Whole Nation

: 2944 Civilization (26)

"Your Majesty, you can't give Cornelia to the Falcon Empire anyway"

"The Falcon Empire Navy was originally No. 1 in the Inland Sea. If there is Cornelia Port as a supporting point, the entire east coast will be completely enveloped by it. In this way, even if Elero has taken other parts of Cornelia, Also at a strategic disadvantage"

At the military account conference of the Eero Empire Base Camp, a middle-aged man with a 5-centimeter-long scar on his right cheek and a hard neck kneeling on the ground asking the emperor to reject the Falcon Empire agreement, said with loyalty and honesty, this middle-aged man The man is Duke Rufa, the head of the Second Army of the Eeros. He has been on the battlefield since he was 16 years old. He has experienced hundreds of battles because he has a linen roll, so his Second Army has a "grey" in the Eeros. The title of "Lion"

"Lu Faqing means that you can guarantee the safety of the coast without giving Cornelia Port to the Falcon Empire?"

Emperor Eero's eyes were narrowed like a knife, and he calmly asked, able to occupy the southern part of Obaro, will continue to be troubled for decades, weaken the Eero Empire, and still be able to beat up and down into an iron barrel. The Emperor Eero who robbed Cornelia with the Adens can be regarded as a generation of masters. Once he is really angry, he is also quite thunderous.

"This one.<〔?(<[<……"

Duke Lufa blushed and looked embarrassed, I didn’t know how to explain

In fact, the management of Cornelia Port was dragged to the coast strategy, but he just found an excuse. The Eero Empire has completely abandoned the naval show decades ago, and the Inner Sea hegemony has no Eero Empire. Port Nelia was handed over to the Falcon Empire to prevent the Falcon Empire Navy from dominating the eastern coastline of the Inland Sea. Think about it, even he feels self-deceiving.

"Lu Faqing seems to be really a bit tired. Such a big event has reached a point where it can be said casually."

Emperor Eero's mouth was full of smiles and smiles, and the head of the Second Army, Duke Rufa, suddenly shook his body. This limelight seemed to be wrong. He quickly looked at the generals who held the same tone as himself, but he saw Their lowered heads are all old fritters that have been around for so many years. When the emperor said this, who can't see the meaning of the emperor? This is a sign of Thunder's Fury!

"you guys……"

Duke Lufa wanted to find someone to rescue him, but no one looked at him now, but all looked silent. It was like they were not talking just now. Lufa Shengsheng shuddered, his soul flew out of the sky, and his voice tremble. "Your Majesty, The subordinates have absolutely no meaning, the subordinates just feel...

"Okay, I understand Lu Faqing's pain." Emperor Eero finally waved impatiently and interrupted him to continue. "I heard that Lu Faqing's young daughter was going to marry the Luo Wei family this month, so that Lu Faqing It’s a bit impersonal to not be able to participate in the wedding of the youngest daughter. “So, now I’m appointing Lu Faqing as the deputy director of the military department, in charge of the logistics of the army, so that Lu Faqing can return to the imperial capital to attend the wedding!” Egypt Emperor Luo was calm and solemn. Duke Lufa didn't know that the emperor was angry at this moment, then it was really a problem with IQ.

"Why, is Lu Faqing dissatisfied? Can I go to the wedding of my youngest daughter, shouldn't I be thankful for this grace?" Emperor Eero stood up from his seat and looked coldly from Duke Lufa kneeling on the ground Retracting his gaze, his tone cold as a sword, the military generals collectively disregarded the interests of the empire for personal gain, which made his heart cold. Over the years, his blind connivance with the military has led to the military's ups and downs. Taking care of one's own style, the wind turned sharply, and all the generals who still held the idea of ​​blaming the public, immediately showered their heads with cold water

The generals who had just called the Falcon Kings to fight on the 6th had their faces pale and closed their lips. The look at Duke Lufa was full of meaning not to involve themselves.

