Whole Nation

: Two thousand nine hundred and twenty-four Civilization (5)


It is like a huge Aden battleship with wings and eagles. It is like a huge razor squeezing the sea away. The shape of this battleship is quite impressive. The bow is created by craftsmen as a high-flying eagle head, and the wide hulls on both sides , Also painted as a dark golden eagle wing, the bow of the ship is squeezing away from the sea, the sharpness of the two eagle claws is clearly visible, the whole feeling is like a huge eagle spreading its wings on the sea,

This is the dragon eagle class warship with the strongest power in the Kingdom of Aden. Its size is more than twice that of other Aden warships. The hull is covered with iron sheet, the height is nearly 25 meters, and the length is 50 meters. The sub-mast broke through five companies, but a twelve-sail sail that can bring more propulsion. On the mast, it is not only a traditional four-corner sail, but also a spinnaker that can use the bias. In the case of headwinds, the adjustment of the spinnaker can still be used to help part of the wind. This technology even exceeds the propulsion technology of the Falcon Empire’s dragon-class warships. It is the pinnacle of wind use in this era.

Only 16 ships of this kind were built in the entire Kingdom of Aden. Ten ships were allocated to the Royal Navy as the flagship of each fleet, and the other six were the strongest main force of the First Fleet of the Royal Navy.

The dragon eagle is the most sturdy raptor in the desert. Although it is not large in size, it dares to fight the more fierce sky overlord with white heads. The dark golden strong claws can pull a sheep weighing more than 30 pounds at a time. Caught the sky, now the royal family of the kingdom of Aden is the coat of arms of the Abdulakai family, which is a high-headed dragon eagle under the blue sky,

The ability to use the Dragon Eagle class battleship itself represents the royal background of the Aden 7th Fleet. The Leka family from the fleet commander Lekadura is one of the four branches of the royal Abdullah family. The seventh point The fleet is also the largest fleet of the Kingdom of Aden in the Eastern Seas

This time the Seventh Fleet was dispatched to the nest and swept all the way. Twenty-seven Kingdom-class warships, thirty-nine fast sailing warships, as many as two hundred transport ships, in addition to supplies, there were 5,700 people at any time. The elite infantry that can go ashore to fight, such a strength, is placed in the southern waters of Central Biya, and some countries with weak national strength can become a force to destroy the country in the slaughter. Look at the time since the Aden 7th Fleet entered the southern sea of ​​Central Biya. The pirates wandering in the southern waters immediately ran out of shadows, and knew that the 7th Fleet of Aden was completely overlord-like. Finally, they raided the port of Central Biyafu and robbed the Mingyue Princess of the Central Biya Empire. Central Coast

In April, when the monsoon was south, the roaring sea wind blew the sails up like a hemisphere, the ears were the gurgling sound of canvas swelled to the extreme, in front of the eyes was the sea of ​​the sky, and the fingers gently rotated the sails on the bronze base The gaze of the commander of the Seventh Fleet of the Navy of the Kingdom of Aden, Lekadura, gradually condensed into a thin line, shooting the excitement that could not be concealed

"Commander, when you go back this time, are you ready to write to your majesty?" The old crying Bi Li came up from behind

"It's true" Lekadura's mouth laughed. "I have to say that if it is not your help this time, if you want to persuade the kingdom to move the center of looting eastward, it will take at least three to four years. Only by clarifying the southern coastline of Central Biabia can we find evidence for the Kingdom’s recognition, but now, the raid on Fukuoka will be obtained at once.

"It was indeed fortunate that I caught Princess Mingyue." Weeping Bilie was full of wrinkled skin, deep like a puddle of water, and said quietly, "This Princess Yueming is not a princess of ordinary status, not just the emperor of Centralbia. My younger sister is regarded as a symbol of luck by the entire Central Asian Empire. Now we are held in our hands. The Central Asian believes that this Mingyue princess has a protective power. How did people die in Dijing, Mingyue The princess was unscathed, even if she was escorted to the remote grassland Mobei, she could still return easily"

