Whole Nation

: Two hundred and nineteen Civilization (1)

The blue waves rolled over the waves, and the two white lines were like a dragon going out to sea. On the sea surface behind the two white lines, the bow of the huge imperial maritime war fort dragon-class battleship cut the seawater heavily, and the seawater was squeezed away. Then he rolled back from both sides and hit the half red and black ship side of the Dragon class battleship,

Under the **** of two murderous imperial dragon-tooth battleships, a huge imperial dragon-class battleship slowly leaned into the sparkling port of Cairo. On the deck of this dragon-class battleship, the imperial admiral Dusit Lun Kai was looking at the larger and bigger port in front of him, and the port of Kailuo expanded with emotion

Three months ago, it wasn’t as big as it was. The original 17 docks have now become 26. The newly added dock pier has nowhere to use, and it’s even opened near the bay walls. The construction site, the carriage wagons coming and going, the engineering wheel-pulling boom lifted the huge stones, and the three million dollars were smashed down. The construction degree of the project is not fast. Four of them have already shown their prototypes, and several small transportation To move materials, the other two also used a huge stone barrier to create a beautiful arc edge. It is conservatively estimated that it should be completed within one month.

"Sir, the Admiralty has invested heavily in expanding Cairo, is this really worth it?"

The adjutant withdrew his gaze from the distant port, and asked carefully behind Dusterenkai, “Although the management of the port of Kailuo belongs to the empire, after all, the land belongs to the Helo people. Since becoming, the vast plains backed by the Eero Empire, especially since Cornelia, the first largest port in the war, was destroyed, the material flow has tripled, and it has become the largest port on the east coast. Previously, the Hero people didn’t care much about this port, but now I’m just afraid to say that.”

"Relax, as long as the war between the Eero Empire and the Adens does not end in a day, there will be no ambition for Port Carlo!"

Dusterenkai smiled coldly at the corner of his mouth. "Fortunately, it is also during the alliance between the two parties. The Eero Empire and the Adenite have fought for more than half a year. It is said that the number of casualties has exceeded 300,000. The domestic trade is at least 8%. Ten. Relying on the exit of the port of Kailuo, Emperor Erow knew very well that the imperial navy was building a naval port in Kailuo. The goal was to target the Aden navy. For an area of ​​sea port, he turned his face with the empire and cut off his domestic Cailu, I believe Emperor Eero is not so unwise!"

"Adult said"

There was a relief on the adjutant's face. The incident of the imperial navy fighting unpredictably and attacking the fourth naval fleet of the Kingdom of Aden has spread all over Obaro. The imperial navy is building civil engineering in the port of Kailuo on the east coast. A series of recent military operations against the Kingdom of Aden, as long as they are not fools, knew that the imperial navy’s plan to use the port of Kailuo as the support point of the fleet and the south of the Carlo River passing through the Eero Empire entered the waters of Aden. The Luo States have speculation about whether the Eero Empire will let go of the river,

As the imperial cavalry advanced a hundred miles, the devil sent out hundreds of thousands of Aden's logistics supplies in one fell swoop, helping the Eero Empire to do a vital job.

The nations knew that the Eero Empire would definitely let go of the river, because the Falcon Empire had clearly stated that it was on the Eero Empire side. The two sides even signed a military combat alliance. In order to fight against common enemies, the Imperial fleet borrowed The behavior of the Eero Empire River Channel is normal! As long as Emperor Eero is still a bit normal, he will not turn his face with the Falcon Empire at such a critical moment!

Moreover, the real purpose of the imperial navy’s expansion of the port in Kailuo Port was the Aden Navy

The entire Obaro does not know how difficult the desert people are. There is a large desert barrier with a hot climate in the past, backed by the Aden Sea, which is rich in resources in the south. The Obaro area has been conquered several times since the era of the Fiya Empire The desert nations all ended in failure, and then the Fiya Empire was divided. The war between the Oparo nations and the desert nations continued intermittently for hundreds of years. It is still a result of non-advancement. The reason for this is not only because of The desert climate is cruel, the desert nations are tenacious and fighting, and because the Oparo army is completely unsuitable for the desert terrain,

The Obaro region pays attention to the heavy armored battle array, which is the mobilization between the large legions.

