Whole Nation

: Two thousand nine hundred and twenty-five Civilization (6)

"There are thirty-seven main battleships and more than forty frigates. With such a scale and power, the target can be confirmed as the Aden 7th Naval Fleet." Standing on the deck of an imperial dragon tooth battleship, the fleet commander Cass The corner of his mouth slightly flicked, put down the naval look-out mirror in his hand, and waved his hand to the adjutant behind him. "Singing a slogan to tell the Song fleet, before Aden Navy approached, I hope they can hold Qinglong Bay."

"Guard Qinglong Bay?"

The adjutant blinked his eyes and reacted. Cartis asked the Song fleet not to fight. He looked at the Song warships that were sailing in Qinglong Bay. The mess was completely ununified, and the flagship was not there yet. There were already three fastest Song Clippers from Qinglong Bay killed. At this time, it was too late to ask the Song fleet to stick to Qinglong Bay. It was too late. The adjutant looked a little ugly and said, "Sir, the Song fleet lacks The unity of command, even if the slogan is spoken, will not obey our orders."

"The order is that the others don't care," Cartis said dismissively. "Before the war, I specifically asked the Song people for the highest command, but the other party obviously didn't believe us, thinking that there were many ships, as allies, We have tried our best and the other party has to run up and run into his own head, which is not something we can control."

"Yes, I see." The adjutant's face showed a sudden, no wonder that the Adenian fleet had just appeared, Casti immediately ordered the fleet to sail up the Qinglong Bay, except to avoid the impact of the messy Song ships. In addition, it is more believed that the Song nationality fleet will eventually collapse in the direction of Qinglong Bay. Now with such a slogan, even if the Songs want to blame the imperial fleet after the war, there is no way to talk about it, because the imperial fleet does not have Ask the Song nationality fleet to leave Qinglong Bay! "Shuai Lin, the imperial fleet asked us to stick to Qinglong Bay"

Hearing the look from the lookout on the mast, in addition to the contempt of the face, there was also anger in the heart of the timid imperial navy. The posture of walking, if you want to run, you still have to insist on the command of Qinglong Bay to yourself, what is this! The imperials didn't know anything at all. The courageous warriors met on the narrow road, and the heroes fought against the sea. The more they feared death, the quicker they died. When you see the enemy, you want to run, what qualifications are allowed to participate in this sea battle!

"Regardless of them, the fleet left Qinglong Bay and attacked across the board in a dense queue!"

Turning around, shouting to the high-speaking flagman, the flag of battle was passed by the chess player standing at the height of the mast, the Song ships in Qinglong Bay moved in motion, raising the whole sail, the heavy bow Inserting heavily in front of the wave, the exit position of Qinglong Bay, the Song ship is like a huge smooth shoal of fish rushing fiercely from the water waves, the large Song characters on the hull sails spread out against the wind, just like in the entire fleet A splendid rainbow formed over the sky, the waves swaying from the ship's head were getting higher and higher, and the ripples were spreading bigger and bigger

In front of them, the Aden 7th Naval Fleet began to slow down

"Woo" a deep trumpet sound

I saw behind the queue of the huge Aden warships, a dozen small and flexible small turtle-like warships, slowly rushing out of the gap between the large warships, the front end of these turtle warships is like A long tube, when moving forward, the sails have not been fully opened, the careful hull trembles on the sea, until after leaving this queue, as the ocean currents begin to approach the Song fleet

The Song's fleet also saw these small warships, but no one put it in their eyes, vigorously exclaimed on their flagship, and used their identity as the general to inspire the morale of the entire fleet. Inspired, the deck of the Song warship was already covered with dense soldiers, and various weapons shone in the sun,

"Quick, order the wind chimes, the two teams of white teeth, immediately rush to the front of the fleet and stop these boats!"