"Oh, is it so magical?" Le Cadulla's face was slightly stunned,

"The commander may also know what this princess Mingyue means to the Central Biya Empire!" Qi Bilie looked at the sea in the distance, and said condensedly, "In the official deliberate propaganda of the Central Biya Empire, this Ming Yue The princess is just like a goddess, God's affirmation of the current Xinchaotang, and the affirmation of the emperor of Zhongbia, the son of the heaven. The Zhongbian people believe that the emperor of China is still the greatest monarch in the world, otherwise In the distant Western Barbarian Empire, how could thousands of miles send people to visit His Majesty the Emperor, and **** the princess Mingyue to return to the country! Now the prestigious virgin is in the commander's hands, as long as he takes it back, the entire Kingdom of Aden will be I know that the Central African Empire, which was once dominant in the East, has been weakened to such a degree that as long as a naval squadron, thousands of soldiers can loot a coastal town, and can rob a noble princess, as long as the royal side Considering that it is worth trying, the next time the commander returns to the southern sea of ​​Centralbia, he will be able to bring a combat army of 20,000 people.

"Haha, if that's the case, weeping Bilie, you'll be the intelligence officer of my fleet. Are you more familiar with the coast of Centralbia than you? You and I joined forces, and I believe that the entire rich East The mainland will open our arms to us!" Lekadullah's face with undisguised pride,

The lieutenant came up and reported to him "Qinglong Bay is coming"

"So fast?"

Lekadura murmured in a low voice, and his face also cooled down. His eyes sparklingly raised his hands and said to the adjutant, "The order will continue, and the entire fleet will temporarily stop advancing and form a battle formation."

"Commander, are you?"

Weeping Bilie's face changed slightly, and he had reached the southern sea of ​​Centralbia. Could anyone dare to stop the people of the Aden navy fleet? He is a big businessman of the Adenites in Central Biya, and an important intelligence provider in the east of the Kingdom of Aden. As a domestic Eastern faction, he and Lekadura believe that the focus of the Aden Kingdom’s plundering should be towards the Eastern Continent. Moving, the powerful Falcon Empire blocked the coastline of Obaro, and the southern route has continued to increase for decades. The young and strong in the occupied area have been looted, and now they are already selling women and children. Well, in the next few years, I am afraid that only the elderly will be left!

"The windfall is exciting, but I prefer to be persuasive!" Lekadura smiled a meaningful smile, extended his finger to the front, and said to the confused crying Bilie "This is southern Central Biya In the Qinglong Bay area of ​​the sea, a place called Qinglong Village not far from the coast. The last time the fleet landed on the shore, the mountain people in Qinglong Village killed my eight soldiers. Half a month ago, I had intentionally The news was released, saying that I would definitely come back and wash the Qinglong Village in half a month, kill all the mountain people inside, and avenge my soldiers."

"I believe that the Song people, the leaders of the mountain people, will surely be waiting for me as soon as they hear this news. Sure enough, just now the investigation of the Clippers reported that there was a shadow of warships in Qinglong Bay." Le Cadullah was proud. A weasel that stole the chicken said mockingly, "I heard that the Song people transferred all warships this time, and when our army landed, they would rush out and break the retreat at sea."

"Stupid Central Biya people wouldn’t think about it. I didn’t even plan to go ashore. My goal was actually the Song’s fleet." Lekadura licked his cracked lips excitedly and continued, "I bet As long as I cross the corner of Qinglong Bay ahead and put the infantry down, those squadrons of the lurking Song people will rush out foolishly."

"The other party is a group of newcomers in naval warfare, and it is exactly this opportunity. Copy the URL to visit http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d will All the last maritime forces on the southern coast are unplugged! There is a princess of Centralbia in hand. If you can catch the important figures of the Song nationality, then it is 100% to persuade the kingdom to move its center of gravity to the east. The next time we come again, the entire south Coast, there will be no more power to stop me!"

"The commander's layout is admirable!"

