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: 2946 Civilization (28)

The light hits the light gray wall of the Aden Army base camp. This is an old castle on the back of Cornelia Port. The huge lake in front is as beautiful as a crescent, giving this castle a very nice name. moonlight,

And the history of this moonlight castle on the west side of Lake City is enough to trace back to the Holy City era 170 years ago. At that time, Moonlight Castle was a branch of the Holy City Sacrificial Temple, and the architectural style was obviously with the Holy City. Breath, the outer wall of the fortress is round, and the top is also a gorgeous colored dome. A diversion channel is cleverly introduced into the castle's inner courtyard from the direction of the lake, forming a clear fountain that sparkles in the sun.

Various plants are planted on the edge of the fountain, there is no too prosperous atmosphere, but there is always a clever atmosphere, and you can’t see the flowery scenes in the garden of the big noble castle, all planted with high and low. Green plants, show a unique charm in the ordinary

Standing in front of the window of the Moonlight Fort, Aden, the temple of Aden’s Penalty Army, gazed at the mountains outside the window and looked at the rolling mountains, the vast woodland in the distance, and the rolling hills straight in like big carpets In the distance, he said to the teenager behind him, "It is said that the most secret institution of the Holy City was hidden in the depths of the mountains, and it was called the Red Dragon Temple."

"Red Dragon Palace? That's not the Red Dragon Palace with us in Aden..." The teenager's lips opened slightly, and he said to himself

"Your Highness guessed nothing wrong, in fact, this is not a secret, yes, the Holy City was originally from the same place as our upper shrine." Accordor Founder's face was very dignified, and he took a letter from the table and looked He moved like an eagle and said, "The **** punishment a thousand years ago. According to the people who survived, when the **** punishment came, they all saw a huge red dragon rising up, this huge The red dragon came with incomparable light and heat, and the earth storm stirred by the angst only completely submerged the Feiya dynasty army. Even the soldiers wearing the best armor were torn by the general wind. Smash, so in the end, whether we are desert people or Obaro people, we thought that the punishment was caused by a huge red dragon."

Just when Accord explained the punishment to the teenager behind him, the door remembered the knock

"Come in," Yarrow Luo shouted. A General wearing a red uniform walked in. He first paid a military salute to the Qingxiu boy before turning to Yarrow Luo. The voice said with a trace of dissatisfaction, "Master Yarrow Luo, I wait for flattery. The order of the adult has basically not taken any large-scale military operations for ten days, and there is no specific combat command. The soldiers below have begun to discuss whether they have decided to give up Cornelia. Once it continues, I I'm worried that the army's heart will start to break up, so I must remind you that the soldiers below are not soldiers of the firm punishment of the faith. The longer the time, the more resistance will be. The fear of the battle will increase. It will be difficult to direct"

"This is the order of the temple. Why, the general has an opinion?"

With a grim face, Accord nodded to the famous General Aden who rushed to give his opinion. The cold and stern eyes immediately made the General Aden panic, and he was too reckless. How could he be provoked by his colleagues? I came here at once, but I was faced with the head of the God's Punishment Army. Even if he was in the upper temple, it was also a real power figure who can be ranked in the top ten. It is said that the main duty of this hall chief is to examine anyone who is dissatisfied with the upper temple. Every year, there are no one hundred to eighty people who died after his personal torture. Although he is considered to have a certain relationship with the royal family of Aden, what is it before the temple?