But these are completely unworkable in the desert. The heavy cavalry and heavy infantry that can sweep Obaro are a dead end when they enter the desert. The large army is buried in the desert, and the shortcomings of logistics supplies emerge, and Obaro, who protects the food The cavalry, under the scorching sun, is like purgatory. The body under the armor is almost drowned by sweat, and the war horse is spitting out its long tongue. Not to mention the battle, even if it is difficult to run the previous paragraph, And the camel cavalry who is lazy in the plains is the wind of the sand in the desert.

Obviously it is a difficult sand dune area, these camel cavalry can easily pass by, and run as fast as the wind

The ten years ago marked on the map was still a supply point for the oasis. When the troops arrived, they saw only a few dry wells filled with stones. Many times, the troops that invaded the sandbars were dragged down and dragged step by step. dead! But in the end, the Obaro nations gave up their active attack on the desert people, but it was after the establishment of the Kingdom of Aden

Although the Kingdom of Aden is a desert-dominated country, the rising place is the coast of the Aden Sea at the other end of the arrogant 6!

The Adenites were originally a tribe along the coast of the Aden Sea. They controlled the golden route from the Aden Sea to Central Abia. Every year, I don’t know how many supplies and merchant ships entered Aden in this area. Sixty years ago, the Aden navy rose. Defeat the navy of the southern fine empire that controls the Aden Sea and establish your own hegemony in the Aden Sea

The Adenites, whose strength has risen, then waged a united war against the entire desert, and eventually turned this sandbar into the Kingdom of Aden. As long as the Aden Sea is in the hands of the Kingdom of Aden, a steady stream of wealth and materials will follow Aden’s merchant ships. The team enters the sandbar. If you cut this line continuously, the attack on the other end will be in vain. Just like the Eero army obtained the advantage in the early battle, it was still driven out of the Great Oasis by the Kingdom of Aden. The logistics could not keep up. On the other hand, the Aden army on the opposite side avoids heavy weight, and if there is something wrong, they will immediately withdraw. If you want to catch it next time, it's not easy!

The hot desert weather has also increased the non-combat downsizing of the Airo Army. In the battle of the Great Oasis in the front, more than 3,000 soldiers died in the Airo Army because of the desert heat. They fell ill because they did not adapt to the environment. There were tens of thousands of soldiers, and various unseen diseases were rampant, which eventually led to the reduction of the army's combat strength. Finally, under the counterattack of the Aden Army, not only the two large oasis occupied were withdrawn, but they were also hit in one breath. The starting line of the war, Cornelia! All the effort and effort are all floating! If it wasn’t for the empire’s assistance, now the whole war situation is afraid that it has overturned

The imperial navy assembled in Port Kailuo on a large scale, and the Aden navy also issued the highest level of combat orders

In the Great Oasis of Poros, where the sea breeze was practiced in April, the head of the Adenian navy, Putuoya, pointed to the map on the wall and confidently said to King Aden sitting on the throne, "The width of the Eron River limits the imperial navy. The entry of heavy warships, so the other side can only enter the inland waterway is only small and medium-sized Longya warships. In this regard, the sixty-seven heavy ships of our navy fleet have an absolute advantage, and it is familiar with the Aden Sea. Empire The navy is completely blind, and its subordinates have ordered the recall of all combat fleets and sent people to pay close attention to the signs of the imperial navy in Kailuo Port! The actions of a fleet cannot be hidden, as long as the imperial navy fleet is really brave Going south along the inland river of the Eero Empire, then as soon as we enter the waters of Aden, our naval fleet will inevitably let it go back and forth!"

"The Falcon Empire Navy can also be regarded as the overlord of the Inland Sea, and the Empire Thor is also a weapon of naval warfare. Do you really have such absolute certainty?" King Aden looked dignified, and his fingers lightly tapped the armrests of the bench. The balance of the entire battle situation was inclined to the side of Erow, especially the fire that burned the Laowa and the hundreds of thousands of Aden troops. It was difficult for the Aden army to retreat. Unfortunately, fortunately, the supplies stored in Laowa and the inside were in the army. When assaulting on Cornelia's two lines, they were already taken by the left and right lines, and a third of them were taken out in advance. Lauwa and were burned, and the third of the materials escaped by chance.