Weeping at the corner of his mouth and laughing bitterly, he has lived in Central Biya for five years. Naturally, he knows that the status of the Song people in the South is not inferior to that of Central Biya, he thought that soldiers like Lekadura should be the only ones. The guy who knew the murder and looting, and the rough man with his eyes flashed when he had money, did not expect that there was such a terrible scheming. While waiting for the raid on Fugang, he also planned to ship the Song people in southern Centralbia. The team also dragged in, crying Bilie did not know that Lekadura had the title of "sand Fox" in the Aden navy. Although the fighting style was not tenacious, the cunning machine changed, and the courage and boldness were definitely second to none in the navy, otherwise the royal family would not So rest assured that he handed over the most powerful fleet of Aden Kingdom in the East China Sea,

In Qinglong Bay, as the sails pulled by the sailors, the sails of the Song tribe rose up, and the low sails quickly rose to the tall mast, like a huge banner with a huge one written in the middle. "Song" was blown into a hemisphere by the fierce sea breeze. The word "Song" swayed in the wind as if it were alive. It brought a simple and magnificent momentum. The ship's head accelerated and the waves on the calm sea began to boil. In the same way, the hull stirred up a piece of salty and wet sea water on both sides, and the sea breeze whistled on the face, stirring up the infinite fighting spirit in the chest

"This is what the Southern Overlord Song Clan should have!"

Take a deep breath, such a magnificent fleet, each tall and mighty floating in the sea, is like a giant beast, among which there are more than 100 years of the highest shipbuilding crystallization in the Biya River in Megatron, five-story ship , The strongest warship used by the Song people to press the bottom of the tank, not only the hull is tall enough, but each ship also has a five-story wooden barrier, which can be loaded with 800 soldiers, can be attacked and defended, when fighting for the river, that It is definitely a mobile city. This time, the Song nationality fleet flew out of the nest. There are three such five-story ships, all of which are out.

Such a huge warship, I don’t believe that the Adenites will not be afraid! When he was very excited, a picture came into his eyelids, and he almost exploded his lungs. "Do those imperial warships know how to fight naval battles? Without rushing out, they sneaked to the upper hand. What is the location!"

Standing on the flagship of the Song nationality, his eyes were annoyed and stared at the 20 imperial centipede ships that were leaving the big fleet one by one, and the bow was moving upwards one by one.

In his eyes, this is a typical imperial navy escape. If the commander of the other party is a Song nationality, he will immediately order to kill the other party. Unfortunately, the other party is an imperial navy and does not belong to the Song clan. According to his imagination, this kind of warship that is useless except for speed should have the same function as the death squad, paddling countless oars, with the help of the current of the ocean current, it has passed forward at the fastest speed without fear of life and death. The Adenian fleet went to disturb the terrain of the opponent’s warships. The result was that these imperial warships that were afraid of death all ran to the upper reaches of hundreds of meters. Do they Ready to play peekaboo with Aden?

"Regardless of these Falcon Empire Navy, the order will continue, the entire fleet will attack!"

Pull out his sword~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Jump to the position of the ship's bow, blushing with a blushing face, the war is imminent

"For the Song Clan!" he shouted loudly, boosting morale

"For the Song people!

The sailors of the "for the Song" fleet threw their arms and shouted, and the sound of the shouting spread across the sea and spread to the surroundings, and the blood boiled. As the sound fell, all eyes immediately saw the direction of the corner of the bay in the distance, and a small white spot appeared. , And then more and more, like a dense forest growing at a speed that is visible to the naked eye,

It was the sails of the battleship, and there were too many to count. From a distance, between the sea and the sky, the high-flying Xingyueqi badge, and then the dense mast, seemed like a sword piercing the blue sky. In less than half an hour. A huge fleet appeared in front of everyone, at least there were nearly a hundred warships. These warships were quietly parked, the masts that covered the sky, and the wind and waves came to give people a strong sense of earthquake deterrence. The Song fleet, who cheered loudly, became silent at once, and the Aden people have dominated the southern waters for decades. It is false to say that it is only the Song sailors of the river fleet that are not worried.

This gap is too big!

Not to mention the sailors, the person in charge of the fleet. At the moment, he was also stunned to watch the super-large Aden warship like the Big Mac appearing in the distance. Even if the tonnage dragged the Song Dynasty’s largest five-story ship, I’m afraid I’m not half as big as the other party. Especially in today’s cloudless weather, the other party’s huge eagle-like hull is so striking, but this one makes the whole fleet overwhelmed. It feels like this is the Adenites, the hegemons of the southern waters, so with a shocking spirit, they appeared in front of the Song national fleet (to be continued.)

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