Whole Nation

: 2932 Civilization (14)

After reading the secret report written by the Secretary of the Navy to himself, the Emperor of the Empire straightened his face with a smirk, and said towards the imperial princess Mao Monaqing who entered the gate, "It is finally a bit of a frown. Defense, like an anti-thief, guarding the empire's eyeliner, and ultimately failed to prevent this, nor did I force Navy Secretary Dustrengkai to preside over the construction of a one-month water network project, otherwise this noble-born Navy Secretary How can we make such a level of analysis on the agriculture, economy, and geographical environment of the Eero Empire by virtue of the sights on both sides of the big river channel?"

"Your Majesty said that the Eero people would never have thought that the majestic Minister of the Empire and the Navy would have such a profound insight into water conservancy projects." Mao Monaqing held a pile of documents on the table, with a symmetrical figure. Go, round **** twisted slightly, and the beautiful face came back and smiled gently at the fat man,

The style shown in this moment made the fat man swallow a spit, which was really speechless. The beauty of the iceberg in the west was now up and down, round and gentle, under the eyes of the fat man, It can still be as red as Xuerong, the old man and his wife are still so good-looking, but actually counted, as the first princess of the empire, Mao Monaqing, in fact, is only 27-year-old Fenghuanian Years old is the golden age when a woman enters the maturity period. The graceful temperament cultivated for many years in charge of the internal affairs of the empire is not comparable to the average beauty.

"It's also strange to say, I thought the Eero Empire would refuse to borrow, I didn't expect the other party to promise so fast!" Mao Mona said with a slight frown, this time the main force of the Imperial Navy borrowed from the Eero Empire Going south, as one of the core layers of the empire, Mao Monaqing naturally knew the emperor’s plan,

Borrowing is only one of them. The real purpose is to use this opportunity to traverse the Eero Empire to gain a deeper understanding of the internal situation of the Eero Empire, a great southern country. , I will never see this, but the other party actually agreed, which made Mao Monaqing feel incredible.

"Haha, it's no surprise, but Emperor Hero thought that by taking the risk of exposing some internal conditions, he would be able to eliminate the troubles of the imperial navy. It was all a bargain." The fat man smiled inexplicably. Say to your beloved woman, "You don't really think that the Eero people borrowed because of the relationship between the military alliances of the two parties. How is this possible! The Eero Empire can see from the Kailuo incident for the empire defense. At first, it seemed to decisively rent Kailuo Port to the Empire as a free trade port. In fact, it was equivalent to importing and exporting imperial merchants into the Eero Empire, which was completely restricted to Kailuo Port."

The fat man paused and raised the report in his hands. "In addition to the fixed commercial lines, the Eero army has long blocked the road from the port of Kailuo to the south, and strictly prohibited the imperial merchants from entering the hinterland. The Imperial Intelligence Network It can’t be extended at all! The Eero merchants returning from the port of Kailuo can continue to bring intelligence from the empire back to Eero. The Imperial Bank several times wanted to add personnel to some Eero caravans. They were all boycotted by several big chambers of commerce of the Eero Empire. If these chambers of commerce were not backed by Eero's military expenses, who would believe that?"

"I'm in serious trouble?" Mao Monaqing's complexion changed. "Your Majesty means that the Eeros will do something with the Imperial Fleet!"

"The Eeros are still afraid to fight on two fronts, so they directly attacked the Empire Fleet. The Eeros did not have the courage, but they played the trick of killing them with a knife. I'm sure that the number and trace of the Empire Fleet even reached the South. The time of the estuary must now be placed on the table of King Aden!" The fat man sneered dismissively, indicating that this kind of thing is not difficult. The Imperial Fleet has been staying in Kailuo Port for so long, and now is going south with great fanfare Hundreds of naval battleships, even if they want to hide, can’t do it. Hero only needs to open his eyes to the eyes of the Adenians to ensure that the Empire’s fleet is completely under Aden’s sight.” Since this is the case, why does His Majesty agree with the navy to go south, it is too dangerous, and ask His Majesty to immediately recall the fleet! Although there is no evidence to prove that Eero has made a joint team with the Adenites, what is the difference with the joint team!" Anxious on his face, said quickly and eagerly

She did not expect that the situation of the Imperial Navy Fleet would be like this. Since Her Majesty knew that the Eeroes were hiding, why did they still agree to the Navy Fleet's request to go south? This is simply sending sheep into the tiger's mouth!

