Whole Nation

: Two hundred and twenty-three civilization (5)


When the Adenites saw the last guard who laid down their weapons with a knife, Mingyue knew that the robbers had no credit at all, and blood spattered on the wall of Langlan Lane, like a blossoming red plum, until All the guards were all killed, and Mingyue was an unusually cold-looking maid with a trembling arm, Xia Yueer, who had seen the blood of the corpse mountain in the emperor's catastrophe, and the one in front of him could only be regarded as a pediatrics. At that time, the guards already knew that the Adenites would kill them, but no one disobeyed their orders, because the guards knew that the princess Mingyue was robbed, and even if the guards were alive, they would have to commit suicide.

The current capital of Beijing is no longer the emperor of Beijing, which was proud of the whole of Central Asia. It seems to have been ashamed and entangled in the emperor's catastrophe. The emperor's most hated people are those who ran away from the Lord. It is better to die in these Aden than this. In the hands of people, at least loyal comments can be commented, so as not to drag down the family. The character of the king is like this. The failure of the southwest to plan the dragon family made Zhongbia Chaotang lose his face fiercely. Under the anger of the emperor, many At the beginning, the giants who ran out of Dijing were all liquidated, and some low-end gates were directly ordered to be destroyed by the emperor.

"Noble Highness, I'm sorry, your guards shouldn't kill us, don't kill them, the soldiers won't extinguish the anger!" An old man in a wide robe appeared at the entrance of the street, and the gold boots under his feet stepped on Xue Boli, wearing a golden pointed wide hat on her head, looked very dazzling, her hook-like nose gave a gloomy feeling, and her squinted eyes looked like a person looking at a cargo behind him , An Aden officer waved his hand to the soldiers who were about to rush over. Although the Adenians did not know who the moon princess was in front of them, they knew that it would be inevitable for people like Cile Bilie to be treated with courtesy. Is an extremely distinguished person

"Invaded other people's land, slaughtered and looted on other people's land, but accused others of killing you. Is this the logic of your Adenites?"

Mingyue smiled coldly, and the good Spring Festival turned into a massacre. So many Adenites rushed into Fukuoka, and through the alleys, they could see countless corpses floating in the river channel, but human blood had dyed the entire river channel. It became red. Under the light of the lights, it was like a ghost, the beautifully carved paintings were stained with blood, and they collided together in a row, and the gorgeous Yura danced with the wind, but everyone on the boat became a corpse, with many broken hands and feet. Fell into the river. Aden soldiers in leather armours were frantically collecting all valuables from the bodies of these rich men, and some soldiers were running to the port with full packages.

It seems that the Adenites said that there were tens of thousands of people who lied to themselves, and Mingyue’s beautiful eyes were afraid of others at the moment,

"How many people have you landed!" Princess Mingyue looked back and wept to the Aden businessman, saying calmly, "If there are tens of thousands of people landing, you will definitely not be able to fill up with Fukugang, you are robbing After the completion of Fukuoka, it will inevitably spread around Fukuoka as the center, and it will take at least five to six days until Chaotang gathers enough troops to press it. At that time, the Fukuoka area was afraid that it would be a white land. But you only landed within a few hours, and there were signs of withdrawal. This shows that your landing force is not much, but you are just thinking about grabbing and running. Although Fugang is not a military center, there are still five or six soldiers stationed. Thousands of people, that’s how it counts.”

"Her Royal Highness is so wise, I forgot that Her Royal Highness was once unscathed in the catastrophe like Emperor Jing's, no wonder there was such a calmness." Bi Leihun froze for a moment, then the turbid and old eyes flashed a bit cold, himself I forgot how, in front of me, the princess of Mingyue, the emperor of Beijing, and the havoc of the emperor in the northern prairie. The people killed in the northern grasslands rolled over, and the century-old prosperous emperor became a **** on the earth. Those who survived this catastrophe can understand the scene in front of them as small scenes

"It was originally intended to be robbed for one night, but since I accidentally found something more valuable, there is no need to continue to delay the time." Weeping Bi Lie wrinkled his wrinkled mouth and gave a salute to Princess Mingyue, a dozen The Aden soldiers put Princess Mingyue and her maid in custody. As for the already frightened wife of the guard, Crybilee asked the officer to take him to a safe place. If the wife of the guard died, the Central Biya I don't know that Princess Mingyue is in her own hands!

