite stones. It looks like the whole castle is like the morning mist when it first started, and the Castle of Bairu is also from this

The six-meter-high outer fort wall has made great achievements in protecting against attacks. In addition to its sturdiness, Danfeng Bailu Castle's magnificent building scale is also relishing. It is said that there are a total of ninety-nine sets of living rooms in the castle. The majestic building scale and luxurious decoration are the homes of the former governor of the region. After belonging to the empire, the governor of the region is very interesting to disperse all of them. The industry, all replaced by commercial funds, and even the family residence where the family has lived for more than 50 years are also sold at a price, because I like the scenery around Fort Bailu very much. Lysian easily became the last owner of the castle. In the past year, Varisian was busy arbitrating, and the number of times he came to Fort Bron can be counted with one hand, and now it has naturally become The emperor's temporary palace,

"Your Majesty, the Supervision Department replied that the document had already reached the Adenites. At this time, it was almost time for the King Aden!" An Imperial Guard pushed the door of the Emperor's office and looked at a report. The emperor salutes

"I know, you go down first!"

The emperor raised his head and waved his hand to the reported guard. The Aden received the document, which was intentionally exposed to the Aden. The first step of the plan was successful. The attention of the Aden Army has now all been gathered to the Aden Neliya direction~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And because of this document, the navy and army of the kingdom of Aden should have a conflict,

And the sight of the domestic nobles, I am afraid that you are fighting for the food of Lisbon, and the news from Lisbon is that in just a few days, there have been more than double-digit attacks on the Aden businessman in Lisbon. ,

The rest is the target of real revenge needed for this revenge plan, Aden Navy! Soon, the Aden navy will be calmed down by a shocking news, that is, according to the two things alliance agreement between the Empire and the Eero Empire, the Empire Navy will obtain the right to cross the river channel of the Eero Empire!

At the time, the survey ship Dragon Crow reached the Aden Sea through the river of the Eero Empire. At that time, it could be the same now, from the river channel of the Eero Empire until it came out of the estuary near the sea and entered the Aden Sea! This was originally just speculation, but the Dragon Crow proved this, and the emperor believed that the news would soon be transmitted through secret channels. In order to deal with the imperial warship that descended from the Elone River, the only way for the Kingdom of Aden, It is to order the naval fleet to block the estuary. In this case, no one will notice that an imperial squadron will appear in the southern waters of Central Biya!

(To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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