As the boat got closer and closer, I finally felt something was wrong. This turtle-like boat didn't even have an upper deck. In front of it, it was supposed to be a corner. Now it seems to be a pipe at the moment. I thought I had heard of Aden. People have an assault ship that can breathe fire, and immediately feel a cold coming from the back,

Just when shouting hysterically, this turtle-like small warship suddenly opened its huge sails and huge spinnakers at once. Under full wind, the first feeling was like I saw the cicada that had wings to fly first in the summer, because the sail was too big, almost as big as the hull, and the degree brought was extremely exaggerated. The degree of this small assault warship rose. To the extreme, it was like a dozen shuttles flying forward, rushing in from the front of the Song warship

"Booming" burst of oppression sound, I saw a huge fire column suddenly appeared on both sides of the front end of these boats, almost in a blink of an eye, it seems that the Song Fleet Group has got into a dozen The tumbling fire dragons, one after another, the majestic warships were ignited by the fire. The red flames burned fiercely in the hull of the ship. The fire dragons, which were irregularly curved like lightning, tore the hull, and the red light appeared. The entire battleship was blazed with flames, and a large number of combat soldiers crowded together, panicked and wondering what to do, Song soldiers carrying various water containers hurriedly poured water into the flames, but it was fundamental It doesn't have much effect,

Under the violent sea breeze, the flames that had just been restrained suddenly spread out and spread to the entire warship with an unstoppable degree. The Song fleet was completely messed up, and the soldiers on the burning warship continued to jump with armor on. When I got into the sea, I couldn’t see it anymore after a few splashes. The unlit ships were spread out on both sides. The problem was that the previous dense queues were the biggest obstacles at this moment. Seven erected, the huge five-story ship is even more bulky,

"I see it, this is our prey, the Song fleet, a group of idiots who don't even know what is naval battle." On the flagship of Aden, the commander of the Seventh Fleet, Lekadura, looked at the raging sea in front of him and grinned. He said, "I was still thinking about how to make the opposing team's fleet more concentrated, so that we could use the power of our fire-breathing ship. I didn't expect the other party to cooperate so much, and they are still using the intensive tactics more than a hundred years ago. In an hour, I’m going to make all the famous Song ships on the southern coast of Centralbia turn into sunken seabed.”

Lekadura turned to his podium, pulled out his command knife sharply, pointed at the adjutant, and commanded the commander to command all the fleet to raise sails, preparing to throw stones. “The huge white sails of the Aden navy began on dozens of main battleships. The mast spread quickly, and the sea breeze blew on it, expanding into huge hemispheres,

The sea breeze is fierce, and the bow of the battleship almost resembles a cluster of arrows out of the string, leaping out of the waves,

Facing the completely scattered prey, the Aden Navy's trebuchet has begun to pull the winch, and the huge wave marks formed by dozens of warships, like a huge sharp cold blade, suddenly broke this sea area and the time to harvest The Aden navy is the overlord of the southern waters. From the beginning, the so-called Song fleet was not taken into account. With the ferocious penetration of the fleet to a distance of 300 meters, countless ricochets with black smoke were burning. Like a meteor falling in the sky, it hit the Song clan fleet, the water column soared into the sky, the fireball crossed the sea with whistling and flames, burst on the deck of the Song clan ship, the flames scattered, the broken wood flew, the Song clan battle The ship was directly broken. 〈〔?(<[< With a violent explosion coming from the broken hole of the warship, the body of the Song nationality that was hit was shocked. Du Xun stopped, the flames were blazing, and the black smoke was soaring.

"Sir, be careful!"

He was thrown to the ground by the guard, and a fireball was also blasted on the side of his flagship. It was luckily that the flame did not spread to the deck, but the Braun next to it was another matter, because it was a body type. Huge five-story battleship, tall building is simply the best target to attract the fireball of Aden Navy,

At this moment it has turned into a huge torch. The hot air waves make people dare not look at it. The whole ship has been severely tilted. Half of the hull has been interrupted into several pieces with a gurgling noise.

Bloody looking at the Aden warship like a precise swordman shredding the pride of the Song clan, not eager to approach, but using a few hundred meters of slingshots Sweeping the remaining warships, it seems to mean that the entire Song nationality fleet is blown into pieces with one hammer at a time. How to fight this! Now the only command that can be given is to retreat

"Tell the other ships to evacuate immediately, no matter what measures are taken, evacuate immediately!"