As the biggest businessman of the Adenites in Fukuoka, he knew that the princess of the moon had arrived in Fukuoka a few days ago, but he thought that this charming and princess royal princess, in such a lively spring festival, was bound to be in a crowded place. I didn't expect that I would meet in this humble and remote alley

At first he just thought it was the rich lady of the rich man, and he was blocked in the alley with a few guards, so he didn't pay attention at first, but after the Aden soldiers who attacked the alley hacked a few guards, weeping Bilie Looking at the white jade waist cards exposed by these guards' waists, the cry of Bi Lie's eyes was bright, this time it was a big fish, only the guards of the royal family of Central Biabia were eligible to play dragons on the waist cards The pattern, and the members of the royal family in Fukuoka, except the famous Mingyue Princess who can be! It’s really God’s will. It’s more valuable to catch the princess of the moon, than to flip the entire Fukuoka,

The space that the fleet can hold things is limited, and the fleet on the sea should always consider the stock of supplies. Therefore, the main goal of looting Fugang is the rich area in the city, which is a ten-mile land centered on the port. But the situation is not ideal. Please search () to see the most complete! Although the latest update of the novel was a sudden attack, the resistance of the wealthy area of ​​Central Biya made the Adenites unexpected. In the southern region, the rich mansions near the coastal area are mostly built like a fortress, but they are also cultivated. Slaves, thugs, anyone who doesn’t have several sets of weapons and armor at home is embarrassed to see people. Those without weapons and armor, there are always bamboo bows made of southern short-haired bamboos that have been invaded for several years.

The more people in the coastal area, the more sturdy, this is all caused by pirates in the coastal area. Chao Tang never considered the problem of the sea area, and naturally there was no one to control the pirates, even if the government heard the pirates coming, They closed the door directly, and did not prepare something to protect themselves. They were already killed by the raging pirates, and several generals who retired from the military were also in Fukuoka. Within a short time of the attack , I started to resist spontaneously. A dozen of you, dozens of me, and together I was a nursing home for hundreds of people. When I saw the Adenites who rushed in and burned in leather armour, the tall wall courtyard was full of dense bamboos. The short arrow was shot down, and the arrow below the Adenites rolled down, holding a shield and smashing the large iron gates of these high bases and deep courtyards. Maybe there were more than a dozen sharp spears rushing towards the door.

So in fact, the impact of Fukuoka is far from being as serious as what Princess Mingyue thought. Fukuoka is not the emperor of Central Biya, whose hearts have collapsed, and only 5,000 Adens like flies are rushing into Fukuoka. With more than one hundred thousand grassland iron rides killed by the northern winds, Fugang is worse, after all, it is also a coastal city with a radius of more than twenty miles, and the five thousand Aden people can’t shake the foundation of the city.

In just an hour, there was not much stuff grabbed, but it had already lost two hundred people in a row. The commander of the Aden 7th Fleet on the battleship, Le Cadura, was almost crazy. When he was in a rush, he got it. Accidentally caught the news of such a big fish as Princess Mingyue, naturally it was a surprise and overwhelming, a princess of the Central Biya royal family was caught, how can you change hundreds of thousands of ransoms, which makes Lekadura very excited What's more, as long as this Chinese princess is brought back to the capital of Aden, it will definitely be a big event that affects the strategy of the upper class of the kingdom of Aden towards the East!

"Order everyone to withdraw, rushing in the monsoon still, we ran again along the southern coast, and then to collect a little thatch." Lekadura turned from the position of the ship's bow, and sternly ordered to the adjutant behind him, Thatch is the Aden people's contempt for slaves, who had wanted to catch some slaves in Fukuoka, but I didn't expect that the resistance here was so tenacious, so I went to the south coast to catch it. Last time I particularly liked a village of thousands of people. At that time, we had to go north to Fukuoka, so we didn't do it. When we were waiting to return, we caught thousands of people as incidental goods for our return home. Otherwise, tens of thousands of sailor soldiers could not go home empty-handed.

