Whole Nation

: Two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, the wind is blowing in Biya (7)

"How did these guys come out!"

Wrigley only took a look, his face changed greatly, and his subconsciously touched his saber hilt. As more and more black cavalry came up from the far edge like the earth rolling dragon, Wrigley His hand also loosened the hilt, his face was ashes, what did he resist!

There are so many cavalry clusters within the range of three hundred miles, and only the Imperial Border Guards stationed on the border of the Empire only have such a number. I am afraid that they have exceeded the number of 20,000, and their own team is only 15 people. The power is so disparate, the other party should not even be in close combat, as long as a mess of arrows covers it, you are full of holes!

"Is the Ninth Banner of the Imperial Frontier"

A veteran next to Wrigley whispered in fear and murmured in fear, but his eyes were bright with fear, which was mixed with the hot eyes of not knowing whether it was hatred or worship, not only this veteran, but others. The same is true of people, Wrigley looks away subconsciously,

This is the linking area between the central part of Obaro and the continent. Although it has a range of three to four hundred miles, it has been a chaotic area for hundreds of years due to special reasons. The gate valve for the failure of power struggle in the Asian region is also the Western Continental forces that have fleeing for many years in areas such as Gaul and Gangfei. The Central African Empire regards this area as a side problem, although it has used several forces to try to use this area. In the end, because of the large temperature difference of the wilderness, the army entered the wilderness. Unless these terrains can be wiped out, they will always be entangled because of one or other problems, and finally they can only give up the wilderness. Strangulation

As far as the eye can see, more than a dozen falcon flags blown straight by the wind of the wild have clearly explained the identity of these cavalry. In addition to the imperial border guards, who dares to use the falcon flag! Even those blood knife groups that swelled to tens of thousands of people in this wilderness and dared to attack regional cities, seeing such a flag can only turn around and run immediately, even if there is only a lonely flag bearer holding a flag under the flag. Again, this is what makes the cavalrymen of Zhongshan Province, such as Wrigley, dazzled.

The most admired by soldiers is still strength, not to mention the **** effect that comes with the cavalry cluster Mercedes,

These clusters of cavalry like dark magic soldiers, like the earth rolling dragon plate, overwhelmed towards the direction of Lu Gaoling. The sound of the horseshoe boom sounded a thunder between the heavens and the earth, although there was still a distance of thousands of kilometers, all People can also feel how fierce the shaking of the ground is!


The veteran soldiers like Wrigley still have a soul-wrenching impact, and the other recruits in the mountains and provinces are even more unbearable.

A team of 100 imperial cavalry detached from the team and ran towards this side. Some recruits thought they were the targets of these sturdy cavalry like the gods. They were already scared and jumped into the lake behind them, covered in muddy muddies. And some just urinate pants, the soft feet are like a hemp wreath, the face is white like paper, want to run, but just can't walk

"People in the Western Continent?"

With a disdainful glance at the cavalry of the Zhongshan Province, who had been completely scared, the captain of the imperial cavalry stopped the war horse, and he glanced at the appearance of the Westerners, such as Wrigley, and his eyebrows frowned slightly, and he waved his hand slightly. He snapped and said, "Go away! If there is no order on it, you think you can still stand here alive!"

Without the Wrigley order, the cavalry of Zhongshan Province has already stepped on the warhorse and turned and ran. It was scared not to run just now. It is silly not to run now! The fastest running here is Wrigley

Wrigley's entire body was lying on his horse's back, and he was vigorously riding the horse. The direction of the imperial cavalry was Mercedes-Benz Lu Gaoling. There was the territory of the small country on the edge. This time the **** regiment of the largest forces in the wilderness launched an attack on Ling. Hired 500 troops from Yamanaka Bank,

It is also sad to say that in order to pull up a combat force and obtain resources as soon as possible, Algeron Julia even started the business of war mercenaries and leased some troops that were not ready for training to all forces. This time 500 The cavalry of the famous Zhongshan province assisted the blood knife regiment

The main responsibility is surveillance tasks such as the Wrigley Squad, to ensure that the Blood Knife Group will not be attacked by other forces when attacking the Lu Plateau

"Captain, the Imperial Cavalry is making a big move, shall we tell the Blood Sword Regiment..." When the run was far away, it was found that the Imperial Cavalry did not catch up with them, and then Wrigley strangled the horse. The cavalry leaned over and asked cautiously

"How to tell? This time the entire wilderness knew that our cavalry in Zhongshan province was responsible for vigilance. If the empire finds its whereabouts exposed, do you think we still have a way to live?"

