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: Two thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight Winds in Central Asia

Looking at the calm moon princess, the fat man rubbed his temples with some sighs

I know that this woman is not as delicate as she looks. Even if it used to be a flower in a greenhouse, after experiencing the catastrophe of hundreds of thousands of people in the Central King of Beijing, he was beaten in the cold winds of the north. In half a year, they were robbed by the Aden again, and they saw the land on the prairie of Onnaku, and experienced the fierce and magnificent killing of warships in the sea battle of Qinglong Bay.

In addition to being born, ambition is cultivated. According to the fat belly, this woman’s courage itself is far more than a male. After experiencing these things, this woman has not become the proud flower in the cold wind of Saibei. At least it's not just a vase used to decorate doors and windows like a vase

Sure enough, the other party just said that he wanted to take a look, but in fact he said he could not leave

Thinking of the situation of the princess Mingyue, the fat man could hardly say anything to catch people. This half-month period is enough for the intelligence department of the empire to figure out the ins and outs of the princess Mingyue's escape from Centralbia.

Since the emperor's catastrophe and the southward movement of the Central Asian Empire, the northern aristocratic group that was the ruling class of the empire, even if it did not die cleanly in the emperor's holocaust, it has also lost seven hundred eighty-eight. There are also countless deaths and injuries. How many magnates are dying overnight, leaving only one old and young, and the men of the family are almost dead. The growth of the southern noble group has become quite obvious. First, the negative treatment of the Yelu family Invaded south, ordered the garrisons everywhere to abandon the northern bank of the river, and finally put forward such a decision to abandon Yanzhou

It's like opening a huge mouth in the north. As long as the prairie people keep pouring in, the North advance to recover Dijing is empty talk, a line of saving power, which may be a wait of ten years, twenty years or more. How many people will always think about going north!

Southern Group finally managed to gain considerable power in the Central Church of China, how could it be allowed to be destroyed by others,

The return of Princess Mingyue undoubtedly caused the Southern Group to panic. Princess Mingyue survived the imperial emperor Jinghao. As long as she mentioned Princess Mingyue, it was like constantly reminding the entire Central Asian church, the suffering north and central part of the country. When Wang Shi, who was waiting for Zhaotang in Zhongbia, went north, someone would jump out and accuse Chaotang of ignoring the fallen humiliation. He only knew that he was drunk and dreamed of death. There is no difference in hitting people in the face. After a long time, no one can bear it. It is definitely not the situation of the southern noble group that has just stabilized its position.

So the best way is undoubtedly to let the princess Mingyue disappear completely, so that no one will think of that emperor's holocaust. This way the emperor is satisfied and the court is satisfied, so the Song people's report has just been received, and almost no verification has been carried out. The emperor personally mourned the princess Mingyue, and still remembered the eulogy personally. He did not know that the emperor's sobbing face was really sad! No wonder Princess Mingyue is so disheartened, I am afraid that she is aware of this, and the entire Central Asian court, from the emperor to the minister, does not want to see her alive!

In the end, the battle of Qinglong Bay, even if the diving survived, did not dare to surrender to the Southern Song nationality.

Although the Song clan does not deal with Chaotang, it is precisely the oldest nobleman in the south. If the princess Mingyue falls into the hands of the Song clan, it may become a secret bargaining chip with the southern faction in the Chaotang chapel in the middle of the country. , A woman, still a pretty beautiful and distinguished beauty, fell in the hands of the dying court gangsters, with the Song’s report that the moon princess was dead. At that time, the moon princess was just afraid It's better to die! It is impossible to live, even if it is a dead body, I am afraid that I will not escape the level of insult!

The empire has become the only way for this woman to live, and for the empire, the value of this woman is quite extraordinary,

Turit Colleen’s proposal is not wrong. With the Central Moon Princess in hand, the empire can use a very legitimate name to grab a foundation in the Central Biya area, not like now, although it has military power, the bomb can only Stalling the pace in Seine

It is not that the empire does not want to go deeper into the Central Abyss region, but that the empire cannot enter for the time being, because Onna’s wrong terrain is already in a position to move the whole body together

If you open the map of the Central Biya region, you will clearly see that the Onnaco grassland faces east and is the root of the northern court. The real foundation of Wang Ting is there. The dense and rich meadow water network has gathered the north. Three-quarters of the grassland population, don’t look at Yelu’s home to go south, but the grassland tribes that went south with Yelv did not even reach a quarter, showing the power of the grassland people, millions of grassland people, regardless of the northern court Weakness, still maintain the fighting power of the eighth army of the East Court, or the appeal of the grassland tribes

