Whole Nation

: 2945 Civilization (27)

"Are you saying that Emperor Eero agreed to our request and also removed the position of the head of Eero's main battle army on the spot?"

Emperor Dustan of the Falcon Empire slightly lowered the book in his hand, and stood up from the chair in a self-confident manner. He took the report from the guard and read it carefully. After confirming that the content was correct, He walked back and forth a few steps, hesitated with a frown, and came to the door of the cabin and ordered to the guard who was guarding outside, "Order the fleet to Cornelia Port!"

"Yes, Your Majesty," the guard went away,

Soon, the huge white sails were pulled up by the imperial sailors. The sea breeze caused the sails to swell. The huge hull of the Dragon class warship began to break through the waves after a slight tremor. The fat man stood in the position of the ship’s ship. The black The head was fluttered by the sea breeze,

According to the description of the little witch, the prestigious holy city built in the Cornelia region was not only as simple as a sect organization, but also had a rather terrible scientific research capacity. Of academic centers, no one has been able to shake for more than 100 years,

The top of the sanctuary built on the highest mountain of the holy city is surrounded by amazing sunless sunshine all year round. Whether at night or during the day, the brightness is bright and bright, so that I don’t know how many Obaro’s monarchs and nobles are Crazy worship, otherwise the Holy City will not use its influence in the more than a hundred years after its establishment, so that the Turrit family with the title of Shadow of Obaro will have to hide on the remote west coast.

And the most mysterious of them is a red dragon temple that is said to be built entirely of red coral. Fatty still remember Turit Colleen in his arms, when he mentioned this big red coral temple in his mouth, it was dazzling. 'S gaze "whether it is true or not, just thinking about it makes people feel uneasy and want to take a look"

"It is said that the Red Dragon Temple exists in the mountains and has always been the biggest secret of the Holy City. The Holy City claimed that the Dragon Temple is magnificent, but no one has seen it. Some people say that the great catastrophe that collapsed in the Holy City In the Red Dragon Hall, which holds the biggest secret of the Holy City, it is intact"

"The Adenites who conquered Cornelia had rummed through the ruins of the holy city, and they did not find this huge red coral temple. Eventually, the royal house of Aden announced that the red dragon temple was only created by the holy city, which is impossible in the world. Things, this matter was gradually forgotten

The little witch who said this was so tempting. A pink embroidered gauze dress could not conceal the beautifully curved hills in front of her chest. It was fascinating; Luo skirt was soft and silky. The hem of the skirt even covers a pair of red stiletto heels. The whole person is slim and graceful like a weak willow.

"Originally I also thought that the Red Dragon Palace was fictional, but this time Pudamiya was so vowed that I was afraid that the existence of the Red Dragon Palace is real, otherwise I really can't think of any other place that could allow Puda Mia the coward, willing to risk the life and death to step on Cornelia's land, what can it be besides the Red Dragon Temple, you know, she is the Pope of the Order, don't say let Aeron Aden go to the temple Perceiving that she is in Cornelia, which is a lot of people in the ecclesiastical country, will never let alive to return to the ecclesiastical country!"

"Red Dragon Palace?"

The fat man stood on the ship talking to himself, his mouth slightly slipping away. If the huge palace disappeared out of thin air, it was theoretically impossible, but Pudamiya was not like a fake. Under the ruins of that year, is it really true? There is also a red dragon hall with hidden secrets,

still is. . . . . . The Dragon Palace is not in the ruins at all, but in the sea water! The fat man's eyes fell unconsciously on the flame-like red coral under the sea. His eyes suddenly became sharp and divine like an eagle, radiating a cold sword-like light, staring at this beautiful blue sea, clean It is like a layer of blue sea, with red-spotted coral reefs visible. If it is described as a huge stretch, it is not too much to say that the mountains are. Crooked