"Please don’t get me wrong, I just want to ask the Lord Hall Lord for instructions" The sweaty General Aden, under the warm eyes of the Hall Lord, the General Aden almost left with a running,

"I don't know what it is!" The corner of the Accord's mouth froze coldly. The military was long-anticipated by the sudden dissatisfaction with the upper temple, but the upper temple could not sell even the face of the royal family of Aden, let alone the army under the royal control Fang, this time the news returned from the secret channel shows that the remnant of the holy city that has been regarded as rebellious by the temple of Aden has violated the agreement signed originally and quietly returned to Cornelia in an attempt to find the buried city in that year. The huge secret underground, such a rare opportunity, how can the temple go

The holy city collapsed and collapsed overnight, and Aden, who occupied the Cornelia area, went to the temple. I didn’t know how much human and financial resources were spent. Almost all the Cornelia area was turned over. There was no rumor that it was designed to hide secrets. The Red Dragon Temple built, although the time has passed so long, I still remember that there were few people in the Holy City, but the legend of the Red Dragon Temple has always been relished by Cornelia. Some people said that they had seen the Red Dragon Temple in the mountains northeast of Cornelia, and some said that they saw a huge red coral temple in the depths of the desert. A secret file hidden from the royal family for many years

The above shows that the Red Dragon Palace has always been near Cornelia's original holy city, but just want to find the real entrance, you must have the holy city, if the person who wrote this secret file is just an ordinary person, rise the temple I would regard it as a kind of speculative record, but write down the name of this close-knitted person as Rukya Doloris, who was a woman in a short period of ten years. At that time, she was just a medium country. The woman who paved the way to a strong country and laid the foundation for the unification of the entire desert of the kingdom of Aden, whether it is in the upper temple or the royal family of Aden, is very important. The secret files written naturally have considerable credibility, and This Lukya Dolores also vowed in the secret file that he had entered the Red Dragon Temple. This alone is enough to inspire the upper shrine after a hundred years of searching and nothing.

This time I received a secret report that the Pope may visit Cornelia in person. Accord immediately led the Divine Punishment to Cornelia. Compared with the regional victory of Cornelia, I can really find it like a mystery. The Red Dragon Temple, which has plagued Aden for more than a century, undoubtedly attracted the attention of the upper temple. Under the pressure of the upper temple, even the royal family of Aden only ordered the generals below to cooperate fully, and even let the war stagnate. People also seem to be extremely tacit cooperation, everyone is not a fool, for the remnants of the holy city, Eero has been hunting for decades, the two sides are already inseparable blood feuds,

It’s a joke to say that the Eros did not know that the Pope’s visit to Cornelia was so important, and that Erow’s performance was so real that he even sacrificed tens of thousands of soldiers and a corps leader After a play, Accorduo confirmed that Emperor Eero had learned of the arrival of the Pope of the Patriarchate. Now let's see when to do it!

The eyes of both sides were staring at Cornelia Port, and the troops of both sides were quietly mobilizing. For a time, it was also a little innocent. The fat man did not agree to the request of the fake Pope Lorna to send additional manpower, but it looked at The other party's unusually persistent part made the Navy lend Lokna ten sets of large pulleys for carrying naval materials. Lokna did not know what the pulley was, but the professors who watched the navy easily used one When the hand lifted a hundred pounds of rock covering the hole at the entrance of the rock, one hand covered the mouth that almost shouted, and the pretty cold eyes were hot red. Construction machinery is a kind of thing that has always closed the country. For the country, it’s like a miracle. Lokena immediately found the fat man again and asked for more large pulleys, which was rejected by the fat man.

"This is the kind of help that can be given. If you don't want it, you can return it immediately." The fat man rolled his eyes shamelessly.

"Then how to do it, since it was already given to me, then there is no reason to return." "Do you know the consequences of robbing the emperor?" The fat man showed his white teeth, and his strong body was quite a bit of a triad bully. The posture, to be honest, to abandon the identity of the other party, this Lorna is an extremely courageous and courageous woman,

"What can I do? If you have the ability to leave me behind, I'll look the same as that. Even if it's not true, you can replace it. Just add ten more to me... "Lokena deliberately pulled the neckline and said with a faint look, the delicate and infinitely delicate face is so charming that once a woman is not afraid of being seen by a man, she will become very fast. Now the show is coming down with her shoulders scattered, almost exactly like the pope of the beauty. This is a peerless face. At this time, the face is slightly raised, and the mouth is slightly opened, panting, and the more tempting crimes, the more tempting crimes.