Under the orders of the northern royal court, with full mobilization, it can pull out 20 thousand prairie cavalry and fight with the empire in one breath. Even if the empire can finally win, I am afraid that it will be difficult to control the land of the prairie for a long time. The Wang Ting grassland is too far away from the empire's native land, it is too long to catch, it is not enough, it is okay for a short time, and the time is long. The grassland has always been a place where the elders of the owls overlap. As long as they get a little chance, after a few decades, Wang The prairie grassland will also be separated from the control of the empire. It is obviously worthless to spend so much energy for an uncontrollable area!

Onna went to the south by mistake, it was the Yanzhou barrier of the four wars

The fat man also thought for a long time before deciding not to move this line of life and death, which is enough to change the pattern of the entire Central Biya, without absolute certainty. Yanzhou, the north-south traffic road, the battlefield between the Central Biya and the prairie people for thousands of years When the central Biya people are strong, they will attack the northern grasslands based on Yanzhou. Similarly, when the prairie people are strong, they will break through Yanzhou and enter into Central Biya. Such a geographical location is destined to control Yanzhou no matter who is in control. , Will be attacked by both the North and the South, and even if it can be stabilized in the end, it will require a lot of consumption to truly master Yanzhou’s Central Biya Sky

This is why the fat guys let Southwest Longyang and Yelu Hongtai fight in Yanzhou

Because neither of these two actually possesses, the real control of Yanzhou's strength is just like going to south Central Asia to pass Yanzhou. In fact, the real condition of real control of Yanzhou is that you must first control Central Asia and Longyang alone. To defend Yanzhou with all one's heart is to ignore the actual death of one's own reality and face the crime, and Yelu Hongtai wants to seize Yanzhou to achieve his own kingship, but it is too hasty, plus the temptation of the fat man, the expansion of the original Yelu family It's pretty good. It swallowed the central region of Centralbia in just over half a year. There is also the original central core of Centralbia, Kyoto, which is of great significance. If you can wait patiently for a few years, wait until it is completely The occupied Central Biya area will absorb and absorb all the power of the occupied area. Going south and swallowing the already intractable Central Biya Chapel, it should not take much time to easily hide from Yanzhou.

Anyway, there is a dragon family guarding Yanzhou. If the prairie king wants to go south, he must have a life and death battle with the dragon family! However, Yelu Hongtai was still fascinated by the empire's desire and indulgence. The empire stated that it would not participate in the battle of Yanzhou, and the Yelv family would take the initiative to touch Yanzhou. Eventually, tens of thousands of elite wars were damaged, and the hinterland behind was also Longjia II The character Long broke into, and finally had to withdraw from the Yanzhou war, and was picked up by the North Wangting who had been paying attention to the situation.

Longyang’s owner, Longyang, didn’t know the life and death. The Longjiajun suffered 50,000 casualties. The family of Longjia was shaken, and he still lost Yanzhou.

Although the Yelu family gained an advantage, but at the cost of a serious injury, it is said that Yelu Hongtai's son Yeluguda, who also hit two arrows when he led the army to siege, was brought back from the front.

In the last bite, the northern court of Yanzhou, although occupying Yanzhou, is a difficult situation to ride a tiger. There is a Yelv family in the south and an empire in the north. They want to refuse to move the tribes, but the tribes do not want to enter Yanzhou. An empty Yanzhou could not be eaten as a meal. The great prince who had just become King of the Northern King Tinghan now also does not know what to do. Originally thought that after seizing Yanzhou, it was equivalent to opening the door to Centralbia Now, the door is open, but these prairie tribes who have poured into Yanzhou seem to be very reluctant, because in the south of the Taikoyuan in the past, the 100,000 elites of the Yelv family looked northward, staring at the tiger, Whoever goes south will be hit by the blade of Yelu's family, and eventually vanishes in front of the pressure of the northern court and the sword of Yelu's family.

