Whole Nation

: 2933 Civilization (15)

Cornelia will fight on the 11th day,

The Emperor Eero immediately stood on the top of the hill on the right side of Cornelia Port. His right hand clenched the reins of the fierce horseshoes of the crotch, his eyebrows flickered, like a sword. On some of the Aden warriors who wore red armor on a white background, their faces became more and more dignified,

The costumes of these Aden soldiers are completely different from the ordinary Aden soldiers, and even from those elite troops with gorgeous armor,

These plainly dressed soldiers only wore a black and white helmet on their heads, a cold face, and strange curved double-edged swords on their waists. During walking, Aden soldiers immediately consciously gave way to them, and The Aden soldiers would kneel piously on both sides and bow down to the white moon soldiers who passed by. Even the officers in the Aden army would bend down to salute these soldiers with strange costumes. For the Kingdom of Aden, it is absolutely impossible, but the situation in front of them is so natural. Those nobles of Aden who looked at the sky in the past seem to avoid these soldiers subconsciously.

"Your Majesty, the Aden's God Penalty!"

Behind him, a general Eero took a breath and whispered that, like him, the generals of other Eeros also became unsightly, and their eyes fell on these red moon tabards, Will evade subconsciously, just like the conditioned reflex of people to dangerous things,

"What a **** punishment, bragging! A young general, Eero, who just came from behind, obviously hasn't figured out the situation yet. Hearing what is said here is serious, he immediately scorned his lips in disdain, but was caught by himself. Colleagues glared at him, even the emperor gave him a bad look, scaring the general Ero down with cold sweats

"Although the Aden God Penalty is the enemy, as the most powerful warrior in the Aden kingdom for 100 years, you have not yet humiliated their qualifications!" said a gray-haired veteran with an angry snorting nose

"Warrior?" Young General Erow was stunned for a while. The word warrior is generally not used in the army, but if someone is really called a warrior, then this person must be extremely strong, because the warrior is in the desert In national customs, it is often the name of the famous warrior in the family

The veteran's eyes flashed a bit of luster, and he said softly, "Aden God's punishment is a soldier, not a soldier, because they do not belong to any lord of Aden, not even a king. They only follow the order of the temple of the **** of Aden. Every **** The punishment troops are all excellent people specially trained in the temple of **** worship in the kingdom of Aden. They have been trained for more than ten years and have been selected layer by layer. Among the 100 selected, they can finally become the temple punishment. The army often has fewer than ten people, who can finally reach the threshold of God’s penalty, each one is a combat experience and its rich super fighters."

"It is extremely fanatical and extremely loyal in faith. It is said that in the ceremony of becoming a punishment of the gods, he will use his own dagger and the word punishment carved in the position of the eyebrow. The most frightening thing is that every punishment The army voluntarily accepts the castration of the temple to show that whether it is spiritually or spiritually, it is completely attributed to the God. This kind of super soldier who has no mercy on himself is a fierce beast on the battlefield. Only faith, with its superior combat strength, even if it is several times the force, it may not be able to stop their assault. In the past engagements, there have been five hundred Aden Gods penalty troops that defeated the exaggerated record of the 10,000 team, Aden The name of the Divine Penalty Army is well-known throughout the south, and is the most unwilling enemy on the battlefield with the Pope Black Knights of the Wish Tree Church.

"Kate Qing, don’t be too bragging about these punishments. The punishments of the punishments are excellent, but the total number has not exceeded 3,000. It can play a role in this battle of hundreds of thousands of people. Very little!" Emperor Erow's face was calm and abnormal, waving his whip, while comforting his general, while gazing at the Adenites in front of him, like a high-flying eagle looking at its prey, "God Penalty Really, the royal family of Aden really can't bear it!" Emperor Eero has a faint sneer in his mouth. For more than a thousand years, Eero has been the first line against the invasion of the desert nations in the Obaro region. Emperor Eero is of course very clear What does it mean that God Punishment appears on the opposite side!