Everyone knows that the Empire can establish its hegemony in the Inland Sea in just a few years. The main reliance is on the Empire Navy Fleet sweeping the major navies. If you want to deal with the Falcon Empire, the Navy Fleet is an inextricable link. If the main force of the imperial navy fails in the southern waters, then the impact of the imperial navy in the inner sea area is absolutely fatal! As the person in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Empire, naturally know how terrible the impact of this impact!

"Relax, if it was before the Empire took control of Fitzer in the South, I certainly would not dare to make such a decision." But now it is different. Even if the main force of the Navy Fleet is not there, the Empire controls the power of the Inland Sea area enough!"The fat man reached out and touched Touching Mao Monaqing’s slightly pale beautiful face, beautiful and graceful face, and soft eyes looking around will always make people feel comfortable,

Reassure her and said, "It's actually not as serious as you think. This time, only the Imperial Dragon Tooth Battleship was attacked. All 37 of the Empire's most powerful Dragon-class battleships are still in the Inland Sea. I also transferred the sixth stationed from the Imperial City to the Great Sea. The ninth sub-ship group rushed to the Inland Sea, just in terms of naval strength, it was enough to suppress the Inland Sea. "The fat man's voice paused, continue." And in terms of Fezer, the empire's strength in the southern region has increased to 250,000. Ten days before the fleet went south, I had promised another powerful country in the south, wishing the Pope’s meeting agreement to discuss the possibility of cooperation between the two countries, that is, three-quarters of the southern coastline of Obaro, Even without the Imperial Navy Fleet, there would be no major problems, and what else is worth worrying about!"

"The Pope of the Order?"

Mao Mona's bluish blue eyes blinked. After the kingdom of Fize in the south was completely divided by the empire, the most powerful country in the south was the Eero Empire, and the other was the wish tree church. However, as a country of religion and unity, the Wish Religious Church has always been constrained by the problem of rebellion in the southern part of the country, so it is not worthy of the empire’s full attention. Instead, it was demonstrated by the Eero Empire in this war with the Kingdom of Aden. Military power is the place where the empire has to focus its attention, but it has always been arrogant and unprecedented. How can it be thought that the ecclesiastical country claiming to cooperate with the empire with the kingdom of God on earth, I heard that this is a country controlled by all religions. During the war, the father of the current pope died in a raid by the emperor*. Thinking of this, Mao Monaqing could not help but ask

"Is there any danger in this meeting?"

"It should not be, the meeting place is in the area controlled by the empire, and then the Imperial Guards and the Divine Knights of the Order will be responsible for it."

The fat man laughed, knowing what Mao Monaqing was thinking, and said with a smile, "Since it is the church country that proposed the meeting, the place was naturally chosen by the empire. In fact, I personally think that the church country should take the initiative to propose this meeting. Of the military's military force!"

"Scared out?"

Mao Mona was more and more confused. As for the situation in the south, she, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, did not know much. This is the category of Turit Colleen of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and she was just informed that another imperial princess figure Ritcolin has boarded the ship from Lisbon and is coming from the Estan region of the sea, it seems that it should be for this matter!

The fat man said, "The southern rebellion of the Order of the Order has never been settled. It is said that last month it suffered another fiasco. Six great knights responsible for crusade against the rebels were killed in battle, and three arbitration troops were destroyed. This time the Eero Empire and the Kingdom of Aden For the purpose of Cornelia’s estuary to the east, the sum of the troops invested by the two sides has exceeded two million, and the time of the fierce battle has reached half a year. In terms of the scale and intensity of the war, it has already surpassed the southern coalition and the emperor. *The North-South War for North and South Hegemony! If I were the Pope of the Order, I would have to consider it. If the Eeroes defeated Cornelia and turned their spearhead towards the Order, the State that has never recovered What is it to stop the army of the Eeros! Looking at the entire Obaro, except my Falcon Empire, who has such power and qualification!"