Wrigley's nose snorted heavily, "If you just saw that we are from the Western Continent, I'm afraid that no one can live, you don't really think that the Imperial Cavalry can't find us in this wilderness, and you think How many chances are there for the Imperial Cavalry to participate in the battle?"

"But what if we are questioned from above, what should we do?" The cavalry's face changed when he thought of the terrible sight of the imperial cavalry from behind the blood knife regiment, but the heart also thought that if the imperial cavalry was really aimed at the blood knife regiment, this time The blood knife group is afraid of death,

"That's not enough! There's nothing more to say about the dead, as for us, I haven't seen anything, I haven't heard, how the imperial cavalry passed! God knows!" Wrigley rolled his eyes, and was originally about changing from the Imperial Guard Cheng mercenaries are dissatisfied, and naturally they do not want to sell this deadly force,

Besides, the Imperial Cavalry just let himself go. As for the above blame, Wrigley believes that after learning that the Imperial Cavalry has wiped out the Blood Sword Regiment, he should have no intention to pursue his responsibility. The idea of ​​becoming the leader of the Western Continent is not one day or two. It is too late to see the blood knife group perish! Who has the mood to hold themselves accountable!

"I'm afraid it will change this day! I can't stay here anymore!"

Wrigley took a deep breath and watched the smoke from the distant cavalry gradually disappear, and a cold flash in his eyes. On the way, if the other team issued an alarm, I was afraid that it would really poke the sky, or It’s better to slip away in advance, this killing place, these empire killing gods, just after a while, all have a **** smell,

In the impression of Wrigley, although imperial cavalry rarely voluntarily moved out of the empire's borders, it does not mean that they have never been out. There was a group of more than two thousand thieves who held themselves up and down. , But in the wilderness of the border, it is too long to catch, and it is impossible to really hit a thief group of pure cavalry. A view of Beijing a few meters high,

The result turned out to provoke the Empire's border guards to anger. Ten thousand Empire Cavalry soldiers flooded into the wilderness.

The number of thieves who attacked the Imperial Merchants Corps is not too large. It is not a first-class force in the early 2000s, but they are all locals who have grown up in the wilderness. They are sturdy by nature, dare to kill and fight, the largest. The advantage is that the terrain is familiar. The whole thief group has more than two thousand people, but they have snatched nearly three thousand horses. As long as they feel a breath of danger, they will immediately disappear without a trace. I want to encircle and suppress this. Rats, even local powers, have headaches, not to mention the imperial cavalry who are completely unfamiliar with the terrain,

The entire wilderness forces are holding a lively mentality and want to see how much strength the newly rising northern empire has.

After Gaul was destroyed, the newly-emerging Great Northern Empire was the biggest neighbor of the frontier. If the empire is strong, then the frontier will be divided. If it is the same soft persimmon as Gaul, then the frontier will not. Mind to make a little fortune through the spring breeze of the Empire Caravan. The goods of the Empire Caravan have made many people jealous. It is not a day or two. The thieves group finally started to work on the caravan. , For the temper of the new neighbor, always need to try it, the thieves are just right

This time it was the ninth banner of the Imperial Border Army, a cavalry combat group composed entirely of grassland Kugits. At that time, it was the coldest climate in winter, and the temperature at night reached minus ten degrees in the wilderness. Most people are cold nights in desperation. For the Kugits who came out of the northern grasslands, it was only a little colder. On the grasslands, who were not swept by the storms of cold nights, they also had to drive cattle and sheep. Going to a safe place to avoid this cold is really nothing! The cold resistance and hardship of the Kugit prairie people is that the entire empire is famous,