As the spiritual belief of the Adenites, Aden went to the temple to participate in the war. Such news is the most terrible.

The Kingdom of Aden, which was attacked by the emperor and caused the army to be trapped, finally made a request to the temple. This situation often only appeared when the kingdom of Aden reached life or death. Although Aden is a country with a strong religious belief, the royal family and the upper temple There has always been a certain kind of tacit agreement that does not break each other. The Divine Punishment Army is not terrible. What is terrible is the influence of the arrival of the Divine Punishment Army, which is enough to sweep the low morale and religious strength brought about by the unfavorable wars of the Eero Army This is enough to allow the Eero army to slow down from the downturn and ask the temple to send out a **** penalty at this moment, which means that the royal family of Aden has begun to want to end this war as soon as possible!

This speculation by Emperor Eero was verified in the early morning of the thirteenth day of the battle

The smoke was rolling. Since the last large-scale decisive battle, the Aden's camel cavalry guarded the Aden nobles and appeared again under the sight of the Eero army. As the dense morning fog spread a little, the first wave of the Adens The queue began to show that there were countless slaves, and the black pressure was like a black tide covering the earth. "Damn, these Aden slaves can't be killed!" The Ero army was in a commotion, and the soldiers pulled the bowstring Shaking his hands, and mobilizing slaves on such a large scale, indicating that the Adenites will launch a full-scale attack this time

Most of these captives are elderly and women, and many are young and middle-aged,

Usually behind these slaves, Aden’s cavalry followed them, pumping with a leather whip, piercing with a gun, and slashing with a saber. Those who forced them to lag behind a little later will be cruelly whipped. But this time was different. The Eero soldiers did not see the Aden cavalry behind these slaves. When the Eero army was in a daze, the black Aden slaves across the road suddenly spread out from the middle. A man wearing a red star The knights in the Moon Tabard came slowly on a huge camel. All the slaves knelt on the ground

In silence, the hundreds of meters of the punishment knight camel passed by suddenly, as if an invisible hand slammed open from below, as if a huge sword cut through the earth, like a **** mark, The punishment knight raised his weapon high and pointed at the opposite army

"God!" the voice of hundreds of thousands of slaves

"What's going on!"

The ordinary soldiers of the Airo army were dumbfounded. In addition to saying that they were miracles, how could they explain it, and the General Airo who vaguely guessed something, wanted to drip water seriously,

"The whole line is stable, don't go back!"

General Eero shuddered on the horseback, roaring madly behind the queue, and the war team brushed up and lifted the beheaded axe, God Penalty! There is no doubt that the situation is starting to go beyond control, and these slaves can be made to die so consciously. Although I don’t know what hands and feet this knight of the punishment army did to cause such a scene, at least it has been shown before the countless Aden slaves are full. In addition to the power of the Gods that are not part of the world, these Gods Penalties, which are respected by the Adens as God-selected warriors, represent the will of Gods. Now, as long as the Gods Penalty declares that the opposing Eeros are enemies, then this Nearly one hundred thousand Aden slaves will attack the enemy of God without hesitation. One hundred thousand slaves and one hundred thousand fanatics are totally different!

"Kill!" Aden's slave group, under some kind of inspiration, rushed towards the Eero army like a flood of collapse, and countless arrow feathers flew from the direction of the Eero army. The two armies exceeded 200,000. The frontline of the army’s forces was crowded with the flat ground in front of Cornelia. The Aden slaves attacked the Eero army as if they were crazy. The front of the frontline was hundreds of meters from the initial encounter. Expanding to thousands of kilometers, the Archer’s archers don’t even need to aim, just shoot in the sky, and row after row of archers take turns intensively shooting


Commands followed one after another, and tens of thousands pulled the bow's non-stop "squeak" into a full moon, and the "swoosh" arrow poured onto the head of the Aden like the continuous heavy rain. Countless Aden slaves fell to the ground, but the impact of the Aden slaves was so great that the weapons of the Eero army could not be slashed. Although the Aden slaves lacked weapons and armor, they were crowded with people. The Ero soldiers stabbed indiscriminately, even if the Ero army was cut open with a sword, and the intestines flowed out, they still rushed towards the Ero soldiers in front, and when many Aden slaves fell, The mouth is still shouting "Damn heretics!" The sharp weapon cuts and kills, and the battle line is completely blood red.