"Take Wutai away immediately, I don't want to see you again!"

The fat man is extremely speechless. This woman knows that there is no qualification that can make her tempted. She simply doesn’t even need the bottom line. They all say that there will be a harbinger of madness before the death. This woman has been holding the mortal heart for so long. , Estimated to be crazy! In the end, I promised to give five more, even if it is pitiful maniac!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Three dragon-tooth warships flying the Falcon Empire flag broke the water in the torrent of the river. The triangular heavy bow was like a sharp blade splitting the river. The paddle of the warship brought a sound like a thin sand surface, and the sides of the ship swayed. The white water ripples continue to hit the dam on the river bank. Like a black widow, Li Yuehua is standing on the dragon-toothed ship, and the show is like dancing in the wind. The hidden danger of Princess Zhongyue Mingyue is still only Li Yuehua's horse. Unfortunately, Li Yuehua, who has a lot of resentment against the royal family of Centralbia, doesn’t know what to say.

But the princess Mingyue, as a party, had no consciousness at all. Instead, she used a pair of Danfeng long eyes to glide across the vast lake in front of her, and followed Li Yuehua to ask this question for the first time. In the area of ​​Xida 6, Princess Mingyue was completely conquered by the empire's powerful waterway, Jiatong. She never thought that the waterway could be opened to such a degree. Like the spider webs extending from both sides, the green crops planted in the farmland along the river are swaying in the water web, and the area blown by the wind is like a wave.

According to Li Yuehua, this great lake gave birth to a vast area of ​​more than 800 miles from the front and back, and it is the largest grain-producing area in the empire. The widened river channel is enough to allow warships of the same level as the Longya battleship. It's effortless to move forward quickly just by sailing

"Isn't Her Royal Highness really ready to return to Zhongbia?"

Li Yuehua turned back from the front and inquired about the princess Mingyue who was looking around. She was dressed in plain clothes, with a black rule like a flowing cloud on her head, wrapped in a bright yellow headscarf, and then flicked back. Behind the head, if you don’t know it yourself, even if you are familiar with Princess Mingyue, you will not associate this lead-washed woman with Mingyue Princess like the bright moon in Central Biya. The size of the three inland warships serving as **** this time is not large~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is only equivalent to two-thirds of the size of the Longya battleship in the open sea, but the flexible hull and the strokes extending from both sides Paddle, obviously more adapted to the inland waterway like this

"Mingyue is dead, the whole of Central Asia knows that only Li Mingyue is standing here"

The indifferent face of Princess Mingyue's pretty face is shocking. The experience of being robbed twice in a row has made the princess of Central Asia, who is pampered, become stronger and stronger, and even has begun to show an aura on him. The calmness is like a repressed cold current, that is, Li Yuehua. The average woman is not necessarily able to hold back. This time, she gave up her royal family surname and changed to Li. She claimed to be Li Yuehua’s cousin. Enough to show the degree of determination in his heart,

"Why is this your high princess, even if you don't want to go back, there are many places to go in Central Biya"

Li Yuehua sighed, pretending to have a puzzled face, a graceful posture, a black tight-sleeved long skirt outlined the hibiscus-like beauty of the water, a black brocade braided short-sleeved jacket wrapped around the white chest, and the shawl half exposed The beautiful jade shoulders that make people think together, as a Central Asian woman who has risen rapidly in Xida 6, not all of them are bright and bright. It was absolutely necessary to be forced to leave Centralbia at first. Later, she will return again because of her destiny. China Central Asia was still forced to leave, even Li Yuehua mocked herself. It seems that she has not been blessed to stay in Central Asia in this life, and the family's determination has made her die completely and return to Central Asia. , Li family will continue to be strong, only from the text to the military, but her Li Yuehua is destined to be excluded from the family

"Do I really have a lot of places to go?" Princess Mingyue suddenly opened her mouth with a cold look. Although Cambia is big enough, for herself, she is afraid that she has nowhere to go! (To be continued.)

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