Thinking of this, the fat man shivered slightly, with a little cold behind,

He could understand why Emperor Eero was so decisive, and Eero would eventually succumb to pressure and promised to be expected, but this emperor Eero, who had always claimed himself as a regional hegemon in the south, this time agreed It’s too simple. In order to suppress the opposition, he did not hesitate to even withdraw a battle-hardened general. The fat man never believed in the existence of luck. Especially in the game of the interests of such a big country, there is no difference between luck and self-deception. Instead, it is the kind of step by step, one by one, is the true essence of the great power strategy. Emperor Eero so eagerly agreed to the request of the empire, but exposed that he knew that Pudamia was as low as Cornelia. The truth, if you want to find the Red Dragon Temple, you must have descendants of the Holy City,

And it is not this that makes the fat man really admire and chill, but it is Pudamia. This woman found a empire cooperation from the beginning, which is a huge trap. Cornelia is a big trap. The fat man does not want to go much Thinking, but the facts made him feel something he dare not think about,

The Eero, Aden, and his own emperor, millions of legions entrenched in Cornelia’s land, such a situation, it is too easy to make people think of the gods of the Fiya dynasty thousands of years ago. Penalty,

If the Red Dragon Palace is really a building built under the seabed, it will definitely have nothing to do with the Holy City or something, because the Holy City may have figured out some usage of black technology, such as the perpetual mountaintop Saint Hui, but something like the Red Dragon Temple buried deep in the seabed is definitely not a holy city that can be built. According to the description of the little witch, it is really like an underground nuclear base in later generations. Maybe it was an inadvertently touching a certain device in the underground, and was destroyed by a miserable group. The root cause of the holy city’s collapse may also be a problem with the sea area where the Red Dragon Palace is located, which shakes the foundations under the holy city. The Great Collapse of the Holy City

What if the ecclesiastical state touches it again?

Hundreds of thousands of fighting troops gathered here by the Eros and Aden, as well as the emperor of the Falcon Empire who inadvertently stepped in, will be wiped out in one fell swoop, and the power of God’s punishment was just that. The earth was scorched and the million troops were destroyed. Once, taking advantage of the opportunity for Eero and Aden and the Falcon Empire to be in a mess, the Holy City once again announced the restoration with divine punishment. Who dare to stand up against the entire Obaro? It even took this opportunity to gain the support of some countries to re-establish the authority of the kingdom of God on earth. The Eero Empire and the Kingdom of Aden, which are seriously weakened, will become impossible even if they want to stop it. When they think of themselves, they may be above a huge nuclear facility, and a crazy woman seems to want to hold a group of people together. Come to prove that the so-called heavenly kingdom, the hair on the back of the fat man's neck is erected

Can’t go near Cornelia Port again, it’s a big time bomb

But Pudamia brought about a hundred people this time. It was originally strange. Such a secret thing is naturally the fewer people you can bring, the better. The scale of hundreds of people is to say that there are no Erows and Adens. The undercover is called a hell, and now the fat man understands that this woman is intentionally so

I’m afraid that when he went out, the news that the Pope’s secret trip to Cornelia had been sent to the two forces. Only he was still in the dark. Emperor Eero damaged 10,000 people and had to remove one member. The military general must also pretend to have a look that he didn't know at all, which is already unusually hairy. With the ventilation of insiders, Emperor Eero and Aden gathered in the Cornelia area. He will wait for Pudamia to dig out the secrets of the holy city from the ruins, otherwise these people will all run away, who will God punish!

The power of God’s punishment should not be great, otherwise many nobles will not escape from the Fiya dynasty, so the fat man wisely chose a natural and excellent bay fifty miles away from Cornelia Port as a fleet stop. Point, even if Pudamiya really attracted God’s punishment, it should have a great influence here.

On the third day, an unexpected face of Pudamia appeared tiredly in front of the emperor, complaining to the fat man that the excavation was not smooth, especially dissatisfied with the fat man’s sudden withdrawal of most of the guards stationed in the port. The entrance of was blocked by a lot of rubble, and I had too few manpower, and in order to avoid the sight of the Eros, we can still construct during the day. If your majesty can extend the guard force to the port extension line, I believe that the progress will be accelerated a lot of"

"Okay, stop acting, the so-called entrance to the Holy City is not at Cornelia Port, right? The reason why you are digging is nothing more than telling the Ero and Aden that the entrance to the Holy City is Cornelia Port! And the news from Erow indicates that these days it seems that they are still fighting. In fact, they are secretly concentrating their forces with the Adens on the opposite side, preparing to seize Cornelia Port in one fell swoop at the critical moment. After a pause, he said softly, "Although I don't know who you are, nor do you understand your enthusiasm for the Holy City, I'm not stupid enough to let my soldiers go with you to death"

"What does this mean, Your Majesty?" Pudamiya's pretty face showed a little surprise.

