Whole Nation

: Two hundred and twenty-two civilization (2)

Song Lu was wearing a blue robe, facing the warm sea breeze in April, standing on the coast, staring at the imperial dragon-tooth battleship dragging a long white water line into the port in the distance. The look of Long Ya's small body disappointed the Song No. 3 character

In the customary thinking of the Central Biya, the size of the battleship is proportional to the combat effectiveness. The more powerful the battleship, the more it should be looking forward to. The fleet that can ride the sea should be like a huge fortress. The warship is the right one. What kind of imperial battleship is a medium-sized warship? Fortunately, the Imperials also blew their warships into the sky, saying that they are invincible in the inland sea area. In fact, listening to the two words of the inland sea, you know that the sea that can be embellished with the name "内" is estimated to be a little bigger than the lake. Able to compare with the choppy sea

It was a joke that the warships of the Imperial Navy were placed in the South Central Sea, and the warships of the Adenites had been seen by themselves. It was really tall, and the biggest one was like a city moving on the sea. , How could the weak imperial navy be able to contend, it is no wonder that during this time, the Adenites looted various materials and food on the southern coast, but the imperial navy did not even respond at all, and the family was lost this time, Promised to build a fleet with the Empire, and even released some areas on the southern coast. I thought that the introduction was a ferocious lion. Who knows that at most it is a local dog!

However, the degree of construction work of the Empire was amazing. It was originally a rough rocky beach line, with the same sandy sand, just a short rest of more than a month. Under the magical hanging wheel of the Empire, one A huge natural excellent port has appeared in front of us. Although Song Lu's concept of naval port is quite vague, it does not affect the judgment of the experienced Song No. 3 character on the terrain in front of him. In the report sent back to the Song people, Song Lu did not hide his marvel at the empire's degree of construction, especially referring to a tool called a pulley,

It is also blunt that the so-called forts built by the imperial people on the raised cliffs on both sides of the bay are like two huge pliers. They stand high and look down on the entire bay area. They are a real defensive power. Three temporary docks, although still It does not have the ability to build ships independently, but it is sufficient for temporary repairs. Although it is not known how the Imperials calculated, the number of Imperial warships coming from the upper reaches of the waterway has exceeded 25, except for the hull. Down the river, a large number of materials were also transported by merchant ships,

The advantages of water transportation are being shown. The mountains in southern Central Biya make the 6 roads rugged and difficult, but the waterways are unobstructed. As the general coordinator responsible for coordinating the imperial ships from the inland river to the southern coast, Song Lu looked at these almost all the way Empire War, how to flow down from the upper stream, how to turn from the southwest channel to the southern channel, and finally reach the estuary, although some river channels have been widened, but the rapids are everywhere, and the imperial battleship hulls are like centipedes. The foot-like turning pulp has shocking mechanical power in the turbulent southern river channel, and it can pass quickly even in the case of backwaters.

This opened up the eyes of Song Lu. Although the small size of the hot Imperial Dragon Tooth warship made him inconspicuous, the novel design of the Imperial warship opened his eyes. If the sea boat of the Song nationality was also equipped with a similar paddle, That's not right, you can go upstream and go straight to the southwest! Even along the river channel towards a further distance, for example, the Central Beijing Xinhang Linhang!

Thinking of this, Song Lu's eyes were bright and scary, and even hot. The southern mountain people relied on the mountains to live forever. They also imprisoned themselves because of the mountains. Although the rivers between the mountains are vertical and horizontal, the water flow is toward the south. Going along the coast, there is no way to become a transportation line. If you really install the upstream of the Song ships like the imperial warship, the situation trapped by the mountain obstacles for thousands of years may be broken by this. Song Lu was able to be excited by such thoughts, and it was not totally unreasonable,

The mountainous area in the south is originally a vertical and horizontal river channel, but it is located in the downstream zone of the entire Central Asian water system, which is naturally in the upstream threatened position.