"Stabilize, don't panic, the opponent's weapon is not so terrible!"

A Hero infantry captain was squeezed backwards covered with blood, his long sword was still inserted in the belly of an Aden slave, and a wooden stick was hit by the Aden in his arm. Fortunately, the weapons of these Aden slaves Simple, if the nail hammer is hit on his hand, the entire arm is considered useless. In his line of sight, the Adenites are like crazy. Grabbed with his hands, the color of blood scattered everywhere, his men were shoulder to shoulder, the shield was against the shield, the back row was next to the front row, and it was squeezed by the Aden people on the opposite side.

"Hold on"

"No, there are too many people"

"Attention, ah!" When a cold light hit, when he shouted loudly, a spiked hammer hit his head, the helmet was knocked down, and the blood seemed to explode from the helmet. Sauce, the entire neck was broken. Inside the Aden slaves, a team of Aden infantry mixed inside tore the line of defense and mixed some elite troops in the slaves. This is a means of combat by the Aden army. Because the number of slaves is too large, as long as the armor is not too obvious, the enemy will not notice this at all. As a result, when facing the shock of the Aden slaves like the tide, if he is not careful, he will be opened with a blow.


Hundreds of shirtless Aden trumpeters raised their arms to hold the long horns like a moon, put them on their mouths, and violently blew. Line, holding a scaly white shield, wearing scale armor, the plate armor has never been equipped by the Adenites, the scale armor technology of the desert people is the top level of this era. "Only barbaric Obaro talents will like heavy and nothing "Aesthetic plate" is the mantra of Aden's artisans,

With the loud horn, the first Aden infantry started to accelerate. They did not wear helmets at all, and the weapons in their hands were single-edged choppers that were good at melee. Many people simply took off their leather armor. These All are convicted of serious crimes. The way to live and be free is to replace the head of the enemy. Their equipment is mainly bayonet and short broad sword, and some people have received professional short-term training. Good at melee combat, the whole army advances with a scattered line. Rows and rows of archers, swordsmen, axemen, and lancers are in perfect order, showing a high morale in the neatness. It is no longer half a month ago, because the food was burned and the spirit was destroyed. Aden

All of this is because ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The arrival of Accord, the forty-year-old imperial palace chief, riding on a pure white war horse representing the noble, the golden long The cloak fell to the ground, and behind him, the Xingyue Battle Flag was bloody, and his eyes flickered with inexplicable luster, looking at the battle ahead.

From his position, you can clearly see the outline of Cornelia, and outside the city, the coastline is like a semi-circular blue and moving, and the large areas of bushes and emeralds gradually change to the dark black of Cornelia's withering. It is a trace of the flames of war. Next to Accord, there is also a dark red hair, a handsome young man about 15 years old, wearing a gorgeous gilt gold hood with a white ribbon on his head, two thin and with Arrogant lips are tight together,

"Princess, is that thing really in Cornelia? What if there is a problem with the royal record?" the handsome boy asked with a clear voice

"It shouldn't be wrong. The temple has spent so much time and research. If the royal family is not pressed this time, the other party will not exchange it. If there is a problem, the temple's anger will ignite the entire royal family!" God Yaluo Luo, the head of the Penalty Palace, said coldly, "As for how the Eeros will know, this is not difficult to understand. Don't forget, the ancestors of the Eeros, but the servants of the God, were forced to escape The Holy City of Logmoria, it is also normal to record news about the remains of the God of God!" (To be continued.)


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