"Lufa thank your majesty for your grace"

These bastards, Duke Rufa, who rescued the generals, looked extremely bleak, and he must also thank the emperor aloud. The emperor's tone was so strong, indicating that there is no possibility of this matter turning back. Now I regret that I can be a bird. This time, the emperor was transferred back to the capital of the king. This time, I am afraid that it is difficult to have the opportunity to lead again. At this time, if other real power generals are pulled out, I am afraid that there will be no good fruit to eat, but it will offend the whole. General, even if you want to get together in the future, I'm afraid it will be difficult

"Go ahead, that's it"

Emperor Erow looked at it and it seemed that the old Duke of Lufa, with a tired face waving his hand, could become the head of the Second Army. It is a good soldier, with a rigorous style and rich combat experience. Although his life is not a hundred battles, but he has never had a violent defeat, he can always judge the dangerous wind direction in time." Follow the Duke of Rufa The chance of surviving is double that of others. "This comment has become the label of this imperial lord, but this time, the emperor had to use it to deter the generals.

Whoever called the Duke of Lufa stood in the wrong position from the beginning, and the only reason why the Emperor was the slave Duke of Lufa was so strongly opposed. The fundamental reason is nothing more than interest. When the domestic war debts were committed, there was already a wind. It shows that Duke Rufa and several other families are secretly preparing to unite and prepare to use the war debts to force the royal family to use Cornelia Port as a deliverable. Emperor Erow has already been dissatisfied if Rufa this time The Duke actively agreed to hand over Cornelia Port, and the emperor naturally did not delve into it, but the Duke of Lufa jumped out as an elder, and it was really the emperor who made the mud!

Looking at the vicissitudes of the 10-year-old Duke of Lufa, he stumbled away after the meeting. The generals' faces were also quite emotional. They whispered. This is the end of the Duke of Lufa. The Emperor Elero can also be ranked high. In the military position, the commander of the army is transferred to the second commander of the army, which is actually a half-level upgrade, but the problem is that a commander of the powerful army under the command of tens of thousands of troops, How could the undersecretary of the military department in charge of logistics be comparable, and now at the most critical moment in the battle of Cornelia, millions of troops are fighting to the last moment. The so-called real military achievements are at this last moment. Can grab most

As long as the victory of the Cornelia battle can be achieved, this military merit alone is enough to keep the family prosperous for decades, but now, the Duke of Lufa is transferred back to the emperor, and the Lufa family is directly in this battle. The big victory was kicked out in advance, and the next time the Lufa family wants to get such a rare opportunity, I don’t know when!

This is the cruel reality. The soldiers fighting in front of the blood is for the glory of the family to continue. The Lufa family from the south has lost this opportunity to grab military power. It is already half a foot on the decline label. There is no major change. After the figures like the Duke of Lufa are gradually losing power, it is impossible for the Lufa family to maintain the status quo. After 20 years, the Lufa family will soon become the same as those in those years. Later, like the ruined family, which could only be mixed up with the ranks of middle and lower officers, who would still remember the Lufa family in the south for decades.

Emperor Eero came out of the conference tent, a general Eero was already waiting outside

"Luo Weiqing, are you here to plead for Lufa?"

Looking at the people in front of him, Emperor Erow showed a little stunned on the face. The middle-aged general who was waiting outside the tent was Luo Weidan, the head of the 6th Army of the Empire, who had an in-law relationship with the Duke of Rufa. At the meeting just now, Luo Weidan It is one of the few General Erow who did not shout out to refuse to deliver to Cornelia Port. Luo Weidane is tall, with good facial features, now forty-one years old, a red cloak of armor, looks extremely powerful, is inside the empire The young juniors have always advocated a strong stance on the Falcon Empire, so even the emperor was very strange just now that Luo Weidan did not say anything about the Cornelia incident.

"No, the subordinates are here to request self-removal!" Luo Weidaen stood upright, holding his general sword in his hands.


"Because of his incompetence, His Majesty had to cede Cornelia Port to the Falcon Empire. Although it was nominally on loan, it was not different from cede!"

Luo Weidaen kneeled on the ground on one knee and said with embarrassment, "Lufa was punished for his own benefit. This is because he blamed himself, and his subordinates were soldiers, but they could not protect the interests of the empire, and protect the results of His Majesty’s expansion of the territory. Let His Majesty was provoked and humiliated by his opponents, and he gave away his strategic weight, which is his dereliction of duty."