The reason why Zhongbia Chaotang can use the southwest to deter the southern mountains is because the southwest river occupies the upper reaches of the southern mountains. As long as the southern mountains change, the army flowing down from the southwest river will turn the south into a blood. For decades, the repressed southern mountain people did not dare to expand the Luzhou Army and the Phoenix Dance Army because of the fact that the Luzhou land’s water from the north to the south merged into the southern mountains. As long as these rivers go south, the southern mountain people follow The mountains of the barrier are the decoration. The wooden villages that the mountain people have worked hard to resist the fully armed Central African army

In order to avoid these dangers, the southern mountain people have gradually abandoned hundreds of miles of rivers in these decades. I don’t know how many generations of cottages have been abandoned, and how many people died on the way to the south. The reason why we value shipbuilding technology is not only to open up a wealth road, but more importantly, we hope to go to the south to find more land to settle the mountain people. Now, Song Lu feels that he has seen the secret of the imperial battleship It’s not just paddling on the flank, it’s not too difficult! As for the style of the warship, it is more reliable according to the battleship pattern obtained from the Aden. According to the old man from Aden, the side of the warship built for the family has been added with a huge runner design, which is enough for the warship. Flying on the sea, you can even carry giant catapults. With one click, you can completely crush ships like imperial battleships.

"This is also true of the imperial navy, and the expectations of the head of the family are somewhat too high!"

Song Lu's tone did not hide the deep disappointment. What can twenty-five warships do? This time the family spent a lot of money to get news from the Aden merchants. In order to make up for the unfavorable fighting in the Kingdom of Aden in the Obaro region, this time the Aden Navy mobilized hundreds of ships and more than 5,000 Aden fighters. The task is to target the entire China. Plundering the southern coastline of Biya

The Song's 30,000 coalition forces of various ethnic groups have launched defenses in coastal areas, but in the face of thousands of miles of coastline, what use can 30,000 people have?

The southern coastline is full of flames. The Adenites coming from the fleet are very cunning. They often take advantage of the evening tide. The big ships stop and put down the boats. Only one thousand people are sent ashore at a time. Fast and well-equipped, it means that tens of thousands of Aden people did not attack the rock fortresses stationed in the army, but just ransacked the villages and towns, and then took advantage of the ebb and quickly left, waiting for the arrival of the Song army, I can only see the burning villages and the dead bodies,

In just over ten days, eleven fishermen’s villages have been slaughtered, more than 3,000 mountain people have been slaughtered, and the mountain people in the coastal areas are panicked. For this reason, Song Que, the head of the Song family, has not been in four or five days. Take a good rest, take the only two thousand mobile cavalry of the Song clan, eat and sleep in the wilderness, and go back and forth like crazy, all I want is to hope to catch the Aden's Deng 6, but I can't catch it every time. The nearest Once, Song Que was only one kilometer away from the Adenites who had just left the ship. The cavalry had even charged, but they could only watch the Adenians return to the boat without any hassle, and sway back to the sea. The fleet quickly disappeared on the coast, and the Song people understood that the Adens came and went fast, nothing more than because there were Aden warships on the sea to respond. If someone could drag the Aden’s maritime warfare Ship, the Song people are confident that they will kill all the Adenites raged by Deng 6!

At this time, Song Que, the head of the Song clan, thought of the existence of a so-called naval fleet on the southern coast. Although this so-called naval fleet has a total number of only two or three thousand people, and only ten or twenty warships, all It’s an unequipped warship shell. It’s a question of whether it can be put on the sea or not, but it’s the fleet anyway. Even if you can’t win the Aden, you can at least drag the Aden fleet for a while, so Song Lu came and received him Of the Imperial Navy Twelfth Squadron Gradient Cutis

In the warm sunshine of southern Centralbia, the imperial admiral was obviously in good spirits,

He stood on an open space, glancing across the fiery naval port under construction. For the first military port of the empire in the central region of the country, the imperial navy department did not hesitate to transport the craftsmen group by transport ship, which is enough Three hundred people, which basically recognizes that the twelfth squadron class belongs to the imperial main fleet, because only the main fleet is qualified to be equipped with a craftsman regiment

The craftsmen brought a large number of imperial equipment and recruited more than 3,000 mountain people from the local area. If everything goes well, it is expected to be completed within two months.