Although it was still difficult to supply hundreds of thousands of troops, as the Aden army had as many as 200,000 slaves pushed to the front to die, not only did the Eero army suffer heavy damage, but also lost 200,000 mouths to eat, The logistical pressure is not so great,

Frontline commander Alchi decisively ordered tens of thousands of camels in the Air Force to transport materials from the sandbar to the frontline. The food purchased by the merchants of Aden in Lisbon was also intermittently transported to the frontline. This looks dangerous. The gap is finally closed

Compared to this, the imperial navy’s large build-up in Port Kailuo made the Kingdom of Aden feel more pressure

Compared to the conquest war of the Falcon Empire, the Adenites are more like pioneers of this era

This is the first feeling that the fat man has obtained the specific information of the kingdom of Aden. With the Adenians busy transporting food to the front line, without taking care of the opportunity to check every outsider who entered the sandbar, the tentacles of the empire finally reached the Adenians with difficulty. In the hinterland, the vast and hot sandbanks have been regarded as places where the devil is exiled by the Oparo people. These sandbar people are the descendants of the devil, so they have always coveted the wealth of Obaro.

And the information returned shows that it is not the same thing at all. The desert people in the sandbar have actually been based in the southern Aden Sea area. The sandbar is only a horizontal ditch that cuts off the 6th. The oasis in the desert is no matter how big. What is the population? How can a large sandbar that does not produce food support a nation that fights against Obalo for thousands of years. The Obaro people have always flaunted themselves as the world is the center, and in the eyes of the desert people, this is just the ego of the Obaro barbarians. Mocking, yes, the desert people call the Barbarians Barbarians, just as the Barbarians once called the Falcon Empire barbarians,

The imperial intelligence personnel who entered the hinterland were shocked by the interior of the kingdom of Aden. In this bleak era of civilization, the real light of civilization is actually in the Aden Sea region, which is something that even fat people did not expect!

The most powerful country in the Obaro region, Kyoto, the falcon empire, has only one million people. This is the result of the tremendous resources of the empire.

In the Kingdom of Aden, there are four cities of one million people in the southern sea. Its prosperity is enough to shock the entire Obaro. More than 60 million people are densely crowded on this U-shaped coastline that is less than a thousand miles away. On the top, there are many ports and cities all over the city. In the domed temple, there are not only praises, but also the voice of knowledge. This is where the most famous philosophers, mathematicians, astronomers and Adengang of this era have always been Ouba. The most excellent forging material in the Luo area, when the Obaro area is still in a continuous war, the academic research here has crossed the threshold of the Middle Ages,

The education system of the integration of religion and academia is far more extensive and applicable than that of the elite education of nobles scattered in Obaro. Even if it is a falcon empire, a similar sky temple education model has just started. With hundreds of years of inheritance system

The business culture driven by the Falcon Empire surprised and shocked the Obaro people, and the Obaro people did not know what a glorious commercial culture the desert people who have fought with them for thousands of years~www.wuxiaspot.com~

The desert nation’s trade routes have long ago reached the northern part of Centralbia thousands of miles away from the east, and even the northern grassland area has the shadow of the Aden businessman, and west to the Obaro commercial center Lisbon. If, in this era, any country’s ocean trade route has bypassed the entire Big 6, then it is not the Falcon Empire, but the Aden Kingdom that is not exposed to the mountains and mountains. The nature of the desert people is trade and expansion. When in the sandbar , They need to explore new areas outwards, they need to go to and from major oasis in exchange for goods,

This custom also applies to them after migrating to the coastal area, but their means of transportation are changed from camels to merchant ships

On the map of the maritime area of ​​the Imperial Navy headquarters, there is still a long gap in the coastline of South Obaro. The empire is still spending a lot of money to explore it. On the secret map of the Aden Admiralty, the coastline of South Obaro is like an inverted spindle. The coastline has become very clear. The above map and marking points are accurate to within one mile. The fleet of the Aden Navy has explored the southernmost point of the South Obaro coast 30 years ago, and now it is the largest slave in the kingdom of Aden. From the source, more than a dozen small countries have become the conquering area of ​​the Kingdom of Aden. The population here is being transported by the Aden merchants to the Aden Sea region by boat, (unfinished. ({〔〔〔8

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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