No one thought that the imperial army would be dispatched at night under such weather, and no one thought that the imperial cavalry could storm the wind and snow for more than a hundred nights in the cold night, and one rod would be hiding in a hidden place. Picked up, the thick smoke billowed in the **** morning light, the thick red smoke licked the felt top of the tent like a greedy cat, and the burning tent bracket burst out in the flame. Sound, Mars was blown apart by the wind, and in the burning camp, thousands of corpses were lying in the muddy blood, surrounded by scattered materials, broken swords and lying The corpses of the war horses of the regiment, not only their owners have become cold corpses on the ground, but also those cleaned and killed like chickens and dogs,

The imperial cavalry searching for a live mouth passed by, and every horseshoe stepped was splashed with frozen blood on the ground, thick and confusing, splashing on the curls on the legs of the war horse, dragging the horse behind With **** humanoid objects, the bones of the whole thief group of more than 2,000 people were crushed by heavy horseshoes and dragged by the skin for ten miles before finally hanging on the wooden poles erected outside the camp until now. The shelf that has become a bone is still not removed. The Imperial Army does not remove it. Who dares to remove it! In this battle, the entire wilderness knew how tyrannical the Falcon Empire in the North was, blood for blood and teeth for teeth. These proverbs about the imperial army also spread from the Gaul fleeing crowd to the wilderness. No one in the wilderness dares to make an idea,

Among the wilderness forces, the blood knife thieves group with the Westerners as the core is undoubtedly the strongest. The leader Seku, cruelly murderous, uses the high pressure to control the more than two hundred miles of the desert and the west, more than ten small and medium-sized towns, military strength There are also 16,000 or 7,000, of which there are more than 4,000 people in cavalry alone, because the closest to the western continent, plus the nobles who have fleeing from the Gaul area, are also the most well-equipped, and the corresponding is to control In the eastern region of the Central Syrian Sirius Club, it is said that behind the Sirius Club is the Zhangjia family, the largest military gate valve in Central Asia

The prairie people went south, and in the emperor's catastrophe, Zhang's death was clean, and the rest of the industry was also devoured by other forces in Centralbia. Even the military power finally fell into the hands of the Li family.

Many people think that the Sirius Club will come to an end when the Zhang Family is destroyed, but who knows that instead of declining, the Sirius will swell more and more. It was originally only the Sirius Army with six or seven thousand people, and it expanded in just one year. By 1223, many people had broken their glasses. The Zhang family had control of the military power in China for more than 100 years. It was like a big tree, and it was countless branches in the army.~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This wilderness was used as a channel for smuggling goods. Although the Zhang family collapsed, it was not easy for others to get involved. The two Central Afghan forces that attempted to annex the Sirius Club were once killed by the Central Afghan garrison.

Then some fresh and spicy faces attracted the attention of all parties

Now the Sirius Army is hosted by a young man named Bai Wufeng. His elite is known as the Sirius Army Yanzhou Battalion. Although there are only two or three thousand people in the whole camp, there is an elite force on the top and bottom, which can be in the wilderness. The prodigal people have never lacked eyesight. Growing up in this land, killing people is commonplace, but even the most ferocious wilderness, seeing Bai Wufeng's Yanzhou camp was terrified, and had not experienced the sea of ​​corpses. The war is absolutely impossible to exercise such a breath, Yanzhou camp, Yanzhou, connecting these two words is enough to make the wilderness feel cold on the neck

It is too easy to make people think of the rumored, the first field group of the destroyed Central Asian Empire, the Central Asian Yanzhou Army Group, all heard that because of the betrayal of the former Yanzhou Army commander, the number was as high as 100,000. The Yanzhou Army was eventually beaten by more than twice the prairie army. The Yanzhou barrier of 100 years of glory collapsed completely. In addition to the war dead, many people of the Yanzhou army group were isolated in the south of the prairie army. In the case of the road, they lost their lives in the wilderness and disappeared. Some of them have confirmed that they have fled to the northern wilderness, and the other part, who dare to say that they will not escape here and belong to the Yanzhou Battalion of the Tianlang Army (to be continued.)

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