He gasped for breath and shouted toward the flag-speaker on the mast with all his strength. He didn’t know if he could hear it, and now he couldn’t control so much. At this moment, he already knew clearly that there was a gap between the Song and Adenites. How big, the Song fleet that gathered the power of the Song family, even without touching the Aden side, became a pile of wreckage on the sea, watching the countless corpses and debris floating on the sea, There are also burned and fragmented Song nationality war flags and sails with Song characters, raising the saber in his hand, the entire fleet is finished, do you still want to live alone!

"I should stick to Qinglong Bay!" I don't know why, such thoughts flashed in my mind, the eyes with big eyes cracked, two blood stains flowing down from the cheeks, the Song fleet was finished, it was all over! At this moment, a thunderous thunder came from the flanks of the battlefield, and the Aden battleship, which was raising the butcher knife towards the last remnant of the Song fleet, immediately burst out three or four battleships. That was the beginning Then it went to the imperial battleship in the upper direction. Twenty-one imperial dragon-tooth battleships began to bombard the flanks of the Aden navy in three horizontally aligned volleys.

"The shooting" three-row Empire Fleet has a huge V-shaped water mark on the sea surface, "Pap! Pap! Pap" The muzzle flap on the side **** is like a piano key pressed by a flexible finger, a row The row turned over, revealing the muzzle of the black and dark Thor inside. The heavy anchor fell into the water and fixed the side string of the entire battleship. The Thor was all aimed at the side of the Aden Navy.

"It's an imperial battleship, go around." The Aden Navy also saw the imperial navy on the side, and the cry of the two groups of ships sounded almost simultaneously.

"La La La", the Aden ship group that was swooping towards the Song warship, turned quickly with a very efficient degree, and the hull showed a rising line on the sea surface, rumbling, "deafening volley, let Aden The eyes of the seven navy commander Lekadura were red, and the imperial navy appeared in the southern sea of ​​Centralbia! What the Kingdom Intelligence Department is doing is a group of waste. In this case, there is no news at all. It’s just that one or two ships may explain that they secretly sneaked from the Aden Sea, but there are more than twenty warships in front of my eyes. This is already the size of a major squadron of the Imperial Navy. Enough to break the dominance of the Aden navy in the southern waters of Central Biya!

"Press it all up and kill them completely!"

Lekadura can’t manage that much anymore. Since it hits it, it will only be on the whole line. The entire Obaro knows that the main weapon of the imperial navy is Thor, but that the Biaden Navy’s catapult hit farther, And the power is even more powerful. The imperial navy volley is said to be able to destroy even the city. If you let the other party fight in such a wanton manner, your seventh fleet will be accounted for here! The only way to fight the Empire Fleet is to go up and fight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is the answer for the entire Ubaro region navy, which was exchanged with countless blood and tragic

I was dumbfounded at the imperial warship that was suddenly killed. These guys who had just sneaked around the detour. The strong force suddenly displayed at this moment completely broke his understanding of naval warfare. He did not know what the tactics of the imperial navy were, but this was Even more shocking, countless white smoke was ejected from the side of the imperial battleship like a volcano, and the flash of light bleached everyone's face in an instant, a hundred volleys, and the imperial battleship was also huge The anti-seismic force, which shocked more than ten meters on the sea surface, and the fire light emitted from the side caused the light, which made me think of the legendary thunder above the nine days.

The Aden navy, which had just been crushed by the Song warships, was turned over at the moment. I saw countless smoky spheres crossing the hundreds of meters from the imperial navy.


A huge fire exploded on the battleship of Aden, a red wave visible to the naked eye exploded around, you can see countless black spots flying into the air, the dumbfounded did not know that the small Qinglong Bay in front of him has become this world The fierce battlefield where the two navies competed for control of the southern sea of ​​Central Biya! (To be continued.) 8

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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