"If I guess right, there is no entrance to the Holy City under Cornelia Port, but it is where the Red Dragon Temple is. In order to cover up the Red Dragon Temple, the Holy City built the Cornelia Port. Who is it? Unexpectedly, the small port used as a cover-up became the largest port on the east coast after more than a hundred years. If it were not for the Cornelia War, you might not think of taking advantage of this opportunity. Demonstrate the power of God’s punishment again, "The fat man put his hands on his back, staring at the vast sea of ​​stars in the starry sky at night, saying one by one

"I heard that every Pope in the Order has three avatars, all close friends who have been trained since childhood, every move is almost like a god. Although I don’t know which one you are, I can be sure that the real Pope Pami Ya should be the one visiting the empire at this moment!"

"I am me. Pudamia, the Pope of the Order!" Pudamia has a white jade-like face, frowning slightly, and a slightly distorted face. First, she is white and then extremely red, and her body is shaking slightly.

"If you are Pdamia, who was the first person to meet me? Although I did not pay too much attention, it does not mean that I cannot see the arrogance in her eyes, and this time, I I can't see it from you!" The fat man turned back in disappointment, his eyes fell on the front of Pdamiya, and the burst of pressure from his body made Pdamiya's face pale. Arrogance is innate, as a substitute can be infinitely close in image, but the arrogance revealed in this kind of bone can not be learned, it is a kind of superiority of the long-term superior to the inferior, and his own As a stand-in, many times spent in the depths of the unmanned temple, how could you know what is called arrogance!

"Speak, who are you? If you still say that you are Pudamia, then I have to immediately order the fleet to leave you and your people, and then immediately leave the coast of Cornelia!"

The fat man waved his hand. How could the real pontiff's pope come to Cornelia at such a huge risk, even if it finally caused God's punishment, sacrificed himself, and cheapened the people behind~www. wuxiaspot.com~Who is willing to do such a thing! At the first meeting, the fat man already felt that Pudamia was not an absolute fanatic of religion. It’s naturally impossible to play a human bomb. It’s impossible to be a deity. Thinking that the other party may be a substitute is also a flash of light , Casually, did not expect the other party's look will change so much

Seeing that there was no way to cover it up, Putamia, who stood in front of the fat man, left his head open, flushed with blood, and wanted to refute something but could not speak. The reddest face sighed helplessly, "Your Majesty said That’s right, I am indeed not Pudamiya, I am just a substitute for His Royal Highness. If your Majesty has to ask for my name, then I’m not afraid to say that my real name is Lokna, I’m sorry to deceive your Majesty, But I don’t have any malice, so I just asked His Majesty to send me to Cornelia Port.”

"The Red Dragon Palace is really in Cornelia Port?" The fat man asked quietly for a while, and asked with a condensed voice

"In fact, I don't know where the Red Dragon Palace is." Unexpectedly, Lorna smiled sadly at the corner of her mouth. "The memory of the Holy City more than a hundred years ago is too long for our generation. By the way, there is indeed a huge tunnel under the Cornelia port. My task is to find something to bring out, attracting the eyes of the Eros and Adens. As for those who are really looking for the Red Dragon Palace, It’s not me at all, but another team led by my sister who had infiltrated Cornelia three months ago.”

"After attracting the Ero and Aden as bait..." The fat man took a deep look at Lorna.

"I didn't think of leaving Cornelia alive as the Pope's stand-in, this is my duty." Lorna's eyes seemed to be closed, revealing a misty and voluptuous light, nibbling her lower lip, under the moonlight 'S smile is beautiful (to be continued.)

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