Princess Mingyue was escorted into the Aden warship, and both the master and servant were locked in a small boat cabin

"Princess, they are about to sail!" The maid Xia Yue'er looked quietly lying on the air hole of the cabin, with her little toes and a pair of eyes constantly looking out. This is an extremely huge warship Even if the sails are pulled up, a dozen or so sailors with naked upper bodies are required to pull them with a huge winch. The fishy smell in the sea breeze makes the master and servant vomit for a while. Both of them are northerners. The naval battleship, as the Adenian fleet began to move, the two immediately felt dizzy. Except for the person who delivered the meal, they could hardly see the person. The two women could only hear the whistle in the cabin. The sound of the water, every time the two women looked through the ventilation holes, they were a whole row of dense masts, and the white sails reflected the glory of the sun, exuding a white dazzling light, because I have never seen it, so Is more shocking

With such a huge fleet, it is not impossible to say that it can transport tens of thousands of soldiers. When I think of the coastline of Centralbia, there are seven or eight cities like Fukuoka, and Princess Mingyue's face is getting colder. She never thought The low-browed Adenites are so strong at sea. If they really do their best against the coast of Centralbia, when this fleet arrives next time, it will be a big catastrophe without losing with Dijing

"They are turning southwest"

Mingyue narrowed her eyes and judged the direction of the Adenian fleet according to the direction of the sun shining outside. She had been sailing south for three days. The Adenians thought that the destination was the South Central Sea, but today they suddenly turned to the southwest. Direction, which means that the Adenian fleet does not seem to have immediately left the coastline of Centralbia. Judging from the time, this place should already be the category of the Southern Song nationality.

Southern Song, Qinglong Bay

The white lines presented by the four imperial dragon-tooth battleships pushed forward, and the sea breeze that blew the falcon navy flag on the mast hunted, "Wow," a huge wave rolled towards us, the dragon-tooth battleship split The rushing sea water opened, the turbulent white water wave rolled forward, the side shipboard was like a razor, the ripples crossed from the battleship, and the circles collided with each other on the sea surface, and they broke or merged into one. A bigger circle,

"Look, that's the Ximanzi's warship, and I don't know how to fight with the Adenians!" On the high deck of the Song nationality in the bay, the Song nationality sailors were mostly wetted by the sea against the Longya battleship. On the side of the ship, there was a whistle of mocking whistle. Sixty-seven Song warships were stopped in Qinglong Bay. Some of them were small warships that could only be in the waves of the offshore waters, and some large warships with a side height of 18 meters. Ships, waves hit these tall sideboards, white blisters popped up, making a grunting turning sound, and the silent wind brought a dignified atmosphere,

At this moment, on one of the large Song national warships, a young young Song nationality is looking directly at the imperial dragon-toothed warship turning on the sea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ "Every Adenian warship is not under our main ship, and there is a terrifying oil-fired ship. It is such an ally to cooperate with us, and I don't know what the owner thinks."

"Lin Shao, although these falcon empire warships are not attractive, anyway, they are also warships. If you can't be the main force, it's okay to cheer next to you!" Next to the young man, a tall and thin middle-aged scribe scoffed and laughed. Tao, a black ivory collar wrapped around a wide ivory white scarf, giving a sharp impression"

"The problem is, even if it's cheering next to me, I think these warships are too inadequate, but when the main force leans forward, don't we have to divide our troops to protect them from failure!" He is the commander of the current family fleet of the Song nationality. I saw him saying, "This time, I was instructed to gather the Song nationality warship against the Aden navy. The family owner and the falcon empire joined forces. I heard that the falcon empire has Europe on land. Barrow’s first title, but the problem is that it’s at sea. Do the guys on the centipede know what naval warfare is? Look at the so-called low-toothed dragon-shaped warship, it’s like a warship. All advantages have been abandoned, no tall masts, no large cabins for combat troops, and even the women’s wall used to launch the cable war at close range is lacking. The only thing that is passable is the speed of running and the battle of naval battles. , The two ships are fighting each other, what does he mean by running fast?"

"Haha! What Lin Shao said is really interesting, maybe this kind of warship is just thinking of the idea of ​​dragging the other side down." Behind the youth, the captain of the dozen or so fleets laughed, and at this moment, far A striking red smoke went up to the sky, his face was shocked, and came, and the Adenites who had been waiting for eight days finally came!

(To be continued.)

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