"Provocative and shameful? Give me a hand? Are you insulting me? "Emperor Erow's eyes flashed an inexplicable look, and his face was cold and accused

"Don't dare to worry,"

Luo Weidan bowed his head, but there was no fear on his face. His subordinates believed that His Majesty knew the importance of Cornelia Port to Cornelia, and knew that there must be a life-and-death battle between the Falcon Empire and Eero. This is what our army prepared to **** Cornelia for this purpose. The Adens went down hundreds of thousands of south. The generals fought and killed themselves. Several people died in battle. The millions of troops fought to death. This is the result of maintaining up to now. What I want is to hope to accumulate a first chance in the future when fighting the Falcon Empire, the male of the north. Now the Falcon Empire takes away Cornelia without a soldier, and our army has fought hard for half a year. Is this the result? As an emperor, his subordinates are incompetent and can only solve their own jobs."


Emperor Eero clenched his fists, his face was red, and his heart was also entangled. This is all worldly. Everyone knows that if he does not give Cornelia Port, Eero will fall into the plight of two-line combat, but he still has one. Stand up, is it not enough to punish a Duke of Lufa?

After being silent for a while, Emperor Erow took a secret letter from his arms with a bitter smile and handed it to Luo Weidaen. "Let's look at this before you ask you to step down."

"this is?"

Luo Weidan received the secret letter with tragic face, opened it cautiously, swept his eyes, and suddenly took a breath. All the thoughts of asking for removal were gone, leaving only an angry gritted teeth and whispered, "Your Majesty." , Is this true? That woman really came to Cornelia!"

"The woman thought she was secretive, but how could she know that if it had not penetrated into the top ranks of the Order, do you really think I would forget the shame of eighty years ago?" Withdraw, there was a flame burning in the depths of my deep eyes, saying one by one, "Eighty years ago, when I was the most powerful, the holy city remnants suddenly unearthed the main channel of the Kailuo River in the south by unknown means. The flood of Kailo flooded into the southern plains. As a result, the southern part of the Eero Empire was vast. Dozens of prosperous cities were soaked in the flood for more than a month. There is an unknown sand and dust mist in the south, and the contaminated people will fall into the pneumoconiotic disease, unable to produce, and eventually weaken and spit blood to die. Within three years, Iero originally had a population of more than 30 million in the southern plains of Eero. Sharply reduced to 11 million in ghost towns

This is the result of a large number of refugees fleeing to the north, and the dust and mist caused the southern agriculture to be completely deserted for 20 years. It was not until fifty years later that the terrible dust and mist moved southward to the southern sea with the wind, and the south was restored. Improvement, if it is not the case, I have a rich southern plains, how can it still be unable to dominate the south! Now, in order to migrate the southern population, it is necessary to fight the Cornelia region with the Adenites! "

The voice of Emperor Eero paused, and there was a murderous voice in his tone. "The holy city has always been obsessed with the holy city~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time I let out the wind and said the secret of the holy city, it really is Catch this big fish ""Your Majesty said Cornelia Port is a bait?"

Luo Weidan looked suddenly, no wonder the emperor was so determined to rent Cornelia Port, and his attitude was completely different from the past. It was originally intended to lure people in the Holy City, but I did not expect that the current pope was directly caught. Although the Luo Empire has been in reconciliation with the Order of the Order 80 years ago, it may actually be that simple. The blood feud of tens of millions of people, the desert of the entire south, missed the opportunity to dominate the south, and how prosperous the south was. The political, economic and cultural center of the entire Obaro was destroyed in the end, and every family had no shortage of people who died in that disaster, so at the upper level of Eero, they wanted to hide what they were doing. Before that, tens of millions of people could not retaliate. This hatred was backed down from generation to generation. What happened at that time was a huge humiliation for the proud Eero nobility! But for the taboo device of the original incident, the Eero people can only be deaf and dumb. At this time, it is finally time for revenge.

"The key to God's punishment is naturally only found by the people of the Holy City. When they find it, not all of us will be!" Emperor Erow said with a cold smile, his face twisted.

(To be continued.) 8

(Enlightenment Book Net)

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