"It turns out that..." Mao Monaqing was obviously relieved. Although she was the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, she was not very good at war, but from the perspective of internal affairs, the battle between the Eros and the Adens was also terrified. The level of Eero’s efforts to lead the war, from the layout to the strategy is quite level, and the Kingdom of Aden, as the side of the rush to face the war, although initially at a disadvantage, but with the delay of the war, the background behind it The war was revealed step by step, to the point that the empire had to be vigilant

The local war of two million troops was fought for a few months for an eastern estuary. The logistics, transport capacity, and national productivity involved here are definitely astronomical figures.

Even His Majesty the Falcon himself had to admit that if the two kingdoms were able to come up with such a military force at the beginning of the North-South War, the only thing the Imperial team could do was to abandon the Istan region across the board and gather troops in the Fissan region. Start a dead fight! It can be seen that, at the time of the North-South War, how lucky was the victory of the Empire!

Since Feize in the south was split by the empire and split into three parts of the central, southern and northern parts, the details of the kingdom of Aden have begun to slowly appear in front of the empire. During this time, Mao Monaqing also analyzed the situation of the kingdom of Aden based on the information returned. Putting the fighter plane that defeated the Kingdom of Aden on the naval decisive battle is one of the decisive plans made by the fat man for the Kingdom of Aden based on Mao Monaqing’s analysis,

As for the Eero Empire, Mao Monaqing is quite embarrassed. The Ministry of Internal Affairs knows too little about the Eero Empire, and it is impossible to analyze its national strength and economy. Although the two countries are nominally alliances, this is actually in the north and south. It was wise to maintain neutrality in the war, and not to violate the rivers of the empire. It has long regarded the empire as its biggest opponent. It is too difficult for all kinds of intelligence to open the gap. The navy continues to exist, and it should not be under the Aden navy. The problem is that until now, the Eero's navy has not seen a shadow,

His Majesty the Falcon had to guess that the naval power of the Eero Empire was not in the Obaro Inland Sea, but was concentrated in the seas on the other end of the continent like the Adenites. Otherwise, building a navy with the military power of the Eero Empire Difficult thing, after all, in terms of geographical environment, the Eero Empire and the Kingdom of Aden are countries lying between the two seas. If there is not a desert area with a width of eight hundred miles in the middle, the two countries can even be said to be connected. Together, it is not difficult to understand why these two kingdoms put such a force in the eastern estuary of Cornelia, and hit it.

Because from the map, Cornelia Port is located at the top of the eastern section of this desert, which is the strategic center of gravity,

The land of the desert is not a complete death place. A dozen large and small oasis in the kingdom of Aden are dotted in it. It is like a road that leads directly to the hinterland of Aden in the coastal area. Anyone who wants to attack these oasis must face a problem. That is, if the top Cornelia Port is not the first to win, the military action of attacking the rear oasis is a joke, because the Aden army can wait until the attacking oasis army enters the desert, and easily cut off the attacker’s logistics supply line from the rear. A zone like the desert~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is basically dead!

Just like in the early part of the war, Erotica* planned the assault on Cornelia for a long time. After taking Cornelia, he quickly turned to attack the big oasis in the desert area without coming and cleaning up, but when he was screaming , An Adenian cavalry turned out from the desert, raided Cornelia, cut off the logistics of the army in one fell swoop, and eventually caused the entire battle to capsize. In less than six days, the 300,000 Ero army was in turmoil Liao has withdrawn from the oasis, and more than 100,000 soldiers have died in the desert. It can be said that even the pants have been lost.

But from another aspect, if the Eero Empire can win Cornelia, it can be used as an offensive support point, sending troops to continuously eat up this desert line like the protection line, and finally to the rear hinterland of the Kingdom of Aden Form military oppression! This is like a long zipper. The top of the zipper is Cornelia. Whoever controls Cornelia will have the initiative in this desert barrier! The Eeroes value this eastern estuary so much. If there is no plan to hoard the navy, who will say it?

Or, as the Secretary of the Navy said, just because of the misty sea, the Eero people gave up naval construction, which is impossible! How could the ambitious Eero Empire look at this fat meat in the Inland Sea without moving his mouth*! (To be continued.)

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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