In this regard, Cartis is already very satisfied. Although the military port in front of it cannot be compared with the real large naval port, the sparrow is small but complete, repairing the dock, guarding the fort along the gorge, and a large sailor barracks. , And even a section of space was planned as the headquarters building of the naval squadron,

On this coast that is thousands of miles away from the empire, Cartis can be considered full of hope, especially the arrival of all 25 Dragon Tooth battleships, and finally let the twelfth fleet be fully allocated. What is lacking now is to wait for the transport warships. The arrival of the arms transport fleet,

"Song Lu, are you?"

Seeing the third-person figure of the Song family in the wind and dust, Katis looked up from the chart and was shocked. Under his influence, this high-ranking figure of the Song family in Central Biya has always been energetic, when was there a time? Such a decadent look,

"You're welcome, this Song Lu actually came to ask the commander for help" Song

Lu looked solemnly and waved his hand. He was not optimistic about the Falcon Empire Navy. If such a fleet encounters the Aden Navy Fleet, it would sink in only one round. However, Song Lu still reluctantly said that the owner’s haggard look was difficult. I believe that Commander Cartis has heard that the Adenites are raging on the coast, and the mountain people have been poisoned. I have mobilized 30,000 troops to the coast this time, but the enemy’s fleet is erratic at sea. You can’t catch the other party’s whereabouts. This time we spent a lot of money to buy an eyeliner. This is to determine the other party’s next position on the 6th. The army has set up an ambush circle, but as long as the other party retreats to the sea, we will only do Stare, so this time also ask your navy to help"

"Are you saying that we are entangled with the Adenian navy?" Cartis' eyes flashed and hesitated. "The Adenian navy has frequently been on the 6th in southern Centralbia. I have heard a few, but the empire. The Admiralty did not issue combat orders, and the armament of the 25 Dragon Tooth battleships was only half completed. The biggest difficulty is that this is a strange sea area. As the Navy does not understand the characteristics of the sea area, it is to find death. In the vast sea, there are too many factors that can destroy a fleet, storms, current reefs, because the previous record of this sea area is blank, so we can only figure out the sea area step by step, since arriving On the southern coast, the imperial navy extended its tentacles to the surroundings, but it was barely able to figure out the nearby waters of more than a hundred miles. Without knowing the specific location of the other party, it was very exciting to leave the port area in search of the enemy decisive battle. Dangerous behavior! But if the Songs can provide the specific location of the other party, our navy can assist in World War I!"

"That's really great!" Song Lu looked excited, and went out of his arms to give a report to Cartis. "This is where the Aden Navy will board 6 next time. It's not very far from here. I also know to let your fleet It’s embarrassing for you to fight without being prepared, so this time, the 33 warships of the Song ethnic group will also cooperate with the commander to act together”

"Song's fleet. [<<<...Okay, I get it!" Cartis took the report~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His eyes narrowed slightly, it was really a surprise, Although twenty-five warships have only completed half of their armament, they are also Dragon Tooth battleships, and what is the Aden Navy opposite, in order to carry troops and looted supplies, at least more than half of the more than one hundred warships are It’s a transport ship. It’s just the fat that was sent to his mouth. Although the Admiralty hasn’t ordered it yet, the military order to declare war between the Empire and the Kingdom of Aden has been issued.

The joint opening of the Song and the Empire is already a fact. The emperor even personally expressed his sincerity with the drawings of the highest dragon-class battleship of the empire, so Katis did not mind letting Song Lu understand his situation. How can the

I heard that there are major differences within the Song nationality regarding whether the warships to be built are based on the imperial dragon-class battle, or the Aden sailing warships. The Songs are too naive to build warships. The construction of a warship is not just about resources and The investment of financial resources, as well as excellent craftsmen and construction technology, and these Songs are basically blank. The so-called warships of the Songs are at most the level of transport ships in the eyes of Cartis. The round hull can be loaded at one time. Three hundred soldiers, and the three-story building on the ship's hull, it is okay to fight in the river. If you go to the sea, Katis does not think that such a warship can resist the round of salvo of the Dragon Tooth! (To be continued.) 8

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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