Compared with the peasant people's no gain in Yanzhou, the Dragon Family No. 2 character Long Po, this time can be considered a profit, and restored 27 cities from the Yelu family, almost accounting for the current Yelu A quarter of the area controlled by the family has also moved tens of millions of people to the southwest, which can be regarded as full of a barren southwestern basin. Most of them are in their middle ages, and many people have a bitter hatred of the grassland army. They almost joined the Southwest Longjia Army as soon as they arrived in the southwest. With the addition of the influence of the dragon family to Yanzhou, the Long family has been hailed as the Central Arabia. The ridge, it is said that the dragon broke the 20,000 troops that originally attacked the central region, and now it has expanded to 150,000. The more than 30,000 cavalry who are surrounding the Yelu family are beating. Once they win, they will probably take the occupied area from a quarter. One expands to half

In June, when summer is coming, the wildflowers on the ground are full of glory, like a wonderful big flower carpet, which is covered with people's vision. In the frontier of northwestern Centralbia, a team wearing thick felt leather armor The West 6 cavalry slowly entered the camp built along the curved water. The appearance of these cavalry were all West 6 men. After entering the camp, they came down from the war horse and dropped the horses to the nearby Central Biya servants.

"Is there any situation!"

The horseshoe stepped on the soft riverside mud, and there was a squeaky noise. The leading cavalry squad leader Rigley jumped from the combat horse and used his four-corner eyes to sweep across the camp and the reed-filled river. The sides are bright white. The wind blew, like a pair of invisible hands gently flicking the reed rice seeds, neatly rolling forward, the earth is endless, what a beautiful place, the vast people forget that this is the land away from home

"Master, do we still have a chance to go back?" A cavalry gazed sadly towards the west sky

"I don't know. Anyway, adults say that if they can take the 6 high mountains in front, they should be able to get through the route back to Gaul." Wrigley looked sighed. Before the defeat of Gaul, he was in the Gaul Guards. A captain of the team, with the glory of the 170-year-old Regal family, followed Algeron Julia into the Zhongshan province, and it has been more than two years since the above said, although it is said that you have to get back through Route, but what can I do if I get through? Unlike these recruits recruited in the province of Yamanaka, Wrigley watched step by step how the Gaul Empire with one million troops was destroyed by the Empire step by step. The millions of troops were useless, just With the current strength of less than 50,000 people in Yamanaka, what can we do!

"Is the adult saying true?"

Another cavalryman asked nervously. More than half of Wrigley’s entire squad were Gauls. At that time, there were more than 200,000 Gauls and their tributaries who had flooded into Zhongshan Province. These cavalry came from those fleeing. Aristocratic families, including a few of them who were Gaul Kyoto in a few years ago, but they are not working now. In a small place like Yamanaka Province, there is so much influx of people at once, because of lack of food. And many people have starved to death, many nobles had to trade cheap treasures in exchange for food. In just one year, half of the noble families went bankrupt. In the end, these families, known as centuries-old celebrities in Gaul Kyoto, could only let go Join the army in exchange for fundraising

"It will not be fake~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Legrand's team has been transferred to participate in the attack. It is said that the battle situation is terrible. Although these small forces are not strong, they are very tenacious and cannot be underestimated." With their exhilarating faces, Wrigley was reluctant to attack their self-confidence. He nodded quite positively and found something that was inspiring. It was better than telling them directly, even if he had won his goal, it would be impossible to enter the empire because The imperial border guard troops were there like vultures, and it was difficult to understand the strength of the imperial team without anyone who had personally experienced it.

"Just do our job and monitor the movement of the Lingguo country." Wrigley raised his head and glanced into the distance. The clear river water flowed out from the snow-white peaks, and Wrigley carried the water into the water by the river. While in the skin, a cavalry who bent over and washed his face suddenly pointed to the far west and shouted in horror.

"Look, what is that?"

In the direction of Lingguoyuan, the swift black line wrapped up something like a white mist, and it was violently rushing towards here. At this time, the sun had just exposed half of its face from the clouds. The light dark clouds were like a layer of black yarn, drooping The morning mist has spread. In the hazy morning light, a line of black lines emerged from the edge of the grass, a large, dim and messy extension of the road at infinity,

It was a team of cavalry who ran down from a huge arc height, the air suffocated and solidified at this moment, the metal's radiance gleamed with a killing breath, the black sky was also exposed at this moment, and a layer appeared on the east side Golden light, dozens of long and narrow black spots began to move forward slowly, a team of elite cavalry with light mail armour appeared on the frozen grass hills in the distance, under the horseshoe was smoke that had not completely dissipated, and the cavalry with a spear Forming a forest of shimmering cold light in the mist, several huge queues are like a sea of ​​war horses. (To be continued.)

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